Holy Prison

Chapter 1020: Fight

"I'm counting down, everyone prepare, five, four, three, two, one, release!" The voice of the powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God resounded in the minds of the top powerhouses of the four Emperor Gods.

"Secret skills, swallow the sky and the earth!"

"Secret Skill, Bone World!"

"The Flame of Burning World!"

An emperor-level powerhouse, four emperor-level powerhouses, five of them simultaneously used their hole cards, and a round of black sunrise appeared on the top of Chu Feng and their heads, exuding a terrible attraction from the black sun. The strength; bone spurs, bone claws emerged from the ground quickly and attacked Chu Feng and the others.

At the same time, blossoming black flames flashed towards each of them at Chu Feng; a huge token appeared, and that token first appeared in front of an emperor's senior powerhouse, and that emperor The high-level powerhouse of God was instantly suppressed by that token! The last one who was left used the soul attack. Although many people in the abyss had no soul but soul fire, the attack was effective for soul and soul fire.

The soul attack works first. Under the soul attack, some people fainted and then died without consciousness. Others fainted and immediately woke up, but when they woke up, they already found themselves. Got hurt.

Chu Feng has such things as the holy prison and the crown of merit. Naturally, the soul attack can't hurt him. The underground bone spurs raided, and Chu Feng flew up, the bone spurs reached the top of his feet, but he was protected by the light armor. The bone spurs did not cause him any harm.

Flying up, Chu Feng took the opportunity to slap a black flame in front of him. This palm was the palm of Jiguang with terrible swallowing power. Under a palm, the flame and Jiguang palm disappeared at the same time. !

Soul attacks, black flames, and bone spurs did not harm Chu Feng. At this time, Chu Feng suffered the terrible suction of the black sun. The black sun was created by the person at the peak of the emperor god. It is absolutely not for the dead. People who suck, and those who don't have much resistance will receive less suction, and those who don't suffer any damage like Feng will get the most suction.

It’s a long story, but in fact, all of this happened in a very short period of time. In less than a second, more than 60 of the 95 people on Chu Feng's side were killed, and the remaining 3 More than a dozen, except for a few, are all injured! Moreover, the attack is not over yet!

"Ah!" Chu Feng yelled, his face showing pain and struggling to resist the suction of that round of black sun, but he was still being kept closer by that round of black sun!

The previous three attacks didn't hurt Chu Feng much. The five powerhouses were paying attention to Chu Feng, but at this time, seeing that he could not resist the black sun, they were relieved a lot.

The token on that side did not come towards Chu Feng. It flew quickly. In the blink of an eye, several Emperor God level experts were crushed to death by it. This thing is a unique move of an Emperor God level powerhouse, the Emperor God level power level. The following people, if they don't use the same trick, it's hard to resist!

One, two, three, four and the remaining thirty-five experts died in just a few seconds! "Roar, we fought them!" A person became the main body under strong pressure. His main body was thousands of meters long. While opening his mouth and uttering words, a huge beam of light directed towards that dark sun. !

The black sun trembled slightly, and that huge light was completely absorbed by the black sun. "Kill!" Many of the people left on Chu Feng's side also used secret skills, and their powerful attacks swiftly moved towards the powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God and the four powerhouses at the top of the Emperor God!

An intermediate-level powerhouse of the Emperor God was completely caught in blood by a bone claw! "Damn it!" one of the top four emperor gods roared, and he was actually injured by a desperate attack from a middle emperor god!

There are more than 20 people on one side, and only five on the other. Chu Feng and the others have the upper hand, but the situation is leaning towards the powerhouse of the top Emperor God and the powerhouse of the top four Emperor Gods!

The situation is like this, Chu Feng's side, except for Chu Feng, everyone else is desperate. At this time, hiding is no longer effective. If you hide it again, it is likely to be a dead word! Doppelganger, battle pet, powerful weapon, one-time powerful baby, everything has been used!

"Die, let me die!" An intermediate emperor **** roared, and a needle appeared in front of him. The needle flashed, and the terrible speed burst out in an instant. Among the four emperor god's top experts One had no time to dodge, and the needle passed through his head and took his life instantly!

"Die, let me die hahaha!" The middle-level emperor **** roared wildly, the needle flashed again, and another top emperor god's strong man fell. After killing two people , The needle returned to the middle-level strong man of the Emperor God, "Don't mess with me, don't mess with me, if anyone attacks me, I will kill someone!"

