Holy Prison

Chapter 1007: Teleport Gust

"Old seven, stop!" Fei Zhengpeng shouted loudly. The old man made a hand and took a horrible palm print towards Chu Feng. Chu Feng didn't move, but Fei Zhengpeng took the palm print forcibly!

A huge muffled sound sounded, a bloodshot appeared at the corner of Fei Zhengpeng's mouth, and the old man's body also shook. "Old seven, be more sober!" Fei Zhengpeng shouted again.

"Old Meng, this guy wants to kill me, kill him." Chu Feng said lightly. When Chu Feng spoke, Fei Zhengpeng and the old man's expressions changed drastically. "Chu Feng, no!" Fei Zhengpeng said hastily, and he stopped in front of the old man.

Meng Hao sneered, Bruin shot to block Fei Zhengpeng temporarily, and Meng Hao raised his right fist. At this moment, the world seemed to be smaller than this punch. The old man wanted to escape, but at this time he found his body. Actually a little disobedient!


Meng Hao's fist hit the old man's chest hard, "Pretending to be in front of the deity is just looking for death!" Meng Hao coldly snorted, and the old man fell heavily during his words, his body looked at him. There is nothing unusual up there, but the breath of life has quickly disappeared from his body!

angry! angry! angry!

A terrible rage was ignited in Fei Zhengpeng's heart, but he did not dare to move. There was a movement at this time. He estimated that Meng Hao and the others would kill him without hesitation!

That old man was a god-respecting and high-level cultivation base, and he also had a very high status in the Fei family. However, such a strong man fell like this, his strength was strong, but in a god-respecting **** like Menghao, he reached great accomplishment. There is nothing in the eyes of the strong!

"Chu Feng!" Fei Zhengpeng said, he was like an enraged beast at this time, but compared with the beast, he was rational, so he was still alive at this time!

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Fei Zhengpeng, it's nothing that your Fei family wants to murder me. It's not the first time anyway. But you are too courageous, you actually want to murder the three of them together!"

Meng Hao and the others all showed fierce light in their eyes. They were not sure that the Fei family had done anything, but they knew a lot about Chu Feng now. Since Chu Feng just let Meng Hao do it, it must be more than that. An old man shot him in anger. Now, hearing what Chu Feng said, Meng Hao and the others are completely certain that Fei Jiaran even wanted to murder them!

"You, Chu Feng, don't spit people! Three fellow Taoists, you are just like that. Listening to Chu Feng's one-sided words will not succeed. Although you promised to protect Chu Feng for ten thousand years, you don't need to listen to him like this!" Fei Zhengpeng was angry. Dao, an emperor god-level character is okay, the entire Fei family is a hundred or so strong god-exalted level, and each of them is extremely important to the Fei family!

"Fei Zhengpeng, this ancient teleportation formation, if we stand up, it will not be teleported to the abyss by then, it is very likely that it will be teleported to a terrible different space." Chu Feng sneered, "If we teleport to a different space, even Therefore, their strength may never come back!"

"Chu Feng, this is just your own words." Fei Zhengpeng shouted coldly.

Chu Feng looked at the teleportation formation: "Fei Zhengpeng, I know a little about this ancient teleportation formation." Fei Zhengpeng's eyes condensed, but soon he sneered in his heart. He had studied this ancient teleportation formation for a long time. Time didn't know much, Chu Feng only came here once and said that he knew a little about Thaksin, which is strange!

"A little bit of knowledge? Then we need to see! Three fellow Taoists, if Chu Feng did not produce evidence, can you still protect him?" Fei Zhengpeng looked at Menghao and the others in a solemn voice.

Meng Hao and the others did not speak, Chu Feng smiled bitterly, Meng Hao and the others were very shrewd, afraid that they were a little angry at him at this time. "What if I show evidence?" Chu Feng hummed.

"How can there be evidence for things that are in vain?" Fairbank said lightly. "In this ancient teleportation array, it is difficult for ordinary people to see where there is a problem, but if someone points out where the problem is, people with better eyesight can see it!" Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Fei Zhengpeng's heart burst: Did Chu Feng really see anything? Impossible, it must be impossible! "In that case, Chu Feng, just give us some pointers and let us see." Fei Zhengpeng said.

Chu Feng stepped up to the ancient teleportation formation, Meng Hao and the others also went up, and Fei Zhengpeng followed with a cold snort and walked onto the ancient teleportation formation.

"It can be seen that Fei Gong doesn't know much about this teleportation array, but it is very good to be able to make some changes to this teleportation array!" Chu Feng said.

"Pretend to be a god!" Fei Zhengpeng said coldly.

Chu Feng bent down and pointed at a weird formation talisman, "Old Meng, your divine sense invaded into it." Chu Feng said, Meng Hao and the others immediately entered the weird formation talisman.

