Holy Prison

Chapter 1011: Catch easily

In the lava sea, the huge Burning Shark was advancing quickly. Occasionally, some of the flame beasts living in the lava sea approached the Burning Shark. However, at the extremely fast speed of the Burning Shark, those flame beasts were instantly thrown away. It's very far to the back!

Under Chu Feng’s quiet perception and practice, three days passed quickly. The Burning Shark had already penetrated into the center of the deep rock sea. In the center of the deep rock sea, the temperature of the magma was higher. , Even the Burning Shark had to slow down a bit at this time. "Chu Feng, that young man has abnormal movements." Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind at this time.

After a while, Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes. In her mind, at this time Miao Xian'er presented the image of the young man and the surrounding ten meters.


There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. The young man actually went to see the god-exalted person. The god-exalted person was only at the intermediate level of the gods, but it was definitely much higher than that of the young man. !

"Master!" The god-level powerhouse saluted. "Good guy, this purple-clothed youth is really not easy." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that the Emperor God level cultivation base can make the powerhouse of the Respectful God level more respectfully call the young master. The background is not simple, this purple clothing youth It should not be simple in itself.

Chu Feng touched his nose. He didn't expect to encounter such a character the first time he took a bone boat. He didn't know if it was bad luck or good luck! "Don't mess with Brother, or Brother will let you know how the word regret is written!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

"Are these people enough?" The purple-clothed youth said faintly, his face showed arrogance, but the god-level powerhouse did not show dissatisfaction.

"Master, it should be enough. I will let the Burning Shark change its course?" said the god-level powerhouse. "Be careful, don't make people suspicious, it's a little bit less troublesome." The purple-clothed youth said.

"Yes, master."

Chu Feng frowned, the purple-clothed youth and the god-level powerhouse wanted to turn to sail, and they didn't know what they were trying to do. "Change the voyage, then it will affect Brother's itinerary." Chu Feng secretly stood up in his heart, his mind moved, and coldly appeared next to Chu Feng's body. Compared with Menghao and the others, coldly was more trustworthy!

Leng Li is Chu Feng's follower, he is not a person above the infinite, there is no problem in appearing directly in the abyss, and even if he kills the person in the abyss, he won't get dead in the abyss!

The door opened and Chu Feng walked out of the room. Behind him, he followed closely and walked out. His cultivation was reduced, and even the god-excellent powerhouse could not discover his strength.

"Please stop. The front is the VIP area. Only the VIPs of the Burning Shark can enter it!" Chu Feng moved forward. Before long, he and Leng Li were blocked by a bald middle-aged man, who showed his eyes. With disdain, he did not dare to offend the VIPs on the Burning Shark, but he had the courage to show no good expressions to the people who boarded with ordinary tickets.

"I'm a VIP." Chu Feng said lightly, his eyes flashed, and the bald middle-aged man was taken aback for a while and respectfully stepped aside.

After Chu Feng and the others left, the bald middle-aged man patted his head and muttered a little hesitantly: "What's the matter, I seem to remember that they are not VIPs, have they changed their appearance?"

Chu Feng and coldly moved forward. It didn't take long for them to come outside the room of the god-level powerhouse. At this time, the god-level powerhouse had already left, but the purple-clothed youth was still in the room. Waiting for the good news of that god-level powerhouse.

Chu Feng knocked on the door lightly. In the room, the purple-clothed youth pressed a button, and the door of the room suddenly became transparent from the inside.

"He?" The purple-clothed youth frowned. He didn't expect that it was Chu Feng, a neighbor who appeared outside the door of the room. As for the coldness around Chu Feng, he ignored it, because with his eyes, he could It can be seen that Leng Li is very respectful to Chu Feng, and he doesn't think Leng Li is also a powerful person.

Originally, there was no plan to open the door, but the purple-clothed youth thought about it and opened the door. "Friend, you seem to have found the wrong place." The young Ziyiqing smiled authentically.

"Oh, isn't it? There should be nothing wrong." Chu Feng said and entered the room. As for the purple-clothed youth, his body could not move until Chu Feng and Li Li entered the room.

As soon as his body was able to move, the face of the purple-clothed youth changed. He didn't expect Chu Feng and the others to prevent him from moving. If they killed him at that time, they would have killed him instantly!

