Smoky’s real goal is this fleet of twenty cars?

Shaoyu narrowed his angle of view, his eyes squinted, he saw a few silver boxes that fell to the ground, and a large pile of gold coins and purple coins spilled out of it. Shaoyu is a little tempted, he is short of money now! But Black Smoke's goal is obviously not these money, all of them trample on these gold coins without even looking at them.

The black smoke's target was the people in the convoy. It was all a certain kind of monster pulled by the convoy without any guards. When Shaoyu saw it, it was not long after the attack began, which was a complete slaughter.

There were also some teenagers and children in several cars, all of whom were cut off their heads without hesitation by these Bailai black smoke wearing covered helmets and exquisite armor. Although they are also standard armors, none of these people are masters. One by one, the whole body was shining with vindictive light, and they rushed.

When Shaoyu looked back, he found that Silan didn't know where he was going. But Tammy chased him up and stood not far away. At this time, an earth-shattering roar sounded, and the strong wind and shock caused by Shaoyu were felt here. He immediately turned his head and looked at it. A figure appeared above the convoy, madly attacking the black smoke that was carrying out the massacre.

This man is a middle-aged soldier with a beard, but he has no weapons in his hands. He floated on the top of the convoy, and every time he punched his fist, he sent out a grudge cut, and every time he struck out a grudge cut, a black smoke and armor shattered.

These black smokers, who are full of grudge light, are more fearless than the black smoke thieves who attack the cottage. They don't care about the soldiers attacking above their heads and their own lives, but desperately slaughter the people in the carriage. The bearded middle-aged soldier is very strong, but he can't take care of the entire team alone. Obviously, the soldiers knew this too, and they were getting more and more anxious with their punches...

Shaoyu landed a little puzzled, why didn't this soldier take out his weapon! At the same time, he didn't know what to do.

After a few glances, he decided to help the soldier.

With a confession to Tammy, let her return to the cottage, Shaoyu once again flew his sword from the cliff to the convoy.

After such a short delay, only the last car left in the entire fleet. It's not that the bearded middle-aged warrior is holding steady, but that this car is extraordinary. It seems to be no different from other cars. This car emits a light silver light, and a multi-pointed star magic array emerges from the base. , Floating slightly off the ground.

The fighters rushing up with the black smoke were all bounced away, and the grudge cuts from several of the fighters were also introduced under the car. The bearded middle-aged soldier also fell back to the ground, seemingly snatching a black two-handed sword, and hacking around the car.

Shaoyu's head and feet descended from the sky and roared: I'll help you. When it fell to almost the same distance, the secret path was out of its sheath, and the giant flying sword slammed and fell with the sound.

When the giant flying sword falls, it can not only protect the side of the car, but also kill a lot of black smoke. Shaoyu was thinking about it, but he stopped in surprise immediately. For unknown reasons, the bearded middle-aged warrior stepped on a large pit and flew towards the giant flying sword.

What kind of plane! Shaoyu couldn't help shouting, the giant flying sword was smashed from the side by this soldier in one breath! Shaoyu was frightened and furious, and the strong formation before the giant flying sword had grown to its maximum also failed to achieve its maximum effect, and the blade was already very fragile! He hurriedly yelled and returned to the sheath and withdrew the last giant flying sword.

Upon seeing this, the bearded middle-aged soldier flew straight towards Shaoyu, waving his weapon as a fight.

Shaoyu hurriedly moved his sword horizontally and shouted loudly: What kind of trouble is this? I'm here to help you.

The warrior didn't care at all, but a few more vindictive slashes came. Shaoyu's complexion changed, these few fighting qi cuts were so ingenious that they actually blocked the dodge path! He was also a little angry, it was easy to refining Feijian! And how to treat him as an enemy, regardless of the black smoke attacking the carriage.

Shaoyu didn't hide at all, and squeezed the sword essence into the sword box. The flying sword surrounded by the whole body changed and released a burst of gray light at the same time, and directly rushed to these fighting Qi cuts.

Of course, the nine flying swords surrounded by the sword flying technique were not only used to assist the flight. Before Shaoyu realized that all layers of the sword flying technique were just a foundation technique, he tried to use the sword flying technique to attack the black smoke thief. At this time, Shaoyu adjusted the six flying swords in front of him as arrows, only one on the two sides and behind him, and rushed towards Dou Qi Slash.

Sure enough, these fighting qi cuts were broken in one shot. Shaoyu was unstable for a while, he was surprised to find that the flying swords in front of him were actually full of cracks!

This is definitely not a problem with the flying sword technique, but the power of these fighting qi slashes is too strong.

Shaoyu immediately summoned the remaining flying swords in the sword box to make up. His mind moved, and he gestured again and again, and the warrior stopped suspiciously.

This is also a reminder from Little S, this soldier may not hear it.

