Shaoyu sat up, shouting that Master Wan is despicable! Protect yourself if you protect it, what a transparent one!

As soon as I finished shouting, I felt wrong, I was still alive, and it seemed that my body hadn't become muddy, but I didn't wear clothes now!

Shaoyu looked at the properties while checking.

It should be in a cave, but this cave is very luxuriously decorated, with a carpet made of warcraft fur, a soft big bed, some shining treasures randomly piled in one corner, and some weapons and several exquisite magics hang on the walls of the cave. The candlestick acts as a light source.

As far as the body is concerned, it looks innocent on the surface, but in fact...

The voice of Little S appeared, indicating that all attributes were temporarily reduced by 50% for a month.

When Shaoyu heard what Xiao S said, he immediately asked: What's the situation?

Xiao S replied: If you are asking about attributes, it is because of the medicine, which stimulates the potential to restore your body to normal. Also due to the medicine, the attributes temporarily decreased. After a pause, Xiao S continued: If you are asking, the situation at the time. After you hit the barrier at that time, I used a beam of light to hit Wanmage and escaped from the magic space.

Shaoyu said: Okay, all.

Little S didn't finish, she said again: Wendy led someone to rescue you and the old man. In addition, during the six-day coma, Eve fed a total of 21 bottles of medicine.

Shaoyu was a little surprised, he had to digest the information. After a while he said: Then where am I now.

Little S said, Dulong Mountain. She also added that Silan has unified this area!

Shaoyu jumped up from the bed, so hanging! How did you do it. Xiao S said that the information obtained from Silan's several visits was too little to calculate what happened, but when he moved to Dulong Mountain on the fifth day, he observed that he had experienced a great battle.

Wo that big fuck, Shaoyu only said that. However, he was relieved, and Zeluo's task was completed.

But what's the situation now, man, Tammy! Where's Eve!

Little S said that Tammy had just wiped the back of his body with water and went out, and Eve was still preparing new potions.

Shaoyu glanced at the treasure chests placed in the corner, pushed open the door with some effort and walked out. Turning on the dragon hand, it showed that it was ten meters underground. He thought to himself that he liked to dig basement mazes everywhere on the mainland.

The ten meters underground is calculated from the horizon. This is in Dulong Mountain, which seems to have been dug very deep.

As soon as Shaoyu came out, he heard an arrogant laughter. This sound was Silan's. As expected, when he turned the corner, he saw Silan hug the two sisters' paper, and was embraced by a group of people walking out. Shaoyu didn't expect to encounter this product the first time, so he just happened to ask about the situation of this product. He coughed slightly...

Silan shouted: Mentor, you are awake. He strode over immediately. Shaoyu nodded, said something and did a good job. Silan said: The winding swordsmanship taught by the instructor is powerful.

Only then did Shaoyu notice an arm-thick iron chain wrapped around his waist! He was speechless. Just listen to Silan said: Mentor, see my girl is good. Shao Yu saw that Silan pulled the two sisters who followed behind him into his arms with some ostentation! He took a look at it, and the one on the left was not Sina. He swept the bunch of people behind, and sure enough, Archie was among them. Shaoyu was about to say hello, when Sina closed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep!

Ok! The **** the right doesn't know her, but she is dressed in a thief costume, has short hair, and has a generally hot body.

Shaoyu nodded and said something good!

Silan laughed loudly and said: I didn't expect that the leader of the thief in Dulong Mountain was actually her, and the uncle at a loss attacked it. I knew it before....

stop! Shaoyu yelled, seeing the female thief blushing, there must be no good things behind this guy.

Silan was taken aback, and Shaoyu continued: I have something to ask you when I come in. While talking, I saw Eve squeezed over and shouted that Brother Shaoyu rushed over. On the other side, Tammy rushed over with some food!

I didn't see any shadows, but now they all appeared! Immediately, even Wendy and Opatifani gathered in the stone room where Shaoyu had just lain. After a few conversations, he quickly learned the whole story.

When she heard the movement, Wendy brought people to check, but she did not expect to see Shaoyu and an old man lying on the ancient road. At that time, Shaoyu was really about to become a mass of meat sauce, with blood and blood, multiple fractures, and internal organ bursts. Speaking of this, Eve couldn't help sobbing, and Shaoyu felt relieved. Wendy said that sister Eve's potion was magical and could make him heal so quickly.

Eve in her arms repeatedly said: It is the secret medicine handed by the mentor and the powerful self-healing ability of Brother Shaoyu.

After talking for a while, Silan couldn't help showing off.

This guy even took the opportunity to rob him. Not only did he **** a lot of things back, but he also caught a woman... the leader of the poisonous dragon mountain. This story is a bit subtle. It turns out that the boss of Poison Dragon Mountain happened to lead someone to seize a treasure. He didn't expect to encounter a black smoke attack. The people who were brought out suffered heavy casualties, and then met Silan...

