Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 691: Invincible (5)

This mercenary king also has many names, in fact the most representative one is called Lightning Charge.

Defensive fighters have the name of charging.

At that time, Shaoyu regarded the mercenary principality as his greatest enemy, so he paid a lot of attention to the information of these powerful men.

I just didn't think, the enemy is indeed still the enemy, but the camp has changed.

Lightning charge means that the mercenary king's charge is not only as swift as lightning, but the route is also lightning-like.

With the turning of the mercenary king's feet, an explosion sounded out a lightning-shaped air wave. Shaoyu quickly couldn't see clearly, only a huge wind pressure was in front of him.

Shao Yu had formed two sword wheels in front of him. Although he knew that he couldn't stop him, he didn't want to be scattered by a blow. He only had time to put on a defensive posture before he was hit and flew back.

This is not the end. The shield that Mercenary King threw before was shield protection, and it was spinning behind Shaoyu. Shaoyu was knocked back and flew directly into the shield to protect his upper body for a while, and was overtaken by the mercenary king again, and hit again.

After two consecutive collisions, Shaoyu was hit and flew to the ground for a while before he stood up.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the injury was lighter than imagined, except for the vibration of the inner abdomen, which was also a collision injury.

With the protection of armor and body refining, it can withstand it.

This time, Shaoyu deployed nearly ten sword wheels, and was also hit twice.

The mercenary king in the distance took out his shield again and shouted: "You won't have anything to do, accept the punishment of death."

Indeed, generally speaking, long-range professionals are afraid to charge forward, and this mercenary king is a defensive warrior, not afraid of long-range strikes, and wants to avoid or block the opponent using a special lightning charge with turning.

After being hit again, Shaoyu Yujian flew the opponent's shield to protect him, only to be hit and flew up.

I didn't expect the other party to draw out a forbidden scroll.

There are many kinds of forbidden air, such as something, gravity, dispersing wind element... all can be regarded as forbidden air. But the mercenary king’s forbidden air is a kind of law. Xiao S said that he was imprisoned on the ground within half a ticks.

After trying, I can still fly, but it will be very difficult to get more than one yard off the ground.

It seems that the other party has been prepared, Shaoyu thought for a while, and did not draw out the magic scroll. He has a scroll for terrain change... If the swamp technique is relatively better, the terrain change may not be blocked, and the other party is prepared. I am afraid that if there is a swamp technique, there will be a way to cope with it...that is.

The mercenary king threw two shields for the fourth time, and then launched a lightning charge. It seemed that he saw the shields were knocked off. Would you like to deploy one more or just make a triple collision?

Shaoyu Yu took out the flying sword but didn't knock off the two shields, but waited for the opportunity, then he closed his palms and stabbed somewhere in front.

Heavenly sword, to attack against attack.

Shaoyu's Heavenly Swords united and pierced the turning point of Mercenary King Lightning's charge.

This is the time when the opponent's lightning charge will reach the fastest and the weakest.

After Shaoyu was attacked for the first time, he was determined to be able to withstand it. He was attacked again just for observation. He just wanted to see if there was a way to solve this enemy with the least amount of strength.


Although the Heavenly Sword is not fast, it can make the surrounding area slightly slow down the enemy, and the state of the surrounding area slows down. It has seen through the law of the Mercenary King's lightning charge, and the stabbing is normal.

However, the opponent is worthy of being a defensive warrior. He was hit by the Heavenly Sword, only to interrupt the charge and shield himself with a shield, and then backed up a few steps.

In fact, Shaoyu wanted to learn from the other party to put the sword wheel directly behind him. When he hit it, he stepped back less than ten steps, and the sword wheel was placed too far!

The mercenary Wang You did not believe it and launched another charge.

Shaoyu also used the Heaven Sword again.

Under the collision, the mercenary king was once again interrupted to charge back and retreat.

The mercenary king said: "I don't believe it, you can't see through it." When he was ready to charge again, a voice shouted: "Enough, come back."

When Shaoyu heard it, she knew that this was Zeluo's voice.

Mercenary Wang immediately responded: "Yes." Shaoyu's eyes shrank, the mercenary king actually listened to Zeluo? Does this mean that she has such a high control over the mercenaries? Mercenary Grand Duke is willing to have the right?

Seeing the mercenary king return to the square, Shaoyu withdrew his thoughts.

Because the phalanx was separated from the left and right, Zeluo rode out on a tall Wangma step by step.

Is it finally out!

Shaoyu couldn't help but want to shout to the sky.

Ze Luo got off her horse and walked over with her spear.

Shaoyu didn't ask Geluo why he didn't ride a horse, because it was unnecessary, he just opened his left eye and used the probe.

"Detection can't" S said directly.

Normally, Shaoyu no longer hesitated, secretly said: the incarnation of god.

After deducting a little bit of divinity, divine power began to flow, and a black light covered the whole body to form a black full-body armor. When the covered helmet was formed, his eyes flashed with red light, and as he turned his head, he would pull out red shadows.

It was a little different from before. This time, the black light was so strong that the figure rose by half a meter, a medium shield appeared in his left hand, and a giant sword appeared in his right hand.

Weapons and armor have no weight, and the powerful energy coverage increases the length and power.

The whole body is full of strength.

The small S reminds that the combat effectiveness has been increased five times.

At first it was ten times, then eight times, then six times, and now only five times?

This is only the first stage. Shaoyu has already decided to take the strongest state and make a quick battle... Then a stream of white smoke emerged from the black light, and the black armor turned from black to white.

Except for the red eyes that didn't change, Shaoyu's figure rose by half a meter again, approaching three meters.

The sword foot in his hand was seven meters long, the shield became huge, and there were small white shields flying around the body.

The second stage of the incarnation of God.

Little S said that the overall combat effectiveness has been increased eight times.

The second-stage transformation of the incarnation of the gods was not too short, but Zero stood still fifty yards away with the gun in his hand, waiting.

Shaoyu knew that fifty yards was her attack distance.

At this time, Zeluo said, "Take out all your strength."

Shaoyu didn't respond. It was indeed not his full power yet, and at the same time, Shaoyu knew that Zeluo knew his hole cards.

I originally planned to use my full strength and thought to myself: "Disordered time."

Suddenly, a white spot of light appeared on his body. From the white spot of fist, five light strips that looked like tentacles stretched out, rotating and spreading to form a round'door', and another incarnation of the same **** was the second stage. The Shaoyu came out.

When using the incarnation of the gods, there was some uproar in the field. In the second stage, there was even more discussion. When the second Shaoyu walked out, the field finally boiled.

The two Shaoyu raised the giant swords in their hands at the same time, and the countless flying swords came out behind them, shouting: "Come on."

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