Holy Prison

Chapter 1017: game

Wow! !

After the red-haired young man said a sentence, all the people in the bone boats were in an uproar!

"The so-called sacrifice to the sky is to sacrifice the blood, soul, and spirit of the dead Yan clan powerhouse in the sky" These words echoed in everyone's mind, and many people were stimulated to make their faces red and green!

"Yan Clan, bold!"

"I want us to sacrifice to the heavens, the **** Yan Clan, when we are dead, we won't succeed."

"Everyone, get rid of these Yan Clan people!"

Angry, countless strong men were angry, the words of that red-haired young man was like a fire thrown onto a pile of explosives! "Boom!"

Many people attacked in an instant, and it is impossible for ordinary people to ride the huge bone ship. Even ordinary people may violently attack even if they encounter such a thing, not to mention the more powerful characters!

In the chaos, Chu Feng did not move. He had an intuition that the Yan Clan must have considered this situation now and had a way to deal with it! "Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"

Countless flame beasts roared, about a hundred flame beasts with the full strength of the gods, a thousand flame beasts with the peak of the gods, and there are more than 10,000 flame beasts with the strength of the gods!

A total of nearly 20,000 Flame Beasts roared together, and the billowing flames enveloped the entire Mother Yan Island, and countless attacks fell on the Mother Yan Island and were immediately burned by that powerful flame!

"Attack, everyone attack together, Yan Clan wants us to die!" A strong roared, and while roaring, terrible attacks continued to blast towards the flames that enveloped Mother Yan Island!

"Everyone, stop, otherwise none of you can leave alive!" A faint voice came out from the flames, "In other places, my Yan clan definitely has no advantage, but near this mother Yan Island, even if It is also possible to wipe out all of you, although then our Yan Clan will also have a lot of losses!"

The sound coming from the flames was very weak, but the sound was clearly transmitted into everyone's mind. "Stop everyone, this king swears by the fire of soul, among you, absolutely one percent of you can leave alive, one percent can leave alive, or you and my Yan Clan will fight here!"

"This king wants to play a game with everyone. After the game, the person who wins, this king will give him this heavenly heart!"

As that voice sounded, the attacks from the bone ships gradually weakened, "Stop everyone, and listen to what the Yan clan said first!" A powerful demon master said in a deep voice.

"Humph!" Quite a few people snorted coldly, but one by one stopped their hands. If all of them did it, then the people of the Yan tribe might not be able to resist it, but only a part of them did it. But it is very difficult.

"Game?" Chu Feng frowned. A game, and only one percent of the people can survive. No one knows what the Yan Clan wants to do at this time!

"Yan Clan, I am a member of the Mowa family. If I die in the hands of the Yan Clan, then there will definitely be ten times, a hundred times, and a thousand times the number of people in the Yan Clan who will die in the hands of my Mowa family!"

"It would be ridiculous to want to play with us!"

Many people were still yelling at this time, but the red-haired young man’s eyes stopped wherever he looked. As a hypocrite, even a look in his eyes is great for a god-level powerhouse. The coercion!

"Very well, no one barked at last." After a minute, the red-haired young man said with a wicked smile on his face. "This king first talks about the rules of the game. People who don't like playing this king's game arrive. You can bring it up at the time. Don’t worry, this king will never force his family. You can leave if you don’t play. It’s just that the lava ocean is more dangerous. Please be careful if you leave!"

No one interrupted, the red-haired young man continued to smile and said: "The game is very simple. Our Yan clan's strong will give everyone a group, and then we will be divided into a group, and we will gather together, every one hundred people, In the test on Muyan Island, one hundred people can survive one person. If someone comes out of the space item, he cannot return to the space item after coming out. In the end, only one person can survive as well!"


"I want us to kill each other to consume our strength, Yan Clan is really a good idea!"

"This game, there is no problem to play, but only if we play what is interesting, the Yan Clan should also join!"

The people who had calmed down became noisy again. This red-haired youth game really made them unacceptable. "Everyone, this is the first part of the game. This king calls it the survival game, the people who survived the survival game. You can choose to leave or continue to play the next game. Those who have played the next game can get Tianxinzi! This king swears by the fire of soul, as long as those who have played the first part, they can definitely leave. My Yan clan will not have any obstacles, but all the big bone boats must be left behind, and the small bone boats, my Yan clan does not restrict the use."

