Holy Prison

Chapter 1000: The hidden family?

Feng Yu is not a very important figure in the Feng Clan, but she also has platinum-level strength, and the maple leaf is a treasure given to him by his predecessors for self-defense. It is too reluctant to kill the god-level figure. However, it is not a problem to kill characters below the **** level!

The flames violently attacked, first it touched that guard, that guard had platinum top strength, but when the flame was touched, the guard only uttered a scream and turned into ashes! "Ah!" screamed the young man with his nostrils up to the sky, and a blue light appeared around his body. The blue light protected him from being burned to death by the flame for a short time, but depending on the intensity of the flame, just more In a few seconds, he is bound to die!

"Stop, let him stop now, if this young master dies, you will definitely not die!" The young man with open nostrils yelled in horror.

"Scream, scream, scream, no one will come to rescue you, you are dead, hahaha!" Feng Yu said with a breath of malice in his heart, and laughed, "Dare the Feng clan put it in his eyes? I thought you were great, but I didn't expect it to be."

When Fengyu was talking to the young man, the glaucoma that had been protecting the young man seemed to disappear. "Spare, spare! Master, help!" the young man screamed.


Feng Yu watched coldly, the flame burned the blue light, and then the young man with the nostrils turned into ashes in an instant, his strength was much lower than that of the guard.

"Practitioner!" Just when Fengyu was about to leave, a roar sounded, and an old man in a black robe appeared in front of Fengyu in the blink of an eye, "You, evil barrier, kill my disciple, you actually want to leave. Do you know whose son he is? If you kill him, I have to die too. You can die for me!" The black-robed old man roared.

This black-robed old man is a strong god-level master. As soon as he took a shot, a protective circle in Feng Yu's body was immediately activated. Although he survived this blow, Feng Yu knew that the power of the body protection circle was also removed a lot. "Senior, stop, I am a member of the Feng Clan, the great elder of the Feng Clan is my ancestor, and his elder is a god-level powerhouse!" At this time, Feng Yu Huan shouted in horror, and was trying to make a god-level powerhouse Under the attack, he knew he couldn't bear it a few times!

"Feng clan grand elder, Feng Yi? Asshole thing, if it's normal, I would definitely let you hear this. But now, I'm a dying person, and I'm afraid of a fart. You will die for me first. !" The black robe old man roared.

Feng Yu was horrified. From the words of the black-robed old man, he could easily tell that the young man with the nostrils turned upside down was not easy. There were still some people watching the excitement in the distance. Identity, but that young man really doesn't have any identity and they can guess it.

All of this was designed coldly. He has lived for billions of years. Even the complicated design will not have many problems. However, if it is too complicated, it will easily provoke people like Fengyi to doubt. It is better to have a simpler plan like this. .

Isn't it normal that a young man with a mysterious origin was killed and the people behind him retaliated?

"Senior, please calm down first, we will think of a way, think of a way, there will be a way," Feng Yu shouted authentically. "There is a way, there is a fart way, with the strength of that family, even if you escape to the abyss, you can still find it." The black robe old man said angrily.

After three consecutive palms, the energy of the defensive circle was exhausted, Feng Yu's face turned white, and the fourth palm of the black-robed old man was severely printed on Feng Yu's chest.

Another voice sounded, but this time Feng Yu's body was blown to the floor by the black-robed old man, and his flesh and blood flew all over the place. The black-robed old man roared three times in anger and disappeared all at once.

The black-robed old man disappeared. There was a lot of discussion in this small town. What happened today was quickly spread. On the third day of the incident, someone discovered that Fengyu's parents were killed and his body was cut into pieces and thrown away. In this small city.

The matter is not over here. On the fourth day of the incident, many people discovered that some killer organization missions appeared to kill people related to Fengyu.

On the fifth day of the incident, new progress has been made in the matter. There are more tasks in the killer organization, and an emperor-level powerhouse of the Feng Clan was actually killed!

On the sixth day of the incident, dozens of people from the Feng clan died of god-level people, more than ten people at the king-shen level, and one more powerful person at the king-shen level died. All of these people belonged to Feng Yi. Department!

On the seventeenth day of the incident, a strong man appeared in Phoenix with a letter in his hand. The Feng Yi family of the Feng Clan, a god-level strong man and two emperor-level strong men, came to Phoenix. The letter was I got it, but three of them, one of the god-level powerhouses was beheaded, and only one of the other two emperor-level gods survived!

Because that god-level powerhouse started fast enough, when the Feng Clan realized that more powerhouses had arrived in Phoenix City, the god-level powerhouse had already left.

"Arrogant, I actually killed people in Phoenix City of my Feng Clan, and didn't put my Feng Clan in eyes at all!"

