Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 416: Admit defeat

I didn't hear a movement either, and when I was about to go out to investigate, I saw Wendy walking back slowly. Shaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and asked what was going on. Wendy said that the situation was similar to what Silan said, and she went to notify Fanny, so she came back late. After speaking, she also asked about the guidance. Shaoyu also talked about handing Feijian to Silan. Wendy has always been very good at listening, and Shaoyu can keep talking with her. Until Wendy couldn't help but yawned. Only then did Shaoyu wake up and said: Take a rest, I will bother tomorrow.

Wendy nodded, and the two walked into the cave, and she went directly to bed. Shaoyu turned around again and again! , He remembered that Wendy had made a bed without considering Wendy as an ‘outsider’. It seems that I'm going to meditate tonight, but Shaoyu didn't need to sleep every day long ago. It's just that I'm used to sleeping with Mommie recently, and now I have added Eve...

As soon as Shaoyu sat down cross-legged, Wendy asked: Why are you sitting on the ground? Shaoyu was taken aback and listened to Wendy's wake-up call: Are you shy? In South Morie we sleep together every day.

As soon as these words fell, Shaoyu only felt two lightning strikes. It turned out that Eve was sitting up and looking at him with wide eyes. This Nizi pretended to sleep! Shaoyu didn't see it well, and repeatedly explained that it was in the snow mountain that he and the female riders were buried together by an avalanche. While Wendy giggled, Eve blushed and fell asleep, with her head in the haystack. Wendy said without letting it go: Not soon.

Shaoyu secretly said: You are not afraid, what am I afraid of, so I just climbed up.

Early the next morning, Silan’s shouts were earth-shattering, hugged left and right, mentor, you are my life goal.

Shaoyu immediately awoke and found that this time she was holding Wendy alone, and Wendy was still sleeping soundly.

Silan was born as a thief, and Shao Yuan's trap at the entrance of the cave did not serve as a warning. Fortunately, I slept in the clothes yesterday and didn't run out.

Wendy got up very angry, and she drove Silan out of the cave with a roar.

After a while, Silan took Shaoyu and Wendy to the haylofts, and Eve and Tammy stayed in the cave.

Silan's spirit is very good, and it seems that he even dressed up. The brown hair was combed meticulously, the green bodysuit was overlaid with a silver-white bust, and his back was draped in a dark green cloak that shone with magical light.

Shaoyu guessed that Silan wasn't asleep at all, and this kid would have to spend at least a long time in this outfit. It is no wonder that this is an important moment for him. Shaoyu and Timmy both hid themselves under the gray hooded cloaks, dressed as'little soldiers' and followed behind Silan. When they came to the mountain road, five cavalry greeted them. They also pretended to be Silan's. Escort.

Silan was very nervous, he didn't ask Shaoyu what they were doing, nor did he ask where these people came from. He felt very prestigious when he was embraced by everyone!

After a short while, I walked out of the grass shed, a sharp whistle sounded, and a few sleepy-eyed big men rushed out. When they saw Silan, we screamed that our heads came back and ran towards the mountain wall.

The side of the mountain wall opened with shouts, and a group of people came out and surrounded Silan. Silan crouched on his hips and shouted: Several uncles, come out to pick up the guests, my uncle will challenge you today. Shaoyu smiled, and saw four people walking out of the thieves apart.

These four people should be the ringleaders of the thieves, a short fat man with three wide eyes narrowed into a slit, a middle-aged man with long but messy hair, a naked man with a naked torso looking very powerful, and the last one. It turned out to be a woman. It seemed that she was definitely a beauty when she was young, but she should be in her forties at this time, with a long scar on her left face from the eyes to the neck.

Shaoyu feels that this is a peculiar group of four? He listened to the conversation between these four and Silan, and secretly opened his left eye to call detection. The fat man's combat effectiveness was only fifty-two, the bald man was eighty-eight, and there were more than 130 middle-aged people with messy hair. The strongest was actually that woman, with a combat effectiveness of more than 210.

Except for the woman who glanced at Shaoyu when she was exploring, no one else noticed it. After Shaoyu finished probing four times, he rubbed his eyes. The opponent's combat effectiveness was not high and the load was not heavy. He once again pointed his left eye at Silan, and called out for probing.

Silan's combat power is 97, but he also has a weapon bonus of 40 points. Silan said that he could beat these bosses single-handedly. It shouldn't be a panic, that is to say that some bosses actually kept their hands, or are biased towards Silan! But to Shaoyu's surprise, after a while, Xiao S said that Silan's lucky value was 8.3! Silan is also the patron of fate!

