Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 415 415 The man with seven scars on his chest!

Chapter 415 415. The man with seven scars on his chest!


Touma had already shouted before hearing the gunshot, and Kyogoku Makoto pushed L away with his hand to avoid the incoming bullet.

"Hoo ho ho"

"What's going on? Isn't that a police helicopter?!"

"Are there other participants like you?"

Seeing the helicopter that was obviously equipped with weapons and the personnel with snipers above, Kyogoku was really puzzled.

"It seems to be the organization I provoked before"

"Being able to use helicopters in this situation has quite a lot of power behind it."

L glanced at the bullet hitting the ground next to him and probably knew the reason.

The bullet just now was undoubtedly aimed at him.

If it is true that other participants have this ability to connect with the police, then he should not be targeted only.

After thinking about it, L could only think of a certain organization that he had provoked when he was bored.

After all, it was his intention to intercept the surveillance footage and leave the location in the store building.

The other party was more powerful than he imagined.

(Well, it’s a pity that your timing was very bad and you chose the wrong opponent.)

Facing this kind of evil organization, L has not never fought against it.

Glancing around, he wasn't too worried.

When mortals try to fight against Servants, guns and other things alone are far from enough.

There are 4 Masters present, 1 Servant, and 1 Superman.

Dare to use a helicopter loaded with firepower to challenge, can only be said to be too ignorant.

"what happened?!"

"Did you avoid the bullet?"

Chianti couldn't believe it when he saw the obvious scene.

"It looks like the opponent can react to bullets?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Belmode's teasing words made Chianti immediately furious.

Reaction bullet?

How could there be such a guy?

Not to mention that she was aiming a sniper rifle from a long distance. Under the cover of this night, let alone being reacted, it would be difficult to even detect it in the first place.

With his body being buffeted by the howling wind pressure, Chianti decided to take another shot.

But Gin called her to stop.

"That's enough, just use the helicopter's machine gun to kill them."

"How cruel, are you not even going to let those children go?"

Seeing the familiar indifferent words, Belmod's eyelids jumped and he said solemnly.

Originally, he just came to deal with the target and then left, but now he wanted to kill all the witnesses present, which was really in line with Gin's nature.

"Hmph, in this chaos anyway, even if you get shot and die, it will only be considered as the work of pirates."

With no intention of procrastinating any longer, Gin would not tell the deeper reason.

He always had a bad feeling, so he was ready to solve it quickly.


"Hey, they're serious!"

Glancing at Tsuna who fell to the ground, Touma saw the machine gun coming out again and said loudly.

"This is not a good time."

With Tsuna's injury, it could easily get worse if he ran with him casually.

But if you don't run, you will become a target.

"Speaking of which, as a servant, can't you even shoot down a helicopter?"

When asked by L, Touma felt a little embarrassed.

To dismantle a helicopter flying in the sky with your bare hands?

He's really not a superman.

Kyogoku on the side is more likely to do this than him.

"My words can't do anything about this kind of thing."

I admire Touma for being able to tell such information so straightforwardly. L has always been more thoughtful than others.

"If you can't leave and don't want to die."

"Then the answer is simple."

L looked at the people present and then raised his right hand and spoke bluntly.

The flashing command spell meant his method.

That's right

In this case, just pull the servant over.

Not to mention that there are four masters here. If you really want to, you can pull four servants over in an instant.

"Someone is here to help us!"

Ania already knew L's plan through mind reading, but she knew it was unnecessary.

Because before using the command spell, a sturdy figure had already landed in front of them.


"Oh oh oh!!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!!!!"

"Ripple Running!!"

Facing the slanting bullet, golden electric light swayed in the air like water.

His fists that didn't stop for a moment knocked down all the bullets.

"Mr. Joestar!"

Kyogoku was surprised when he recognized who it was.


It wasn't until the large rain of bullets stopped that Da Qiao took a breath and looked back at Kyogoku Makoto.

"Although I don't know the situation, you seem to be troubled."

"So I'm here to help."

The people in that helicopter were not good people by any means.

Seeing that a child was about to be shot, there was no way Da Qiao could just let it go.

He will not allow such atrocities to occur!

"He is the Master?"

The others couldn't help but be surprised when they looked at Da Qiao's tall body.

You must know that there were almost two hundred rounds of bullets fired by the helicopter just now, but this man stopped them all with his bare hands.

What a strength this is.

Aniya, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief. She had heard the inner voice of the master and his servant talking from a distance just now, so she didn't worry too much.

"Kyogoku, I didn't expect to see you here again."

"I'm also here to help them."

"Really? You are indeed a very upright man."

"Is it time to chat now?"

Compared to the exchange between Kyogoku and Da Qiao, L looked up at the helicopter hovering in the sky and reminded him.


Kyogoku came to his senses in embarrassment and thought that now was not the right time to talk.

But Da Qiao shook his head, showing a very relaxed expression.

He then spoke in reassuring words.

"It's fine"


"Jian will definitely take action!"


"Hey! What's going on?!!"

"Why are they okay?"

The hand holding the gun was shaking. Chianti opened his eyes wide and shook, and his trembling and screams expressed his panic.

The big guy suddenly appeared, and what followed was an incomprehensible picture.

If she understood correctly.

It seems like all the bullets were "knocked out" by the opponent's hands?

What a joke!

How could a bullet be knocked off with a fist?

It's not like he was wearing a bullet-proof suit or other equipment, but that man blocked nearly two hundred rounds of bullets with his bare hands.

How could there be such a "monster"?

Even though he killed countless people, Chianti had never felt so sincerely afraid.

That’s the fear of facing an “unknown” situation.

"Hey! Gin! You're talking!"

"Explain what that is...!"

Especially when the group of people next to me were silent, it made this uneasiness even more severe.


But the next moment, a strange landing sound seemed to be heard. Several people only felt that the helicopter was weightless and shaking for a moment.

Gin's pupils shrank, realizing that the element that disrupted the balance was coming from behind, and he immediately looked back.

I saw a burly man squatting there at the tail of the helicopter.

He stared here with cold eyes.

Belmode also saw clearly the identity of the visitor.

The man with seven scars on his chest!

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