Holy Prison

Chapter 1016: False saint

"Looking for death!" Chu Feng yelled coldly in his heart. He is now an Intermediate Emperor God's cultivation base. This guy can't even see his true cultivation base, so he dared to do it!

Without Chu Feng's hands, he appeared coldly around Chu Feng, with just a look. The senior Demon was already frozen and compressed into a blood ball the size of a table tennis ball in a very short time.

The horror scene caused many people around to take a breath. They thought that Chu Feng was unlucky, but they didn't expect that the guy who did it would die so easily.

Leng Li just appeared and killed the Emperor God level person and was received by Chu Feng in the holy prison space, but everyone saw that Chu Feng’s gaze was completely different. There was no awe before. This is the time The eyes of the Emperor God-level characters looked at Chu Feng with a little awe, and they judged from their hearts that the stern cultivation should have reached the god-exalted level.

"Brother, good means!"

"This man actually moved his brother, he is really looking for death!"

Some people around said flatteringly, Chu Feng glanced and ignored them, and asked Leng Li to act in front of these people. Chu Feng was just to frighten these people. He was not a masochist. Don’t be a cat or dog. Shoot him!

"Be quiet. If you come, you will be safe. The more calm you are, the more likely you are to live." Chu Feng said lightly, disappeared in an instant and returned to his room to practice.

As soon as he came, he was relieved, Chu Feng said a lot of people secretly nodded, Chu Feng and his bone boat gradually calmed down.

Time passed quickly during Chu Feng’s training. At the same time, more and more bone ships arrived on Demuyan Island. On average, more than one thousand bone ships would arrive here every day. In a blink of an eye, It has been half a year since Chu Feng arrived here on Demuyan Island!

From the room to the deck, many people immediately bowed to Chu Feng. Chu Feng’s initial cultivation base was not high when he entered the middle level of the Emperor God, but he has a very powerful subordinate. Naturally, it can be calculated into his strength!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Miao Xian'er, what's the situation?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "The number of bone ships that have arrived has reached 300,000, and there are 25,000 confirmed god-level figures. The true number is estimated to be about 50,000." Miao Xianer said.

"What exactly the Yan Clan wants to do!" Chu Feng frowned, and many people asked, but even the expert who respected the great perfection asked him and received no useful news.

"I don't know, but if the Yan Clan keeps on doing this, it may end up playing with fire and self-immolation. The gathering of people here is an extremely terrifying strength!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

At this moment, Chu Feng moved in his heart and looked in a direction. In that direction, a terrifying behemoth flew up from Mother Yan Island.

The giant beast has three heads and nine tails. Each head is hundreds of meters high, each tail is five to six kilometers long, and the entire body is more than ten thousand meters. The bone boats like Chu Feng and the others also look very high in front of that giant beast. It's petite!

The giant beast looked up to the sky and roared, and the magma around it shook with excitement! "Zazakagwe welcomes Lord Beastmaster!" The giant beast uttered a word, and then quickly became a giant one hundred meters high.

"Muleo welcomes Lord Beastmaster!"

"Carolence welcomes Lord Beastmaster!"

Heads of giant beasts flew up and turned into giants in the same direction of Chu Feng on Mother Yan Island. Those giants that turned into were male and female, and each of them exuded a monstrous aura.

The people on top of the bone boats watched quietly, and Chu Feng was naturally watching at this time. His eyes were full of horror, "God of great perfection, all of them are great perfection of God!" Chu Feng was shocked. Minutes have passed, and there are already more than a dozen gods Dzogchen strong in the sky on that side, and ten minutes have passed, there are already hundreds of gods Dzogchen strong there!

A total of more than 600 powerhouses of the gods of great perfection appeared. Then the flame beasts of the peak strength of the gods appeared. The speed of the flame beasts of the peak strength of the gods appeared a lot faster. Four or five minutes passed, there was already He is a strong man with the peak strength of thousands of gods!

"Welcome to Lord Beastmaster!"

Hundreds of flame beasts with the full strength of the gods, and thousands of flame beasts at the peak of the gods roared in unison, the huge voice seemed to be shattered even the space!

"No gift!" A faint voice rang, and the voice fell. A young man with red hair had already appeared in front of more than a thousand people.

Chu Feng's heart jumped. Although he was far apart, the young man with red hair also gave him a sense of danger. This sense of danger was compared to the sense of danger given to him by ordinary gods and great perfectionists. More intense!

