Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 202 The End of Martial Arts

"Be good, the prince has gone to hell. He can no longer bully you. If it's uncomfortable, then it's him who's uncomfortable. It's also uncomfortable for me. I've become an accomplice for no reason."

Jiang Zizai wanted to cry but had no tears, so he pretended to compete and let the prince see how powerful he was, but in the end, this girl stabbed him to death!

She was still crying, so hard that Jiang Zizai felt like he was being strangled by her.

However, seeing her face full of tears, he really felt sorry for her. He felt that he was like a father at this time. Seeing his precious daughter struggling so much, he had no choice but to hold her and coax her. to calm her down.

In the woods, Jiang Zizai persuaded her earnestly. She didn't know how many tears she shed, but she finally stopped. She looked down and saw that she was asleep, with snot bubbles still hanging on her nose. Although her face was a little fleshy, But it’s really cute.

It's hard to imagine how she could hide such a bloody devil in her bones. Such a girl should be like a fairy.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’πšπš πš”πšŠπš—.πšŒπš˜πš–]

He could fall asleep standing up, and Jiang Zizai was convinced.

He picked her up by the waist.

"I really ate too much, much heavier than Shenxiao." He muttered, carried her into Lingyinzhai, put her on her pink bed, covered her with a quilt, and was about to go out to the yard to tidy up. Thoughts, before she could stand up, she suddenly held her hand.

"Daddy, don't leave, don't leave Yan'er!" She didn't open her eyes, she just muttered, but her palms were very strong. If Jiang Zizai broke free, she would probably wake up.

"I didn't expect that I would become a father before I even got married." He also had a headache, so he could only sit on the edge of the bed and watch her struggle in her dream.

This girl, she was really weird, but she was really fragile in her heart. Jiang Zizai couldn't leave, so he tore off a corner of her clothes and wiped the tears on her face.

When she tried to free her hand, she exerted extra force, which made Jiang Zizai wonder if she was pretending to be asleep to seduce him. He checked and found that she was really asleep.

"Mom, the swing was broken by my sister. You must have said that Yan'er doesn't cherish her own things..." She muttered in her sleep, and tears came out of nowhere and wet the pillow.

"Is there a river hidden in this guy's eyes?" Jiang Zizai muttered.

It was late at night. He didn't go back to the temple tonight. If he went back tomorrow, he would definitely be beaten by the Nine Immortals. They had been dating for one night. If he told her that he had been his father for one night, would she believe it?

The point is, these are all trivial matters. The important thing is that the prince is dead and his body is still in his own space, Jade Perry.

"There has been no movement until now. No one should know that something like this happened here."

He was thinking to himself.

"I would guess that Xiang Liushu's death was mainly because the prince knew about Li Renxiang, and I didn't dispose of the body well."

"This time, the body must be disposed of, and the prince's whereabouts are probably not discovered by anyone. There has been no movement until now. It is possible that no one knows."

"But if he disappears, there will be news soon, and then we will be looking for him everywhere. I must burn the body clean."

"The most important thing is that it seems that this is the first time Lingxuan has shown such a change. It is probably unknown to everyone. I am not the prince's opponent. Normally, they would not suspect me."

These are his more idealistic speculations, but last time Xiang Liushu's death, he also speculated that it would not affect him, and he was not identified as the murderer in the end. Therefore, no matter how thorough his imagination was, he knew that there were some changes, and it was him. Uncontrollable.

However, this is all your own life. Next, it depends on your luck.

In the middle of the night, Lingxuan finally let go, and Jiang Zizai returned to the woods again to tidy up the battle scene. He was very careful this time and restored it to almost its original state.

There are no traces of blood left, and even the smell of blood has disappeared.

No one came here at this time, so he felt relieved. The prince wanted to use Li Renxiang to play with them. He must have done it alone. He probably didn't tell anyone else. In addition, Lingyinzhai is a small corner of the palace. , it was extremely normal that no one came.

