Holy Prison

Chapter 1008: Lava ocean

On the first floor of the abyss, Chu Feng quickly spread his spiritual consciousness as soon as he appeared. "Heh, luck is better this time." Chu Feng smiled. Although Meng Hao and the others were not by his side, the distance between the three of them was no more than ten thousand kilometers.

Ten thousand kilometers, Meng Hao and the others reached Chu Feng in the blink of an eye. "Old Meng, I was embarrassed before." Chu Feng said. Meng Hao waved his hand: "No matter, it's normal for you to want to drag us to the opposite of the Fei family. This Fei family is really courageous. He actually wants to kill us all!"

"The Fei family is one of the overlords in the Infinite Western Region, so naturally they will not be brave." Chu Feng said. Meng Hao and the others were not angry. Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thanks to his good relationship with Meng Hao. They had the previous favor, and it was his help that Meng Hao and they had the eyes of the earth.

In fact, what Chu Feng did this time was not obvious, but he could conceal a little bit earlier to Philadelphia. If he didn't do this, he had deliberately given the Fei family a chance!

He gave the Fei family a chance, and the Fei family also seized that opportunity, so the Fei family was unlucky! "Western Overlord? Haha, it's like that on the bright side, but if you count some hidden forces, the Fei family's power in the Infinite West must be at least out of ten!" Bruin laughed.


There is a dark and bright array in Chu Feng's body. His abyssal aura has completely converged, but Menghao and the others can't do this. At this time, a fierce roar came, a monster that was thousands of meters long. Hurriedly rushed towards Chu Feng and the others!

"Drink!" Ji Tian Liao gave a soft drink. He did not use any weapon, his right hand was raised, and under a stroke, the monster that was several kilometers long was cut in half by Ji Tian Lian from the middle!

"Old Meng, you can't completely constrain the abyss of death. It's better to enter the space of my treasure." Chu Feng said. Although Meng Hao and the others are extremely powerful, they walk in the abyss and stay for a long time. If the number is small, there will be no big problem. If the number is too large, then Menghao and the others will not be able to resist it!

Moreover, Chu Feng was still thinking about giving some people in Wang Yuan Mansion a surprise at that time! With Menghao's strength, if they suddenly come out, they will definitely be a big surprise to some powerful people in Wang Yuan Mansion!

"Wait, I haven't been to the abyss, feel more." Menghaodao, he touched his arm as he said, "The air quality in the abyss is really bad. It is estimated that you will have to take a bath soon!"

"It's like this in the abyss." Chu Feng smiled, "Ordinary water can't wash away the things on the body, but it can be easily washed away with special water."

Menghao and the others have never been to the abyss. At this time, they are carefully feeling the difference between the abyss and the infinity. Some monsters in the abyss and the strong felt the death aura from the abyss coming from them, but they have not yet approached. They were killed by Meng Hao one by one!

"Well, let's enter, there is nothing to look at." Menghaodao. Bruin and Jitian Lian nodded, Chu Feng thought that all three of them were received into the holy prison space.

As soon as Meng Hao and the others gathered, there was no more deadly abyss from here. Chu Feng hurriedly left the place. It would be no good if someone came over to see him here.

In a short period of time, Chu Feng flew tens of millions of kilometers and fell down, "Who is it?" Many people shouted loudly, and their figures flashed and appeared beside Chu Feng.

"Humph!" Chu Feng snorted coldly, the imposing aura of the Emperor God-level powerhouse exuded a little, feeling that tyrannical aura, all the creatures surrounding the abyss suddenly lay on the ground in horror.

"Get up." Chu Feng said indifferently, "Yes, my lord!" A demon-level person said and stood up cautiously, his strength is the strongest among these people.

Chu Feng said, "Where is this place?"

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the demon-level person, but he dared not ask anything more honestly: "This is the Svalo Empire."

"The Svalo Empire? It's actually to the west." Chu Feng frowned slightly. The Svalo Empire was in the western part of the abyss. Although it was not the westernmost part, it was not far from the westernmost part. If you want to get to Shijia, then the shortest path is through the lava ocean, otherwise the distance is too far!

"Which way is the nearest city?" Chu Feng said. "Senior, it's this side." The demon-level powerhouse quickly pointed and said.

