Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 416 416 Kenjiro: You are already dead!

Chapter 416 416. Kenjiro: You are dead!


How is it possible?

This is two hundred meters above the ground.

Let alone someone suddenly appearing, even approaching is impossible.

Such a strong man landing on the tail wing is weird no matter how you look at it.


Gin reacted faster than anyone else and took out his pistol to attack.

For him, there was no hesitation at all.

How did he appear? It is better to wait until the other party is dead before analyzing such things.


The bullet that shot directly through the rear glass rushed to the forehead of the mysterious man.


Vermouth had no time to stop this scene.

Then everyone found that the man squatting on the tail wing just raised his hand lightly and said a word.

"Fist of the North Star·Two Finger Vacuum Grip!"

Then they saw an amazing scene.

The picture of the index finger and middle finger holding the bullet was simply an incredible fact.


Before they could react too much, the bullet bounced back and hit Gin's wrist.



When the severed hand holding the gun and blood fell to the floor, a group of people didn't come back to their senses.

At this time, Cohen found that Gin's right hand to the wrist was smooth and flat as if it had been cut off by something.


This moment really scared Chianti.

What's going on?

The man moved his fingers and Gin's little hand suddenly disappeared?

Is this a dream?

The fear of the unknown swept through her heart, making her face pale, and even losing her usual calmness.


No matter how strong the psychological quality is, there is a limit

She couldn't look at this scene calmly.

Even Cohen widened his eyes, not knowing how to express his astonishment at this time.

Gin was sweating coldly, feeling unbelievable.

In the organization for so many years, he was used to being rampant and really didn't suffer such a big loss.

But now there is a situation that he can't analyze.

"Get down quickly!"

Vermouth shouted directly at the driver.

She knew that this time she had provoked some incredible guys.

The man with seven scars on his chest

was no longer a special forces soldier or a killer.

He was a real monster!

She even suspected that the other party might have jumped from below to the tail of the helicopter.

It's not that she has a problem with her brain to think so, but Vermouth believes that it is true.

She didn't dare to bet whether this helicopter could throw the other party down.

With the other party's amazing strength, it would be much easier to dismantle the helicopter.

Once it becomes like that, they will be in a passive position.

So they must lower the altitude first.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome if an accident occurs.


Having guessed the other party's thoughts, Kenjiro flicked his fingers, and the ripple force condensed into a blade.


The tough propeller was cut off directly, and the entire helicopter lost weight and fell rapidly downwards.

Disasters come faster than expected

Chianti and others didn't have time to understand anything, the helicopter had already crashed inexplicably.


Without caring about others, Vermouth could only take the prepared measures.

Seeing her so decisive, Gin endured the pain of a broken hand, grabbed the parachute and jumped out with Cohen.

I thought it was something that couldn't be used, but at this moment it could really save lives.

And Chianti was like a stunner, and it took a long time to come back to her senses.



When she wanted to follow, the helicopter had quickly landed on the ground, and with violent explosions and sparks, it became a hanging corpse.


His body hit the ground heavily, the blood from the broken hand kept splashing on the ground, cold sweat slid from his forehead, and Gin had never been so embarrassed.

But before he could get up, the man fell in front of him.

This time Gin saw it very clearly.

How did the other party appear?

Just like that, jump down from the sky.

Jump down.

Yes, it is a very simple and unbelievable method.

"Does it hurt?"

"The boy lying on the ground is also suffering from similar pain."

"You who want to kill children are not worthy of living in this world."

Looking down at Gin, Kenjiro just said coldly.

He then flicked his finger lightly, and Gin felt as if his body was hit by a car, and the whole person flew out.


Rolling on the ground in a mess, even though his whole body was full of pain, Gin found that he was still alive, and the man had turned around and was ready to leave.

Memorizing the other person's face, Gin remembered.

This grudge. As long as he doesn't die, he will definitely take revenge!

But the next moment, the words that floated in the wind startled him.

"You are dead."


Being able to clearly hear those indifferent words, Gin shouted subconsciously, and then he realized that his body was expanding like a balloon.

It's an anti-human phenomenon.

Legs, abdomen, chest, arms.

The body is inexplicably bloated, and there's a terrifying feeling that it's going to tear itself apart and explode.

"Uh ah ah ah!!!"


Dirty fireworks bloomed, and blood was splashed around like raindrops.

The member named "Gin" turned into debris.

"Ha huh."

Hiding behind a stone wall not far away, Cohen retracted his head and was sweating all over.

Witnessing Gin's miserable death, he swore that he had never seen such a horrible killing method.

People were torn and exploded like plastic bags

What kind of new murder case is this?

It's a bit too scary.

His back was cold, and he even had a fear of weak legs.

As a killer that the organization has been training, he, a dull and cold-blooded murderer, felt like he was dreaming.

If it's a nightmare.

Then wake up quickly!

Praying like this, Cohen clenched the gun in his hand and trembled.

His breathing began to become disordered because of his hesitation.

To confront such a monster, several lives are not enough.

In comparison, the confrontation with the FBI group is as reassuring and safe as a fight between kindergarten children.

He didn't dare to stick his head out to see what was going on outside. He would rather have a patrolling police officer pass by and find him and take him away.

Although he didn't know if that guy would kill him in front of the police, it was much better than hiding in panic.

"I heard that normal people in this country can't carry guns."

"And I've met many people, and I think they are very friendly."

"Even in peacetime, it seems that there are criminals like you."

But the words coming from above made his hair stand on end.

Slowly looking up, he found that Kenjiro, who had disappeared at some point, was standing on the stone wall and looking down at him.

"Who are you?!"

"You are a scoundrel who doesn't deserve to know my name."

"Go to hell!"

"Ah da!!"


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