Shaoyu was a little messy, this kid turned out to be a rival of Ze Luo! It is possible to become a child of the plane. Is Silan like a hero who unifies the mainland! This Nima doesn't know a big character!

Said that when Shaoyu struggled, the challenge began.

Very simple rules, as long as Silan wins one to four, he can take charge of this mountain city.

The thieves formed a circle, and the four leaders put on armors and took up weapons in their service.

Shaoyu came back to his senses and noticed that these four bosses were all strange weapons. The bald man wears a chain-jacket and the short fat man wears the thickest armor. It is probably a steel armor. It is really difficult for him to find an armor that suits his body shape. He holds a long rod meteor hammer and a middle-aged man with messy hair. Not wearing but holding a serrated sword nearly three yards in length, the woman also wearing nothing but holding two fist-sized bells, making jingling noises from time to time.

As soon as the equipment is equipped, the combat effectiveness of the four leaders in Shaoyu's left eye jumps, and each increases. Basically, the increase was between 20 and 30, and only the middle-aged man with messy hair gained 70 points of combat effectiveness.

Shaoyu didn't know which of them were biased towards Silan, or forbearing that Silan suffered a big loss when preparing for the challenge.

Before Silan went on the field, Shaoyu spoke to him solemnly, but Silan said loudly and indifferently: This uncle has mastered the essence of the tutor's teaching, and he will be able to beat them down immediately.

Shaoyu was speechless, thinking that Silan had his flying sword with him, so he didn't say much.

As soon as Silan stayed in the field, the four leaders surrounded him in a semi-arc. The thieves shouted in unison! With three vigorous sounds, the battle officially began.

The four leaders rushed up together and surrounded Silan in four directions.

Silan greeted him with a big shout, and the battle was instantly heated.

Shaoyu nodded. Although Silan was at a disadvantage from the beginning, he didn't care about Shaoyu's reminder, and the fighting method was very correct.

Silan only chased the bald man and slashed. When a person confronts a group, one must find the ‘sheep’ among them, and use the fastest and most brutal means to step on that sheep to make other enemies fear.

It seems that the most powerful bald man is the sheep, and this battle still has to be seen.

Shaoyu didn't teach Silan defense, only how much he could learn in the middle of the night. He just combined Silan's own fighting style and taught him how to recognize the enemy desperately.

The bald man was beaten back again and again. The middle-aged man with messy hair and the woman seemed to attack fiercely but didn't make a full shot. Although the short and fat man was holding a long-rod meteor hammer, he was fat and wearing heavy steel armor, like a fortress. , Can't catch up at all!

Silan was smashed on the back, struck four swords, and hit six times by bells. Among these injuries, the heaviest was the blow of the pudgy meteor hammer, which made him spit out blood. Most of the attacks are offset by the dark green cloak, which is an enchanted cloak, and the magic on it is the guardian of the advanced magic cloud. Silan's frontal injuries were more serious, and the silver-white half-body armor was twisted and deformed by bald men in many places, and in some places it was **** torn by the spikes on the chain.

The bald man was also uncomfortable. He was stabbed with a dozen swords after being injured by Silan. If his muscles were not strong enough, he would have fallen to the ground.

Silan seemed to be seriously injured, but in fact they used non-critical places to catch the attack! Of course, this was also what Shaoyu taught. It is also a genius to look at the three verticals in one step... But one step at a time, seeing through the attack line from the opponent's small movements, and desperately changing small injuries for large injuries, Silan did.

For a while, the bald man was forced to the edge of the circle, and the thieves who surrounded the circle held weapons against the circle. A bloodthirsty light flashed in their eyes, and some of them even extended their weapons slightly. The bald man was unable to retreat, and was cut open in his abdomen by a sword.

Silan was smashed by the bald man's violent anger and smashed his shoulders. With the attack of a sword and two bells behind, he threw himself into the arms of the man, blocked with his right sword, and put his left hand into the bald man's belly and pulled out. A piece of intestines.

The thieves all roared, half fear and half excited.

The bald man fell down with a pale face, and his intestines were pulled out of the old man. The attack in the field stopped, the middle-aged man with messy hair was expressionless, the short fat man slowly moved back, and the woman was surprised.

Silan threw down his intestines and turned around, holding a sword in his big hand to gather strength. Shaoyu guessed that he wanted to take the opportunity to use a trick to solve another person. The response of the three bosses was very interesting. The middle-aged man took a step forward and held the three-yard-long sword in both hands to pose. The short fat man retreated faster, and the woman walked away a few steps to the side.

