Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 245 The villain

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Upper East Side of Manhattan.

The silver Chevrolet parked downstairs in a light gray apartment where Fifth Avenue and East 68th Street intersect. The woman in a black Gucci trench coat got out of the car, checked the address, and walked into the apartment building.

There was already a girl in her early twenties in the lobby on the ground floor waiting for her, but the security guard carefully confirmed the identity of the woman before letting them go to the elevator.

Taking the elevator to the 12th floor, a girl named Meghan introduced herself and led the woman into an apartment.

This is a minimalist luxury duplex apartment, dominated by black and white tones. Although the style is simple, the details in the apartment, whether it is furniture, wall decoration or stairs, have a finely crafted artistic atmosphere.

Standing at the door, looking at the luxury duplex apartment in front of her that she had never dared to hope for, the woman couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Until she felt the faint pride and contempt in the eyes of the girl next to her, she quickly regained her mind and noticed that the apartment was being cleaned.

Moreover, like Meghan, the people in charge of cleaning are young girls in their twenties who have a body and appearance of over 80 points.

Megan stepped forward to talk to another girl in a low voice, then turned to her and said, "Ms. Fisher is in the wine cellar, Miss Ahrendts, please come with me."

wine cellar?

Are you still going downstairs?

Thinking of this, Megan made a gesture of invitation and went straight to the corridor next to the living room, and she quickly followed.

It's just that the living room just now is bigger than the apartment she rented in Greenwich, and walking along the corridor, I can't help but find that this duplex apartment is probably more than 4,000 square feet on a single floor.

The wine cellar was in a room at the end of the corridor, which was not underground.

However, the closed retro brick wall design of the cellar is very different from the rest of the apartment, but it has a basement feel.

Megan entered the wine cellar, put away her arrogance, and politely said, "Ms. Fisher, Miss Ahrendts is here."

Sophia Fisher was putting a case of wine on the wine rack. When she saw the two of them appear, she continued to put a bottle of white wine in place, and then came over to hug the woman and said, "Good noon, Angie, you are wearing this trench coat. It's beautiful."

The woman's name is Angela Ahrendts, 28 years old this year, is the president of the Gucci US branch that Sofia has just confirmed. The two had contacted several times before, negotiated the details of all aspects, and agreed to formally sign the contract this afternoon.

Angela Ahrendts responded to Sophia's hug and said, "Thank you, Sophie."

"It may take a while," released Angela, Sophia sent Meghan away, who was still standing at the door, came to the box of wine just now, carefully picked up a bottle and placed it on the wine rack, stroking the bottle gently. : "The 1971 white wine produced by the Zhufu Sundial Garden of Hager Winery, 1971 was the only year in which the comprehensive climatic conditions of the Mosel Valley wine region in Germany reached 98 points in decades. The highest quality Zhufu Sundial Garden area Only 3 hectares. I photographed this case for Simon at Sotheby’s last night, Angie, how much do you think it would cost?”

Angela Ahrendts looked blank, thought about it, and said boldly, "$100,000?"

Sophia smiled and did not give the answer. She placed the remaining two bottles of wine and took Angela out of the wine cellar.

The girls have roughly completed the cleaning of the apartment. Sofia checked it herself and confirmed that it was correct, and sent the seven girls away. She then left the apartment with Angela Ahrendts herself.

The time is already noon.

The two chose a restaurant nearby and ordered a meal. Sophia took the initiative to explain: "Simon and Jenny are not in the United States, so let me help them clean the house. I am actually Simon's housekeeper."

Angela Ahrendts hesitated, but still couldn't hold back her curiosity: "Those girls?"

Sophia said: "Simon is a perfectionist. He said that it is difficult for him to imagine a middle-aged Mexican maid with a fat body cleaning his room. Those girls are students of Columbia University or New York University. This part-time job, They only need to work three hours a week and get $500.”

Angela Ahrendts did a quick mental calculation. Seven girls at $500 each would cost $3,500 for a cleaning. At a weekly rate, that apartment just spent more than $180,000 a year on cleaning alone.


My last job was $120,000 a year.

Just give me all this job.

With a smile on her lips, Sophia waited patiently for a moment before asking, "How do you feel?"

Angela looked up at Sophia and said, "Our boss..."

Just opening her head, Angela still didn't dare to express her inner thoughts.