"Two people, I don't know what's the point of getting here?" The purple-clothed young man pressed his heart in horror. He tried to send a message, but he didn't expect this room to be sealed. There is no problem with the message coming in but he wants to go out. Difficult, his transmission was not successful at all!

Chu Feng sat down on the chair with the fur of the alien animal in the room and said faintly, "Let's talk, what do you want to do this time?"

"Friend, I don't understand what you said." The purple-clothed youth was startled. "Damn it, where did the wind leak? In order to avoid problems, the elders of the family didn't send out but a guard!" The purple-clothed youth cursed secretly in his heart.

Chu Feng's face sank: "If there is no truth, this lava sea will be your burial place!" "Friends, we have no grudges in the past, why do friends like this?" The purple-clothed youth said in a deep voice, with a sneer in his heart. When the god-level powerhouse came back, he had the confidence to take down Chu Feng and the person beside him who didn't know the depth.

"Cold and harsh, imprisoned." Chu Feng said, being imprisoned again, this purple-clothed youth was instantly received by Chu Feng in the holy prison space. Outside, he was lying and Chu Feng could not tell, but in In the sacred prison space, if this young man tells a lie, Chu Feng will know it all at once!

"Who are you? Where is this place?" As soon as he entered the sacred prison space, the purple-clothed youth said in a loud voice. He let go of his spiritual sense to investigate, but where can he find out, he is now separated by Chu Feng In a separate space. "Stay well, and soon your companion will come in to meet you!" Chu Feng's voice reached the purple-clothed youth's ears.

The powerhouse of the Venerable God level went out, and soon he was already the captain of the Burning Shark and returned. "Huh?" The god-level powerhouse frowned when he reached the door, and he felt something strange in the room!

Feeling strange, but the god-exalted powerhouse opened the door without hesitation. As a god-exalted powerhouse, if something really happened, he believed that he could react correctly in an instant.

The door opened, and the eyes of that god-level powerhouse condensed, and there was no purple-clothed youth in the room. Two outsiders, Chu Feng and Leng Li, appeared in the room!

The door was closed heavily, and the god-level powerhouse's eyes fell on Chu Feng. Although he felt that his cold cultivation base was much stronger than that of Chu Feng, now Chu Feng is sitting and cold and standing. !

"Two, let's talk, I'll admit it, let the young master come out." The god-level powerhouse said. "Your Excellency, if you answer some questions obediently, that kid in purple will appear in front of you perfectly." Chu Feng smiled.

The eyes of the god-level powerhouse flashed: "Your Excellency, what is the problem, please, I will not hide it if I know it!" "The first question, what is your name, what is your master's name? By the way, don't Tell a lie, if you tell a lie, maybe when I get excited, your young master will have half his life!" Chu Feng said with a smile.

"Dekulo, Master Zijinyao." The god-level powerhouse said in a deep voice. He didn't tell lies. Judging from the fact that Chu Feng and the others directly approached them, this god-level powerhouse felt that Chu Feng and the others are afraid they already know their identities. "It's still acquainted, and didn't tell lies." Chu Feng smiled slightly.

"Humph!" The god-excellent expert snorted coldly, and Chu Feng said this. He was completely certain that Chu Feng had known their true identities long ago! They didn't hide it too much, and it was not difficult to know their true identity.

Chu Feng raised his right hand and raised two fingers: "The second question, why did you hijack this bone ship for the purpose of this trip? By the way, don't resist, go to another place. If you resist, I'm sorry then, your young master will die!"

A surge of suction appeared, and De Kuro knew that this was to absorb himself into the treasure space or the personal space of the strong. If the purple-clothed youth is safe, he would definitely resist, but at this time, he can only be obediently Let the suction absorb him into the holy prison space!


Entering the sacred prison space, De Ku Luo saw Zi Jin Yao all of a sudden, "Bang!" De Ku Luo flew towards Zi Jin Yao, he flew very fast, so he hit the space barrier that suddenly appeared.

"Drink!" Draculo took a shot. One of his palms turned into dark gold and imprinted on the space barrier in front of him. With a full blow from the mid-level master of the gods, even a huge planet could be broken with one palm. But the power of this palm is like a mud cow entering the rain, and no one makes any waves.

Nowadays, in the sacred prison space, it is impossible to close the god-level powerhouses, but the space formed can not be broken by the god-level powerhouses. However, this method must not be used to imprison a large number of criminals. If many deity-level powerhouses attack the space barrier at the same time, then the space within the holy prison may be completely broken!

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