Holy Prison

Chapter 1018: Survival game begins

How to do how to do! Nearly four billion people, everyone is asking themselves like this from the bottom of their hearts, but in the face of absolute strength, it is difficult to have a good way!

It would be better if it weren't for a place like Muyan Island, which is surrounded by rolling magma. Even if you want to escape at this time, where can you escape? On the lava ocean, there is a strong person who is the deity of Dzogchen, and it can't fly for ten seconds. On the motheryan island, it can fly, but what is the use?

At this time, more than 300,000 bone ships had been received by Yan Clan people among the space items. Even if there were some powerful bone ships among the space items, the bone ships could escape the flame if they were taken out. The chase of the clan.

Many people have the idea of ​​attacking those of the Yan clan. If the four billion people can act in unison, there is no big problem against the Yan clan. However, these four billion people are a mob, even the Yan clan. People do not interfere, and it is not an easy task to unify the ideas of four billion people!

After thinking about some things, many people are just like Chu Feng, but with a wry smile, their strength is not as good as others, and the greed in their hearts, they have fallen to this point. To be honest, no one can blame others! More people, they didn't know that there was Tianxinzi in advance, and naturally there was no greed for Tianxinzi in their hearts, but in such a world, low strength, that is also a sin!

"Chu Feng, do you want to enter the sacred prison space? I will find a way to leave at that time." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. "I don't have that time!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

If he has enough time, and if Chu Long does not need him to help, then Chu Feng will definitely enter the holy prison space. The holy prison will definitely not be destroyed, and he will hide in the holy prison space. Hundreds or perhaps that hypocritical saint left, as long as that hypocritical saint is not here, even if they face one or two great gods, Chu Feng, who is the Great Perfection, they are not afraid.

"Miao Xian'er, you know that within ten years, if I can't leave, the dragon will be very dangerous! In addition, staying in the holy prison space is not necessarily safe. If the false holy does not leave for three thousand years, or this If there are a lot of strong guards on a Mother Yan Island, then once three thousand years have passed, my previous mission would have failed! The mission failed, and I didn’t get a single Heavenly Heart. One hundred million battle points, one million Territory tower value! With so many negatives, don’t want to upgrade the holy prison for tens of thousands of years. If the holy prison cannot be upgraded, the improvement of strength will be slow.

Chu Feng frowned as he said in his mind. If the power of the Feng Clan cannot be greatly improved in ten thousand years, then the Feng Clan will not be able to get through, and the Fei Family, Wang Yuanfu, these forces will let him go.

"No!" At this moment, a person not far from Chu Feng screamed, and a red light appeared on his body. It was obvious that he was selected and became one of the first people to participate in the game.

People with a lot of red, green, blue, and purple light shined on their bodies. They were picked by different Yan clan powerhouses. All the people who emitted red light would fight together, emitting green light. People are together again.

One by one Yan Clan powerhouse is excited to pick people up, and the loud laughter is so harsh in the ears of the people below. In the eyes of many people below, the Yan Clan is indeed a beast. The people of the clan are fighting, don't even mention how uncomfortable they are!

Compared to some people, Chu Feng didn't feel so uncomfortable in his heart, mainly because he didn't have the Yan Clan's inferior idea. "Chu Feng, if you win over 99 people by that time, will you choose to stay and get Tianxinzi?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"No!" Chu Feng resolutely said that he won this Tianxinzi. He has no such thoughts in his heart now. One hundred people live, Chu Feng still has some confidence, but in the future, he won a hundred games. He has no confidence at all. In one hundred games, there will always be some times when he encounters the powerhouse of the gods, how he fights.

"For each group, try not to leave the area covered by the aperture, otherwise it will be obliterated!" The red-haired young man said with a smile. On the earth of Mother Yan Island, one aperture appeared, and those apertures were large, small, and large. The diameter reaches 100 kilometers, and the small aperture is only one kilometer in diameter!

"Jie Jie, the person chosen by the deity, enter this aperture, and try to show it to the deity, hahaha!" A strong Yan clan who was more than ten meters tall laughed, he said, suddenly a hundred The people with red light on their bodies slowly flew up, and the strength of those people was all at the Emperor God level!