"In the second part, this king calls it Tianxin Contest of Hegemony. All participants in the Tianxin Contest are randomly assigned. As long as someone wins a hundred games in a row, then you can get Tianxinzi!"

"This is to play with us all!" Some strong roared authentically. The red-haired young man looked in the direction of the roaring person: "This king Xinda pseudo-saint realm, the newly unified Yan clan, is happy in his heart, so I want to have fun with everyone. Now, if you don't want to play games, attack, this king. It will definitely fulfill him immediately!"

"False saint!"

Countless people showed horror in their eyes. At this moment, the body of the red-haired young man seemed to be infinitely tall, and even the strong man who respected the gods and perfected himself felt very powerful pressure! "Many strong members of the Yan clan were slaughtered. This king just wants to play a small game. Even if your relatives and friends know about it, I will not blame this king?" The red-haired young man smiled quite. Evil, but at the same time, he is quite confident with a smile. As a hypocrite, he has such confidence!

The red-haired young man's voice fell. Although there were still people screaming, everyone with the strength of the gods was silent. Those who reached their level, they knew the terrible hypocrisy!

A false saint, even facing the combined attack of a dozen or so gods, Dzogchen and powerful people, will not fall short. If you encounter a single **** and Dzogchen powerful person, you can easily kill him! In the abyss, it is not that there are more than twenty powerful people who have more than 20 gods and great perfections in the abyss, but even such a force will not easily offend a hypocrite. If offended, the consequences will be serious!

There are more than 300,000 bone ships, many of which are from big forces, but many of those people are thinking in their hearts that even if they die playing games here, their forces will not trouble the Yan Clan.

"A false saint, really tough!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, if the red-haired young man is not a false saint, then he probably won't follow his mind today, but he is a false saint. Today’s game, I’m afraid No one dares not to play!

As for suspecting that the red-haired young man is not a false saint, no one doubts that if it were not a false saint, that red-haired young man would never have such a powerful aura. That aura stems from a kind of spiritual nobility, although it still carries There is a pseudo character, but after all, there is also a holy character behind it. The soul of that red-haired youth is much stronger than the soul of the powerful person who respects the gods!

"Hehe, no one has attacked? So, everyone agrees with this king's opinion and wants to play this game with this king? Yes, yes, in this case, everyone should leave the bone ship and enter Mother Yan Island! "The red-haired young man smiled authentically.

"Hope your excellency counts!" said a powerful demon-zun Dzogchen from the bone ship to the motheryan island. "Although this king hasn't been sanctified yet, he is considered a half saint. How can this king deceive you?" The red-haired young man snorted coldly, and with his cold snorted, the powerful demon venerated great perfection gave a mouthful of blood. It spurted out all of a sudden!

"You", the strong man of Demon Venerable Dzogchen was furious, but looking at the red-haired young man flying high in the sky, the strong man of "You" Demon Dzogchen squeezed down his anger abruptly. He became accustomed to rampant dominance, but Facing a strong man of false saint level, he has no such capital!

"This happened." Everyone left the bone boat. Chu Feng smiled bitterly and left the bone boat to get to Muyan Island. When he stepped on Muyan Island, Chu Feng suddenly felt the heat on the bottom of his feet. The ground temperature is at least tens of thousands of degrees, let alone ordinary people, even people with bronze level strength will not be able to stand it, but there are few people with low strength in the abyss, and the temperature is around 10,000 degrees. No one can stand it.

There are more than 300,000 bone boats, each with an average of about 10,000 people, and the total number of more than 300,000 bone boats is 4 billion. With so many people together, it is really a sea of ​​people!

"Jie Jie, there are really many people, but soon there will be many fewer people!" The red-haired young man in the sky laughed strangely, "This king announced that the survival match is now starting, children, give them Let’s group into groups. Those with similar strengths are put in a group. If there is a big difference in strength, then it’s not worth seeing!"

"Hahaha, there is a play to watch, not bad!"

"Master Beastmaster is wise, many guys in the abyss usually look down on our Yan race and think that we are beasts without wisdom. This time, watch us beasts and see the performance of their smart race!"

"I'll pick out some people to play and watch. All of you listen carefully. If you have a red light on your body, it means that you have been picked by the deity. Come out and perform hahaha!"

One by one Yan Clan powerhouse laughed and said, the faces of more than four billion people, including Chu Feng, were quite ugly, and many of them wanted to shoot impulsively. Dead words!

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