As soon as the injuries on the other side healed, he immediately pressed over. There was no boss who came out and shouted something, showing a complete annihilation.

Silan leaned over and asked: Mentor, what should I do.

Shaoyu doesn't know what to do! In his opinion, it was nothing more than rushing out. But he couldn't be so casual in front of the apprentice, Shaoyu stared at the cottage, thinking what to say. Just listen to Silan suddenly realized, and then rushed to the cottage, shouting as he rushed: Quickly put down the gate, let the uncle go in, and take you to kill this group of enemies. Shaoyu froze, everyone froze!

There was a moment of silence. Seeing Silan rushed halfway, the mad voice actually said: Open the gate and let them in.

That's all right? !

Opatifani immediately ordered to enter the cottage.

Shaoyu thought to himself that even if this was a trap, they would not be afraid. After making Eve and Tammy be careful, he rushed up immediately.

The gate of the cottage only allows three riders to pass side by side, behind which is a clearing. As soon as Shaoyu rushed in, he saw Silan confronting a big man, behind which stood hundreds of thieves. He looked left and right, and nearly half of the thieves on the wooden wall of the cottage turned their bows to face this side. As he entered, Shaoyu only listened to the big guy asking: Have you passed the test and inherited the legacy of the old ghost? Silan replied: Of course, this uncle is an adult.

This big man is a savage voice that has been talking. He is naked, with only a piece of animal skin around his waist, and he looks like a wild man. He was about two meters tall, his muscles swelled, and his whole body was covered with scars of swords and arrows, revealing a fierce breath. The big man laughed and then said: The few **** that can be defeated with one hand are not due to the old ghost's affection, let you die. How dare to attack... Archer! It was the female leader who made the sound. She was obviously irritated. She jumped out to the big man and said loudly: Can you beat me with one hand? Come and try!

It turned out that this big man was called Aqier, and Shaoyu looked at that Aqier and touched his head in embarrassment, thinking that there was a story! He got off his mount and walked slowly over.

The female leader Silan wanted to continue talking and said: This uncle came to subdue you only because you were under the old ghost's hands before, otherwise your cottage will be destroyed directly. This was Silan's counterattack. Archer stared, took out a huge battle axe in his hand and said: Kid, look for death. Shaoyu had already used the probe. This big man's combat effectiveness was indeed good, close to 300, and Silan was not an opponent at the moment.

Shaoyu's detection made the big man slow down. He looked at Shaoyu and said: Who are you, makes me feel like being spied on.

Silan said: This is my mentor. Shaoyu was about to say that he listened to the thief on the fence shouting: Black smoke is about to attack. Archer yelled: Sina, Sina, let me let them in, then what should I do!

Sna? Shaoyu thought to himself that this was the right thing. It seemed that Archie didn't seem to have any wisdom. There must be someone else who could develop the cottage into this way. His name is still a girl! Just as Shaoyu was thinking about it, a voice among the thieves said: Lord Sina is asleep again!

Fell asleep again! The thieves who surrounded them separated some distance, and Shaoyu saw Zhengxiang, a petite girl with pigtails sitting on a wooden box sleeping. She just sat upright like this, with her head hanging down and there was a bubble on her nose! Archer seemed to be used to it, strode over, grabbed Sina and walked over, and threw her directly to the ground. Silan yelled, how could he hold a lady so, he helped Sina up. Sina was thrown and opened her eyes slightly, but she closed it again! Archie let go of my sister with a loud shout in her ear, and Sina finally woke up!

Shaoyu is speechless, how much sleep is this!

Sina opened her eyes and looked around blankly and said: Brother, you go to resist the first wave of attacks, I will talk to them. Then she stood up and glanced at everyone and asked: Who of you is the head.

When Shaoyu saw Silan let go of his hand, he kept talking about cuteness, he couldn't help kicking it and said: He is.

Silan returned to his senses and put on a pose and said: This uncle is the king of thieves.

Sina swept around again in disbelief, she said: It looks like you guys look a little bit. Sina said you were referring to Shaoyu and Tammy who was holding Opatifani. Shaoyu thinks she is quite discerning, but he said that the boss is indeed this Silan who is posing in a different style. Sina said a lot of words to Silan continuously.

Shaoyu was a little dizzy when she heard that, she roughly described the black smoke that appeared recently...the band of thieves that appeared inexplicably half a month ago. On the day they appeared, all thieves received letters demanding surrender. At first they were all treated as jokes, until the cottages and bunkers were captured. Sina now means that they are from the same origin, forming an alliance, and jointly resisting the black smoke attack.

Silan didn't say anything at first. When he heard this, he akimbo laughed and said: So you need this uncle. Sina thought for a while, sighed and said yes, Silan immediately said: The alliance is okay, but I want to call the shots. In addition, I have to pay for the damage just caused, pay for the losses in the war, and offer you.