"Thanks." Chu Feng disappeared in front of that demon-level powerhouse and other abyssal monsters in an instant. "This adult is polite." Chu Feng left, a demon-level humane, "but it's a strange thing to get lost." "Don't argue, this adult may have a problem with space jump. "

After asking for directions, Chu Feng quickly reached a medium-sized city. There were still teleportation stations in this city. After passing the teleportation platform, Chu Feng had already reached a city on the edge of the lava ocean.

The lava ocean, this is the largest ocean on the first floor of the abyss. It is impossible to fly above the lava ocean. You can only take a bone ship made from the bones of the creatures in the lava ocean.

"I don't know if I can take a flying boat. If possible, the speed will be much faster!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, if you take a flying boat, it is estimated that you can pass through the lava ocean in one or two days, otherwise you can take a bone boat. Even the fastest bone ship takes seven or eight days to pass!

After leaving the city, Chu Feng quickly recruited Feizhou Silver Wing. He entered the Silver Wing, and the Silver Wing instantly took off and reached the sky above the lava ocean.

"Master, no, Xiaoyin can't support the flight for too long over this lava ocean!" Xiaoyin's voice immediately rang in Chu Feng's mind. No need to ask, Chu Feng actually knew this too. I feel that my current power consumption rate is very terrifying. At this rate, it is estimated that if you don't need it in a minute, your body's power will be exhausted!

You know, Chu Feng is now a powerhouse of the Emperor God level, how huge the power of his whole body adds up, but using a flying boat to fly, it will consume so much of his power in such a short time. It is conceivable that this lava ocean is terrible!

return! Chu Feng immediately made the decision to return, only to fly to the lava ocean a little bit, and the flying boat turned around and quickly returned to the shore.

After receiving the flying boat, Chu Feng looked into the rolling lava heart with amazement, the rate of consumption was really terrifying. "It's no wonder that even a god-level powerhouse can't fly over the lava ocean. That consumes speed and is abnormal! If it is a god-level powerhouse, without such a thing as a flying boat, it may not be able to support the power of the whole body for ten seconds. Exhausted!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart and quickly returned to the city.

Since the flying boat cannot fly over, you can only buy a bone boat or take a public bone boat. In the lava ocean, only the big forces and some people with top-notch bone boats will use the bone boats they purchased. The reason is very simple. Although most of the common bone boats are ordinary bone boats with limited speed, there are also top bone boats. If your own bone boats are not fast, then they are not as good as the bone boats used for riding.

Chu Feng didn't want to take the public bone boat to cause any trouble, so he wanted to buy a top bone boat. "My lord, the top bone boat is really gone. A hundred years ago, many big people bought them. Some The forces that make top bone ships have already sold their inventory. Top bone ships cannot be manufactured in a short time. The output is very small in a hundred years, and they are basically bought as soon as they come out. "

I asked three places, all three places basically responded with the same response, out of stock! "Sir, it's actually good to take a public bone boat. It's fast and safe! My lord, if you want to take a public bone boat, I can get you a top-notch ticket!"

"When will we sail?" Chu Feng said lightly. The young man who was talking to Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "My lord, the Burning Shark is a top-notch bone ship. It will sail tomorrow. There should be some seats available now. My lord, do you need a regular ticket or a VIP ticket? The price of a VIP ticket is much higher. For a regular ticket, a 300,000 catty super magic stone!"

An ordinary ticket is only 300,000 catties of the best magic stone. Such a ticket is not affordable for ordinary people in the abyss. Ordinary people can only take ordinary bone boats, which are much slower. , And the protection is naturally much lower. The lava ocean is not a safe place. Every year, ordinary bone ships are destroyed and killed in the lava ocean.

"A regular ticket is enough." Chu Feng thought, a spatial ring appeared in his hand faintly. He does not lack spars, but at this time there is no need to be wide.

"My lord, wait a minute, I'll get you the ferry ticket right away." The young man took the space ring and scanned it happily. When he pulled a guest, he could also have some share, although the share ratio was not High, but the ticket is expensive, even if it is 1%, he can get a lot!

"Chu Feng, don't you enter the sacred prison space and let Tianwei appear outside?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "It is much safer for Tianwei to be outside."

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "Miao Xian'er, I feel that it is not good to blindly hide in the holy prison space when there is danger! It is not special to enter the holy prison space when it is particularly dangerous. I’m just outside here. I’m more interested in this melting ocean, so I just feel it outside.”

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