"This matter needs to be dealt with seriously!"

The ten or so god-level powerhouses who came from the Feng clan were angry. "Patriarch, letter, this is the letter left by the person who just arrived." A woman said with great joy in her heart. She was the strong Emperor God level who survived, and only she survived among the three. It's really lucky!

Feng Man waved his hand, and the ordinary letter arrived in his hand. "Patriarch, beware of fraud!" a person beside Feng Man reminded.

"It's okay."

Feng Man said that a strong flame enveloped the letter, and soon Feng Man's face changed slightly. There was a seal on the seal, a strong seal. Feng Man gave a soft drink to strengthen the flame. It took almost ten minutes. It’s time to break the seal!

"To the patriarch of the Feng clan: My clan is in seclusion, and I do not want to kill more. However, the young patriarch of my clan died, and the clan was furious, so he must be investigated. Cha Fengyu's status is low, and his death is not enough to be angry among the clan. Feng Yu is It is in the line of Feng Yi, the great elder of the Feng clan, and when he commits a crime, he will report the name of Feng Yi and study the clan. Make the following decisions: 1. Feng Yi has eight offspring and thirteen grandchildren, choose his third son, and choose five grandchildren It's up to my clan to deal with it, and the Feng clan can't interfere in life and death; second, Feng Yi personally apologizes at the grave of the young clan leader of my clan. If these two items are completed, my clan will no longer deal with people in Fengyi's line, otherwise, my clan will do everything. The power of the clan will destroy Feng Yi's line!"

Lang Lang's voice sounded, and the voice sounded very comfortable, but hearing the content, the popularity of the Feng clan was very angry, especially the few people in Feng Yi's line, they were even more angry!

"Patriarch, this is a provocation to my Feng Clan. If my Feng Clan does not respond, then where is my Feng Clan's prestige in the future!"

"Patriarch, Elder Yi is the great elder of my Feng Clan, and the other party is so humiliated, it is clear that he didn't take my Feng Clan in the eyes!"

Feng Yi's two powerful gods first spoke. "This matter is of great importance and must be discussed with Elder Yi." Feng Man said solemnly, "The one who just came was just a messenger, but his cultivation level should have reached the pinnacle of the gods."

"Patriarch, the other party is probably just playing mystery!" One of the two god-level powerhouses who just spoke said immediately. "If not?" Feng Man said coldly, "My Feng clan already has a god-excellent and three emperor-level strong men who have died, and there are nearly twenty emperor-level strong men in total these days. The person is dead! All those who die are from Elder Yi's line. If Elder Yi is not awakened, then Elder Yi will be angry, you will bear it?"

Feng Yi was in retreat to attack the deity of Dzogchen. Feng Man knew this, and she also knew that if Feng Yi reached the deity of Dzogchen, it would be of no benefit to the Feng clan!

Originally, Feng Man was still thinking about how to put Feng Yi on hold, but now she doesn’t need to think about it. As for some people who died, Feng Man didn’t care too much. For a big power like the Feng Clan, death Some people cannot be shaken at all.

"This patriarch, Elder Yi is in retreat now, let's wake him up, okay? I just look at the patriarch to deal with this matter."

"Yes, although this matter is for Elder Yi, it is also for Feng Clan. There is absolutely no problem with the patriarch's handling."

Feng Man said indifferently, “I’m not good at interfering with Elder Yi. After all, the other party wants his son and grandson, and he wants him to take the initiative to apologize. Elder Yizhen, you are more familiar with Elder Yi. This news is just for you. Let’s talk to Elder Yi. I suddenly felt that I needed to retreat for some time. If Elder Yi leaves the customs, let him handle it carefully."

Qingtianfeng, Fengyi's closed mountain peak.

At this time, Feng Yi was quite excited. He did not expect that the effect of this retreat would be very good. Only more than half a year gave him a lot of insight. If this continues, he estimates that it will only take four to five hundred years. You can become a strong man who respects God and reaches perfection! After waiting for thousands of years, now it is very likely that in four to five hundred years, he can become a strong man of the great perfection, Rao Shi Feng Yi's heart is firm and can't help but joy.

A crisp voice sounded, Feng Yi heard a flash of anger in his heart and ignored it. If the training is interrupted at this time, then it will not be four to five hundred years to reach the perfection of the gods, maybe four to five thousand. There is no such possibility in four to fifty thousand years!

Feng Yi thought that the people outside would stop continuing if he didn't respond, but it didn't take long for the "didi" sound to be heard again.

"Bastard thing!" Feng Yi cursed in his heart, but he still didn't interrupt the training and even the voice transmission was not. It doesn't matter if he scolded in his heart. If the voice is transmitted, the mind is distracted, and this opportunity will be missed.

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