Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 246: Weaving the Web

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Sophia Fishy ended her work here in New York, and it was already Saturday, March 11th.

Originally planned to return to Europe today, Gucci still has a lot of things she needs to deal with, and a reception invitation from the Leibolds made her postpone the trip until tomorrow.

Around 6:30 in the evening, Sofia rushed to the Gramercy Park Hotel in Midtown with Angela Ahrendts, who has officially become the president of Gucci America.

The two entered the hotel banquet hall, and many guests had arrived, chatting about their respective topics in groups of three or five.

The Leibolds greeted them together, exchanged a few words with Sophia and Angela, signaled the two women to be free, and then turned to greet the other guests.

The new New York mayoral election will be held in November at the end of the year. Tonight's banquet is a fundraising reception held by the Redbolds in private for the Democratic candidate for the mayoral campaign, David Dinkins.

Of course, everyone knew that the real sponsor behind the reception was Simon himself.

David Dinkins's rival happened to be Rudy Giuliani, the Southern District Attorney for the Southern District of New York who had investigated Simon.

Although there is some rift with Rudy Giuliani, this reception is not for him, but for the political connections of the Westeros Company.

In just a few years, billions of dollars in wealth have been amassed, and Simon's company is destined to continue to expand when it needs to deal with the federal government.

If you only think about cramming when you're in trouble, it obviously won't work.

Simon had previously refused to bring local capital into the Japanese financial market, and James Leibold reminded him that he had missed an opportunity to establish contact with the traditional capital forces in the United States. Although Simon still chose to refuse, he also instructed James to start running the political connections of the Westeros Company.

Moreover, Simon also directly approved the funding of 10 million US dollars, which is only the budget for this year.

In an age when most of the top billionaires have only billions of dollars in assets, few can easily throw out $10 million in cash just to build political networks. However, after a brief surprise, James quickly plunged into real action.

Building political connections doesn't mean betting on a presidential race.

In fact, because the US president's every move is subject to the attention of many people, and his power is not as great as imagined, the return on investment is actually very low.

In contrast, it is only by being the behind-the-scenes sponsor of important members of the Senate and House of Representatives or important institutions can we weave a truly unbreakable network of connections.

Many years later, the deep-rooted political influence of the Koch family in the United States was established in this way. With the large-scale investment of political donations every year, no matter which side of the two parties in the United States won the presidency, the Koch family has dozens of people in the federal government. Spokespersons occupy various high positions.

With this powerful political influence, the Koch family controls a huge energy empire that is very sensitive in any country, but has basically encountered no troubles such as antitrust.

According to data from Forbes last year, the two brothers, Charles Koch and David Koch, who are currently in power of the Koch family, have only $1.1 billion in assets. The two brothers are not as rich as Simon alone. Naturally, the Koch family is also It has not yet formed the kind of influence that came later.

Simon was reminded by James, and immediately came up with the idea of ​​replicating the Koch family's political network model.

The Koch family actually only began to rise in the 1960s and 1970s, perhaps a few years longer than Simon. But at the same time, Simon also has his own advantages. Not only is he young enough to have enough time to do this, but his personal wealth is better than that of the Koch family.

After making the decision, Simon did not hesitate to come up with $10 million to let James "test the water".

Moreover, Simon was not so greedy as to want to tread two boats, but decisively bet on the Democratic Party.

If James can use the $10 million this year to achieve the desired effect, Simon plans to continue to significantly increase the budget in this area next year. If James can't satisfy Simon, he will also make a decisive substitution.

Simon did not tell James Raybould his specific plans, but James did not squander the money just because he suddenly got the money.

Although Janet's financial audit of Daenerys Entertainment at the beginning of the year did not affect the Westeros Company, James also realized that the young man who seemed to give him a lot of management authority was not as careless as he thought. .

Since officially becoming the president of the Westeros Company, James Raybold has managed the huge assets held by the company in an orderly manner, and Simon has not treated him badly.

Just the directorships of those 16 technology companies can bring him millions of dollars in income every year. Although his fixed salary in Westeros is not too high, Simon is quite generous in bonuses.

In the past year, including the $5 million bonus offered by Simon for him, James' total annual income reached $8 million, which is already the salary that many CEOs of the world's top 500 companies can get.

Although the growth of Simon's personal assets is even more amazing, James has not overestimated his strength. He is very satisfied with the compensation he is getting. After all, without Simon, the law firm he and his wife runs would only bring him millions of dollars a year at most.

What's more, as long as Westeros Co.

If the operation continues, James believes that Simon will not be stingy in returning him more in the future. Moreover, what he got was not just a monetary reward, the class of the Leibold family in the federal society had also been greatly improved.

Sophia is French, and according to the Federal Election Act, foreigners cannot make political contributions. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, James Raybould also specially reminded Sophia of this.

So Sophia's attendance at the reception was purely social.

Although Simon is only a wealthy newcomer who has just risen in the last two years, his billion-dollar assets, ranking third in the United States, are there, and a large number of companies held by Westeros naturally form a very large. potential network.

James Leibold happens to be another very good businessman.

Near seven o'clock, hundreds of Hollywood stars, media bigwigs, technology company executives, Wall Street elites, and Manhattan celebrities gathered in the ballroom of the Gramercy Hotel.

David Dinkins is about 60 years old this year and previously served as mayor of Manhattan, New York.

After James Leibold personally hosted the warm-up, David Dinkins went to the front desk of the banquet hall and started a routine speech about his campaign philosophy.

A few minutes later, Dingkins' speech ended, and the reception officially began with the applause of the crowd.

