Above ten thousand mages are the enemy mages, and the beasts said that this enemy means that everyone is invincible and invincible!

Shaoyu didn't know if they were joking or were serious.

The master of magic possesses the magic space, and the element of the incarnation of the master is known. According to Brother B, the power of the master depends on which 10,000 kinds of magic the master masters. In their narration, Shaoyu himself concluded that it is probably the meaning of the return of all laws! As for the existence of the anti-mage, no one in the association has ever been in contact with it.

After being flashed by the light, Shaoyu knew that this Wanmage hadn't let him go. After feeling the light diminished, Shaoyu opened his left eye and saw that he was trapped in countless magic circles, large and small. He is no longer on the ancient road, and has been transferred into the magical space.

The magic space attribute of the magic master is single, and the most powerful is no more than the size of a football field. By the time of dawn, the magic space already has many elements, and the size of the space depends on the level of magic power. And this magical space of Wan Mage is extremely huge. The seemingly empty venue, you can't see the boundary when you zoom in!

The earth is very real, the dirt and stones under your feet, but the sky is covered with dark red clouds. It is estimated that luck was better, and Shaoyu was safe when he came in. However, he immediately noticed the danger, and magic circles began to flash on the ground, mid-air, and even high above.

The magic circle is big and small, flashing and disappearing from time to time.

Of course these magic circles were not decorations, and Shaoyu couldn't try, nor dared to try. He knows a little basic, the general magic circle is made up of five awns, the more powerful the astral horns are. What flashes here are all six awns, above the seven awns.

Wan Mage and the old man didn't know where they were, and Shaoyu tried his best to avoid these magic circles. There are three ways to get out of the magic space. The first is to defeat the master of the magic space, that is, the ten thousand mage; the second is to break through the barriers of the magic space, unless the strength can break through the space and also need to locate To the original coordinates, otherwise you will enter the void and hit the great luck; the third type, the magic power of waiting for the ten thousand mage cannot be maintained.

Shaoyu discerned the magic circle with the knowledge of adventure. At this time, he was still very safe, and he did not fall into any magic circle in the rapid movement. He thought about the three ways to escape, the first and the second were impossible, and it could only be dragged to the point where the magic power of the ten thousand mage could not maintain the magic space. But the third is just a bet! If the old man can't stand it, waiting here is also a hang!

The strength of the old man is definitely not as good as the ten thousand mage, otherwise he won't die in the car and won't come out! Thinking of this, Shaoyu walked away again! Remembering their conversation... Your Royal Highness, this is an empire! Because only the children of the great emperor of the empire can be called the prince, the children of the king of the kingdom can only be called the prince, and the principality is the same as above.

Shaoyu quickly recovered, he was struggling to dodge more and more, and the magic circle flashed more and more. At the beginning, there are some patterns to be found, and a new magic circle will not appear immediately where a magic circle has appeared. But within a few minutes, a large number of magic circles began to flash, even some magic circles appeared in the same place, and even collided with bursts of explosions, flashing sparks and so on.

At this time, Xiao S spoke out and made suggestions. He quickly used the range scan and used the dragon hand to display the map. Unexpectedly, this was really useful, Xiao S was able to budget for the emergence of the magic circle, so that he could sustain it again.

Above the red cloud, Wan Mage stretched out a huge beam of light from his staff to hit the old man. The old man's staff lay across his chest, and a pillar of light resisted by an erect magic circle.

Master Wan said: As expected, he was a genius who was well-known in the mainland at the time, and he was able to resist for so long as a master of magic.

It took a long time for the old man to respond, and he was struggling to speak: What about Wan-level, I will not give up.

Wan Mage laughed and said: How long can you last without giving up here, you have no hope. He said two spells in his mouth and stretched out his right hand.

Several magic circles appeared next to the old man, just like on the ancient road outside, countless magic patterns wandered around, and a composite magic circle gathered around the old man.

However, the old man also struggled to chant the spell, a pendant floated on his chest, two rings in his hand lit up, and a magic circle was also formed under him.

Inheriting the artifact, Master Wan said fiercely. Then he snorted coldly: See how long you can hold on.

After the old man used these three inheritance artifacts, his face became extremely pale, and it took a long time before he replied: You can't mobilize all the power of the space to attack now, I can hold on until you can't sustain it.

Master Wanmage looked angrily at the bottom, and said: It seems you are very lucky, a little mouse dragged my power. But... it won't be long. After speaking, the sound of his spell began to resound...

Shaoyu didn't know what had happened, he only felt that the sudden changes in the surrounding magic circle appeared at the same time. In panic, he ran the protective body Yungang with all his strength, and propped up the gas shield. But it was useless, the light flashed, he only heard two puffs, and he only felt like he was being burned by fire.

