Holy Prison

Chapter 1004: Leaving Shenchu ​​City

"Go to Chu Feng directly, how can I find it?" Feng Yi said solemnly. "This" Feng Qingyang frowned. If there are no powerful experts around Chu Feng, then they are not allowed to knead it, but there are still two gods around Chu Feng who have reached the peak of the gods and have the true self. A skilled person, with such strength, even if Feng Yi personally went over, he would never expect to get a little benefit.

"Grandpa, it would be great if the three god-level powerhouses around Chu Feng could leave. Chu Feng had obtained a lot of poison, but for those poisons, most of his favors were used up. If those three If the powerhouse of the Venerable God level leaves, then we can deal with him easily!" Feng Qingyang said.

Feng Yi took a deep breath and said indifferently: "How easy is it? Since those three god-level powerhouses have promised to protect them for ten thousand years, they will definitely not leave within ten thousand years."

"Qingyang, you must not act rashly this time. It is hard to say whether Chu Feng did it. Since the other party stopped temporarily, then it is enough to investigate this matter slowly!" Feng Yi said.

Feng Qingyang said in a depressed manner: "Grandpa, the usual method is probably very difficult to find out. We Feng Yi's line suffered such a big loss, can it be forgotten? Grandpa, do you think it will be? The patriarch made it happen? This thing kills two birds with one stone. It not only reduces the strength of our Feng Yi family, but also affects your cultivation, Grandpa."

"No." Feng Qingyang said that the expression affecting Feng Yi was a bit ugly, but he was still sure that Feng Man did not do this thing. "Although Feng Man is worried that I will overwhelm her, but kill me Feng Yi With so many people in one line, she still can't do it, and she doesn't know that I am at the critical moment of breakthrough!"

"Grandpa, I'm going to practice, and strive to reach the Emperor God level sooner!" Feng Qingyang said. It has been some time since he reached the Emperor God's Great Perfection, and he faintly felt that the breakthrough should not take too long.

"Yeah." Feng Yi nodded.

In a blink of an eye, another month or two passed. During these two months, Chu Feng had a lot of free time. Before doing his best to practice alchemy, Chu Feng's alchemy rate slowed down a bit during the two months. Poison requires spar to buy. He had a large amount of spar before, but he bought a large amount of poison and now there is not much spar in his hand.

During this month, Chu Feng hadn't gained much from alchemy, but the green robe in the holy prison space gradually deepened his understanding of that poison pill.

"Chu Feng, there is news from the green robe." That day, Chu Feng's voice of Miao Xian'er just after refining some poisons rang in his mind.

When Chu Feng's eyes lit up, he entered the holy prison space and appeared in front of the green robe. "Boss!" Lupao quickly saluted respectfully.

"What's the result?" Chu Feng waved his hand and said that the green robe didn't need to be polite.

"Boss, those pills are all poison pills!" Lupao said. "Haha, good!" Chu Feng laughed, fifty-two anti-virgin poison pills, plus some from the green robe and some poisons sent by Venerable Qiye should be enough to support Miao Feiying. Time!

"What is the effect of Poison Pill?" Chu Feng said.

Lupao squeezed out some smiles on an old face: "Boss, those medicines are quite good. They can be taken directly by people, and they can be melted in water. If a strong person who respects the gods takes it, If you go down, then unless you have a very special method, you will definitely be poisoned to death!"

"The power of the poison does not happen all at once, but it will slowly penetrate into the body and soul without knowing it. After taking it for about three minutes, it will attack, and the body and soul will be directly destroyed. "

"Very good!" Chu Feng said, "Green Robe, I have tried again according to the ratio many times these days, but there has never been such a poison pill, not one. Do you think there is any problem in this?"

"This boss, I know a little bit about the fusion of poison pills. That thing is too much about luck, it's a bit of a mistake, it's a thousand miles away! Even if the same thing is put in, the flame temperature cannot be exactly the same, and the poison gas is inside. The flow is not exactly the same, so" the words behind the green robe are not said, guessing that Chu Feng can also guess what he is going to say.

Chu Feng sighed slightly: "It's because I'm a little bit greedy. It's very good to get those fifty-two back-to-nature medicinal pills with good luck! Okay, continue your research and try to get what you need. Say!"

Chu Feng disappeared and got to Miao Feiying. Miao Feiying is practising right now, Chu Feng watched quietly, white clothes wins Xuexue's beautiful face, Miao Feiying now looks like a holy fairy, just an unaware person, who can Thinking that there was a terrible poison pill in her body at this time, if a bad poison pill broke out outside, Miao Feiying would become a slaying witch.