Even after killing two top emperor gods, the middle emperor **** fellow came to his senses and remembered that his treasure can only kill three people. After killing three people, it will disappear!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Two of the five people fell. Chu Feng and the others were greatly excited. In order to save their lives, each of them performed superbly. In just a few minutes, after a few more people died on Chu Feng's side. , One of the five powerhouses died, only the powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God and the powerhouse who used the token treasure!

"Swallow me!" The strong man at the peak of the Emperor God yelled. He cut his wrist and said that a large amount of blood was swallowed by that round of black sun. Under such circumstances, the power that black sun swallowed instantly A lot stronger, and in the blink of an eye, several Emperor God level powerhouses could not resist that swallowed power was swallowed into the black sun!

The strong man at the peak of the Emperor God looked at Chu Feng with some doubts. Chu Feng struggled to resist when he swallowed the intensity before, but at this time he was still struggling to resist and was not sucked into the black sun!

"Asshole, deceive this demon!" The strong man at the peak of the emperor **** was secretly angry. With a move of his mind, the suction power of the black sun on Chu Feng suddenly increased a lot!

"Humph!" Chu Feng snorted coldly in his heart, and a little poison gas appeared directly from the holy prison space to the powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God.

"Uh" The face of the powerhouse at the peak level of the Emperor God was full of horror. He discovered that the flesh and blood of his body had begun to melt quickly.

The dissolution of flesh and blood is generally immortal for a strong man at the peak of the emperor god, but without that body, his strength will be greatly reduced. It is extremely difficult to compete with an emperor only by the power of the soul or the power of the soul fire. God-level powerhouse contends!

"Bang!" The black sun above Chu Feng and their heads instantly collapsed, and that imperial **** peak-level powerhouse still had the heart to control that black sun. Now, for him, preventing the dissolution of his body is the most urgent thing!

Without the devouring of the black sun, Chu Feng seemed relaxed. He let go of his consciousness and scanned it. Among the group of one hundred people, only a dozen are still alive, and most of them have suffered a lot. Hurt!

"If you want my life, you can't think about it." The face of the strong man at the peak of the emperor **** showed a look of despair. He found that with his own strength, he could not stop the poison from dissolving his body in a short time." Attention everyone, he has poisons, extremely powerful poisons, I was miserable by him!" The peak-level powerhouse of the Emperor God yelled at Chu Feng.

"No, nothing. I just resisted the suction. Wherever there is poison, I only have the cultivation base of the Emperor God Intermediate. To resist the suction is already using my hole cards!" Chu Feng looked innocent, "This fellow Taoist, Did you find the wrong person? I just didn't have the time and energy to poison it!"

"This" a hesitant expression appeared on the face of the peak-level imperial god. Seriously, he couldn't be sure if it was Chu Feng. Chu Feng was indeed fully resisting the suction of the black sun at that time, "Who, It's time to do it, dare to do it?" The powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God cursed.

"I swear by my soul, I don't have any powerful poison!" An emperor **** high-ranking expert quickly said when the emperor god's peak-level expert looked at him.

"Swear by the fire of the soul, neither do I, otherwise let my soul fire go out immediately!"

The remaining people didn't do anything for the time being and sweared one by one. They knew very well that as long as one person had hidden a powerful poison, it was likely that they would die next moment, so they were very willing to find out this way!

"Chu Feng, I still have to do it, there are only more than a dozen, there should be no problem." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng felt helpless. If there were only a few left, it would be much better. At this time, there are more than a dozen. If someone still hides a powerful hole card, then he is also in danger!

"Soul Impact!"

Chu Feng shot instantly, two auxiliary methods shot, and then the Black Underworld Sword appeared in Chu Feng's hands, Chu Feng instantly appeared behind a senior emperor, and then the Black Underworld Sword slashed towards it fiercely. An emperor and advanced powerhouse.

"Looking for death!" The imperial **** senior expert roared in his heart, his arm doubled in the blink of an eye, and then a blood-red thick-backed sword in his hand slashed at the Chu Feng Black Ming Sword. .

"Boom!" The swords intersected, and the high-ranking emperor **** only felt a terrible force from Chu Feng's Black Ming sword. The big knife in his hand was smashed by Chu Feng with a sword, and then Chu Feng was here. A knife slashed to his head without stopping!

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