The news of the battle at that time would not spread too far.

After sorting out so much, I returned to her room and found that she had woken up. She leaned gently on the edge of the bed, looked at herself blankly, and asked blankly: "He, is he dead..."

Jiang Zizai replied: "Yes, you are so powerful that you sent him to heaven on the spot."

Her head was shaking and she said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself at the time, and I hurt you."

"Forget it, there's no need to blame yourself. It's happened. There's no point in blaming anyone." He walked up and sat on the edge of her bed, leaning side by side with her.

"Don't sit here..." Her voice was weak, fearing that no man had ever sat on her bed.

"I've been sitting here all night, and you're still here. You just fell asleep and you called me daddy dozens of times, haha." Jiang Zizai is not afraid of boiling water, and he can still laugh at this time.

"I..." As she spoke, she actually blushed.

"I'm telling you, you have to listen to me in everything from now on." Jiang Zizai was very serious and explained some details clearly, mainly to let her think that this incident didn't happen and that he would dispose of the body. Well, let her pretend that nothing happened.

"Remember, as long as you show your flaws, both of us will be finished. I know you are not afraid of death, but you don't want to implicate me, right? I haven't given birth to the Jiang family yet. I can't die now." Jiang Zizai road.

"I know...but why did I become like that..."

"You know what, it hasn't happened before?"

She shook her head.

"Don't be burdened. Just treat it as a special talent. This prince teases you like this and deserves to die. Don't blame yourself." Jiang Zizai said.

"I just killed him like this. It's not good for me to do this." She was still struggling with this matter.

"It was his own fault. It's no one else's fault."

After coaxing her for a long time, she finally figured it out.

She searched around for a long time and found a crumpled map.

Then, she gently tore it off, and after tearing it into pieces, she walked to the yard, dug a small hole with her fingers, and buried the pieces in it.

"You can actually live your own life without having to think about your parents all the time. Their spirits in heaven will definitely not want to see you like this. You are making them uncomfortable. Only if you live a happy and wonderful life can you be truly worthy of you. Parents, do you understand?" Jiang Zizai said.

She stood up gently, suddenly smiled slightly, and said, "I understand, thank you."

"Smile more, you're a pretty girl." Jiang Zizai praised her.

"Yes." She nodded. It was not yet dawn, so she asked, "Do you want breakfast? I will make breakfast too."

"Aren't you afraid that there is still Li Renxiang in it? My soul-suppressing talisman has been used up. If there is still Li Renxiang, you have to give birth to a baby for me." Jiang Zizai said with a smile.

"I don't want it." She pursed her lips and shook her head slightly.

She did not sit down for breakfast, but sat on the stone stool under the pavilion and looked at Jiang Zizai.

"I know why my sister likes you. You are a really good person, powerful and kind." She said softly.

"Don't brag about me. I'll be proud. But don't talk about Shenxiao. All she thinks about all day long is to press me to the ground and rub me. I can't afford to offend her."

While chatting, it was dawn.

"You're pretty good at talking. Don't be boring anymore." Jiang Zizai said.

He found that after last night's changes, she seemed to have changed a little.

"Lingxuan, live for yourself from now on. If you don't have a goal, then put your goal on cultivation and make yourself stronger."

At dawn, Jiang Zizai was about to leave. He stood at the door and said to the girl.

"But what happens when you become stronger? Do you feel happy when you defeat others?" She didn't understand.

Jiang Zizai smiled and said: "This is indeed very happy for me, but it is different for you. But I heard that at the end of martial arts, people will become gods and follow the ancient gods. After becoming gods, "It's not difficult to bring mortals back to life. If you can reach the end of martial arts, you can bring your parents back to this world."

Jiang Zizai also said that he was just talking nonsense.

But he didn't expect that it was this passage that made Lingxuan's life colorful.

That was not the extravagant hope of despair given to her by the prince, but the meaning of life that she was looking for and finally found.

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