Holy Prison

Chapter 1006: To Philadelphia

"Go to the abyss?" Feng Bingning said, frowning slightly, "Feng, now above Infinity, there is only Philadelphia that can go to the abyss. The relationship between the Fei family and us."

"What if the relationship is not good? Use the teleportation array. Could the Fei family not let me use it?" Chu Feng said. "Feng, what I mean is, if you use the teleportation array of the Fei family, the Fei family will not make any tricks. If you do some tricks, we may not teleport to the abyss but to the rest of the place!" Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Don't worry, I still have some understanding of that teleportation formation. It's not so easy for them to figure me out!"

"Brother Feng, go to the abyss, do you want us to go there together?" Tang Ming said. Chu Feng shook his head: "No, you don't want to go there, not just you, Bing Ning, neither you nor Lan Wen."

The expressions of Lan Wen and Feng Bingning changed slightly. "Brother Feng, Zhou Wen, they don't need to go there, why don't we go there?" Lan Wen said, "We have passed. If something happens, there will be one more person to discuss."

"Can you completely constrain the aura of the abyss?" Chu Feng asked. Feng Bingning and the others had killed a lot of abyssal powerhouses and abyss monsters. The abyssal aura on their bodies couldn't be converged completely. They were above infinity. Fortunately, there are a lot of people on Infinite now with the aura of abyss, and the number of abyss monsters is not particularly large, Feng Bingning and the others are relatively high.

But the abyss is different. There are many strong people in the abyss, and the people above the infinite get to the other side. If they exude a deadly abyss that makes them hate, then each and every one of the abyss powerhouses will pounce like a wolf!

"This" Feng Bingning and the others tried to converge with all their strength, but it was useless. They were able to condense the abyssal aura a lot, but they couldn't do it completely. The abyssal aura from their bodies was probably in the abyss. Let people in the abyss who have the same strength as them feel it from hundreds of kilometers away. If the opponent's strength is stronger, then it can be sensed farther away!

"Brother Feng, I want to go down. I will practice in your treasure space. Anyway, it won't affect my training." Lan Wen said, "I didn't Are you going down?"

"I want too, I don't want to be separated, although I will have some influence in it, so there will be, there is a big deal, even if there are some influences, my cultivation base will progress very quickly." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng frowned and considered for a while and nodded: "Well, then you stay in one of my treasure spaces. Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, you have to be careful, you don't seem to be particularly provoked. The enemy, but I have provoked a lot, they can't deal with me, it is possible to deal with you!"

"We're going to separate again." Tang Wan said depressedly, "Sister Bing Ning, Sister Lan Wen, Sister Han Xiang, let's talk aside and let the three old men talk."

"Okay." Feng Bingning and the others agreed with a smile.

Tang Wan and the others left, and Zhou Wen shrugged: "I didn't expect us to be old men. Alas, we can't afford to hurt! Brother Feng, don't worry about us. As long as you don't die, we will be safer. If your old man is dead, then We are very dangerous. Now that Xiao Mingzi and I both have a lot of spars, we won't have any problems if we get more powerful things."

"Brother Feng, we don't have much. If we encounter damage that is completely unstoppable, our natal weapons can still save our lives." Tang Mingdao, their natal weapons are very powerful, even if they are facing a god-level powerhouse. 'S attacks can indeed make them escape, but that would do a lot of damage to their natal weapons, and there will be no big problem with one or two attacks. If the number of times increases, their natal weapons may be forcibly removed from them. Relationship, the consequence of that is their death!

"Come on, take a few sips. The next time I see you is probably decades or hundreds of years later." Chu Feng took out three bottles of wine and threw two of them to Tang Ming and the others.

"Several decades and hundreds of years passed quickly." Tang Ming smiled.

"I hope we can be sanctified earlier or even reach the realm of immortality. By then, we should be at ease." Zhou Wen said with a hey smile.

"There will be, drink!"

Three days later, Zhou Wen and the others left Shenchu ​​City. Five years later, Lan Wenfeng frozen Chu Feng and Meng Hao and the three of them sent to Philadelphia again and again. During the five years, Chu Feng and Linglong went out. The value of the spar obtained during the robbery reached 300 million jin. The spar can also be used in the abyss. With so many spars, it is naturally much easier to enter the abyss.

Philadelphia, here, Chu Feng's first impression is that it is more prosperous than before. With that ancient formation nearby, Philadelphia has naturally become one of the important cities of the Fei family.

"There are a lot of strong people." Bruin said softly, in his sense, Philadelphia has at least twenty god-level strong people!

