Holy Prison

Chapter 1015: criminal

"Chu Feng, the specific number has come out. There are 121,894 bone ships, 121895 ships, and bone ships are gathering!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind, "Chu Feng, something is very wrong. "

Chu Feng said with a sullen face: "It is certain that there must be how many god-level powerhouses, how many emperor god-level powerhouses, and how many emperor god-level people." There are 9128 people, 271453 at the Emperor God level, and more than 10 million people at the Emperor God level! Chu Feng, among those at the Emperor God level, there are more than a million of them whose sin value exceeds twice the value of goodness!" Miao Xianer said.

"It would be great if you could get that Tianxinzi!" Chu Feng's eyes flickered. In other places, it is not easy to meet a person of the Emperor God level. There are more than one million sins worth twice the value of goodness. The above-mentioned imperial god-level criminals do not need to catch one-tenth, the three conditions for the ninth level of the holy prison to be upgraded to the tenth level can complete the second!

If you can get another Tianxinzi, then you can receive a reward of 20,000 domain towers at that time, and the holy prison upgrade that would have been far away may be just around the corner!

"Miao Xian'er, all those people haven't left on the bone boats?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Yes, they are all on top of the bone ship, I haven't left!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng and the others got closer, and the people in the other ten warships also discovered the numerous bone ships. "Heaven, what's going on!"

"This number is probably as many as tens of thousands!"

"There are so many bone ships here, and how much hope is there for that treasure? What are Yan Clan doing?"

The actual controllers of Chu Feng and the eleven bone ships were shocked one by one. Even Chu Feng, a man with a lot of hole cards, was shocked in his heart, let alone them!

With so many bone boats gathered, how they don't realize it is a good thing, maybe this time it is a life but no life to return! Some people already regret it at this time, but even if they regret it long ago, it is too late.

"Jie Jie Jie"

A strange laughter sounded in the eleven bone ships of Chu Feng and others. "Friends who came here pay attention. There is only one Tianxinzi, and only one person can get it. My Yan Clan will definitely give this Tianxinzi out. Now, I want to tell you one thing. You must not leave the bone boat. If you leave, you must I was hit by the Yan Clan! Please be patient and wait quietly. The rest have been waiting for several months!"


"Yan Clan, he, this is the Yan Clan? Isn't the Yan Clan inferior in wisdom? Such a complete talk!"

"What does Yan Clan want to do!"

Chu Feng and the ordinary passengers on these eleven bone ships did not know Tianxinzi. At this time, many people were excited when they heard the three words Tianxinzi, but they reacted quickly after being excited. After coming over, even if you have Tianxinzi, it has nothing to do with them.

Unlike ordinary ship passengers, Chu Feng and the actual controllers of these eleven bone ships are not excited, and their faces are very ugly!

"Yan Clan, what do you want to do?" Chu Feng frowned. The Burning Shark slowed down at this time, but under the flow of magma, the Burning Shark approached the other bone ships in a short time. .

At this time, Chu Feng was standing on the deck, and there were many other people on the deck. All of them looked around in amazement. Looking across, the bone ships quietly stopped on top of the magma. There were also many people on the deck of the other bone ships, some fussing, and more watching with cold eyes.

"Yan Clan, what is it that can't imprison many of us? Let me say, everyone rush out!" a guy not far from Chu Feng said loudly.

"Chong, no matter how you rush, the ship couldn't turn around at that time, even more impossible at this time!"

"Tell everyone a good news, the message can't be sent out!"

"You don't need to tell, I already knew it!"

Many people were noisy, "I don't know if we can rush to the Muyan Island!" Someone said, as soon as his voice fell, Chu Feng noticed someone flying out of a bone ship next to him. But just as the person flew out, a giant hand formed by magma emerged from the magma. With the grip of that giant hand, the person with the power of the Emperor God suddenly became a part of the magma!

"Chu Feng, this time the trouble is really not small!" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng's frowning brows never let go. In such a situation, it is difficult to survive, and it is even more difficult to get Tianxinzi again!

"Miao Xian'er, can you catch people?" Chu Feng said in his mind, "Try to catch people, and be careful not to catch people who are paying attention, but who are alone in the room."

