Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 414: Important task

The next morning, Shaoyu got out of the tent refreshingly, followed by Tammy. K Niu got up earlier than them, looking in the direction of Ghost Valley from a height. He quickly went up and stood side by side with Knya, opening his left eye to look into the distance.

The whole place has become a flat ground, there is nothing! Or it can be called a dead place. All the flowers, plants, and trees are gone, and the ground is as if it was flattened by a road roller.

Shaoyu almost thought he was looking in the wrong direction, the mountain that was constantly uprooted.

K Niu said: If it weren't for only one Feifeng, she would think that this is... the mountain actually flew away!

The two of them were speechless.

After asking Tammy to pull Eve out of the quilt, Shaoyu in green also got up.

After Shaoyu asked about it last night, Eve replied: I came out to experience it just to find Shaoyu's brother. Shaoyu decisively picked up Eve and got into the tent. Of course, just sleeping in the middle of the night with her arms around, Eve kept shrunk under the quilt and didn't even dare to come out.

After packing, everyone set off immediately, and after spending half a day they couldn't even determine the location of Ghost Valley.

Shaoyu used the range scan several times in succession, not only did not find a trace of the existence of the ruins, but even the waters.

In desperation, Kniu separated from everyone, she said that she would look for a while before returning home.

Shaoyu also took out the map and started to complete the task that Zeluo confided to him.

Combine Shuwei's rider Ini Wendy and Feather's rider Opatifani, conquer robbers and bandits along the way to form a legion, and attack the mercenary legion that departs from multiple paths on the third day of the next month.

Xiao S repeated what Pearl had said, but Shaoyu was eager for Eve's safety and did not listen carefully. At this time, while looking at the map and listening, I only think that this is too high for his ability!

It took less than fifteen days to conquer the people and horses scattered in most of the area, and train them to fight at least the thieves of three legions! And their own manpower, apart from the few people around them, only had two female horsemen and a few of their own rebels with ten female horsemen.

Shaoyu gritted his teeth for a long time, really not sure. It's okay to ask him to kill all the robbers, conquer! Tammy stood motionless behind her, and Eve just leaned aside and just looked at him, as if she followed whatever Shaoyu wanted to do. He sighed, and asked little S. It was rare that little S made a joke, which shocked his body and bowed all over to cast. Shaoyu even said that your sister's energy is gone. If you can't handle the heavy responsibility given by Zeluo, wouldn't she let her down! But what should I do...!

The boy in green yelled to Shaoyu to teach sword skills. He even put on N looks. Of course, Shaoyu's attention was not on him. But somehow the child fell silent suddenly, and said nonchalantly: Tutor, you painted my mountain city?

Shaoyu was taken aback, looking at the place he was pointing, where was a strong thieves stronghold marked on the map. He subconsciously asked: This is your mountain city? Standing in front of the map, the boy in green looked up to the sky and laughed: Isn't it the base of this uncle, the king of thieves, Yucca. Shaoyu was speechless. Then he remembered that he had never asked his name, but when he heard Yucca, he asked directly: Are you related to the Yucca Ride?

The man in green said angrily: The relationship between this uncle and the female rider can only be up and down.

Shaoyu didn't react for a while, when Tammy's fist squeezed violently, he understood and said: Your sister, how are you called Yucca.

Green-clothed Shaoyu said: I picked it up from my old man, which means my uncle is as strong as Yucca. As he said, he was quite tall. Then he said again: But the female rider has the same name, and it doesn't sound good, I changed it to Si. He wrote this word on the word with a sword casually, and after a pause, Silan said again: Hurry up and teach my uncle powerful sword skills, and the first step to conquer the sister paper of the whole continent is today.

Shaoyu only felt a domineering approach, and almost fell to the ground.

It is estimated that Eve felt too noisy, and then took out the sour potion, Silan ran fast.

Put away the map and take Eve and Tammy to the meeting point... It has been more than a day, and I am afraid that Wendy and Opatifani will be anxious.

Silan yelled at the back, and didn't dare to approach, so he could only follow far behind.

After arriving, Shaoyu saw Opatifani wearing armor and riding a war horse running back and forth, while Wendy was wearing a dress and a blanket sitting on a large Under the tree.

Opatifani rushed over when she saw Shaoyu, and opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, why it took so long to meet, and there was a series of delayed military planes behind.

Shaoyu didn't bother to care about her and walked to the tree with Eve and sat opposite Wendy. Wendy smiled and greeted Shaoyu. In the distance, Silan was attracted by the two female riders with a ghost call, which caused the angry Opatifani to sprint away.

Silan was chased round and round, but he was somewhat level, always resorting to some obstacles to defeat Opatifani's attack.

Shaoyu directly asked Wendy what he thought of the task. Wendy responded with a smile again and said that this time he was the commander-in-chief.

