Holy Prison

Chapter 1003: Fengman's visit

"Dozens of anti-intrinsic pills, ninety-nine pill, Xiao Chu, some people know that they will be mad with jealousy!" Shi Hua said, "I can't hide this news today. I have dozens A back-to-nature pill, Xiao Chu, you will have to collect a small amount in the future. There are people who do everything for the sake of the pill!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Dean, thank you for your reminder, if it is identified as not a poison pill, you will have one for you. If it is a poison pill, then I am embarrassed if I need it." An excitement appeared on Hua's face. This is a **** pill that goes back to the original, it's nothing else. If there is one, then maybe the cultivation base will reach the intermediate level of the gods by then, it will be no problem!

"Xiao Chu, I'm not welcome." Shi Hua smiled. "You're welcome." Chu Feng said, Shi Hua took care of him, and if it was really not a poison pill, he should be given one.

Shi Hua said: "It would be fine if it was a poison pill this time." "Hope, if it is a poison pill, then if you get a good pill, there will be one of you, the dean." Chu Feng smiled. .

"Xiao Chu, can I help me with the identification?" Shi Hua said. Chu Feng shook his head: "Dean, thank you, this is not necessary. I know a master who refines poison, so I can just ask him to identify it. If he can't accurately identify it, Qi Seye can also identify it."

"Okay. Xiao Chu, then I'll go first." Shi Hua said. Shi Hua left, and Chu Feng was about to make a few more furnaces while his luck was good now. A voice of neglect came into his mind: "Chu Feng, do you have time to say something?"

The voice was Feng Man's voice. Chu Feng would definitely not make a mistake about this. Chu Feng frowned, what did Feng Man run here now. "Does the Feng Clan know that I was behind doing it?" Chu Feng asked inwardly.

Feng Man's clone was already outside of Chu Mansion, and Chu Feng's thoughts instantly appeared beside Chumen gate. "Master!" The two guards guarding the door hurriedly respectfully said.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded and turned to Feng Man's clone with a smile on his face, "What kind of wind is blowing today? Actually, the patriarch is here. Please come in."

Feng Man snorted and followed Chu Feng to sit down in Chu Mansion. "Chu Feng, I'm here today, I have something to ask." Chu Feng drew back the maid Feng Man and said directly.

"Please speak." Chu Feng said lightly.

"A large number of people in Feng Yi's line were killed. You did it? You don't have to hide it. Feng Yi's line was killed or injured. I am not particularly angry. Although this matter is not good for the Feng clan, it is good for me. "Feng Man stared at Chu Feng's eyes.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Clan Chief Feng, where does this matter start? I know that Feng Yi's line of Feng clan has a little trouble, but this matter has nothing to do with me. Although I have something to do with Feng Yi Hatred, but there are no fewer than 10,000 people who have hatred with Feng Yi? Isn't it normal for his personality to offend many people?"

Feng Man smiled slightly: "It's not your best. Chu Feng, I'm here today to tell you one thing, don't despise any superpower."

Chu Feng's eyes flashed brightly: "Thank you for the patriarch's concern."

"Chu Feng, you didn't understand what I meant." Feng Man said indifferently, "Many superpowers have not existed for a year or two, over a billion years or even tens of billions of years, and the accumulated heritage is not ordinary. The power can be compared. For example, our Feng clan has a five-color hall, and only a very small number of Feng clan people know about the existence of the five-color hall, and very few outsiders know about it!"

"Oh? Then I would like to know what this five-color hall does." Chu Feng said.

Feng Man took a sip of tea and said, "The Five-Colored God Hall was left by a senior sage. It has no offensive power and no defense. But when my Feng Clan has something I don’t know, I can open the Five-Colored God Hall for inquiries. Say, if someone kills a lot of people in my Feng clan, but my Feng clan can’t find out, then you can inquire about the five-color hall, so that you can easily know who the killer is!"

Chu Feng's heart was beating wildly. He really didn't know that Feng Clan had such a thing, "Damn, these superpowers are really terrifying one by one." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

His heart was shocked, but Chu Feng's face did not change at all, "Patriarch Feng, the five-color hall, is really a good thing, but such a thing, I'm afraid it can't be opened so easily." Chu Feng smiled.

"The five-color hall is not a secret to some people. If you inquire carefully with your ability, you can find out clearly. It can be opened three times in total. Now it has been opened once, so it can only be opened twice!" Fengman said Looking at Chu Feng deeply, "Normal things, the Five-Color God Hall will naturally not be opened, but if someone kills more Feng Clan people and provokes the anger of everyone in the Feng Clan, then the opening of the Five Color God Hall is It's inevitable."

"Clan Chief Feng, it seems that only the Feng Clan can bully others, and others can't deal with the Feng Clan." Chu Feng smiled. "Chu Feng, what do you mean, you did this time, right?" A cold light flashed in Feng Man's eyes.

