Holy Prison

Chapter 1009: I am a regular customer

"Not good?" Miao Xian'er wondered, "Could it be better to die outside?" "I can't tell, this is just my feeling. If the outside environment is a little bit dangerous, I will lie in the holy prison space." , Then it may affect the state of mind! The state of mind is affected, and it will definitely affect the improvement of cultivation level at that time." Chu Feng said in his mind.

Chu Feng is not quite clear about this. It is not easy for others to give an extremely accurate judgment if there is no such thing as a holy prison, but Chu Feng feels that he should not be wrong about his own feelings.

"Anyway, you should be careful. Nothing is as important as your own life." Miao Xianer said, "If there is any danger, immediately get Menghao and the others out or enter the holy prison space."

"Don't worry, I won't be joking about my life yet." Chu Feng smiled in his mind.

Chu Feng drank his tea. He didn't wait long, but the young man came back with a jade medal in ten minutes. "My lord, here is your ticket. The Burning Shark will start at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. If everything goes well, it will be an eight-day voyage. There may be accidents during the journey. If some accidents happen, the Burning Shark captain will compensate the adults. , And there are some accidents that will not be paid if they happen, these adults, you can have a comprehensive understanding of your spiritual sense into the jade medal.” The young man handed the jade medal to Chu Feng respectfully.

Chu Feng received the jade plaque, and his spiritual sense entered the jade plaque and quickly read some of the information stored in the jade plaque. "Reward you." Chu Feng said indifferently, as he said that he had thrown a middle-grade crystal to that young man.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!" The young man hurriedly said, this middle-grade crystal weighs two kilograms, which is equivalent to two thousand kilograms of standard high-grade spar.

Chu Feng left the shop where he was and looked for a large restaurant. In the abyss, a small restaurant might not have intelligence personnel, but there are very few large restaurants.

"Come here." Chu Feng liked the window, and sat down by the window. He beckoned, and immediately a maid from the restaurant walked over. The maid here is in human form, but she doesn't have the strength of a demon class, like Chu Feng. The maid recruited was only platinum-level strength.

Platinum-level strength is considered a master at the infinite level, but in the abyss, platinum-level strength waitresses, this is very common.

"My lord!" the maid said respectfully. "Serve some good wine and food, and I want to know some news." Chu Feng said lightly.

"Yes, my lord!" said the maid. She saluted and left. Soon a blonde woman arrived at Chu Feng and sat down opposite Chu Feng.

"Handsome guy, what news do you need?" The blonde woman opened the barrier and laughed. "I want to know if the forces behind you are strong or not." Chu Feng said.

"Dark Moon Tower, I don't know if the handsome guy has ever heard of it." The blonde woman smiled. At this time, Chu Feng was restraining her cultivation base, so she would be bolder. If Chu Feng showed the Emperor God level If the cultivation base, then she will definitely respect a lot of people who can't be so casual.

There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes, and he had had a lot of dealings with Dark Moon Tower. He didn't expect this restaurant to be one of Dark Moon Tower's intelligence points.

"It turned out to be the Dark Moon Tower." Chu Feng smiled slightly, and he believed in the strength of the Dark Moon Tower. "I need a lot of news, can you call the shots?" Chu Feng said.

The blonde woman's eyes flashed: "My lord, I am responsible for this city. I think I can still call the shots." "That's fine." Chu Feng nodded.

"I want all the information about Wang Yuan Mansion in the last hundred years, all the information about Tian Xingzi, and all the information about the melting ocean!" Chu Feng said.

"My lord, the price of these news is not cheap." The blonde girl smiled brighter. If it can be done, today is a big business. If the business is good, then the rewards of Dark Moon Tower will be very generous!

"How long will it take? What's the approximate price?" Chu Feng said flatly. "It takes an hour and time, the price is 420 billion catties of the best magic stone."

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, faster." "Yes, my lord." The blonde woman said and stood up quickly, "My lord, I will be back in an hour."

The wine and food were delivered, and Chu Feng ate quietly. It didn't take an hour, but the blonde woman returned after half an hour. "My lord, this is the information you need." The blonde woman smiled authentically, and she handed over a space stone, among which there were many jade medals.

After Chu Feng casually checked a few jade tiles to make sure that they were correct, he placed 420 billion catties of the best spar in the space stone, and the transaction was completed.

"Thank you, sir! Sir, do you need an old customer card of our Dark Moon Tower? If you have one, you can get a 10% discount next time you need it." The blonde woman did not leave immediately.