The super-long sword that the middle-aged man had raised its combat effectiveness by seventy points was indeed extraordinary. As the fighting flow turned, the sword glowed with a reddish blood, and the saw teeth continued to emit red light spots. Little S said that this should be a legacy of the Hundreds, and the specific name is not detailed in the database.

A faint light flashed on Silan's body, and the already tattered cloak fluttered without wind. A few seconds later, he roared, and the sword in his hand was raised above his head and leaped towards the middle-aged man.

With a bang, a red light blasted into the sky, and Silan was blown up without any surprise. He yelled and almost fell on the weapons of the edge thieves. This guy got up, held the sword in both hands, and began to accumulate energy.

After being bombarded again, Shaoyu found that the middle-aged man was equally unhappy, and bleeding was bleeding on his bare skin. It seemed that using this sword was a great load!

Obviously, the middle-aged people hadn't practiced to the level of fighting Qi Slash, but only inspired by the weapons in their hands. Silan was even more a genius, just a solid one-handed sword in his hand was nothing special, but it was able to issue similar vindictive slashing techniques again and again. When he got up for the fourth time, the middle-aged man with messy hair vomited blood and said: Enough, I admit your strength.

Silan stood trembling a bit. After hearing this, he laughed and said: What about you, do you recognize the strength of this uncle?

Humpty Dumpty stood far away, without making a sound, the woman laughed and said: Little Silan has grown up and wants to rule us, but I have to give in. Speaking of her, there was a flash of vindictiveness on her body, her hands shook, and two fist-sized bells jingle.

The thieves shrieked and dispersed, covering their ears.

Shaoyu only felt that the clinking sound came straight into his mind, and bursts of dizziness continued to be heard, which turned out to be a mental attack!

The woman's way of fighting is to throw two fist-sized bells to hit someone, and there are two thick lines behind the bells to facilitate recovery. In the battle just now, the bell didn't make a sound. At this time, it seemed that he was trying his best.

Silan was shocked by the bell, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground. He gritted his teeth and took out the small sword from his arms and threw it out.

Shaoyu pinched his sword under the cloak, and said a slap in the dark.

The little sword that was about to fall to the ground immediately flicked into a three-foot flying sword, and flew at the woman.

The woman was startled, and the bells rang more urgently.

Shaoyu has a spiritual world, and he is not afraid of a mental attack with only 200 combat power, unless it is a physical sound wave attack similar to a battle cry. The sword fingers under the cloak turned a few times, and the three flying swords were in the shape of a character. They cut off a thick rope tied with a bell and smashed the bell.

When the woman saw this, the scar on her face was red, as if she was about to bleed, it was extremely hideous. When she flipped her hands, she took out many small bells and threw them at Silan. Silan sat down on the ground, bleeding from his nose and mouth, with no resistance at all.

Shaoyu's eyes narrowed, and the fingers in the dragon's hand were also together, a flying sword turned back in front of Silan, with the hilt as the axis, the sword body began to rotate clockwise, as if a gray shield and round shield were blocking it. In front of Silan.

The little bell slammed into it and all turned into metal powder. The sword essence of this flying sword was also consumed and fell to the ground.

On the other side, the two flying swords controlled by Shaoyu cut off the other woman's rope with a bell, and the scene fell silent.

Silan stood up holding the flying sword in front of him, and the two flying swords revolved around him.

The woman's face changed for a while, and then she sighed and said, "I have given up.

In Shaoyu's view, these thieves are still very faithful. After the battle, Silan became the leader of the thieves. As if he wasn't injured, this guy yelled to let him go to the treasure room! Shaoyu felt that his mission was over. It was Wendy's business to subdue thieves to form a military force. With some enthusiasm in his heart, he returned to the cave next to the mountain, separated for a while, and some missed Timmy and Eve.

In front of the cave, Tammy was swinging a gun. Looking at her abundance, Shao Yu thought to himself, besides fire-proof clothes, she had to find some gun skills. At that time, Shaoyu only learned a little bit, and was unable to give Moss guidance. When she was in a trance, Eve's voice came over. It turned out that she was out of the cave and found that Shaoyu had returned.

Eve yelled happily, and quickly greeted him. Shaoyu held her in his arms, Eve rubbed a few times, and took out a bottle of potion in his hand and said: Brother Shaoyu, this is the strength enhancing potion that has just been formulated. Drink it quickly. After speaking, he pulled out the cork and fed it. Shaoyu didn't even see what the potion was like, so he was poured down!

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