"Clan Chief Feng got it wrong, right? Where did I say that, I just sighed, feeling that the Feng Clan is really amazing, Chief Feng, I absolutely have no other meaning." Chu Feng smiled.

Feng Man stood up and said, "Chu Feng, I have finished what I should say. Okay, I should go. By the way, one last sentence, I authorize Feng Yi to handle this matter with full authority."

"Clan Chief Feng, I will see you off." Chu Feng also stood up and said. "No need." Feng Man disappeared beside Chu Feng in an instant.

The teacup in Chu Feng's hand was relatively sturdy, but under Chu Feng's unconscious force, the teacup was crushed. The fragments of the teacup fell to the ground, and Chu Feng's expression became ugly: "Feng Clan, what a Phoenix Clan!"

Chu Feng didn’t dislike Feng Man’s arrival this time. Although Feng Man said he didn’t like to listen to it, the news told him it was actually a small favor. Chu Feng was angry that Feng Yi dealt with it. He still has Miao Feiying, but if he continues to deal with Feng Yi's line, it is likely to be in big trouble.

"The death of more than 30,000 people in the Feng Clan, and the death of more than 100 people above the Emperor God level, this time the revenge is not a failure." For a long time, Chu Feng took a deep breath and said inwardly.

More than 30,000 people died in Feng Yi's vein, and most of Chu Feng's breath of anger was in his heart. After a while, Chu Feng sent a message, which was successfully sent, Chu Feng knew that Leng Li would receive his news soon. Chu Feng didn't let Leng Li immediately return his hand, but confessed that he would stop after three days!

"Feng Yi old miscellaneous hair, this time, the right is to take some interest, I will definitely get it back at that time!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, with Feng Man's warning, this time things can only be done That's it. If it goes on, it will be reckless. It really makes the Feng Clan open the five-color temple. The Feng Clan is not good, and he will not have good fruit.

Three days later, someone who was interested discovered that the killer organization's order for the Feng Yi line of the Feng Clan had disappeared. If you give up the order, you will lose a lot of money, but Chu Feng doesn't care about this.

"Boss." Leng Li returned to Shenchu ​​City. "What's the result?" Chu Feng said. He didn't count the results of Leng Li this time, but Leng Li must have statistics.

He said coldly, "Boss, the Phoenix of the Feng Clan has changed his veins, and three god-level powerhouses died, 18 people at the Emperor God level died, 92 people at the Emperor God level died, and the rest were dead. At around 30,000! Boss, there is another good news. Feng Yi could have reached the Dzogchen Dzogchen in a few hundred years, but he did not expect to be interrupted this time. It is estimated that there is no hope for thousands of years!"

"Okay!" There was joy in Chu Feng's eyes. This was a big piece of good news. It made Chu Feng happier than the death of so many people in Feng Yi's line.

Those people who died in Feng Yi’s line of the Feng clan would only make Feng Yi heartache, and would not hurt Feng Yi’s muscles and bones. In contrast, Feng Yi lost the opportunity to enter the Great Consummation of the gods and lost much preciousness, Feng Man reached Dzogchen is actually not particularly terrible, but if he is lucky, he will reach the realm of a saint.

I have to guard against this! If Feng Yi had reached the sage level first, it would be a huge cup! "Leng Li, you enter the treasure space first." Chu Feng said, his voice fell, and Leng Li disappeared in front of him.

Phoenix Ridge of the Feng Clan.

"Elder, I am absolutely right. All the killer organizations have cancelled their missions. Now there is no news of my Feng clan being killed." An elder who was close to Feng Yi was more respectful and authentic. Elder, but his strength was lower than Feng Yi, and his power within the Feng clan was also much lower.

Feng Yi frowned and said, "What's the reason? Has it been found out?"

"Elder, this has not been found out yet!" said the elder. "Check, check it out for me. It's even more important to find out who the other party is. My Feng clan can't die in vain! If our Feng clan intelligence organization can't provide complete information, you can find other intelligence organizations to find out. "Feng Yi said.

"Yes, Great Elder!" said the elder. Feng Yi is very irritable. If the other party continues, it should be possible to catch the other party, but now the other party has stopped, trying to catch the other party is not easy, unless the five-color temple is activated, but Fengman can agree to it. Now, even if Feng Yi agrees, many of the other elders will disagree. The Five-Colored God Hall, this is too important for the Feng Clan to use it casually!

"Grandpa!" Feng Qingyang appeared next to Feng Man, "Grandpa, I think Chu Feng probably did this thing. There are strong people around him, and he can take out a lot of spar to buy Poison, there should be a lot of spar in his hand! The grandson initially estimated that the other party had spent at least 30 trillion catties of the best spar. It is not easy to get so much money. We might as well go directly to Chu Feng. Tan Tan!"

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