Chu Feng shook his head. He didn't need it. He had the Dark Moon Tower's old customer card in the holy prison space, but he didn't use it at the moment. If the old customer card is taken out, Dark Moon Tower might identify him. Chu Feng didn't want his location to be confirmed by the Dark Moon Tower!

"Master, you don't need to pay any fees for this. You can get a discount if you show it later, and adults can rest assured that our old customer card in the Dark Moon Tower will never leave any back door. If you do, it will be a smash. The sign of our Dark Moon Tower, our Dark Moon Tower has existed for a long, long time. Until now, no one has complained in this regard!" The blonde woman said, developing customers, this is also rewarding.

"Really unsure?" Chu Feng smiled authentically.

"Of course, we are doing intelligence, and we naturally know the importance of guest privacy protection." The blonde woman said. Chu Feng nodded: "Then take back some magic stones."

Chu Feng said that an old customer card of Dark Moon Tower appeared in his hand. "Ah!" The blonde woman screamed. She really didn't expect that Chu Feng was already an old customer of Dark Moon Tower. After these words, the 420 billion that had just been collected had to be returned to Chu Feng 422. Billions.

"Guest, do I count as shooting myself in the foot?" The blonde woman was a little helpless. She wanted to develop new customers, but she didn't think that she met old customers, old customers, and naturally received the spar. Have to return a tenth.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "There is no need to retire the spar, and drink some wine with me. Besides, if there is any news you think is useful, how about telling me?"

"That's great, my lord." The blonde girl smiled and said, 42 billion catties of the best magic stone is not a small amount. If it is returned, it will be enough for her to be depressed for a while, just drink and drink with her, and then tell something The news she knew was not something that made her very embarrassed.

"Say something useful." Chu Feng said, showing a little aura, feeling Chu Feng's aura that belongs to the Emperor God level powerhouse. The blond woman smiled bitterly in her heart. The other party is an Earth Demon level powerhouse, so I definitely cannot say Some ordinary news, if Chu Feng didn't show such a momentum, she was going to pick up some news casually.

"What do you want to know?" The blonde woman smiled and said, her sitting posture was not so casual and obviously respectful!

Chu Feng drank a glass of wine: "Talk about it casually!"

Casually, the blonde woman murmured in her heart, she was afraid of being casual, facing an Earth Demon-level powerhouse, can she say too casually, although Dark Moon Tower is powerful, but an Earth-Demon level powerhouse misses her It is very easy to feel bad!

"My lord, let me first talk about the news of outsiders. Outside, many strong people have reached the abyss. Many people in the abyss have been killed. If adults are walking outside, you must be careful. Infinite, splendid, holy light, Hong Man, and there are more mechanically strong people."

Chu Feng showed an interested look in his eyes: "Say these seven separately."

"Good sir. Sir, the overall talent of Infinite is not strong, but a very few people are very talented, and the strength can reach a very high level. Although there are many civilizations on Infinite, it is mainly based on the cultivation of gods. The strong are not physically strong, but they all possess terrifying spiritual power. Their souls are very powerful. If they encounter the strong, they will suffer a lot if they don't have strong soul defense capabilities!"

"The people of the Holy Light all have faith, and faith is their power! The people of the Holy Light cannot be underestimated. He may look weak, but he can borrow a huge amount of faith in an instant!"

"The people above Hongman are powerful. They mainly cultivate their physical bodies. Their souls may be weaker, but it is difficult to avoid their powerful physical bodies attacking their souls! By the way, they transform and change their bodies. Under the circumstances, the strength difference is quite large. If you change back to the deity, your strength may increase several times or even ten times!"

"On the machine, most races are soulless. For them, their most important thing is the pronucleus. If the pronucleus is not destroyed, they will not die! The strong among them can become a super battle city. The top powerhouse of the mechanical race is terrible!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Where are the top poisons in the abyss? Tell me about this." Chu Feng said, this time in the abyss, collecting top poisons is a very important task for him.

"Top-notch poison? How top-notch, is it top-notch poison?" The blonde woman was a little surprised. "The most top-notch ones can at least poison the powerhouses of Demon Venerable's top strength!" Chu Feng said.

The blonde woman took a breath. "My lord, don't scare me. Such poison is not something ordinary people can possess!" the blonde woman said.

"Just tell me the news," Chu Feng said lightly.

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