Speaking of Black Smoke, Sina came to her senses, saying that she had made a mistake in inference, and the Black Smoke disappeared after this attack! They did not come to occupy this territory!

They are here to attack the convoy! Shaoyu knew but didn't explain.

Listening and listening, he thought of a question. This treatment is not a spell. During the inspection, he will definitely find that his body structure is different from that of mainland humans! Found that he is not from this world!

Shaoyu's gaze shifted, just to meet Eve's gaze. There seemed to be a lot to say in her eyes, and Shaoyu felt relieved when she saw it. Eve did the treatment, she must have not said. He was sure to tell what happened at the time under the urging of everyone.

Afterwards, Opatifani recounted like a report. She said that after the black smoke attack, it went smoothly to conquer the thieves on the hills. The Dulong Mountain, which is the most difficult to conquer, is because...Silan "conquered", the thieves gathered now have a total of 11,000 people, and they are forming an army! After talking about Opatifani, she said she was very busy and left on the spot.

After everyone chatted for a while, Silan asked several times when to post the next piece of Winding Swordsmanship. Shaoyu had a headache. Looking at the thick chain around his waist, he didn't know what it was like. Fortunately, not long after the headache, the guy hugged the two sisters and left.

Then Wendy cared and told a few words and then left.

There was a silence in the room. When Shaoyu was about to say something, he heard Eve speak: Don't worry, Brother Shaoyu, no matter where you come from, I will... follow you. Suddenly, Shaoyu only felt that he had a thousand words to say, but it became a hard sentence. He said a few more words, while Tammy said softly: Sister Eve is asleep.

Shaoyu looked down, and Eve really fell asleep in his arms! He was fascinated, looked at Eve's haggard face, picked her up and put her on the big bed. After it was built, Shaoyu turned around and said to Tammy: You have been working hard these days.

Tammy shook her head, and Shaoyu suddenly picked her up, put her on the bed and pressed her lightly struggling, she said: You go to sleep too, now I will take care of you. Tammy stopped struggling and calmed down. She closed her eyes, but tears poured out from the corners of her eyes. Shaoyu sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her head, and couldn't help saying: silly girl.

Not long after, Tammy fell into a deep sleep, and Shaoyu fell into deep thought. This time it was really dangerous. After leaving the magical space, Wan Mage disappeared! Jae Xiao's class magic backlash is a problem that can be solved, and there is no reason that Wan Mage will escape due to injury.

Shaoyu asked Xiao S if there was anything he didn't explain.

Little S said that it was impossible to observe due to spatial fluctuations when leaving the magical space, but there was a strong energy fluctuation when leaving the magic space. The reason is unknown, so he suggested to ask the person concerned.

party! Yes, the old man was rescued together? I forgot to ask about it, and no one said anything!

Shaoyu recalled the battle at that time. In fact, there is nothing to recall, just to hide all the way! In the end, I tried my best and hit the ‘wall’ without using any means!

In the final analysis, this is that his strength is too low, this time he almost finished his life. This feeling was so bad that Shaoyu couldn't help clenching his fists! We still have to become stronger, as soon as possible, and have always only focused on flying sword attacks, the body is too fragile!

Shaoyu's expression turned a little sullen, but when she saw Eve and Tammy who were sleeping, she calmed down again...

Eve and Tammy slept for a full day. After they woke up, Shaoyu had a fight with them before they learned that the old man was locked in the dungeon! Because at that time, Tammy found that Shaoyu and the old man were both injured and comatose on the ancient road, unable to distinguish the identity of the old man, so naturally he was locked up first.

Shaoyu let them go to freshen up and let them prepare food. He entered the dungeon and ‘saved’ the old man out.

The old man has woke up unexpectedly, no one can treat him in the dungeon! As soon as Shaoyu entered, the first sentence of the old man stunned him. The old man said: Lily, this kid should go home now! Immediately he said that he would not ask questions now, and sent him to the ground for self-healing. After speaking, he passed out in a coma.

Shaoyu was anxious, calling for help.

The old man emphasized sending to the ground to heal himself? ! Although he didn't understand, he naturally did.

The Dulong Mountain is well built. The belly of the mountain is completely hollowed out, and a trap has been built based on the natural cracks... To get back to it, you must go through a few hundred yards of iron chain cables.

After being summoned, Shaoyu took the old man back to the ground. When exposed to the sun, the old man floats up. Through the tattered robe, Shaoyu saw some lines appearing on his body. Upon closer inspection, the lines looked like a demon pattern. After a while, the old man became a bare man.

Shaoyu couldn't help but come to a probe, this turned out to be a lost tattoo from the mainland! Its effect seems to be to heal damage with light elements! The display of combat power surprised him, and the strength of this old man fluctuates from 1 to 4,000! Little S means that the target has undergone biochemical transformation, but it is full of instability!

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