Holy Prison

Chapter 1001: Five Colors Temple

After the second sound, the drop did not sound again for about three days. Feng Yi felt calm. For the cultivator, four to five hundred years were not long, as long as he was given four to five hundred years. When the time comes, the strength will reach the Dzogchen, everything is easy to say!

Just when Feng Yixin let go of it, it didn't take long to prepare to practice with all his strength, the annoying ticking sound rang again, Feng Yi's face was gloomy, it rang twice three days ago, and it rang again. If there is nothing very important, he believes that no one would dare to disturb him like this!

Feng Yi didn't move. Two minutes later, Didi's voice sounded again. "Ah!" Feng Yi said, he was like an enraged beast at this moment!

"What's the matter?" Feng Yi transmitted the sound, and the people outside could sense extremely heavy anger from his transmission.

The sound transmission was Feng Qingyang. The first two times it was someone else, but he knew that Feng Yi would be angry again, so someone called Feng Qingyang, Feng Yi's favorite grandson.

"Grandpa, something has happened. In Fengyi's line, two strong gods have been killed. In addition, there are 13 people at the Emperor God level, and there are more than 50 people at the Emperor God level. At least the Emperor Below the **** level, the number is over ten thousand!" Feng Qingyang said in a voice transmission, his voice also contained uncontrollable anger.

The Feng Yi line of the Feng clan is powerful, and it is the one who touched the tiger if it provokes the Feng Yi line, but now, it is not just touching the tiger, it is simply cutting meat on the tiger with a knife!

Feng Yi's face changed drastically. Even the loss of an emperor-level figure was not a small loss. Now so many powerful men have died, and there may be more!

With the sound transmission, and his heart moved, Feng Yi immediately lost the opportunity for this breakthrough. "What's the matter?" Feng Yi left the training cave in an instant, losing the opportunity to practice, plus hearing such "good" news, Feng Yi's face was so ugly and ugly at this time. !

"Grandpa!" Feng Qingyang bowed with a trembled heart. Feng Yi has always looked like everything is in his hands. Now he is not afraid now. This grandfather Feng Qingyang knows that he is upset and torn. His grandson is also possible!

"Say!" Feng Yi said coldly.

Feng Qingyang had organized the language a long time ago, and now he explained the basic situation in a short time. "Grandpa, this hidden family is too arrogant!" Feng Qingyang said.

"Have you checked, it is determined that it was the hidden family, not the previous enemy's revenge?" Chu Feng flashed through Feng Yi's mind. There are powerful experts around Chu Feng, and the wealth that Chu Feng controls It's not small either. "Who is the one who sent the letter to the god-excellent powerhouse?"

"Grandpa, no, the other party has hidden aura and left no clues, and the other party's strength is super high, and the divination has no results." Feng Qingyang was a little annoyed and a little afraid of the tunnel. Fortunately, he has been inside Phoenix Ridge for a while. It is also possible to die. Feng Yi spoils him, if the other party knows where he is, the possibility of dealing with him is much higher than dealing with other people!

"Grandpa, the patriarch is waiting for you in the conference hall."

Feng Yi said coldly: "For a while, don't leave Phoenix Ridge if there is nothing important!" After disappearing from Feng Qingyang, Feng Yi appeared in the conference hall of the Feng clan in a short time. There are not too many people here now. , But each person has a pivotal position in the Feng Clan.

"Elder Yi!" Feng Man said lightly.

"Great Elder!"

The rest of the people all bowed slightly, and Feng Yi's position in the Feng clan was second only to Feng Man. "Patriarch, I request to open the five-color hall to find out who the murderer is!" Feng Yi strode to Feng Man and said solemnly.

Feng Man frowned slightly, but Feng Yi didn't even practice a ceremony. "Elder Yi, do you still know that I am the patriarch?" Feng Man said solemnly.

"Patriarch." Feng Yi gave a slight salute with a flash of anger on his face. "Elder Yi, how important is the five-color hall, if such a thing opens the five-color hall, then when we really encounter a catastrophe, what will happen?" Feng Man said indifferently.

The reason why some super powers are so bullish is that besides having many strong men, they also have some other backgrounds. The five-color hall and the undead fire formation are part of the Phoenix clan's background! The Undead Fire Array possesses powerful defensive capabilities, and the Five-Colored God Hall contains mysterious power. Open the Five-Colored God Hall to ask the heavens!

For things like this time, Chu Feng gave Leng Li orders and then he did it. Leng Li cultivated to a high strength. Divination is extremely difficult for him. If it is Chu Feng’s head, it is impossible at all, but if the five colors are turned on If Shentang inquires the sky, then it is very easy to calculate it coldly, and it is very possible even in Chu Feng's head!