The network resources in the film and television and media industries can provide great help for Gucci's operation. Sofia and Angela shuttled through the crowd, and soon exchanged business cards with many guests. Angela also had a hit with Daenerys Entertainment. A heroine of the drama "Ultimate Police Network" made an appointment to entertain each other at the Gucci store on Fifth Avenue in person tomorrow.

Celebrities are actually the best exposure carriers for luxury goods.

The reception unknowingly lasted for more than an hour. Sophia was talking with Robert Iger, and the Leibolds came over together. The couple also brought an eighteen-year-old boy.

Iger saw the boy standing beside Leibold and said with a smile, "Jim, you are finally willing to let Philip come out and see the world."

"Yeah, he's going to college soon, and these things can also let him get in touch," James Rebould replied, and then introduced to Sophia: "Sophie, this is my son Philip. Philip, this is It's Ms. Sophia Fisher."

"Hello, Philip," Sophia reached out and shook hands with the boy, noticing the blushing look on the other's face, she smiled and said, "I know your sister very well, Jim said that you are going to college, which one do you want to apply for? school?"

Philip glanced at his father and responded politely, "Yale, Ms. Fisher."

Sophia nodded and said, "Yale, that's a great university."

After a brief chat, everyone got to know each other, and the Leibolds walked to the other guests with their son.

Iger watched the Leibolds leave, shook his head slightly and said to Sophia, "Jim and Carly are actually a little too strict with their children. In recent years, Jim has been putting Philip in a boarding school, even though they are all in Manhattan. Children are not allowed to go to school. Philip is as smart as Jenny, but also as shy as Jenny, which is the result of parents being too strong.”

Sophia had a good impression of the polite boy just now, and heard the words: "It's nothing, I'm also very strict with my children."

On the other side, the Leibolds were taking their son to socialize in the crowd. James' assistant came over and said something in his ear. Hearing that David Dinkins was about to leave, James explained to his wife a few words and went to the door of the banquet hall. go.

Seeing James coming, David Dinkins shook his hand again and said, "Jim, thank you very much for your arrangement tonight, but I have to fly to Washington tomorrow morning."

"Of course it doesn't matter," James said, waiting for Dingkins to greet some of the other guests who saw him off, and added, "I'll take you out."

Leaving the banquet hall, James and Dinkins' entourage consciously fell behind.

"Actually, David, I heard a very interesting thing, the recent Michael Milken case, have you been paying attention?"

The two passed the elevator, and David Dinkins naturally continued to walk towards the stairs, saying, "Of course I know, Giuliani has been working on this case before he left, but unfortunately, he left before he could close the case. ."

The junk bond king Michael Milken's insider trading case is arguably the most sensational financial case on Wall Street in recent times.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (sec) and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York have been secretly investigating Michael Milken since the "Wall Street" actor prototype Ivan Boski case began three years ago, and have only recently formally lodged a complaint with Michael Milken. Multiple felony charges have been filed.

Rudy Giuliani wanted to close the case before stepping down as prosecutor in the Southern District Court because putting a securities tycoon like Michael Milken in jail would add a lot of political capital to him.

James helped David Dinkins open the stair door, and the two walked down the steps together, he continued: "Everyone knows that although SEC and the Southern District Attorney's Office cooperate, they often have a competitive relationship. SEC has always been ahead of Giuliani in the Milken investigation. As far as I know, Gary Lynch, who is in charge of the case at SEC Law Enforcement, wanted to file a case against Milken at the end of last year, but was stopped by Julian. Ni stopped."

David Dinkins shook his head slightly and said, "Jim, this kind of thing is normal between sec and the prosecutor's office."

"But, I heard," Zhan

James looked back, no one was approaching, and continued: "It's just a rumor, David, I heard that Giuliani threatened Gary Lynch on the phone in order to prevent sec from suing Milken in advance, if Lynch dared to do so ahead of time, and the Southern District Attorney's Office was on Milken's side."

Hearing this, David Dinkins stopped and looked at James: "Are you sure?"

Rudy Giuliani has been trumpeting his achievements in fighting gangs and financial crimes as the Southern District Attorney during his campaign, which is also his biggest political bargaining chip in this campaign. However, if Giuliani really said that he was on the side of the criminal when sec initiated the lawsuit in advance, it would definitely have a serious impact on the image of the justice enforcer he had erected.

James also stopped and said, "David, I can only say that the credibility of this matter is very high. Also, you should get confirmation from Lynch, not my side."

David Dinkins nodded, his expression already showing a little urgency, he reached out and shook hands with James again, and said, "Also, say hello to Simon for me, I look forward to having the opportunity to get together."

James smiled: "There will definitely be a chance."

Now that what should be said has been said, James did not continue to accompany Dingkins downstairs, and watched the other party and the assistant who followed him leave, and James returned to the banquet hall.

What I just told Dingkins is naturally not made up, but the source is not enough for outsiders. As a former financial lawyer, James has accumulated a lot of contacts in this area, and now he has strong capital support, and it is completely easy to do certain things.

Because of the strict limit on the amount of individual donations in the campaign bill, the donations that David Dinkins can get for such a fundraising reception may not be as much as the reception itself.

Everyone invests in people.

In order to establish this network, Westeros naturally needs to come up with some more valuable chips. Otherwise, even if elected, David Dinkins will only see the Westeros Company as a general funder rather than a more closely-connected political ally.

For Rudy Giuliani, James actually looks down on this person very much.

Purely speculative politicians who easily changed parties in order to serve in the Reagan administration, and have no firm stance for their own political achievements. Too ambitious but unable to let go of selfish desires, the butt is very unclean. Running for mayor of New York is already Giuliani's political ceiling, and it is basically impossible to go further.

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