"The level of the holy prison still needs to be upgraded as soon as possible, otherwise, the space of the holy prison will not be able to withstand the outbreak of the poison pill within Feiying's body at that time." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that the poison that Miao Feiying needs before is more important. Now, the promotion of the holy prison has become even more important!

"Husband." Miao Feiying's eyes opened slowly, with a smile on her face, but there was some faint worry in her eyes.

"Feiying, what's the matter?" Chu Feng noticed that Miao Feiying was holding her hand and staring into her eyes. "Husband, I feel that the feeling of hunger becomes stronger. If this continues, I think it will take up to three months to absorb the poison." Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly, and if it took another three months, then it would have been exactly one year since the Poison Pill was formed in Miao Feiying's body.

"Feiying, don’t worry, I’m telling you the good news. Those fifty-two pills are all Poison Pills, the top Poison Pills that can poison the Lord of Great Perfection, such a Poison Pill, one should be enough for you. The poison pill in the body has been digested and absorbed for a few years!" Chu Feng said.

"Husband, me, am I too useless?" Miao Feiying snuggled into Chu Feng's arms and said faintly, "The strength of the air venerable **** level, but it can't help you much. I got those poison pills and wasted you before. There are so many favors and spar, now fifty-two anti-virgin poison pills, any of them are priceless, giving them all to me is really a waste."

"Feiying, this is not the you before." Chu Feng looked into Miao Feiying's eyes and said. "What was I like before?" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Before you, in the eyes of many people in the Red Moon Empire, you are a saint and a patron saint; in the eyes of some people who are afraid of you, you are a demon; in my eyes, you are also a strong woman. Sometimes it’s silly haha. Now, why do you become sentimental? You are my woman, I take care of you, that’s not a matter of course"

Miao Feiying gave Chu Feng a white look: "I used to be a strong woman, but now I am a little woman with a husband. What's wrong with my sentimentality?"

"It's okay. It's okay. Just don't talk about waste, some poisons, and what is wasted." Chu Feng said a pair of magic hands skillfully untied Miao Feiying's placket and stretched in, "Huh, Feiying, It seems to be a bit bigger here." Chu Feng smiled and grabbed a small white rabbit Miao Feiying and kneaded.

"Such a powerful poison, and only you can say that. If it were before, I would have been reluctant to use it and save it if I got such a poison. Well, you enemy, what are you touching?" He Feng Bingning and Lan Wenxiang Miao Feiying is easier to be emotional than Miao Feiying. At this time, she winks like silk, and that kind of tenderness is probably unbearable to a man.

After the battle, Miao Feiying lay on Chu Feng's chest like a kitten. "Little man Chu Feng, you really don't want your life. You are still like this at this time. You are not afraid that it will happen that my erysipelas erupts and will kill you." Miao Feiying said softly.

"Well, you die under the peony flower, and you're also romantic, haha!" Chu Feng smiled. "You're a ghost, you're romantic. If something goes wrong, what should Bing Ning and Lan Wen do?" Miao Feiying hummed softly, "I should do less of this in the future. How about doing it as a clone? "

"How can I do it? Okay, don't worry, can I still have a sense of measure? If you are about to explode, I will feel it a little bit earlier. If you feel it, you can't hurt me." Chu Feng Said, "I felt it when I was outside at the beginning, and I felt stronger in it."

"Really?" Miao Feiying said with joy in her eyes. "Of course, do I need to lie to you like this? Don't worry." Chu Feng said.

"That's good."

After staying with Miao Feiying for a while, Chu Feng left the holy prison space. "Follow the remaining poison in the shortest time, and then leave to find a way to improve the holy prison!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

In the next half month, Chu Feng accelerated the speed of refining poison, but what made him a little depressed was that it seemed that he ran out of luck the previous time, and the poison refined from the remaining poison is the best. Poisoning a god-level person, such poison is of no use to him!

As early as half a month ago, Chu Feng issued a notice that he would not use spar to collect poison in a short period of time. At this time, the poison was finished, and Chu Feng was naturally considering leaving Shenchu ​​City.

It was promised that Miao Feiying and the others would not leave Shenchu ​​City for ten or twenty years, but the progress in refining the poison was much better than he expected. Chu Feng was not willing to waste time in Shenchu ​​City at this time.

Leaving a clone, Chu Feng made a Tianwei appear outside, and that Tianwei left Shenchu ​​City with the holy prison, and Chu Feng, naturally, got to the domain tower and started fighting!

Tianwei walks with the holy prison, coldly in the holy prison space, if he encounters someone who can be arrested, Miao Xianer decides whether to capture or let Lengli go out and help. By doing this, he can catch the criminals. Quest, Erchufeng can also obtain merit points and the value of the domain tower in the domain tower!

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