Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 687: Invincible (Part 1)

For the next two days, it was calm.

The two sides are separated by thousands of yards, and no team or strong person is sent to detect harassment.

At the same time, a large number of people of all kinds rushed to this small wasteland.

Some were driven away, some stayed in specially designated camps, and some were invited into the camp as VIPs.

These are all here to watch the battle.

The observers of the major duchy, the teams of the Arinastan Empire, the powerhouses on the continent...Almost all gathered in the camp of the Gesiuska Empire. Even the Southern Continent sent people to the scene.

This is a battle that the mainland has focused on.

In the early morning three days later, the war magic on both sides dispersed one after another, revealing their respective camps.

The Invincible Legion is like a walk, slowly stepping into the empty camp from the rear.

It's a bit different from what Shaoyu imagined.

The raptors of the earth are two yards to nearly three meters high, and they are equipped with the armor of their fortresses, just like small hills moving!

Coupled with a seven-yard two-handed giant sword.

The helmet is well protected, and the eyes are covered with crystals, so you can't see the eyes.

Under the blood-red cloak, there was only the sound of the mount stepping on the ground.

When the Invincible Legion passed by and slowly exited the camp, everyone closed their breaths, as if a little movement would disturb them.

Shaoyu opened his left eye and used the probe. The small S indicates that the data is being calculated, and it is not immediately available.

He didn't care either, and swept towards the female cavalry regiment opposite.

The female cavalry's armor has not changed, and it is still in silver. However, the armors of the female riders have become tight-fitting black with gold patterns, which is very conspicuous.

As in the information, there are more than 100 female riders in total.

Zeruo is still the most eye-catching. She is riding a tall Wangma holding a helmet and looking in this direction, with blond hair flying. When she put on the helmet and raised the spear, she exuded a powerful aura.

There is no conversation between the two sides.

When Shaoyu saw Ze Luo put down his gun, the whole army began to move.

The same is true of the Invincible Legion.

Normal 10,000 people charge at an extremely large scale. At this time, 10,000 riders charge even more like a mountain.

Especially the Women's Cavalry Army and the Invincible Army, which surpassed the main force, had a sense of breaking the world. Shaoyu substituted for it, and felt that if he appeared among them, he was afraid that he would be crushed.

This is purely a sensory crush.

Normal cavalry, the distance of acceleration is about 100 yards.

Both sides stepped together at a very fast speed, and the various blessings spread at the start and turned into two torrents.

These blessings are not the blessings of the illegal division. This is the battle of the invincible legion, and no external force is used.

The blessings of the empire should be all equipment or item blessings and several war abilities, while the female cavalry is all war abilities.

There are ten warfare abilities in an instant, and then they spread continuously one by one.

Each additional ‘observation team’ here was amazed, and Shaoyu couldn’t believe that all the hundreds of female horsemen actually possessed war capabilities. However, he found that the silver torrent had become colorful under the light of various abilities...a bit messy, and not unified.

A distance of thousands of yards is not long for cavalry.

The two sides did not use any long-range means, and soon met head-on.

It was like two fists hit together, and after a loud bang, there was a slight back shock, and then it seemed to be glued together, and the two sides kept ‘melting’ into a ball.

The empire's invincible legion prevailed shortly after contact.

The normal cavalry charge formation is three or four squads in one horizontal formation. Although the formation is irregular, the levels are distinct.

The cavalry corps is horses, so it is the same, but the formation is relatively close, one yard apart from the front and half a yard from the left and right.

The Invincible Legion is a bird of prey of the earth. The bird of prey of the earth is tall and has a body length of nearly five meters, so their team is one horizontal. The distance is huge.

Therefore, in the beginning, the Invincible Legion was one ride to many rides, and the front row was directly repelled and killed.

However, when the invincible legion swarmed in after the first contact, the situation changed.

Although the Women's Cavalry Corps has many war abilities and blessings, it feels that its strength is not as powerful as the twelve women's cavalry at the time. Perhaps the Invincible Corps is too strong. At this time, their two-on-one is not an opponent of the Invincible Army.

In fact, there are reasons. The Women's Cavalry Corps was formed not long ago. Although their armor is good, they are barely heavy cavalry. The Invincible Corps is a thicker fortress.

After a block of time, the Women's Cavalry Corps first changed its formation, before being gradually surrounded by the Invincible Corps, a wave of attempts to intersperse from the side was separated. The Invincible Legion also followed changes, they were real changes.

Shaoyu saw the changes in the armor of the Invincible Legion.

The heavy fortress-style armor flows like mercury, and then stretches from the left and right sides of the back as if wings are growing. The leg armor also merges with the mount's armor to form a whole, and then it flies.

This change resulted in a double-layer strike, and the female cavalry regiment that could have resisted almost collapsed.

If you didn't separate hundreds of Qi Rao wings before, you could hold on for a while.

At this time, the light on the female cavalry group changed. Shaoyu noticed that Geluo had returned to the formation from the front. She inserted the lance to the side and raised the huge sword made of the empty sword formation in her hand.

The colorful is slowly purified, returning to silver.

As it became more and more pure, the women's cavalry group became stronger and stronger, but it was too late. The invincible group's casualties at this time were no more than a thousand, and the women's cavalry group had already lost more than half.

Half of the Invincible Legion once again opened up the distance, and even if the female cavalry strength increased several times under this burst of charge, it would be difficult to escape defeat.

Just as the invincible army advanced again, the silver suddenly disappeared.

The cavalry army is like wheat, falling down instantly!

The Invincible Legion didn't feel dazed, they just slaughtered and approached Zelo.

Countless cavalrymen and female horsemen are preventing them like moths throwing fire.

Shaoyu saw that Zeluo seemed to have absorbed all the silver light, condensing all the light onto the empty sword. Then a golden sword light cut straight down as she swung the sword.

It's Jianmang!

Shaoyu is very familiar with this power!

However, this sword light is huge, and as it continues to be cast, it is getting bigger and bigger.

Before reaching the invincible legion, it was already five meters wide and three meters high!

The Invincible Legion naturally responded, and more than a dozen riders staggered and relied on the mounts, and the magic armor on their bodies turned out to form a huge shield.

This incomparable sword light was blocked in front of the shield, but the sword light was still growing, and it was about to be unstoppable.

So cavalry joined, and the "shield" also became bigger and bigger.

Is this trying to turn the tide of the battle with one's own power? Shaoyu was puzzled.

At this time, the female cavalry army was less than three thousand. Although the frontal prevented the offensive, it was only a few meters away. Even if the sword light penetrated the front of the invincible army, they would be killed and injured at best, and the female cavalry army could not resist... this sword light She didn't seem to be able to move...Zero waved her sword forward, trembling all over.

And this is the sword light that was cut out after all the blessings were gathered. The female horsemen lost the blessings and were even more unable to fight the Invincible Legion.

But at this moment, new changes occurred.

In the invincible legion, there was an explosion.

The explosion still occurred in a shield formed by a hundred knights.

The shield shattered, and the sword light was pushed forward as quickly as liberated.

The cavalry of the Invincible Legion also wanted to form a shield to resist, but they shattered directly in the sword light that was already ten meters wide and six or seven meters high, like a giant golden wave.

This is no longer a casualty. When the golden sword light passed through the Invincible Legion, through the camp, leaving a huge gully on the ground, the battlefield lost its voice.

Like a miracle, Zeluo wiped out half of the invincible army with a single sword.

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