Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 414 Fishing in troubled waters!

Chapter 414 414. Fishing in troubled waters!


The building collapsed, and you could even see the vehicle that was thrown into the air.

Coupled with the occasional shocks and the flames igniting everywhere, the city simply fell into a hell-like situation.

"What happened?!"

"Is it possible that there are still pirates at work?"

"I don't know! Many places are inaccessible because of collapsed roads."

"Damn it! Even if there are bombs, it's too many!?"

The police stationed at various intersections were frightened by this natural disaster.

Even though I have seen many scenes before, this is the first time that this kind of movie-like scene unfolds before my eyes.


"here we go again"

"It's inaccessible from here."

"After confirming that there are no ordinary people left nearby, quickly avoid the dangerous area!"

Although almost all the pirates who tried to fish in troubled waters were captured, such a situation was something neither of them had ever imagined.

The pirates just wanted to have Shenwei take the lead. They would first create some chaos among the people lurking in the city to distract the police, and then quickly take the opportunity to steal the Cyan Blue Fist.

But they didn't expect that the truth was even more exciting than they imagined.

Various buildings collapsed and the ground was damaged. Did they feel that the noise was a little too much?

Didn't they take advantage of the chaos to grab the gems?

How did it turn into a terrorist attack?

Are the accomplices responsible for causing the trouble afraid that they will not attract the attention of the local country?

No matter what, the scale is too big.

After the liquidation, what they will face may not be as simple as hunting.


"It's a mess."

Grabbing the hang glider, Kaito looked around, not daring to think about what kind of tragedy would have happened if someone had stayed in this area before.

"It's not an exaggeration to say it's a war."

After landing on the roof, he sighed after confirming that no one in this area was left behind.

Only then did he understand how terrifying the Servants really were.

Just the contact of a confrontation can bring a city into a state of collapse.

Among the technological weapons at the disposal of mankind, the only ones capable of such performance are the missiles and nuclear weapons in the military.

“I don’t know if this is their upper limit yet.”

A red and black light flashed across his eyes, and he didn't want to pay too much attention to it.

Even if the camera function is enabled and slowed down, the figure fighting in the air cannot be clearly captured.


The huge red ball of light easily crushed a row of streets, then flew high into the sky and exploded.

The blowing wind pressure can easily lift trees and cars into the air and knock them down.

"Those pirates were a big help."

It can only be said that it was a combination of circumstances.

The impact of this group of pirates caused people in the city to evacuate in advance, so it saved a lot of trouble.

Even some injured people will be found immediately by patrolling police and sent away.

The originally lively city now became dead in the light of burning fire.

Maybe after this night, the city will cease to exist.

Kaito thinks so

The war is still going on, and the followers have not yet decided the winner.

Now is just the beginning.


Witnessing a suspicious helicopter hovering over the city, Kaito hides behind a bucket and observes.

After adjusting the lenses he was wearing, he zoomed in on the helicopter and saw the people inside.

"Those guys haven't left yet, but are they planning to do something with this chaos?"

Fortunately Conan is not here, otherwise even if it was a helicopter moving in the sky, I would probably want to kick it down with a football, right?

After all, there is such a "hate" with those black organizations, and it is impossible to turn a blind eye.


"Why don't you go and rest?"

Sitting on the helicopter, looking at the destroyed city below, Belmode teased Gin, who was obviously in bad condition.


There was no answer, Gin just snorted indifferently.

"You can see the police officers trying to organize the people to escape in a panic."

Touching the sniper rifle in his hand, Chianti became a little excited.

The trembling hand showed her desire to shoot.

"Don't add unnecessary complications."

"Just kill the target."

Cohen glanced at her and reminded her.

Compared to Vodka, who was still awake and was picked up, the rest of them got on the helicopter.

With the help of this police helicopter, you can complete your goals while hiding your identity.

"You're not wrong about the information about the rat, are you?"

"It's not wrong. He is near that hotel. According to the information released by the police, the people in the hotel should be the first group to evacuate."

"But for some reason, it seems like he stayed in the hotel."

"If I want to leave now, I haven't seen him at any intersection."

Belmode crossed his legs leisurely, and then responded to Gin easily.

"Judging from the abilities of those pirates, there's no telling where they'll die."

Cohen looked at the city below and felt a little unnatural.

He always felt that the attack scene caused by the pirates was a bit exaggerated.

If this was planned in advance, then Cohen could only think that they were crazy.

If you dare to attack a city with such a big fanfare, it would be strange that the country would not become angry and send out the army to kill you afterwards.

"Even if you are dead, you have to see the body before talking."

Gin didn't care so much, but looked at the scanner in front of the helicopter and murmured.



"Are you okay?"

Kyogoku looked at the two people who were lying on the ground with obvious blood stains on their foreheads, pulled them up and said.


After being dug out, L didn't pay attention to the scratches on his body.

He looked at Sawada Tsunayoshi who had fainted and sighed.


I somehow owe this guy a favor.

At the last moment when the restaurant collapsed, Sawada Tsunayoshi helped him avoid the dangerous falling rocks, at the cost of being hit.

Unexpectedly, Sawada Tsunayoshi would choose to save him in that state.

"Still breathing. Great!"

Although Tsuna looked seriously injured, he didn't seem to die immediately.

Touma, Kyogoku Makoto, Aniya, and Shin-chan were relieved.

"However, in this situation, the hospital may not be safe anymore."

Looking up at the surrounding firelight, Touma concluded that Tsuna needed to stop the bleeding and receive treatment first.

Otherwise, he will definitely die from massive bleeding.

"It's too bad. Now I don't know if I can successfully find the ambulance with him on my back."

Kyogoku just ran away secretly, and he didn't know where there were ambulance vehicles nearby.

"A Gang! Don't die!!"

Ania opened her eyes wide and looked at Tsuna who was lying on the ground and shouted.

"Wake up quickly, don't fall asleep"

Even Xiaoxin stood next to him and shouted obediently.

"Hoo ho ho"


At this moment, they suddenly saw a helicopter flying not far away with lights on.

"Is it a rescue helicopter?!"

"Very good."

But Touma and L felt that something was not right about the atmosphere.

The sound of gunshots also made everyone's expressions change.



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