Chu Feng gave an order, and Tianshou quickly appeared in a room near a bone ship. Silently, a practicing Emperor God level expert in that room immediately disappeared.

"Chu Feng, you can catch it, but if the distance is a little longer, the strength of the sky hand is estimated to be insufficient to easily catch people into the holy prison space!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned. This is indeed a problem. It would be easy to catch some imperial god-level criminals if he could do it coldly, but now that there are so many powerhouses in this place, it is impossible for others to even know it! It's not a good thing to let others notice him. Even in this place, Chu Feng found that even if he didn't use the Black Ming Light Array, his death in the abyss would not radiate out!

"Friends of the Yan clan, I don't know what brought us here?" A little bit in the distance, a strong man on a bone ship said loudly and authentically. He has the strength of the peak of a god. If he is in other places, His cultivation is absolutely arrogant, but in this place, he pays attention to the tone of his speech.

However, his tone was good, but the response he got was not so polite! "Shut up, yelling anything, I will tell you when I tell you!" A Yan clan person responded rudely, "Screaming again, be careful of your own life!"

"Who, get out of the deity!" The peak-level powerhouse of Demon Venerable opened his mouth, but this sentence was not cursed in the end. It is definitely not a wise choice to fight with the Yan Clan at such a time.

"Miao Xian'er, Leng Li should be able to appear directly on top of other bone ships, right?" Chu Feng suddenly said in his mind. "Well, this is naturally possible." Miao Xianer said.

There was a smile on Chu Feng's face. If he was coldly on his bone ship and then shot, many people would notice it, but if he coldly shot on another bone ship, no one would notice. ! Leng Li is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the gods, is it so easy to notice?

"Miao Xian'er, let Leng Li appear on the other bone ships, and then, Tianshou cooperates with Leng Li, catch people!" Chu Feng said in his mind, there are two conditions for holy prison upgrade, first complete one!

"Yes!" Miao Xian'er said with excitement. This method is feasible. The rabbit doesn't eat the grass at the edge of the nest, and immediately appears on a bone ship that is far away from Chu Feng and the others.

On that bone ship, there is a powerful person at the deity level, but there is only one person who is novice to god. Even if he stands coldly in front of the person who is novice god, it is estimated that the person who is novice **** is not cold and cold. Real cultivation base!


Miao Xian'er smiled in Chu Feng's mind. The distance is quite far apart. If there is no cold shot, it would be impossible for the hand to grab the emperor god-level person into the holy prison space silently, but he shot coldly, the emperor god-level person. The guy was imprisoned, unable to resist, and was naturally caught easily!

The second, the third, the fourth, the fortieth, and the 400th.

Time passed by, and a faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. Although the current environment is more dangerous, if he can escape by then, the harvest this time will definitely wake him up from his dream!

"Chu Feng, kindness is not enough!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. "Die the spar, and then convert the money points into kindness value." Chu Feng said, now spar or something can be converted into kindness value the same as before, although more spars can get the same kindness value. , But Chu Feng has a lot of spars. If you consume more, you consume more!

Massive spars continued to die, and the sky prisons in the holy prison space appeared quickly, and then the sky prisons were filled with criminals of the Emperor God level!

For the task of 100,000, Chu Feng had completed about 20,000 before, but only caught about 80,000 criminals. One day later, Miao Xianer's grinning voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, it's done. We have already caught up to 100,000. Can we continue to catch?"


Chu Feng hurriedly said, "Miao Xian'er, I have grabbed one hundred thousand. Is the second condition fulfilled?" Chu Feng was a little excited in his mind. "Of course, I have caught up to 100,000, and the second condition of nature is fulfilled. As long as you can reach the tenth holy prison of any domain tower, you can upgrade!" Miao Xian'er said.

"Holy prison tenth level, I am looking forward to it!" Chu Feng smiled slightly. "Silly Cha, I can still laugh at this time!" A guy beside Chu Feng stared at Chu Feng unceremoniously.

"Don't mess with me." Chu Feng said lightly. "A junior kid of the Earth Demon actually pretended to be in front of the uncle, the uncle is in a bad mood, die for me!" The man said, his head turned into a hideous monster head!

"Shoo!" The monster head is similar to the alien head in the movie, with a mouth open, and a tongue with many barbeds on it shot at Chu Feng quickly!

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