The medicine was bitter, but when it entered the throat, it turned into a warm current and dispersed into the body. Suddenly he felt the muscles all over his body tremble, and he lightly squeezed his fist, only feeling full of strength.

The small S said that the attributes are enhanced and blessed forever.

When Shaoyu looked at his attributes, the cell strength became 181, which was a full increase of ten points! There are also several additions to the other two items. In the permanent blessing, there is an additional item of strength enhancement, an increase of 10%.

Shaoyu felt the changes in his body, and Eve stuck to his chest and said happily: When I collect enough materials, I will make agility potions and spirit potions for my brother. Then she said sadly: It's a pity that Eve took so long to be promoted to the alchemist. If she is an alchemist, she can make better physical potions and regeneration for Brother Shaoyu... Shaoyu hugged Eve tightly, interrupted her and said: Silly girl, you have worked very hard. He thought for a while and asked: Doing this will not hurt the body.

Eve smiled and said: No, but the materials are difficult to find.

Shaoyu hugged her and found a rock and sat down and said, take your time, I will feel distressed when I'm tired. The two of them were holding each other and couldn't stop talking, Tammy put his gun back and stood behind him to help him take off his cloak.

The profession of alchemy also has many branches. Aside from BT like Iina, Eve mainly cultivates the medicine system, the puppet system, and the minor gem system. From the conversation, I learned that this kind of potion that can be blessed forever has long been lost in the mainland, and Iina herself hasn't mastered it. Potion is extremely difficult to refine, not to mention, it takes a lot of energy, and such a special potion can only be refined once in a lifetime, and you cannot take it by yourself.

Shaoyu kissed Eve's soft lips, he knew that Eve was for him.

After a half-day rest, after eating the food prepared by Eve, Opatifani came to the door and destroyed Shaoyu's good mood. This girl came up with a big deal of reason, why not take Herzello's mission seriously, what Wendy sister has worked so hard to collect, he enjoys here... Shaoyu was too lazy to care about her, but when he heard a band of thieves hit the door, he became interested.

Shaoyu put on a cloak and confessed that Eve and Tammy left. It was an exaggeration by Opatifani to hit the door. There were ten thieves shouting in front of the shed, and there was no one in the shed. Seeing Shaoyu and Opatifani, the dozen or so thieves immediately surrounded them with bright eyes. Without waiting for them to speak, Shaoyu immediately raised his hand and slashed out the sword. The thief on the opposite side screamed strangely and ran away!

Opatifani pursued these ten thieves, but Shaoyu didn't bother to pay attention to it, and walked to the opened mountain wall based on memory and directly punched the dragon hand. After nearly evolving, Shaoyu can stab a thousand catties of strength with a single sword. At this time, drinking the strength enhancement potion increased his strength by 10%. There is no such thing as strength in the data, and he does not know how strong he is now. .

With a full punch, he directly blasted through the mountain wall.

Several thieves inside are estimated to be walking outwards, yelling to avoid the rubble at this time.

Shaoyu looked at the dragon hand and was a little dissatisfied. He was not dissatisfied with the effect of this punch, but rather dissatisfied with the dragon hand bonus, and did not try to see how strong he was.

Behind this movable mountain wall is a short passage. You can see the lobby of a basketball court. A group of people look at this side after hearing the movement.

Shaoyu walked in step by step and saw Silan was wrapped in bandages, sitting on a stone throne, holding something gleaming in his arms. Wendy took the sergeant and the cavalry as if opposing the female leader and the thieves. Before he spoke, he heard Opatifani yelling for you to destroy the gate of our base.

When Shaoyu heard this, he replied: I haven't asked what you are doing.

Wendy greeted him and frowned and said: Where have you been? These thieves are not willing to cooperate, and your apprentice only cares about the treasure in his arms.

Shaoyu didn't have any anger at first, although he was planning to take a nap or something with sister paper, but at this time, he was angry. He didn't reply to Wendy, and he looked up over her and was a sharp sword.

Silan called the teacher and ‘rolled’ off the stone seat, and the mang sword came over his head and stuck it on the back of the seat. The gold coins and jewels in his arms were scattered on the ground, and he immediately wanted to pick them up.

Shaoyu shook his wrist again and thrust a mans sword straight into the rolling gold coin. Then several sword lights directly inserted into Silan's side, and he dared not move on his stomach. After ‘imprisoning’ Silan, Shaoyu kept his hands and flew directly towards these thieves.

Except for a few bosses, no one can take a sword.

After sweeping, Shaoyu looked at Silan and said: Promising, just hold this thing. Integrate your subordinates, let's sweep this mountain and forest, and then sleep on the pile of treasures, is this good?

Shaoyu also pulled Wendy aside to'train'. This is not about pulling the regular army, winning, and then using wealth, territory or even multiple cities to satisfy their desires. Are you afraid that they won't fight or fight... The smoother he spoke, until the anger was mostly gone and Wendy looked at him with a gentle smile. Shaoyu's conversation immediately changed. He said that he was just making a suggestion, and that he didn't know what to lead the soldiers in the war, and he relied all on Wendy's sister.