Sophia added in a relaxed tone to help her: "Bastard, or a villain?"

Angela laughed: "I didn't say that."

In the past two years, the minimum hourly wage in a metropolis like New York has been less than $5. These college students can only earn a maximum of one or two hundred dollars a week if they want to subsidize their daily expenses through normal part-time jobs.

And yet, a guy offers a bunch of young girls an easy job that pays $500 for 3 hours a week, and more importantly, she's giving them repeated exposure to the lavish scene at the top of the world's pyramid .

It's hard to imagine when these girls walked out of the ivory tower and started to face the present

In the real society, what will happen after a certain psychological gap accumulates.

Sophia said: "They are all very good girls with outstanding appearance and excellent grades. Although they only have a part-time job, they have all undergone background checks before to confirm that they and their family members have no tainted records. They have to undergo very strict housekeeping training. Simon has nothing else in mind to hire them. He doesn't lack women, he just likes everything beautiful. But for these girls, having been immersed in a world that did not belong to them, It may be difficult to hold on to your heart.”

Angela remembered her brief absence when she just entered the apartment and the unreasonable arrogance of the girl named Megan, and couldn't help asking, "Sophie, what kind of person is he?"

"This, you'll know when you see him," Sophia couldn't find a suitable adjective for a while, and said: "However, the reason why you were able to get this job was because of Simon. Several candidates Among them, your qualifications are the least."

Angela became curious again: "Westero has seen my resume?"

Sophia nodded: "Yes."

"So, what does he think of me?"

The corner of Sophia's mouth showed a slight smile again, and said, "He said, this woman is very beautiful, let her try."

Angela and Sofia looked at each other for a moment, and found that Sofia didn't seem to be joking, and raised her hand in disbelief: "Then, I got the job like this?"

"Yeah, as a subordinate, I'm very good at observing words."

When in Melbourne, Sophia showed Simon the candidate information for the positions of Gucci creative director and president of Gucci USA, who she was preparing for an interview. Simon was still under Janet's strict 'supervision' to control working hours, but he just flipped through it in a hurry. , did not express any opinion on the most important candidates for creative director, but carefully read Angela Ahrendts' materials.

And then there's the unreasonable assessment above.

Sophia certainly wouldn't hand over the job to Angela Ahrendts just because of 'observation'.

The most fundamental reason is that in the previous interviews, Sofia found that the business philosophy proposed by Angela was exactly what Gucci needed urgently. The numerous information gathered by all parties also confirmed her excellent work ability, which prompted Sofia to finally hire the other party.

Of course, Simon's inadvertent treatment of Angela is also an important bonus.

Angela was still a little nervous when she heard Sophia say this, and said, "Sophie, you must be joking with me, right?"

Sophia didn't want to give her subordinates the impression of being reckless and obedient, she nodded with a smile and said, "I like your entry point about improving the customer experience of Gucci stores. A long time ago, as a bystander, I It is often heard that Gucci stores are rude and arrogant to customers. This arrogance is even the result of deliberate connivance by management. The decline of Gucci over the years has nothing to do with the self-righteous arrogance of the Gucci family. Gucci is a luxury brand , upholding your own pride is right, but that pride should be the pride on the inside, not the rude arrogance on the surface. Angie, the first thing you need to do after you join is to change that.”

Angela nodded with sympathy.

From the day she handed in her resume, although she felt that her chances of getting the job were low, she still made a lot of preparations. The Gucci trench coat on my body at this time is the result of repeated visits to the Gucci store in New York these days.

Compared with other luxury brands, the service attitude of Gucci stores is really hard to compliment.

For customers, the clerk not only does not provide attentive service, but also likes to buy or not, and sometimes unabashedly criticizes the customer in front of the customer, and even gives the customer some indecent nicknames.

Angela also heard an old story in the circle.

In the 1970s, a magazine in New York criticized the Gucci store for neglecting customers with the title "The Rudeest Designer Store in New York". Aldo Gucci, the head of Gucci at the time, not only did not care that the article affected Gucci's reputation, but Send someone to send the writer reporter a bouquet of flowers, thank the other party for Gucci's 'advertising'.

"Sophie, there is one thing I need to discuss with you first," Angela said after Sofia finished speaking: "After joining the job, the first thing I have to do is to dismiss all the clerks of the Gucci store in New York. Over the years, I have also accumulated some resources and can find someone to fill their vacancies as soon as possible. As for specialty stores in other regions, I will visit them in turn before making a decision.”