"Along here, then here, and here again" Chu Feng kept pointing, Meng Hao and their spirits moved along the lines of formations. These formations could not just let the spirits go forward like this. Yes, if there is no guidance from Chu Feng, Menghao and the others will soon be unable to move forward!

As time passed by, Fei Zhengpeng was horrified. He could see that Chu Feng really understood this formation. If Meng Hao and the others really found a problem, then.

Frightened in his heart, Fei Zhengpeng wanted to escape, but he didn't dare at this time. Menghao and the others had their minds locked in them. If he escaped, Menghao and the others would definitely set up a killer!

Three minutes later, under the guidance of Chu Feng, Meng Hao and their spirits finally reached a very inconspicuous formation. "This is a laborious worker, and the three fellow daoists, I don't know about this, and the Fei family has nothing to do with this matter!" Fei Zhengpeng said in a panic. He looked at Meng Hao and the others. It was Meng who greeted them. Howe their cold eyes.

There is a drop of blood within that formation pattern, and that drop of blood is the labor of the one who just died! The blood was stained on that formation pattern, even if Fei Zhengpeng said that he broke his mouth, Meng Hao and the others would never believe that this had no effect on the ancient teleportation formation!

"Fei family, great!"

"Our three old lives were almost reimbursed haha!"

"Fei Zhengpeng, can't you think of us as a three-year-old child? This matter will have nothing to do with the Fei family, it's just a personal act of labor."

The three men of Meng Hao spoke, and Fei Zhengpeng was most chilled. "Three fellow Taoists, this is really laborious personal behavior. It has nothing to do with our Fei family. Only he understands this formation most clearly. The rest of us don't know what he did!" Fei Zhengpeng Tao.

"Really?" Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "In this case, Fei Zhengpeng, don't resist, let Meng Lao them hypnotize you and ask a few questions!"

"Okay!" What Chu Feng didn't expect was that Fei Zhengpeng agreed in one gulp. At this moment, Fei family and some strong men also came near the teleportation array. "Three fellow daoists, the only questions I hope to ask are It involves the matter just now!"

"Yes." Bruin nodded.

Fei Zhengpeng gave up resisting, and Bruin quickly hypnotized Fei Zhengpeng, "Fei Zhengpeng, do you want to kill Chu Feng?" Bruin said indifferently.

"Yes!" Fei Zhengpeng's face showed longing, and a strong murderous aura also appeared on him. "Does the ancient teleportation array have anything to do with you? Do you know, does anyone from the Fei family know?" Bruin said.

"It has nothing to do with me, I don't know, no one." Fei Zhengpeng replied blankly, Chu Feng frowned. In his opinion, Fei Zhengpeng must know, but Fei Zhengpeng's answer was out of line. Chu Feng's surprise.

"Old Bu, isn't hypnotism enough?" Meng Hao said. "You have a try." Bruin said.

Meng Hao was not polite, he was immediately hypnotized, and asked again, Fei Zhengpeng still said the same. "Three seniors, I don't know where the second uncle offended the three seniors?" a Fei family member on the side of the teleportation formation asked with a fist.

"Let go." Meng Hao said, Bruin withdrew his hypnosis with a move, and the look in Fei Zhengpeng's eyes recovered. "Three fellow Taoists, I must have already asked clearly, this matter really has nothing to do with me, and has nothing to do with the Fei family. It's Fei Gong's private behavior! Our Fei family will deal with this situation seriously!" Fei Zhengpeng said solemnly.

Fei Zhengpeng said and looked at some of the other people on the side of the teleportation formation: "Three seniors, some of them are often in Philadelphia, if the three seniors still have doubts, you can hypnotize them and ask them." .

"Haha, don't ask." Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "It turned out to be just a personal act of Fei Gong, Fei Zhengpeng, Fei Gong's behavior, he died, Fei family will not trouble us and our relatives and friends?"

"I won't." Fei Zhengpeng said solemnly, "If he kills you, I totally agree, but it would be too much to implicate the three seniors!"

Chu Feng nodded his head: "That's it. In that case, let this matter pass, Fei Zhengpeng, should we use this teleportation array to have no problem?"

"Please!" Fei Zhengpeng said coldly.

Chu Feng could discover the existence of that drop of blood, and it didn't take long to clear it. The blood within that talisman after ten minutes passed was cleared, and a large number of abyss crystal flowers went out, Chu Feng and the four of them At the same time disappeared within the teleportation array.

"Damn it!" As soon as Chu Feng and the others disappeared, Fei Zhengpeng yelled up to the sky, can he not be angry, the Fei family, a powerful master of the gods, was killed like this!

While angry, Fei Zhengpeng secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, this time he has prepared more. If Meng Hao and the others know that this is not just a personal act of labor, then Liangzi has gotten bigger, but even so, Fei Zhengpeng knew that Meng Hao and the three of them had some ideas about Fei's family too!

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