You called yourself so intimate again, and Opatifani's shout came from behind. Shaoyu couldn't wait for a backhand sword, but he turned around and smiled slightly: Sister Fanny, then I beg you, let them heal for a day, and we will attack the city tomorrow.

After giving out a bright smile at Opatifani who was flushed, Shaoyu waved his hand and left.

Back to the cave, Shaoyu saw that the cave was expanded out of a small room, and Eve was playing with some alchemy tools. Shaoyu made a silent gesture to Tammy, walked quietly behind Eve, and hugged her. Eve screamed that the tool in his hand fell to the ground, and there was a thud...

Shaoyu hugged Eve out of the cave with black smoke on his body, and Tammy unhurriedly followed behind. After putting Eve down, Shaoyu said with a stern face: Eve, how can you make gold in our house, do you know that it is dangerous? You think it's good to have me, or something big will happen. Come on, how to punish you!

Eve wringed his hands and said: That's... that's because... Later, she cried out with a cry: Brother Shaoyu.

Shaoyu said: Do you know what's wrong? Then punish you as my pillow. He finished talking with a weird smile, picked up Eve and rushed to the wooden bed. Of course, Shaoyu didn't want to sleep, but just wanted to make up for the thought of taking a nap. After a while, when Eve asked weakly what the pillow was, Silan broke in again.

This guy is worthy of being a favored person by fate. Half of his shoulder was smashed, and he suffered so many injuries. The whole body was covered in bandages as if nothing happened. But Tammy stayed aside this time and directly shot him out.

Shaoyu sighed, let go of Eve and got off the bed.

Silan grinned outside and grinned: When the uncle is strong, he will definitely treat you... But that is the woman of the mentor... It's really troublesome. Shaoyu was speechless, walked to him and said: Don't hold that thing anymore? Silan said: The instructor is right. My uncle is already the king of thieves. How can this treasure be satisfied? This uncle wants to grab all the treasures and women! This guy stood up and drew his sword and shouted at the sky.

Shaoyu's mouth twitched and squeezed out a sentence, just have a dream!

Silan said: Teacher, let's set off right away.

Shaoyu has a headache, this is a good idea, but the thieves below are not all like Xiaoqiang, they want to rest. Rogues are not soldiers, so they can easily make trouble. When the time comes, they will disperse in a rush, do you want to catch them one by one! He looked at the excited Silan, thinking that he could not explain clearly to this guy, he thought with a thought: I have a sword skill here, you first improve your strength.

When Silan heard this, he became interested and eagerly wanted to learn. Shaoyu asked him to find a few bundles of ropes and a one-handed sword, and then went back to the cave to find Eve, asked for a blank scroll and pen, and began to write.

This thought came from watching the female leader playing with bells. She used a rope to tie the bells to attack, making Shaoyu recall a sword skill that she had come into contact with, the silk-wrapping sword technique.

The silk-wrapping sword technique shocked Shaoyu a lot. The old man could not enter the immortal gate. He had practiced the sword with a mortal body for a hundred years and created this silk-wrapping sword technique. When the old man expired, he sighed, if there is time, he can reach the realm of the sword. We must know that the sword canon is the first immortal weapon of the imperial sword gate in the immortal way, and the sword skills of mortals can be included to prove that it is against the sky.

At this moment, Shaoyu seemed to see that this sword technique had reached the pinnacle of skill. If the old man had time to perfect this sword technique, this would be a god-level technique that can be used to enter the Tao.

At that time, Shaoyu didn't have enough conditions to learn, and later it was even more useless to have swordsmanship, and now it was passed to Silan. He thought hard about word switching, trying to write words in the scroll in a way that was easy to understand.

Silan came back very quickly, but he waited for more than half a mark outside before Shaoyu came out and gave him the first chapter.

Fortunately, this guy is literate, but the word conversion is really a big problem, and the culture is different. What can be explained clearly in two or three words, the conversion is a long chapter. For example, this simplest Qiaojin, said to be an ingenious technique is an explanation. But Silan saw it and said that he didn't understand! Shaoyu can only tell him to practice slowly, and he can find this skill!

Shaoyu tied the rope to the hilt of the one-handed sword, holding one in each hand while swinging, and then two one-handed swords flew out, flipping back and forth under the control of the rope, attacking at any angle.

Silan yelled that he was good-looking, and Shaoyu turned over his bowl and covered him with two one-handed swords. Silan drew his sword and shot, but the two one-handed swords were extremely agile, and even attacked from behind with a leap, and Silan yelled. Silan quickly found his ‘weakness’, no matter if the two one-handed swords pierced back and forth by his side, he cut the rope exclusively.

Shaoyu didn't say that he had already entered the level of the technique, even if he used his skills to use the silk-wrapping sword for the first time, he would not let Silan cut the rope. Although this is indeed a ‘weakness’, there is such an obvious flaw in a cultivation technique that can reach Dao level? Under Shaoyu's control, the rope was wrapped around Silan's wrist, and a sword slapped on his face.

In Silan's suit, Shaoyu said that this swordsmanship was called winding swordsmanship, and it took a continental name.

It's just that Shaoyu never thought that this was just a twisting swordsmanship taught in an emergency at this time, and how high Silan would play it.

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