"No one can delay time. Any group must have results within one hour. If there is no result within one hour, then all will be obliterated!" The red-haired young man smiled and spoke again, his smile at this time It is extremely terrifying in the eyes of many people!

At an hour, countless people frowned, and a hundred people with similar strengths thought that there would be only one result within an hour. This can't be done without frantically fighting!

"Miao Xian'er, do you think the Yan Clan is just for simple revenge?" Chu Feng said in his mind. In the first round, hundreds of thousands were drawn, but he was not included.

"I don't know, it's hard for a person of that strength to guess." Miao Xianer said, indeed, that young man has the strength of a pseudo-saint level, maybe he just wants to play a game and has no other ideas! "Hey, I don't know when I will have that kind of strength, no, it's beyond that kind of strength!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Hundreds of thousands of people, one aperture per hundred people, and soon those hundreds of thousands of people were distributed within thousands of apertures. Although they were relatively open, they could see any aperture in any aperture with the eyes of Chu Feng. The scene is without any problems!

"The game starts now, kill it!" The red-haired young man said with a faint smile. He sat on the throne and looked down at the bottom, with a woman of the Yan tribe beside him pouring fine wine, so unhappy.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

Hundreds of thousands of people, soon the first person did it, and after that person did it, many others did it. There is nothing to say at this time, either others die or they die!

"Puff!" "Boom!"

Death quickly appeared. In a short time, Chu Feng saw that tens of thousands of people died under the attack of others. Although every one hundred people had similar cultivation bases, their cultivation bases were similar. It does not mean that the strength is similar!

Some people have great treasures; some people have true self skills; some people have much higher talents in combat than ordinary people!

"Haha, come on!"

"Enjoyed, underestimate our Yan Clan, are you still playing games according to our orders?"

"Okay, good kill. One hundred kills ten. Not bad. I didn't expect to have such a powerful hole card. Not bad. The two guys don't know which one is better!"

Chu Feng and the others felt bitter in their hearts, but everyone from the Yan Clan looked very excited. This is sacrifice to the heavens, this is revenge. Seeing the death of people in such bone boats, they are boiled with blood!

"Chu Feng, this is a good opportunity to learn. Those people attacked desperately. Most of the things at the bottom of the box were taken out. You can learn a lot." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu. In Feng's mind.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and took a deep breath. He calmed his mind and focused on watching. Not to mention, Chu Feng quickly learned a lot of things in this episode. These things can't improve his strength much, but If a little bit of insight accumulates, the increase in strength will definitely not be small!

All kinds of methods were issued by the people who participated in the survival battle. Some of them used the methods Chu Feng had never seen before. At this time, it was an eye-opener. If you encounter it in the future, it will be easier to face. Up.

It’s just an hour. The farther you go, the harder you fight. A large number of people die, and many of them are left to survive. That is to show their own cards one by one, not only Chu Feng, but many others. People are also focused on watching. At this time, the strength can be improved a little, and the chance of surviving will be a little higher at that time!

An hour is really not long, and soon, an hour will pass! "Master, I'm sorry, only one can live!" Within one aperture, an old man slapped his young master's chest with a palm. The eyes of the slain young master were full of incredible colors. The old man was in his In the space ring, he asked the old man to come out, and the old man helped him kill the rest, but he did not expect to kill him in the end!

"Brother, stay alive!" In an aperture, a person rushed out of the aperture as he spoke. Naturally, his consequence would be obliterated!

"Brother Xu, shall we guess the punch?"

"You" two people who have to guess the box to determine life and death, made heavy hands at the same time, and as a result, both of them suffered a blow from each other's full strength, and they couldn't survive.

Touching, ugly, many things were staged at the same time at the last moment, Chu Feng's heart trembled, and some things were more heart-shaking than the fierce battle!

One hour, after all, completely passed, and there was no one person within a lot of apertures. There was about one person in one thousand apertures, and there was more than one person within two thousand apertures. Those two thousand Everyone in the aperture was terrified. When the time came, more than one of them remained, and the result was obliteration!

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving! I have never refined a bone boat, and this is the first time I ride a bone boat like that!" Someone suddenly knelt down to the ground dripping with blood.

"My lord, forgive me!" Someone took the lead, and many people also knelt down quickly, including the powerhouses of the Emperor God level!

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