Fortunately, the thieves here were all on the fence, otherwise Silan would be hacked to death in minutes.

He didn't get a response, because after Silan finished this string, Sina fell asleep again!

After Aqier resisted the wave of attacks, after hearing Silan's decision, the expression on his face was very brilliant.

Shaoyu didn't care about this, he looked at the attack below Zhailan. The first wave of attacks actually hit before the gate of the village. The thieves were so brazen that they were not afraid to die, and they rushed forward with a few arrows in their bodies.

But they really couldn't die. After returning, a few glass balls, with their bare hands, drew arrows.

Eve, who was by his side, said that it was the dark alchemy potion that was overdrawing their own vitality to heal their wounds. Some of them were seriously injured or injured many times, but they could not survive tonight.

The more the battle goes to the back, the more exaggerated it is, and even the broken hand and foot can be connected back! Except for a shot in the head, it can be fatal, it is like an undead army.

The morale of the first wave of attacks was greatly reduced, but fortunately, the weapons here were very good or they could hold it. Shaoyu also tried to kill a few people with a remote sword. With the release of the thorn tree...they seemed to be less resistant to poison, and the smoky thieves retreated.

There was only half of the thornwood storage left, and it was barely possible to'roll' twice.

In fact, how much thorny wood is left is not important, because the rocks, trees, and a large number of traps on the second side of the ramp are about to be flattened... The black smoke can attack from all directions.

Silan roared and charged, while Opatifani said that he would stand firm and wait at least three attacks before it was a good time to attack. But Archie was waiting for Sina to make up his mind. After Sina was awakened by roar, listening to the information, she fell asleep again!

After arguing for a while, seeing that the black smoky thieves had come up with some simple siege tools, Shaoyu walked down the wall and said: I also think I have to rush once. He knew what Opatifani meant by three-drum decay, and the second wave of attacks against them could be supported. But the third wave is absolutely unstoppable, the black smoke side is so weird, is there no strong one!

Wendy has been silent for a while, and now also speaks to support the charge.

The number of people supporting the charge accounted for the majority, and Silan immediately rushed to the mount and shouted to open the gate. Everyone looked at Achill, and Achill waved his mouth and said that our people should guard the cottage and let the ‘outsiders’ go out, but he himself jumped onto the mount.

As the gate of the village opened, the second wave of black smoke's attack also happened. Some thieves carried a ladder to attack from the two sides, and hundreds of thieves were in groups, and several groups went straight to the gate of the village.

Not many people followed the recoil. Apart from the woman and the thieves with less than twenty men, the four chieftains were only Wendy and Opatifani’s rebels and ten cavalry. Eve didn't follow the charge this time, she must not be a fighter.

After thirty or so people rushed down, but the fastest rush was Achill. He roared and brandished a long axe, and he was very shocking.

Shaoyu lags behind because of an equestrian problem.

The black smoke did not expect that they would recoil, and waved their weapons in a panic trying to stop the charge. Even if they have the help of dark alchemy potions, no long weapons, no formation, it would be futile to use flesh and blood to stop the knight from charging. Before he even touched him, Archer swept away a piece of the thief's upper body, and the lower body fell down and stepped on it into mud.

Shaoyu felt that he shouldn't charge on horseback, and if Tammy wasn't following him, he would have fallen to the back. Turning his thoughts, he turned around and said to Tammy to be careful, and he directly unsheathed the sword, used the sword flying technique, swished around the top of the crowd and flew to the front.

Surrounded by nine flying swords, there is no need for extra action at all, and the flying past is the flying heads. This punch actually broke through the encirclement, and he was secretly surprised that there was no master to stop him!

Among them, Wendy and Opatifani are also very powerful. The cavalry belonging to Black Smoke can't stop the female cavalry after forming a formation not far away. The two of them led the cavalry directly to the place where the siege equipment was formed, interspersed with them several times and destroyed small crashes, ladders, and killed a large number of thieves.

Then... this group of black smoke thieves collapsed! Hula turned around and fled, stunned Shaoyu!

Silan was very excited to shake the chain while chasing and shouting: This is the power of the uncle. Shaoyu hurriedly turned Yujian, chasing Silan.

This guy went alone again!

While chasing Silan, Shaoyu suddenly found that fire and black smoke were blowing in many places around him. He took off his sword and spread his wings and floated into the air, and opened his left eye when he reached a certain height. Shaoyu actually saw the ‘base camp’ burst into flames, and ‘vaguely’ saw a motorcade on the ancient road being besieged!

This is what the bottom line is!

Little S said that the place he saw was the same as most of the thieves in the information. With the battle just now and what we have seen now, the real goal of Smoky is this team.

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