Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 690: Invincible (Royal Sword)

The power of the two-headed poisonous dragon was much higher than that of the green dragon. The dragon knight continued to bless it, and a stalemate was formed for a time.

Fortunately, Shaoyu had more than one set of flying swords, and the beast soul flying swords sacrificed.

Jaelin actually stretched out his spear to make the orangutan soul unable to get close.

Until Shaoyu dropped the giant flying sword.

The dragon knight had nowhere to hide, and was smashed into the illusion search and killing array.

However, the guardian of the poisonous dragon threw out the dragon knight before falling.

The protection of the double-headed poisonous dragon was weaker than that of the general dragon, and it was quickly twisted into a dragon corpse after falling into the sword formation.

Shaoyu naturally took back the dragon corpse unceremoniously, and watched with a pity that the dragon knight who fell back to the ground and was seriously injured was snatched back to the camp by his guards.

Flying swords all over the sky, there is no strong player for a while.

Shaoyu waited for a period of time, then shouted: Come down, what else is there to hesitate.

This sentence was naturally addressed to Zeluo.

Following his screaming, a person jumped down.

The man spoke in a strange accent, "You are not Yujian."

The man who came down was close to four meters tall, but he was of normal and slender figure, a golden armor with a shiny whole body, the same golden helmet, and a golden two-handed sword.

Except for some vulgarity, the whole is like a statue made of gold, which is quite worth seeing.

Shaoyu has his information. This is Beludan's plague Zell, a strong man who also has the name of a swordsman. Back then, when entering Belludan, he thought he would be an enemy destined to encounter. He didn't think about the change of identity at this time. He was indeed an enemy... Did not use detection, and even put away the flying sword... Geralo.

Zell talked a lot, but the words were repeated over and over again, clamoring that Shaoyu was not a true swordsman.

Shaoyu didn't bother to reply. Originally, he was repairing Feijian, but he was called Yujian because there was no sword fairy in the mainland. He suddenly had an idea at this moment, is it right to be the name of the sword fairy? But this is not the time to think about this.

Seeing no response, Zell rushed up.

Zell's sword... is close and short. Walking together, six one-handed swords flew out of Zell's body. The six-handed one-handed sword spun upwards with the body, 0 straight to the top of the head and spin on it.

It's like a helicopter propeller on the head.

Quite practical, but it is a good protection.

When Shao Yuyu made flying swords fall from the top of his head, they were all bounced off.

Zell's move is not only defensive, but also flies a one-handed sword straight in the spin.

Originally, Shaoyu had the mentality of a quick fight. After a fight, he was attracted by his skills and gave up the idea of ​​a quick fight.

Against Zell, he was inspired!

Shaoyu had used a sword and shield before, using the hilt on his palm to quickly rotate it to resist attacks, or turning the sword in the void to form a sword and shield. However, after using it a few times, he found that this effect was not good, and it could block one or two in terms of energy. If an enemy of the same rank cuts directly up, the sword will be split immediately.

After seeing Zell's trick, Shaoyu used nine one-handed swords on the spot to rotate them in his left palm with the hilt as the axis.

After spinning for a while, he poured his sword yuan out, and the sword wheel composed of nine one-handed swords slashed directly on Zell's great sword until it deformed and disintegrated.

Zell's great sword was cut through a gap.

So powerful, these nine one-handed swords are ordinary swords.

Shaoyu immediately took out a few flying swords and formed a sword wheel again. The sword wheels were either erected or cut straight away.

The power of the sword wheel is several times stronger than the straight stab, especially the flying sword is used.

Zell's whole body also spun countless one-handed swords again, but they were all smashed. After a while, Zell's armor was cut to pieces. When Zell was actually cut to his body by a sword wheel, he roared, and the whole body was golden, bounced off all the flying swords.

There was a grudge, and it continued.

Zell's armor seemed to glow with golden flames, and his protection ability was greatly increased, and his attack power also increased. Not only did Zell’s one-handed sword bring a golden flame! Even the huge sword burst into flames, and after a few seconds of accumulation in the battle, one sword could split a ten-yard flame sword.

But Shaoyu is a little impatient, so is the swordsman capable of this? Although the continued fighting spirit has become stronger, it is not Yujian that is strong. Shaoyu finally said: "Take out all your skills, you let me down."

Speaking of Shaoyu, he set up a few more sword wheels to strengthen his offensive.

After a few rounds, Zell shifted left and right, still the same. Shaoyu no longer waited for a sword fight, the sword wheel sealed Zell's activity space from all sides, and then the sky roared down a giant flying sword.

The motion of the giant flying sword falling from the sky was very loud. Zell was not as large as a dragon, but Zell was trapped by the sword wheel and had to release the sword wheel again to resist.

Shaoyu didn't think that the effect of this sword would be so good. The giant flying sword couldn't bounce off the sword wheel on Zell's head.

He was hit directly, although Zell tried his best to dodge, but he was hit on the head and his helmet was directly smashed.

There was a silence in the field, not only a burst of laughter came from the direction of the empire, but Belludan also exclaimed.

Shaoyu was the first to see it, and couldn't help but stunned.

Zell's exposed head was light blue, and it looked like a cute alien baby.

When Shaoyu was in a daze, Zell shook his head to wake up, and when he heard the laughter, he touched his head and found that the helmet was missing, and his expression became panic.

Then, he turned his head and ran fast.

While flying and stepping, Shaoyu saw Zell's giant sword thrust into the ground and continued to run towards the camp regardless of it. He didn't understand his meaning at first, until the ground shook slightly and the soles of his feet felt cold.

Dozens of one-handed swords sprang up from the ground.

Did you unknowingly bury a bunch of one-handed swords in the battle?

Zell ran back to Belludan's phalanx after being blocked.

Naturally, Shaoyu stopped chasing, put away the giant sword left by Zell, and shouted directly: "Zeruo, dare to fight."

After a while of silence, there was a burst of violent shouts, and I wanted to challenge my king and pass me first.

A huge figure emerged from the opponent's formation.

Is a mercenary king.

This mercenary king seemed to be the main defender, holding two shields and a fortress-like armor.

After entering the field, he didn't say much. He threw the shield with one hand, and rushed over while pushing the shield with the other.

Shaoyu was a little surprised. It turned out to be a mercenary king. He thought it would be a female rider.

It's certainly not that simple to challenge Zeluo, not to mention his status as the king, just the identity of the female cavalry commander would not play casually.

It is indispensable to fight "Mobs" to see "BOSS".

It's just that it was not a female rider who came out, which made him a little surprised.

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