Wrapped by magic light, Little S warned instantly. When Shaoyu saw, the blood bar was plummeting! He dashed for a few steps and found that all around him was white and his body was in great pain. Shaoyu hugged his face and a wing with both hands, and immediately used the deep blue door to teleport out.

Fortunately, after several evolutions, this deep blue door can be used without water, but it still remains the same once a day!

Shaoyu was anxious and opened the door directly to the farthest place in the range scan, just to avoid this wave of magic circles. As soon as he came out, he found that his whole body was burnt except for the clothes pressed by the sword case on his back. The body was also burned everywhere, but fortunately, the hair formed by the hands and small eye clamps covered his face without disfigurement.

This is not a flame burn, but a burn caused by strong light.

The strong rays of magical circles in the distance are slowly dissipating, and some new magic circles are constantly being generated. Where did Shaoyu still have an air tube injury, he used the range scan again, and one of his wings roared out of the sheath at the same time, and he stopped in place immediately.

In the opponent's magic space, there is no way to avoid it. At this time, the magic circle appeared directly under his feet and around him, but the extremely fast flying speed allowed him to charge.

It was the first time that Shaoyu used wings and sword flying together. He found that it was very smooth, and the speed reached 0.77. There are nine flying swords on the side to protect, plus the calculation of the small S, it can force some small six-point light arrays.

This is only temporary, this kind of flying speed cannot be maintained forever, and once it slows down and then falls into the magic circle, there will be no deep blue door to teleport.

Shaoyu was anxious, he didn't know that Master Wan was also a little surprised.

After flying for a while, the formation that appeared has changed a bit. All magic circles have become smaller and smaller, so that the speed at which these magic circles condense becomes faster and faster.

Shaoyu's vitality has fallen to 30%. He can actually increase his speed, injecting Qi and Jian Yuan into the wing at the same time to break through the speed of sound, but this also won't last long.

At this time, bursts of magnificent spells began to reverberate, and Shaoyu knew that it was the voice of Wanmage. He thought for a while, gritted his teeth, squeezed the sword finger, and shot the last flying sword in the sword box, then turned and flew upwards.

After rushing out of a wave of magic circles, the flying sword that Shaoyu shot had already submerged in the red cloud, the red cloud all over the sky was just decoration!

No wonder they couldn't see them, it turned out to be heaven. After breaking through the red cloud, there was no magic circle on it, and Shaoyu settled down and saw the ten thousand mage and the old man facing away from a distance.

The old man was also trapped by the magic circle, and was constantly attacked by Wan Mage with a beam of light, also struggling.

When Shaoyu looked at his attributes, only one-third of Jianyuan was left, and his vitality was 0.3, and his mind had already entered a negative value. He thought to himself that he should be desperate again! Dang Zai no longer hesitated, took out three bottles of medicine and poured it, and threw it over for a probe.

These three bottles of potion were prepared overnight by Everon, and they were useless in the Arena of the Gods, but now they are just right.

One bottle of recovery potion, one bottle of body protection potion, and one bottle of resistance potion.

Three hot currents exploded in his body, and Shaoyu mobilized Qi and Jian Yuan to inject into the wing at the same time.

The figure of Master Wan froze in the left eye for a moment. Detection is not possible, and the answer given by Xiao S is not unexpected. But after a while, Xiao S said that she detected the energy accumulation progress of the opponent.

The current progress is 63%, and the energy accumulation is completed in two minutes and 31 seconds.

Shaoyu took the time to say something, now why don't you talk about engraving, it's not easy to express if there is no second.

Little S said angrily: Is it time to talk about this now? According to preliminary calculations, the energy gathered by the ten thousand masters can reach hundreds of thousands of combat effectiveness. Shaoyu also said that this is not the time now, anyway, the combat effectiveness is so high, it's not bad.

The communication with Xiao S is about thinking, and it only takes a few seconds to say so much. The extremely fast approaching Zhong Shaoyu still has time to think to himself, it is as expected that the body of God's grace has evolved again, this time the fastest speed has increased a bit, and it actually feels very good. At least the wings are broken and slower!

At the extreme speed, he was close to the Master Wan in an instant, but Shaoyu slammed into an invisible barrier!

This is the magic space of Wanmage, how could he cast spells without protection. But Master Wan didn't expect that Shaoyu actually broke through this magical barrier and rolled in.

Shaoyu himself only felt a great pain, accompanied by the shock and many crisp sounds, and passed out on the spot!

He had a dream in which he changed into a fly, and at first he was flying around freely, until he hit the windshield of a car on the highway head-on...with a slap it turned into a ball of meat sauce!

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