Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 684: Preparation (given by god)

In addition, every soldier in the Invincible Legion is a professional.

This occupational information is completely gone, the invincible army is dispatched, and the enemy will only be wiped out. The only thing I know is that every one of them is very strong, and any one of the local legions can be used as a general in the vanguard.

In addition to the commander, the invincible legion also has generals.

The data shows that it is based on a small team, ten very powerful experts.

Shaoyu was shocked when he looked at it, just their mounts, thinking about this, tens of thousands of beasts have to avoid the edge for a while, not to mention there are knights.

The strength of the Invincible Legion is naturally the higher the better.

He thought to himself that Zeluo didn't know that if he was so sure of one-on-one, could he really have the strength to confront... Only when it was time to detect!

In the last three days of departure, the black mage once again sent a mirror image of flesh and blood to find Shaoyu, indicating that he would sacrifice.

Pray to God... God of the Earth.

This is also a state sacrifice, presided over by the gods and masters, and the king and a group of army commanders perform the sacrifice.

This is not only to pray for God's blessing, but also to get God's support.

According to the words of the Black Mage, God will pay attention to this battle and drop blessings and items.

This is one of the fundamental advantages of the empire over the kingdom.

Although Shaoyu was a ‘margin’ legion, he was also a legion commander and was among the sacrifices.

This is a grand ceremony, and preparations are started when the battle of the Invincible Legion is decided. On the last day before departure, the city center was full of people.

Shaoyu stood at the back of the army commanders, holding a small box waiting for the sacrifice... After receiving the news, he asked Xiao S what to do if the depraved aura or the identity of the enemy outside the wall was discovered . Little S said that with data analysis, God will not bless those with evil breaths, but will also drop items when they get favorites. Don't worry about the identity of the enemy outside the wall. The Black Mage actually ‘reformed’ him before. As long as the true **** is not coming and watching, he will not be discovered.

Uh... I don't feel any difference in the body. Since Xiao S is not worried, he will naturally take advantage of it.

Moreover, as the commander of the army, there is no way not to come.

The altar is like a huge naturally formed rock, with a bowl-shaped top and about three stories high and the area of ​​two football fields.

It has not undergone any carving, but has a natural texture, and the faint light reveals a sense of sacredness and vicissitudes.

This huge rock cannot be climbed. Take out the items and sacrifice them. If they are accepted by God, they will be sent to it to receive gifts. I heard that the more central you are, the better you can get.

Under the leadership of the Master of God, the surrounding people chanted prayers like scriptures, one after another.

Shaoyu watched the beam of light fall from the sky from time to time.

This time, most of the sacrifices actually responded. He heard an elderly legion commander muttering as he prayed, God bless the empire...

Most of them have been promoted, gained some kind of ability, or have some kind of blessings, and occasionally some people get magical tools.

Shaoyu even saw that the king got a bunch of luminous objects, not knowing what it was. He originally had the intention to detect, but Xiao S had said it a long time ago, don't use the ability, there is a high chance that he will be discovered. So he didn't even open his left eye, and only saw a small part with his right eye.

In fact, he ranked too far behind, except for a few nobles, he was at the end.

This sacrifice took most of the day.

It was dusk when it was finally Shaoyu's turn. Under the sunset, he walked towards the altar of the **** of the earth step by step, chanting prayers and asking for blessings.

This is the process, but fortunately, there is no need to bow down... I don't know if the mark of the arena will have an impact... As he walked and entered, Shaoyu put away his distracting thoughts, but he has experienced God's attention...

As it approached, the air became heavier and brighter all around.

At first, Shaoyu thought it was the light of the altar itself, but immediately noticed that the entire sky began to shine. He couldn't help but wonder what the situation was.

With the box in his hand flying to the altar... This box is a special ore provided by the empire, and the **** of the earth likes good ore. He ranked behind the old man, the ore was actually very average, but the black mage also'sponsored' some.

But actually caused such a big movement? The weather changes are caused by only a few people.

In various biographies, Shaoyu learned that everyone who takes the same thing to sacrifice will get different results, some will get nothing, some will get a magical tool, and some will even be punished by God. This is the influence of God's piety and preferences on the sacrifice and his own mood.

Of course, these are the biographers' own analysis. The scroll of this biographer was finally completed by someone else, because he did his own death, took several copies of the same thing to sacrifice again and again, and was finally punished by God.

Shaoyu was a bit at a loss, what should he do if God punishes him.

Fortunately, it is not a divine punishment.

A beam of light enveloped him, and he was ‘lifted’ up without resistance, and flew to the top of the altar.

As he flew, there was an uproar in the prayers around him, and Shaoyu went all the way up, getting closer and closer to the center. It fell very close to the center, but then he felt wrong, a strong wave wandering around him, as if to get into his body. Shaoyu naturally clung to his spirit, suddenly fluctuating, he only felt a light on his waist, and a crystal flew out.

It is a soul-absorbing crystal!

Immediately stretched out his hand, grabbing the floating crystal.

This caught Shaoyu was shocked again, the God of the Earth wanted this? He was actually caught back, there is nothing wrong with it.

Just thinking about it, the invisible fluctuations around him increased sharply, and Shaoyu seemed to be frozen all over his body, and he couldn't take his hand back.

However, the crystal will not be snatched by this invisible fluctuation.

Shaoyu can naturally break free with all his strength, but this is national attention, and what to do if he breaks away, escape? He won't give up Opatifani... for a while, he was in a deadlock.

There was a stalemate for about one grid time, and another beam of light fell from the sky. This time, Shaoyu was almost teleported to the center of the altar of the earth.

The invisible fluctuation increased sharply, the trance of transmission and the sudden increase, Shaoyu didn't notice the crystal release for a while. He was planning to use his force to grab it back, and a mental wave came. This mental wave didn't carry any information, only a breath of peace and tranquility, and Shaoyu stayed where he was affected.

After he recovered after a few breaths, he saw the soul-absorbing crystal shattered, and a phantom appeared.

It's Opatifani.

As countless pale golden light spots emerged around, Opatifani became more and more solid, and gradually gained a sense of substance.

Is this resurrection? Seeing that Shaoyu didn't move anymore, he watched the change.

Soon after, as a burst of light broke out, when he opened his eyes again, he saw Opatifani staring blankly for a week, then his eyes were fixed, and he knelt on one knee and stroked his shoulders and said: I am willing.

As her voice fell, a beautiful armor, a spear and a sword fell from the sky.

This was not over yet, a crack opened in the rock, and a monster came out and roared wildly.

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