Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 688: Invincible (medium)

This is not the end. When this sword light disappeared into the distance, two beams of light descended from the sky.

It is one big and one small two beams of light.

Upon closer inspection, every female rider has a beam of light falling above her head, and it becomes so huge when they gather together.

The same goes for the hundreds of female riders that were separated, so they showed two pillars of light.

At the moment when the golden beam of light descended, even if half of his body was shattered, it was recovering quickly.

These beams of light moved with the movement of the women's cavalry, reaching the clouds and sky.

There was another exclamation from the observation team.

The invincible army was completely "evaporated" and nearly 3,000 horses remained, and it was divided into two sides.

After the beam of light fell, Zeluo led the army to charge again, and directly surrounded the invincible legion on the side with the hundreds of horses on Rao's side.

The charging female rider did not care about being attacked behind her, just annihilating the enemy in front of her.

This time, the invincible legion could not be stopped.

Under the beam of light, the strength of the female rider has been greatly improved, and the golden light on the spear is particularly strong, which can ignore the blessing and penetrate the magic armor to kill one by two.

What's more, the female riders were not afraid of being injured at all, and the attacks of the invincible legion fell on them, as if they were all ineffective, completely ineffective.

It wasn't until the divided side of the Invincible Legion was completely wiped out that a way to kill the female cavalry was found.

In fact, it is also a stupid method, only constant attacks, when the blessing light beam disappears, the female rider in the light beam will die.

Female riders can kill one female rider in two. The Invincible Legion must surround themselves, block the way and attack for several rounds before they can kill a female rider.

After one side was wiped out, only one thousand and one hundred riders were left surrounded by groups.

The number is already at a disadvantage.

Although the Invincible Legion is very tenacious, they have to stay in place, combining several rides to resist defense. , But the female cavalry regiment is like sharks, wandering outside, charging in formation, and with each charge, the invincible legion can only kill one or two female horsemen at most, and at least one team will be lost.

From the development of the war to the present, everyone knows that the Invincible Legion has been defeated.

However, there was no retreat, and the empire did not order support... Shaoyu didn't care, but after Zeluo cut out that sword, she was a little sluggish, and her mind was full of ideas, how could it be so strong!

Not only this sword, but he also received the combat power data of S.

The Invincible Legion in a calm state has a personal combat power of about 110, which is completely more than a normal high-level mage. Its captain and queue leader are higher... when charging, individual combat power can reach 300 with various blessings... tripled.

This is just personal combat power.

The invincible legion is a cavalry, a legion.

When charging, the combat effectiveness has to be doubled. Their battle effectiveness data is still being calculated.

Shaoyu made a comparison.

After Xiao S recovers, he can naturally see his own combat effectiveness. Because of the practice, the combat effectiveness of the sword has increased a lot, reaching 1355, and Yujian has also refined several sets of flying swords, reaching 3112.

Indeed surpassed himself before entering the arena.

If he encounters one or two squads of the Invincible Legion, he can win, and if it is a queue led by the queue leader, he will definitely lose. Of course, if you want to run, the Invincible Legion should not be able to keep it. Their flying speed, negligible, can almost be regarded as floating.

It should be similar to the female cavalry regiment. Although the female cavalry's combat effectiveness is low, each team has the ability to fight, and they encounter familiar female cavalry... For the general army, not to mention ten times higher, five or six times the combat effectiveness can be crushed, how much No way, but the Invincible Legion is impossible. Not only do they become stronger under the blessing, but they also have methods to target the strong.

The normal combat power of female cavalry is only about 20, and it can reach around 75 under the blessing of various war capabilities. Most of the famous female cavalry combat power is around 50 to 80, and can reach around 210 to 380 under blessing.

Only a few, Shaoyu only recognized one person. Kayla’s combat power reached around 240 without blessing, and 890 after blessing.

I have to say that Zeluo's female cavalry group is very strong, and can be increased four or five times under the blessing, but the foundation is too weak.

But that sword of Ze Luo! The combat power cannot be calculated!

There is also the blessing behind the beam of light.

Shaoyu heard the mirror image of the black mage on one side saying: "This is the blessing of God." He asked what he meant, and the black mage said with some doubts: "Could it be the direct blessing of the God of Life, shouldn't it, this is not a **** war...how can it be blessed personally"

It is not a concept that sacrifices are given and directly blessed by God.

The first is an exchange, and the other is that the gods are gone. Although it is not the kind of rolling up one's sleeves to participate in the battle, he also showed up and cursed a few words.

After the female rider was enveloped by the beam of light, the combat power directly reached nearly a thousand, but it was very average, and Kayla's battle did not exceed one thousand.

The combat power is not only the attack power, but the attack power only has the effect of breaking the magic and breaking the defense. The biggest increase in the combat power is the resilience.

The attack of the Invincible Legion is not ineffective, but the female cavalry group recovers super fast in the beam of light, as long as it is injured, it immediately recovers.

Shaoyu also noticed from behind that as long as he was hit continuously and strongly, the blessing would be broken.

After half a moment, Zeluo shot down the commander of the invincible legion, the beam of light dissipated, and the female riders took off their helmets and cheered.

The invincible legion fought to the last person, and the female cavalry legion only had a thousand people left.

The empire was silent, and did not order reinforcements to pursue them, but just ordered vigilance.

It's very imperial...

Shaoyu thought it would break the ground. In fact, apart from the fact that the'cannon fodder' regiment had some deserters beheaded, there was only silence and depression in the camp.

In fact, at the beginning of the Battle of the Invincible Legion, two legions arrived.

The main army of the two empires, a light cavalry regiment, and a heavy cavalry regiment.

Attended the legion meeting again, only to be told to investigate.

I also learned that there will be a main army of heavy equipment on the way.

The "upper level" gave him a very calm feeling. Although it smelled of haze, it was not like losing the backbone of the invincible legion. Shaoyu recalled the words of the commander of the Invincible Legion: If you win, you will directly crush it, if you lose, then you will defend well...

Shaoyu didn't think about going any further soon, but just as the other party said, commanded the army to deploy the defense line and prohibited anyone from entering the battlefield.

There is no need to clean the battlefield, that is what the Legion that is coming now will do.

The main force must recover every corpse and every piece of armor.

There was a tacit understanding between the two sides. One side guarded one side, staggered to distinguish between the body and the weapon...

In fact, these have nothing to do with him.

Shaoyu was waiting, waiting for Ze Luo to attack again, he wanted to challenge.

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