Well, Shaoyu thought for a long time along the way. At this time, he had some certainty. Seeing Wendy said this, he came up with a planned plan.

There are deep mountains and forests in the northwest of Duolu, and there is only one road left by early road-making beasts. I don't know if Zeluo is fighting all over the place and has no time to take care of the place in front of him. This area has become a world of thieves and robbers.

Shaoyu's idea is actually very simple. Isn't there a "King of Thieves" who wants to learn swordsmanship from him, let him directly subdue all forces and become the real King of Thieves.

Wendy immediately called back Opatifani who was chasing further and further away, and Silan also slowly walked back from behind, still whispering in his mouth. When Shaoyu listened carefully, Silan muttered repeatedly: Just a little bit, he can get on something. Shaoyu was shocked. Hearing this tone, it seemed that Silan deliberately led Opatifani into the forest, and then could eat her. He was very curious. The difference between the two of them was not a little bit worse, but Shaoyu felt instinctively that if Opatifani really pursued it all the way, Silan might have to succeed.

Eve yelled a few softly from the side, and Shaoyu recovered, and saw Opatifani standing in front of him holding the helmet glaring at him. Little S said that when they just wandered, the two female riders had already added up the plan discussion and called seven times without getting a response.

Shaoyu looked around, and saw Wendy staring at him with a smile on his face without speaking. He said: Where are the others.

Opatifani said angrily: Half of the people sent to find you, the other half went to gather information.

Shaoyu said: Okay, where are we just now... I always look at what I do, knowing that you are obsessed with me, but the task is urgent, so let's discuss. Eve and Wendy both sneered, Opatifani stared and said: You...you... Before a sentence was complete, I heard Silan howl: Are these two girls also your women!

Opatifani broke out again, and chased Silan again.

Wendy said, Fanny didn't refute it, she really scared Shaoyu!

After calling Opatifani and Silan back, Shaoyu asked Silan sternly if he really wanted to learn sword skills from him. Silan leaned over and said: If you don't learn, why do you follow you. Shaoyu once again repeated that his sword skills are different from those of the mainland, and to learn it would take a lot of time to rebuild. Silan said impatiently: You teach it quickly, this uncle is a genius.

There was no trace of politeness in Silan's tone. Shaoyu couldn't go on anymore. Under normal circumstances, he was afraid that he was about to turn around, but he said it was good at first, and he admired Silan inexplicably. He pondered for a while, and Silan became more impatient, saying that he would leave without teaching him.

Shaoyu gritted his teeth and said: Okay, let's go to a teacher.

Silan asked suspiciously: What is a teacher, teacher? I've called you, the big man is so troublesome.

Shaoyu didn't come up in a breath, Opatifani suddenly shouted: I'll teach you. Silan looked up and down, his eyes revealed a feeling of looking down, Shaoyu and the others also looked up and down, he was not looking down, but surprised.

Opatifani was very uncomfortable by everyone's gaze, and she simply drew out the sword from her waist, leaped and swung it with a sweet drink. The pale golden fighting energy gleamed on her body, and her body stayed in the air. A golden light from the sword pulled out a very delicate flower, which would not disperse until a long time after landing.

Shaoyu admired in his heart that the sword skills on the mainland are dominated by slashing, slashing and stabbing, with violent vigor and succinctness. Only those who have reached a certain level of prowess and mastered their skills can change from simple to complex. And the female riders generally use spears on horseback, and I didn't expect their sword skills to be so good.

When Silan saw it, he said: She is really a woman, who can only make flowers. This is also called sword skill?

Shaoyu couldn't help laughing, and Opatifani's eyes were breathing fire. Silan said to herself, the woman looked at it, this was the sword skill. He drew the sword out, held it in both hands, and after brewing for a few seconds, he burst out like a cannonball. The sword was held high and slashed, and a wave of vindictiveness gushed out like water waves. Three yards in front of him, stones, flowers and plants were swept to pieces.

After receiving the sword, Silan stepped in and laughed and said: This is the sword skill created by the uncle, Silan Zhan, this is called sword skill!

Shaoyu was surprised. Of course, he wasn't surprised at the power of this trick. There were too many shortcomings in this sword technique. There were few seconds to brew in the real battle, and this trick could be avoided even with a light jump in heavy armor. Shaoyu was surprised that Silan was so young that he could create his own sword skills, and he could still play! This is absolutely genius.

After inquiring in detail, Shaoyu was even more surprised to learn that Silan had just turned 15 years old. Westerners have large skeletons and are very familiar. He thought that Silan was at least 19 years old.

Shaoyu didn't mention any more about apprenticeship, and couldn't tell this guy. It just said that teaching sword skills requires at least a stable practice place. Silan immediately patted his chest and said, then go to his house.

Opatifani temporarily left to gather her followers and coordinate with the cavalry, while the others set out to go to the "mountain city" in Silan.

The plan begins, the first step is to detect and subdue this group of thieves.

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