Holy Prison

Chapter 1010: Burning Shark

"That kind of poison, people like me don't know much about it." The blonde woman sighed slightly. The level is low. Many news is not something she can know. "However, I know there is There should be such poison in several places."

Chu Feng nodded: "You said."

"The first one is the City of Ten Thousand Poisons, where there is the largest poison trading market on the first floor of the abyss. There are countless people going there to sell poisons to buy poisons. Adults must be careful when they reach the City of Ten Thousand Poisons. Countless people have been poisoned to death inexplicably!"

"The second is Tianpo Lake. There are many poison masters there every year. The poison masters give some poisons, and then they can trade other poisons. Compared with the city of Ten Thousand Poisons, that one has a higher level, but It’s not like Ten Thousand Poison City where you can enter casually. Only poison masters are welcome there!"

"The third one is the Viper Villa. The two owners of the Viper Villa are all powerful masters of the Demon Venerable Dzogchen. The venom from their deities is enough to poison the general Demon Venerable Dzogchen strong, and the power of the Demon Venerable Peak. It’s certainly not a big problem."

"As for the others, I don't know."

Thousand Poison City, Tiandu Lake, and Shexie Villa, Chu Feng memorized these three names in his heart, "Point to where these three locations are." Chu Feng took out his map ball.

"This is the City of Ten Thousand Poisons, this is the Tianpo Lake, and this is the Viper Villa. My lord, if you go to the Viper Villa, you must be careful! The two owners of the Viper Villa are not very good people, and they don't agree. They might kill people." The golden woman hesitated for a while and added a reminder to Chu Feng.

"Thank you," Chu Feng said, "What else can you tell me?"

In a blink of an eye, the next day, "sir, can I leave? I really don't have much news to say." The blond woman said helplessly, the 42 billion super spar is not so good. Earned, she drank a lot of wine with Chu Feng. From yesterday to today, Chu Feng also learned a lot of news from her mouth.

"Okay, I also need to leave." Chu Feng said that a space ring appeared on the tabletop, "Some of your news makes me more satisfied. These are what you deserve."

Chu Feng disappeared instantly after speaking, and the blond woman took the space ring and penetrated into it. "Ten billion catties of the best magic stone." The blonde woman showed excitement. This tens of billion catties of the best magic stone is different from the previous 42 billion catties of the best magic stone. She is I didn't dare to collect it privately, but Chu Feng rewarded her with the tens of billions of catties of the best magic stone.

After leaving the restaurant, Chu Feng quickly reached the lava sea. On the lava sea, a huge bone ship was docked. In front of the bone ship, there was a **** flag with three characters: Burning Shark. number!

The bone ship is about 3,000 meters long, and the part exposed above the magma is 100 meters high. Under the light from the magma, the bone ship exudes a metallic light!

There are other bone ships near the Burning Shark, but in front of the huge Burning Shark, those bone ships look very petite!

"Good words." Looking at the words on the flag, Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, these three words are definitely written by a powerful person at the Demon Sovereign level. The three words contain a powerful aura. If you stimulate the aura inside, it is estimated There is absolutely no problem with using it to suppress ordinary emperor-level figures!


At the bow of the Burning Shark, a bald-headed man who was three meters tall and looked very strong, said loudly. His voice fell, and a bone ladder on the Burning Shark slowly dropped onto the dock.

"The Burning Shark sailed after half an hour. The guests paid attention." A beautiful-looking woman slowly walked down from the bone ladder and walked sideways. With every step, the stalwart on the woman's chest suddenly became The shock once seemed to break out of the restraints, and many fortifiers on the dock showed their wolf-like eyes.

"Little girl, how much is it?"

"Rude, too rude, little beauty, when the time comes, my brother will love you, hahaha!"

"The journey is lonely, but this time shouldn't be too lonely Jie Jie!"

Amidst a rude and weird laugh, the guests of the Burning Shark began to board the ship, converging their cultivation base, and Chu Feng also boarded the ship with the others.

After verifying the ferry ticket, Chu Feng quickly arrived on the Burning Shark, "Guest, your room is 2189, please come with me." A dressed woman said, leading the way in front and led Chu Feng to the room.

Although it is an ordinary ticket, the room of Chu Feng, the top bone ship on the Burning Shark, is not bad. The area is not large, which is 70 or 80 square meters, but it contains a living room, a bedroom and a training room!