"Patriarch, my Feng clan has two strong gods, more than a dozen emperor gods, and more than ten thousand people with other strengths. Isn't it a catastrophe?" Feng Yi said coldly, dead. All belong to Feng Yi's line. If this continues, how can he contend with Feng Man, then even if he reaches the strength of the Great Perfection, he will not be able to recover.

Feng Man said solemnly: "Elder Yi, pay attention to your tone. With so many deaths in the Feng clan, how could my patriarch not feel heartache, but Elder Yi should understand that this is not an extremely dangerous time! Five-color God Hall, That is the great wealth left to us by the sages of the predecessors. It can only be opened three times in total. It has been opened once before. If it is used again, there will only be one opportunity left! Now in the turmoil, what is the opportunity to open the Five-Colored God Hall? Precious, I don’t need to explain this to Elder Yi and me!"

"Patriarch, how long is this time, less than a month, and my Feng clan has suffered such a heavy loss. If it continues, the loss of my Feng clan in a few years may be extremely serious!" Feng Yi said coldly.

Feng Man frowned and said: "Elder Yi's words are not unreasonable. For the sake of this plan, we'd better delay time and then slowly find out the identity of the other party. Elder Yi, it is absolutely impossible to open the five-color temple now."

"Elder Yi, why don't you sacrifice the ego and fulfill the ego? The two conditions set by the other party are actually not difficult to complete." A purple-robed youth about three meters away from Feng Yi said with a faint smile.

Feng Yi's face was full of anger: "Feng Xianghao, what do you mean? Ask me to hand over my son and grandson to the other party, and then have to apologize? You can afford such a person, I can't afford it!"

"Oh, in that case, Elder Yi thought I didn't say it." The purple-robed youth shrugged his shoulders. "You" Feng Yi's momentum surged, and some of the faces of the people in the hall changed. In terms of strength, the patriarch of Feng Man in the hall was comparable to Feng Yi, and there was still a **** of great perfection in the Feng clan. Old monsters, but such old monsters will not appear until the Feng Clan is truly alive and dead!

"Don't say a few words, Elder Feng Yi, this is the meeting hall." Feng Yi said solemnly.

Feng Yi coldly snorted and closed his momentum: "How does the patriarch think this matter should be handled?" "Elder Yi, I think it would be more appropriate for you to handle this matter. Except for things such as the Five Colors God Hall, the rest of the resources Elder Yi is free for the time being. Call." Feng Man said.

Feng Yi's face looked a little better. Feng Man was already very good at making such a decision. "Thank you, patriarch, patriarch, if it's okay, I will go down and make arrangements first." Feng Yi said.

"It's all gone." Feng Man waved his hand. Feng Yi and the others resigned and left. Feng Man muttered in his heart: "Chu Feng, Chu Feng, this matter, is it you? If it is you, you and The Feng Clan’s hatred, this is a big deal!"

Feng Man thought for a while and found a clone, and the clone left Phoenix Ridge in an instant through a private teleportation formation.

As time passed day by day, the spar in Leng Li's hands kept smashing out, and more and more killers and amateur killers were interested in the tasks he released!

Although the Feng Clan is terrible, under the temptation of a large number of spars, there are still people who want money and life these days. Moreover, in the eyes of many people, it is a big deal to hide after killing. The fortune-telling of a powerful person is also not on his own head. After the murder, the aura left between the heaven and the earth will slowly disappear with the delay of time.

There were more killers, and many people belonging to Feng Yi’s line died, but after that, the chance of death for the top people was much smaller. Most of those people withdrew to Phoenix Ridge and killed people in Phoenix Ridge. Even a strong person who respects God and Dzogchen must also consider whether he can survive after killing!

The affairs of the Feng clan were full of turmoil, and within Chu Mansion, Chu Feng was quiet, refining the Fusion Poison Pill, and it didn't matter if you interrupted a little bit, but if you carefully refine the pill, the success rate is naturally higher.

"It's been eight hundred and fifty-nine times, heaven and earth, let me succeed this time." Chu Feng cried in his heart, and the pill inside the pill furnace is almost ready to start. , But whether it can be successful, you can only know at the end. The drug properties of poison pills are not very certain before the furnace is released. Maybe you think it is poison pills before the furnace is turned on, and it becomes jelly beans after the furnace is turned on. It's not that Chu Feng has never encountered it.

"It's now!" Chu Feng snorted, and countless kinds of tactics were shot instantly, and the furnace lid of the pill furnace flew up suddenly, and then fifty purple-gold longan-sized pills flew out of the furnace! "Boom!" The dark clouds in the sky flashed and thunderous, and Chu Feng's face showed a pleasant surprise. Pill Tribulation, this is the second pill Tribulation he has made to refine the pill!

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