Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 685: Maintenance (four)

A full set of knight equipment? Also gave a pet?

But these are not the key points. What Shaoyu cares about is what Opatifani said I am willing to mean, and what is willing? Moreover, he did not know how to face her.

Just when I didn’t know what to say, the armor was all worn on Opatifani’s body. She stood up and moved her body, walked over with a spear and said: "I am the servant of the earth and will obey you. All orders, conquests, until the last moment of life".

"Opatifani?" Shaoyu cried out with confusion.

"That was my name once, and now I am a servant of the earth."

She still has such an arrogant look, and with the impatient feeling that she will come over in the next second... it's her. Is this giving up the past? Before Shaoyu could continue to speak, the fluctuations rose, and the beam of light fell again and teleported him and Opatifani outside the altar.

At this moment, a large group of people hulped around. If these people hadn't seen the line together just now in the Hall of Viewing, Shaoyu almost thought it was a siege and robbery.

Everyone was enthusiastic, especially the one who ran to the front shouted: "Congratulations, sir, for your great contribution to the empire."

What a great achievement? He cast a suspicious look, and saw that the old man at the front seemed to be one of the people standing in front of the king.

I saw this old man wearing a gorgeous robe keep saying: "God blesses my empire, and has brought down the servant knight with a set of artifacts."

After speaking, he reached out to touch Opatifani.

Shaoyu instinctively pointed to stop, Opatifani also slapped it.

The old man's figure was blurred for a while, and he moved a step back.

Actually the strong! Although he didn't make a full shot, this movement even had an impact on his vision, so fast!

This old man didn't look like a strong one, and he smiled and apologized. He said that he hadn't seen the God Servant for many years. He was still fighting the God Servant and couldn't help but want to touch it.

Shaoyu didn't know what to say, and after a long while he squeezed out: "Nothing".

After the two talked a few words, the old man said seriously: "Wang Zhao sees, come with me."

Shaoyu once again saw the fat king with three people in front of the altar. This time the king stared at him for a long time and talked a few words, inquired about his current identity, and sealed a great nobleman.

The great aristocracy is not only the rank of status, but also the territory.

If he is willing to transfer to another legion, or become a guard or something, he will receive a greater reward.

Shaoyu hesitated on the surface, indicating that he was a friend of the Black Mage, and entered the Guard Corps for protection.

Unexpectedly, the king was a bit angry at first, but he was greatly admired after hearing it, and ordered someone to raise the guard army to one level.

It can be regarded as being promoted from the Cannon Fodder Corps to the local regiment.

This benefit is not only the number of people supplemented, but also the replacement of standard equipment and the strengthening of logistical supplies.

When he returned to the Mage Tower, Shaoyu came back to his senses, and asked Opatifani, who was immediately behind him: "You just said I am willing, did you agree to God's request to be resurrected?".

Opatifani was silent for a while and said: "Yes." Immediately she said again: "I know your way of resurrection, so I don't want to use that dirty method to return."

Shaoyu said with a deep face: "What did you promise?"

Opatifani said: "The soul, if it dies again, the soul will enter the kingdom of God and become a hero."

Shaoyu couldn't help saying: "What, soul? This is the most important thing! I don't want to use that method to revive you, I'm also looking for other methods!".

Opatifani said: "I can't hold on anymore, and what's wrong with going to the kingdom of God and becoming a trouble-free heroic spirit?"

Shaoyu originally wanted to say, all day long, I only knew what was good about praying? And life and death are up to people. But he changed his mind to the Black Mage's method, the materials have not yet been collected, at least he is still alive at this time, and can only find a way later.

Opatifani continued, "I am now a semi-spirit body, without any weakness. As long as I am not destroyed in an instant, most of my body can be recovered, and I also have the earth knight suit and rock dragon"

The Earth Knight Set is an artifact set, including the eleven-piece set including the spear and the one-handed sword. Naturally, Shaoyu did not scan the specific attributes, but Opatifani told him about his abilities.

There are six abilities, the power of the earth, as long as you stand on the ground with your feet or ride on the rock dragon, you will have endless power. This power not only refers to strength, but also fighting energy.

Earth barriers, as long as you have enough ore, you can build a barrier.

The pulse of the earth can use ore to bless the equipment, and the blessing characteristics follow the characteristics of the ore.

The heart of the earth eats ore and heals quickly.

The spear of the earth uses ore as the core to condense the flying spear.

Shaoyu knew it was very strong when he heard it. Although he didn't know the specific power, it was definitely not too bad.

But when he thought about it, there were only five abilities, and when asked about the sixth, Opatifani turned to Rock Dragon.

This rock dragon is really a mount!

At that time, Shaoyu observed that the rock dragon was like a stone lizard made up of several stones. It was as high as his waist and was one meter long. He did not expect this to be a mount! It's a little too small. In addition, although there is a dragon in the name of the rock dragon, it has nothing to do with the dragon family, and does not have any magic other than talent.

Opatifani said that the rock dragon can be smaller, but it can also become bigger. As long as it eats enough soil and rock, it will become bigger, and it will continue to grow when fed with ore.

Now this rock dragon has many abilities.

It's basic abilities like blending into the ground and digging, and you can also search for mines by yourself.

As long as the injured is not crushed to the core, you can recover from sleep. It also has three talents: fast charge, rock ejection, and earthquake.

As Shaoyu listened, he thought, it seemed that he was going to spend a lot of money!

Most of Opatifani's earth servant abilities are related to ore. This rock dragon is also going to eat ore, and it is about to set off at this time. You can't let it dig slowly.

Fortunately, a mountain of gold coins was harvested in the arena, and a lot of intelligence was used to buy intelligence, and most of it was left.

It's just that time is running out.

Shaoyu immediately notified the black mage's flesh and blood mirror image, and contacted several official formations with crystals and asked them to buy a large amount of ore.

After all this, he looked at Opatifani who had been following. After looking at each other for a while, Shaoyu couldn't help but ask: "Is this a letting go of the past?"

"I am the servant of the earth now" Opatifani replied faintly.


Shaoyu thought to himself, this should be let go, so he asked again: "Can you talk about Zeluo's strength? If it's inconvenient or I don't want to say it, just treat it as I didn't ask."

Opatifani said: "Limited by the contract, I can only say that Hergelo's strength is unfathomable. Perhaps the earliest four female riders knew it."

Shaoyu asked again: "Then your current strength"?

Opatifani said: "Not as good as her."


After Opatifani's resurrection, she turned into a heroic spirit, although the female rider's ability is no longer there, but she is definitely stronger, not as good as Baiyi?

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