"Guests, if you need any service, you can find our crew at any time." The dressed woman left Chu Feng's room immediately after casting a wink.

"Chu Feng, you can find them at any time if you need any service." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng closed the door: "Miao Xian'er, where can they find you? What kind of service is needed. Wouldn't it be better for me to find you directly? Hey! How many powerful people are on the bone ship?"

"So far, there are fifty-two emperor-level figures that can be scanned, five emperor-level figures, and no god-level ones." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "You can only scan for criminals. This is really depressing, Miao Xian'er, should you be able to restore the previous scan when you upgrade the scan?"

"I don't know, you want to know, speed up the upgrade, when the Sky Eye upgrades, there should be some benefits." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng closed his eyes and stopped talking. Half an hour passed quickly, and all the guests of the Burning Shark were above the Burning Shark. "Miao Xian'er, tell me about the situation." Chu Feng opened his eyes suddenly and said in his mind. He felt that a relatively powerful figure had just arrived on the Burning Shark.

"To be sure, one person at the god-level, eleven people at the emperor **** level, and one hundred and twenty one at the emperor **** level." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng was surprised. This was certain, and there must be some more uncertain. He did not expect that there would be so many powerful men on board the Burning Shark.

"Chu Feng, the Burning Shark has set sail!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng looked out the window, the scenery outside began to change rapidly, and the Burning Shark had already begun to accelerate! As a top-notch bone ship, the Burning Shark can accelerate to a speed equivalent to that of a general god's peak-level powerhouse. This is very powerful. That is to say, with such a speed, the Burning Shark can only reach a speed of eight. Cross the lava sea in just days!

The speed was continuously increased. After five minutes, the Burning Shark finally reached the highest speed. Compared with the peak-level powerhouse of the gods, the speed of the Burning shark was able to reach the speed of the peak-level powerhouses, but this was constant As a result of earth acceleration, the acceleration time is relatively long, and the powerhouse at the peak of the gods can reach the highest speed in an instant!

"Attention passengers, the Burning Shark has accelerated to its maximum speed, the defensive cover has been fully raised, and passengers can move on the deck!" A low voice sounded across the Burning Shark, "I am from the Burning Shark. Captain Xinleja, if there are passengers who have anything to do, come to the captain's room to find me!"

There was a knock on the door. Chu Feng frowned slightly and got up and opened the door, "My friend, I live opposite you. Fortunately to live together, are you interested in going out for a drink together? Oh, by the way, do you have the strength of the Emperor God level?" A man in purple clothes. The young man looked at Chu Feng and smiled.

"What if there is, so what if there is not?" Chu Feng said lightly.

"If we have one, we can make a friend. If not, I don't have any interest. It's simple, isn't it?" The purple-clothed youth said, "I think you should have an emperor **** level cultivation base. The way to hide your strength is good, I I can't see through."

"I'm not interested in telling you, sorry, let someone else have a drink." Chu Feng said. He closed the door as soon as he said. Chu Feng didn't feel very good with this purple-clothed youth, although the holy prison found it. According to the data, his evil value is not much higher than his good value.

Outside the door, the eyes of the purple-clothed youth flashed. "Miao Xian'er, Tianyan has locked on this guy." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Okay." Miao Xian'er did so immediately, and the figure of the purple-clothed youth soon appeared in Chu Feng's mind. Of course, the ten-meter image around him was clearly visible.

This purple-clothed youth turned around. Instead of going to drink, he opened the door and entered his room. "Emperor God level, there must be Emperor God level. Emperor God level shouldn't be there. Nothing will happen." Muttering softly, he controlled the sound to not spread one meter away from his body. It would have been undetected by others, but he didn't know that Chu Feng had a holy prison on the other side and he could clearly hear it. .

"Bad thing? What is bad?" Chu Feng secretly asked, he hoped that the purple-clothed youth could say more, but the purple-clothed youth stopped talking and closed his eyes and quietly practiced.

"Miao Xian'er, watch this guy." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Why are you monitoring? If he dares to come up with something, let Menghao and the others appear at that time, and you can easily kill him!" Miao Xianer said.

"You are idle and you are idle, find something for you to do. Okay, don't be dissatisfied, it will not cost you much energy." Chu Feng smiled.

"You guy, hum, when you are with Miao Feiying, be careful of me making trouble." Miao Xian'er snorted, "This young man is also the Emperor God level, what kind of trouble can he do?"

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