"Chu Feng, it's awful!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. "What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked quickly.

"False saint, this young man has reached the realm of false saint!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng took a deep breath, hypocritical saint, he hadn't heard of this. The hypocrisy is a level between the divine being and the saints. When reaching the divine being and the saints, very few and very few people may reach the state of the hypocrisy. If the divine being and the saints are separated by a door, Then the false saint has already stepped into the hall of saints with one foot!

In the age when the saint did not come out, it was impossible to achieve a false saint, but now, a false saint actually appeared before his eyes!

It is not necessary for a strong person to become a hypocrite to reach a saint, but if he achieves a hypocrisy, it is obviously easier to reach a saint. As long as there is an opportunity, it is very likely that the holy calamity will come. The Lord of Saints!

The false saint is not a saint, but after all, with a saint character, the strength is much higher than that of the strong person who respects the gods and Dzogchen. Even if a group of ten or twenty strong people who respect the gods and the Dzogchen together is not an opponent of the false **** !

"I, wouldn't it be such a cup?" Chu Feng groaned helplessly, a false saint, that is a false saint, if a saint appears, a false saint is shit, but in the age when the saint does not come out, a false saint, a mountain Look up!

At this time, Chu Feng didn't think much about getting Tianxinzi. Needless to say, it was very likely that Xinzi was in the hands of that false saint that day. Chu Feng still had this self-knowledge. With this strength, he wanted to get from a false saint. Grabbing something in the middle, it is simply reckless! Now, what Chu Feng thinks is that there is only one, leave alive!

"Everyone, thank you all for coming to this king's sacrifice ceremony." The young man with red hair smiled slightly at the more than 300,000 bone boat.

"The ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, what kind of sacrifices are made to sacrifice to the heavens?" When the young man said, many people's expressions changed slightly.

"This is Tianxinzi, everyone can take a look, but I didn't lie to everyone in this respect!" The young man said that a Tianxinzi appeared above his head. Although far away, the surrounding magma became very calm at this time. With good sight, even people with weaker strength can clearly see that Tianxinzi.

"Tianxinzi, indeed Tianxinzi!" Chu Feng immediately confirmed. "Miao Xian'er, can you quietly and directly receive Xinzi from that day into the holy prison space?" Chu Feng quickly said in his mind.

"Chu Feng, I'm afraid this won't work, the false saint is powerful, and the Heavenly Hand will probably be discovered as soon as it appears and then disperse!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

I heard that Miao Xian'er said that Chu Feng was not too disappointed, it would be incredible if he could **** something from a pseudo-saint so easily.

"Miao Xian'er, the poison of returning to the original, can it poison the false saint?"

"I'm afraid it won't work."

When Chu Feng asked in his mind, many people on the bone boats talked about it. The preciousness of Tianxinzi is that people with lower strength also know it. After all, the rule of the Tianbei was a lot of trouble. Teng, over the years, all the forces have tried their best to get Tianxinzi.

"Quiet!" A giant opened his mouth and roared, and the rolling voice calmed all the people on the bone ship. If all the people here unite, they may not be able to defeat the flame beasts, but these people here can unite. That is not so easy. Chu Feng knew that some people tried to unite these days, but they did not succeed!

To unite all people, even a strong person who respects God and Dzogchen does not have that kind of face. If there is a false holy, it is possible, but the false holy, in this age, is not even among the 100,000 strong people who respect God and Dzogchen. There must be someone who can reach the realm of a false saint!

"Today's Xinzi, you need to collect six to be useful. This Tianxinzi was indeed accidentally seen by people outside of the Yan Clan at first. This king has newly unified the Yan Clan, and he simply takes this opportunity to hold a sacrifice to the sky. Ceremony! After the ceremony of worshipping the heavens, this Tianxinzi will be given away. As for who can get it, it depends on everyone's strength and luck!" The red-haired young man smiled authentically.

"Dare to ask, how to sacrifice to the heavens?" The strong man with the deity of great perfection raised his voice and asked. A cold light flashed in the eyes of the red-haired young man: "For many years, my Yan clan, countless strong men have been killed, and then bones are made into bone boats. It is the kind of bone boats you ride. It takes a lot of the bones of Yan Clan experts to make it!"

"The so-called sacrifice to the sky is to sacrifice the blood, soul, and spirit of the dead Yan clan powerhouse in the sky!" The red-haired young man said coldly.

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