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a figure appeared not far in front of them. From that figure, a more powerful aura radiated. Even if he didn't pass the sky-eye check, Chu Feng knew who this person was.

"Hello three brothers!"

Fei Zhengpeng arched his hands at Meng Hao and the three of them. As for Chu Feng, Fei Zhengpeng didn’t look at him directly. The three powerful men of the Fei family were killed by Chu Feng, and Fei Zhengpeng It was strange to Chu Feng to have a good face.

"Okay!" Bruin arched his hands. As for Menghao and Jitian's mouth, they didn't open it. "Three brothers came here, don't know what's important?" Fairbank said.

"We are just attendants, don't ask us." Bruin smiled slightly. "Senior Fei Zhengpeng, we want to use that ancient teleportation array." Chu Feng said directly.

Fei Zhengpeng finally looked straight at Chu Feng with a smile and said without a smile: "It turned out to be Chu Feng, Chu Feng, I can't bear your predecessor! I'm really sorry, the ancient teleportation formation has appeared. It’s a bit damaged and it can’t be used now. I hope you can forgive Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng raised his brows, and the fellow Fei Zhengpeng did not let them use it smoothly. "Since the predecessor is dead, then I will call my name directly. Fei Zhengpeng, when I married Feiying, thank Fei Jia Send someone to congratulate me. I have been thinking about how it would be better to return a gift, Fei Zhengpeng, how do you think I should give a gift?" A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes.

Fei Zhengpeng was shocked. The original wedding had been twenty or thirty years since Chu Feng hadn't acted for such a long time. He thought that Chu Feng hadn't noticed that Fei's family had done it in the first place, but it seems now.

"Is this little beast cheating me?" Fei Zhengpeng secretly asked. "Chu Feng, I don't understand what you are talking about. Your wedding, I'm sorry, our Fei family forgot to send someone to celebrate." Fei Zhengpeng said.

"Oh? So, I thought that the rain of swords in the sky was a gift from the Fei family. Those rains of swords are indeed pretty, and they add a lot to my wedding." Chu Feng smiled lightly.

The flower in the blood swallowed many people who did it. Some of the recent memories of those who were swallowed were acquired by the flower in the blood. From those memories, it is not difficult for Chu Feng to know that the countless sword lights that appeared in the sky at the time were a waste. The family sent people in the past to use one-time treasures. That huge skull was the method of Wang Yuan Mansion in the abyss. The people from Wang Yuan Mansion controlled a god-level person and then let the god-level person initiate an attack.

Fei Zhengpeng's heart beat wildly, and Chu Feng came out with an accurate spot. At this time, he didn't think that Chu Feng was just guessing randomly. "Chu Feng, it was definitely not sent by my Fei family. After the ancient teleportation array broke down, I was repairing it with all my strength. It may have been repaired by this time, Chu Feng, everyone, please!" Fei Zhengpeng said.

"Sister Bing Ning, the ancient teleportation array won't break when we teleport, will it?" Lan Wen said softly. Feng Bingning smiled slightly: "It shouldn't be. How could such a teleportation array break easily? Senior Fei, if the teleportation array is broken while we are teleporting, and we die, then Senior Fei's best to pass on the order immediately. The Fei family should be careful."

"Yes, if something like that happens, some of our friends will definitely blame the Fei family. If tens of trillions of crystals are smashed out, it is estimated that many people will be sent out to kill." Lan Wen said.

Fei Zhengpeng's eyes flashed: "Chu Feng, don't worry, if the teleportation array is repaired, there will be no problems in a short time."

"That's good." Chu Feng said lightly.

Chu Feng and the others were not fast, but the ancient teleportation formation was very close to Philadelphia, and within half a minute they had already reached the place where the ancient teleportation formation was.

"Bing Ning, you can enter the treasure space." Chu Feng transmitted the sound to Feng Bing Ning and the others. Feng Bingning and the others hesitated and nodded. If they enter the sacred prison space, they won't be able to appear outside on the side of the abyss, but if they don't enter the sacred prison space, they may be scattered!

Feng Bingning and the others nodded, and Chu Feng sent them into the holy prison space with a move. "Second Brother Peng!" Chu Feng and the others fell from the sky, and a thin old man in the ancient teleportation formation appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others said, this thin old man is also a powerhouse of the god-excellent level.

"How is the ancient teleportation array repaired?" Fei Zhengpeng said. "The level is limited, but it is finally healed after so long. They want to teleport?" The old man looked at Chu Feng and the others. "Chu Feng, you are Chu Feng!" The old man froze for a moment and suddenly angered, "You bastard, dare to come to Philadelphia, I will kill you!"

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