Once the employment contract is signed, hiring and dismissing employees is actually within Angela's authority.

However, Sophia also knew why she brought it up.

Many of the clerks in the Gucci store here in New York are children of the Italian upper class who live and study in the United States. These people generally only regard the work of the Gucci store as a temporary part-time job.

Gucci's roots are in Italy, and its future operations cannot be separated from this country. To dismiss these people rashly will inevitably offend some Italian local snakes and bring some trouble to Gucci more or less.

However, Sofia also understands that to bring Gucci back to life, she has to do it.

Because not only in New York, but also in Gucci stores in many parts of the world, the clerks are occupied by various "connected households", and these people are the root cause of affecting the service quality of Gucci stores.

Nodding earnestly, Sophia said again: "This time in the United States, I have also personally conducted some evaluations and audits of the two specialty stores in Los Angeles and New York. I will give you the relevant documents in the afternoon, and I hope that I will be able to provide you with the following information. Work

Offer some help. "

After lunch, the two women rushed to Gucci's US headquarters in Midtown.

After a busy afternoon, Angela Ahrendts officially signed a contract to become the president of Gucci's US branch, responsible for the operation of Gucci's 52 directly-operated stores and many brand-authorized counters in North America.

After the contract was signed, Sofia immediately contacted some fashion media in New York to publicly announce Angela Ahrendts' entry.

Maximizing the brand's exposure is something Sofia learned from Dior and LVMH before taking over Gucci.

While Angela Ahrendts has had a terrific career in the fashion industry in previous years, the media clearly prefers controversial gimmicks, such as Angela Ahrendts being only 28 years old and the fact that she is only 28 years old in the fashion industry A brief qualification of 6 years of work.

Is such a young woman really capable of taking care of the vital North American business of an established luxury goods company?

Now that the decision has been made, Sophia naturally supports Angela in the media. However, the pressure of media questioning also needs to be borne by the other party.

Opportunity and pressure are always symbiotic.

Speaking of which, many executives at Westeros are very young, like Amy Pascal, who happened to be 28 when she started working for Simon two years ago. However, Amy was the first group of people to follow Simon to start a business. Coupled with the existence of Simon, a "tall man", the media will always ignore Amy's age naturally.

While signing Angela Ahrendts, Sofia also completed her interviews with two creative directors candidates.

Both of them are the design rookies of American fashion in recent years, one is Tom Ford and the other is Marc Jacobs.

When Sophia showed Simon the information of several candidates, Simon recalled that Tom Ford in the original time and space happened to be the creative director of Gucci in the 1990s, and he did not resign from Gucci until 2004.

In addition to Tom Ford, Marc Jacobs and John Galliano of the United Kingdom are also very dazzling top designers in the fashion industry for many years to come.

In Simon's concept, luxury brands never need to seek the approval of the public, but should be forced to instill a fashion style.

This philosophy is similar to the iPhone many years later. Apple designs a curved antenna, and everyone has to imitate the curved antenna. Apple launched Liu Haiping, and a lot of manufacturers followed Liu Haiping.

As for the ugly design?

This is apple!

The same goes for luxury brands.

What kind of design style is promoted by top luxury brands, second- and third-tier fashion brands will follow suit.

Therefore, Simon did not deliberately seek to make Gucci follow the original development trajectory. As long as the appropriate operation model is confirmed, several outstanding designers, no matter which one they hire, are enough to make Gucci revive.

As for the different styles between designers, they will only become Gucci's style in the end.

Sofia is actually very inclined towards John Galliano, the talented designer who graduated from Central Saint Martins in the UK is only 29 years old this year, but his resume since his debut is quite brilliant.

However, these days Sofia is in the United States, and the head of Gucci Europe has not negotiated a contract with John Galliano. The other party's asking price is too high, and Sofia can only give up.

In the end, between Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs, although Marc Jacobs was more talented in design, Sophia chose Tom Ford in the end.

Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs both graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York, and both have very rich design experience and have been recognized by the industry.

Sophia chose Ford mainly because of language considerations.

Although both Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs are Americans, Tom Ford has experience working in Europe and can communicate fluently in French and Italian, which is Marc Jacobs' shortcoming. .

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