Shaoyu didn't think the soldier was deaf, but he probably couldn't understand what he said.

Because there was a violent sound below, the soldier immediately looked down and followed with a roar.

Shaoyu looked down hurriedly, and saw that the carriage was broken!

The carriage was invincible at first, and it moved slowly after it floated, but within a short time when he fought the warrior, the carriage was getting faster and faster, smashing the previous carriages and the black smoke desperately intercepting it. , Seeing that he fell into a magic trap as he rushed out of the encirclement faster and faster.

Shaoyu suddenly understood that if there was no magic circle on the ancient road, he would be the greatest threat to the carriage, so this soldier would stop him. Fortunately, the soldier stopped him, otherwise he would fall into this magic circle together at this time.

The magic circle that appeared on the ancient road was huge, and it was a combination of six magic circles. A magic circle trapped the carriage in the center, and the other five were located at the tips of each corner in the shape of a pentagram, and magic lines criss-crossed the ground.

After the black smoke people chasing the carriage fell into the magic circle, they screamed one after another, except for a few people with deep grudges, all of them were annihilated.

The bearded middle-aged warrior also rushed into the magic circle and let out a cry.

Sure enough, I didn't understand, I didn't know what the soldier was yelling. Shaoyu floated in the air, watching the warrior's whole body beating like flames, resisting the power of the magic circle. The warrior tried his best to approach the carriage in the magic circle, but Shaoyu didn't care about him. At this time, apart from the carriage, only this soldier survived in the magic circle. The warrior's grudge fluctuated so badly that he couldn't get close to the carriage at all.

The magic circle is still expanding, on the contrary the magic circle of the carriage is shrinking.

Shaoyu opened his left eye and used detection. The magic circle collapsed after freezing in the left eye. Little S said that this is not a detection failure, but because of the non-biological detection and the fluidity of energy...

Little S actually means that Shaoyu is still not strong enough, but it has certain results. The mage who arranged this magic circle was above the level of Mage Xiao.

Shaoyu was speechless, he had already understood when the mage and other ranks chatted with everyone in the association.

Above Master Xiao, there are Masters of Ten Thousand Masters, Master Xiao is familiar with the essence of spells, and reaching ten thousand levels means mastering ten thousand kinds of magic!

Just as Shaoyu thought to himself, there was another change in the field. The magic circle in the carriage finally couldn't resist it, and it turned into many fragments and collapsed. The carriage that had lost the magic circle could actually resist, all the wood on it fell off and turned into a small carriage full of silver. At the same time, the bearded middle-aged warrior was shining brightly at the same time, waving his hands and sending a huge grudge slash to the carriage.

The warrior turned into a pile of ashes and disappeared into the magic circle, but the carriage was hit by this huge grudge, and it rolled to the edge of the magic circle.

The silver car door opened, and an old man got out and flew out of the magic circle.

I don't know if it was because of the loss of the target, the magic circle on the ancient road also stopped operating, gradually shrinking and disappearing into the ground.

All the changes in the field were just a moment, and the old man who jumped out was also a magician. Holding a crystal hair stick, wearing a pointed hat, and a white beard on the exposed bottom half of his face. After jumping out of the magic circle, he first glanced at Shaoyu, then turned and looked at the top of the shrinking magic circle.

Shaoyu followed along and saw that a mage also appeared in the sky.

This mage was the mage who laid down the magic circle, and he also held a crystal staff, but he was wearing a magic robe with full lines like the magic circle mage. He should be the Master of Ten Thousands, with huge magic fluctuations all over his body, and some magic circles appear and disappear under his feet.

Shaoyu only felt that the air was heavy and throbbed in her heart.

The two of them stared, and the old man said: After so many years, don't you let me go?

Wan Mage replied: Your Royal Highness, only if you disappear, my master can be at ease.

Shaoyu stepped back slowly, thinking that this old man is actually a prince, and this is definitely not a prince of a small country. To chase and kill, Wan Mage is strong enough, and his identity is just a servant.

Little S has already warned seriously that the energy overflowing from the opponent is extremely powerful. In fact, there is no need for Xiao S to warn, Shaoyu knows that he is not the opponent of a Wanmage now. He retreated slowly and carefully.

Just as Shaoyu withdrew from a distance in sweat, the Wanmage suddenly glanced at him. As if being hit by a heavy hammer, Shaoyu's brain was faint and he almost sat down on the ground.

The mental shock, fortunately, Shaoyu's talent would not be shocked. How could he dare to hesitate, immediately summoned the flying sword and flew away.

At that time, I wanted to help the soldier and get rid of the black smoke by the way. Now the situation has changed drastically, and he can no longer participate.

Master Wan just took a look and sent out a mental shock. When Shaoyu looked back while flying, the two seemed to talk again. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a bright dazzling light shone from all around!

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