Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 203: Resurrection from the dead

At dawn, Jiang Zizai left Yanlong Ruins and walked far north. In the forest that almost reached the glacier lake, he burned the prince's body and everything on him with fire.

With Xiang Liushu's experience, he was naturally extra careful this time. Even though he still had a lot of spiritual stones and treasures on his body, Jiang Zizai turned a blind eye.

After burning the prince to ashes and completely annihilating him in this world, Jiang Zizai stood there.

"You will not live for your own sins. When you assassinated me, I almost died. Today, you cannot even leave your body behind. You deserve it."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐•ฅ๐•จ๐•œ๐•’๐•Ÿ.๐•”๐• ๐•ž]

This was a life-threatening revenge, and Jiang Zizai had avenged it today.

"Although Lingxuan was the last one to kill him, he wouldn't have died without me."

"By the way, how could Lingxuan undergo such an astonishing change? Is this the power of her totem? This physical change and increase in lethality are simply stronger than the panda's 'god-demon transformation'."

He didn't expect that this little Princess Lingxuan would actually have this side. Now that he thinks about it, he feels sad.

"Even Prime Minister Liushu's death caused such a big disturbance. The prince suddenly disappeared. The next disturbance will definitely be ten times greater. I have to find Sister Jiuxian to make it clear."

He didn't have many people he trusted.

After destroying the prince's body and removing all traces of it, he quickly returned to the sacrificial temple. After staying up all night, Jiuxian must be waiting for him to explain.

Pushing open the door, she was standing in her room. She was a little angry and said: "You don't want your life. You stayed outside for so long just for the sake of beauty. Are you not afraid that people from the Prime Minister's Mansion will kill you."

Her eyes were slightly red, she must have been worried about herself all night.

Jiang Zizai was naturally relieved and said softly: "You are my beauty. If I risk my life, I can only do it for you. I didn't come back last night. I couldn't help myself. I seem to have gotten into trouble again."

Seeing Jiang Zizai's serious expression, she asked, "What trouble are you causing? You just don't make people worry."

Jiang Zizai told her what happened last night. After listening, she looked at Jiang Zizai blankly, her voice trembling.

"You and Princess Lingxuan killed the prince? Are you sure?"

Jiang Zizai said: "Where can I be sure? I took the body near the glacier lake and burned it to ashes. Not a single hair was left."

"I'm convinced." Nine Immortals' beautiful eyes trembled slightly. She covered her head, trying to calm down, and then said: "If anyone sees it, you will definitely be dead next. If no one sees it, you have been missing for a long time. It will also cause an uproar. You will definitely be in danger by then. No matter what, the most important thing for you now is not to leave the Sacrifice Temple. You can't go anywhere without my permission."

"I know." Jiang Zizai saw the concern and nervousness in her eyes. She was currently thinking of ways to survive for herself.

"Damn, you guys are really amazing." Now that she had realized what she was doing, she couldn't help but glare at Jiang Zizai and curse.

"He also killed me once, and we don't owe each other anything." Jiang Zizai said. He thought of Jiang Junjian and said, "He still wants to fight for his beloved with my brother. Now that his life has been lost, I don't see how he can marry the prince. Concubine.โ€

In any case, although he and Princess Lingxuan were in danger, at least Dongyang Jing was freed, and this was something Jiang Zizai didn't regret at all.

"Let me think about it, can I tell this matter to the Divine Attendant?" She thought for a while, then shook her head and said: "You are not allowed to tell anyone, not even your sister, Dongyang Jing. Except for me. No one else can know, okay?"

She took great pains because she knew that if one more person knew, it would be more dangerous.

Jiang Zizai nodded.

"Prince Longyun is really a model of being smart. He thought he could control the fate of Princess Lingxuan, but he was killed instead. It's really ridiculous and sad. A lion was killed by a well-behaved little rabbit." The Nine Immortals were very emotional when talking about this matter.

He was able to defeat Concubine Su because Concubine Su was confused and overly concerned. His impatient ways can only show that his inner fear of Shen Xiao is too heavy.

Next, Jiang Zizai practiced with peace of mind, as if nothing happened that night.

The strange thing is that after three or four days, there is no movement at all, as if nothing happened.

"Could it be that he hasn't shown up for three or four days and hasn't gone to court yet, yet no one suspects him?"

Jiang Zizai was confused.

This is the prince. Even when Xiang Liushu didn't show up the next day, people were paying attention.

When Jiang Zizai was confused, another princess came to the temple to find him. This time it was Princess Lingxuan.

Every time a princess arrived, the priests and priests could only look at Jiang Zizai with envy.

The one who came before was Princess Shenxiao, who immediately closed the door when she saw Jiang Zizai. I don't know what sexy things were going on inside. Now it's the same after the fiancรฉe Princess Lingxuan comes.

"I recently discovered that Princess Lingxuan is really beautiful."

"Nonsense, can you be as beautiful as the priest?"

"The types are different. The priest is very feminine, but this Princess Lingxuan is cute and youthful, which is a different flavor."

"You should stop talking about the priest. If you talk like this, you will be beaten to death..."

Princess Lingxuan and Jiang Zizai were locked up together, a man and a woman alone. They were used to it.

They didn't know that Princess Lingxuan came in a hurry, and the first sentence she said almost made Jiang Zizai fall off the chair.

Her expression was extremely anxious, surprised, and frightened. After she came over, she couldn't help but grab Jiang Zizai's collar, looking at him anxiously, and said: "I, I saw a ghost, I saw him! The prince!"

Jiang Zizai was startled, then laughed dumbly, and said: "Don't joke with me, you are dreaming again?"

Unexpectedly, she was still afraid and anxious, trembling and said: "I really saw him! I haven't left Lingyinzhai for a few days. It's a bit strange today. I think there is no news. I came out to see, and I saw him coming out of the Golden Palace and going to the Holy Dragon Palace!"

Jiang Zizai was stunned and said: "Are you talking about the prince? You saw the prince coming out of the Golden Palace? You saw the wrong person."

He didn't believe that such a big person, who was burned to ashes by his own hands, could still jump out?

In the end, she was still very panicked and said, "Believe me, he even said hello to me, it was definitely him, I couldn't have been wrong! And, aren't you surprised that there was no news after he died, because he wasn't dead at all!"

"Impossible! I took him out and burned him to ashes!" Jiang Zizai said in a deep voice.

"I don't believe it either, but I saw it, is he a ghost... Wow..."

She was really scared, and she grabbed the corner of Jiang Zizai's clothes with both hands, and suddenly, tears flowed down.

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