Holy Prison

Chapter 1021: Kill to survive

"Puff!" The Black Dark Sword cut to the head of the senior emperor god. That senior emperor **** has a stronger body, and also has a defensive armor, but Chu Feng's sword is straightforward. He cut him in half, and the blood flew out from his body. The vitality of the high-ranking emperor **** quickly disappeared, and the eyes that were gradually moving away were full of horror!

Chu Feng had a sullen face. Although he killed a high-ranking emperor with a single sword, he had nothing to please. This was a last resort. Even if it was a criminal, he would not be happy in his heart. What's more, The value of goodness of this high-level powerhouse of the Emperor God is higher than the value of sin!

Once you step on the path of practice, you sometimes cannot help yourself. If you don't kill others, they will kill you! Chu Feng understands this truth, but even if he does, can he be happy again?

"Be careful, everyone, his body is very powerful!" A little bit in the distance, a middle-level emperor yelled, and he fought hard with a strong emperor god. The result was Chu Feng, who was defeated by Chu. Feng Yijian was slashed, and if other people couldn't find this, their eyesight would be too bad!

Chu Feng glanced coldly at the person who spoke, and his figure disappeared in front of them in the next instant. Chu Feng’s spatial abilities are relatively powerful. Spatial Escape is the level of a holy art master. At this time, Spatial Escape is used. As long as he does not attack, it is difficult for ordinary people to see that he is in this space. where.

"Cover the attack, everyone covers the attack!" Humans said, the three emperor-level powerhouses took action, and they launched a cover attack, but Chu Feng in the reclusive space is so easy to be attacked and then come out.

Chu Feng, who used spatial seclusion, was equivalent to being in a different space, but that different space still had a lot to do with this space. If the attack reaches a very strong point, then Chu Feng can be given out, but there are only a few people left, and their attack cannot easily reach a high point.

"Everyone, be careful of poison, be careful of the other party's sneak attack." Someone reminded. "Can't live anymore." The strong man at the peak of the Emperor God looked at his hand, his hand, now there is no more meat but bones!

The situation of that imperial **** peak powerhouse Chu Feng in the reclusive space noticed, and the rest of the people who were still alive also noticed. At the same time they wanted to attack Chu Feng, part of their minds had to be put on the imperial **** peak. On the strong, he is about to die, but after all, the cultivation level is high. If there is a mess before death, it is absolutely no problem to drag one or two people into the water.

"That kid, don't think that you can live if you hide!" The imperial **** peak-level powerhouse grinned and said, he said that his hands were fastened with the seals, and waves of evil emanated from his body. Abnormal wave, "With my life, with my soul, life curse, whoever just attacks me, the soul burns!"

"Kill him, hurry!" An intermediate emperor-level character roared, and most of the remaining dozen or so people had attacked the person at the peak of the emperor god. If his curse was formed, it would not only be an attack on Chu. Feng, the rest will also enjoy the attack at the same time!

Several imperial god-level powerhouses started, but it was too late. The emperor-level **** peak-level powerhouse was destroyed, but the strange fluctuations instantly entered the bodies of thirteen people including Chu Feng. !

"it hurts!"

Everyone screamed, the pain of the burning soul is definitely not easy to bear! Chu Feng in the reclusive space watched quietly. He did not suffer any injuries under this attack. The strange fluctuations entered his body. In his body, the light of merit instantly spread throughout his body. , The strange fluctuation was immediately caught under the power of the light of merit, and then the holy flame of merit appeared, and the strange fluctuation was refined in a short time!

"Where's that guy?" One of the remaining four who didn't scream in pain said in surprise. The guy in his mouth naturally refers to Chu Feng. "It must be forcibly resisting to come out!" Another human said.

The top powerhouse of the Emperor God made a move. As soon as he made a move, he immediately killed the person who possessed a terrible needle. The threat to him was great. Killing that person, the top powerhouse of the Emperor God is happy, a hundred people, maybe he will survive!

Started to kill one person, the top powerhouse of the Emperor God did not stop, the token that killed many people before appeared, the token emitted a strong light, the token became bigger, and several screamed The Emperor God level powerhouse was directly killed by the token instantly!

"Kill!" The remaining three imperial god-level powerhouses who were not cursed looked at each other and immediately dealt with the imperial god-level powerhouse. At this time, they could not control the threat of Chu Feng. The top powerhouse of the Emperor God killed all the remaining people, so it is estimated that it will be their turn immediately.

"Looking for death!" The top emperor **** sneered. The three people who did not curse were two emperor **** intermediate and one emperor **** junior. Such strength is too bad for him as a top emperor god, not to mention. , The token he held was still a very powerful treasure!

"If you don't want to die, kill him together!" one of the three strong men who have not been cursed roared. He hoped that those who were cursed would take action, but he underestimated the curse, the peak-level strong man of Emperor God The curse issued by life, although some power is scattered, but it can also make those individuals who have been cursed can not exert much power in ten minutes!

"Puff!" The token was suppressed, and a middle-level emperor who had not been cursed immediately turned into a blood mist. The other two people were shocked, but they had to bite the bullet and attack, but they just persisted for half a minute. When the time comes, the two of them will be beheaded by the top powerhouse of the Emperor God!

"Dead!" The top powerhouse of the Emperor God coldly face, the token was pressed down, and the cursed people were all pressed to the ground and turned into blood to merge with the ground under tremendous pressure!

After killing more than a dozen people in a row, the top emperor **** exhaled a long smile on his face. By now, he was the only one left among them, as long as Chu Feng died. , Then he can live!

"My friend, after being cursed, I will continue with the different space technique. It's very tiring. Why don't you come out." The top powerhouse of the Emperor God said. When he spoke, the token was not put away but hung over his head. , A faint light radiated from the token protected him in it.

Before Chu Feng did it, he knew that it was Chu Feng who caused the death of the imperial **** peak powerhouse in the end. Chu Feng may still have a powerful poison in his hand, and he has to guard against it!

With that said, secretly, the top powerhouse of the Emperor God used two one-time treasures, one to protect the flesh and the other to protect the soul, both of which he acquired at a high price. , But this is not when he is in pain, if his life is gone, everything else is just a cloud.

"Friend, come out, let's talk about it!" said the top powerhouse of the Emperor God. Chu Feng didn't speak. He slowly approached the top powerhouse of the Emperor God, and he could move when the space was hidden, but the closer he was to the opponent, the higher the possibility of being discovered.

In the domain tower, Chu Feng has used the space to hide and attack some strong people countless times. At this time, Chu Feng is at least 50% sure that he can approach the opponent and kill the opponent in one blow!

Two kilometers, one thousand meters, five hundred meters, one hundred meters, the distance between Chu Feng and the top powerhouse of the Emperor God is getting closer and closer. "Friend, do you want to die in a different space? If you come out, we can talk carefully, and we can tell each other any last words. We all have relatives and friends. If we die, relatives and friends may Still need a bit of care?" The top emperor **** said, at this time Chu Feng was less than ten meters away from the top emperor god!

"Hei Ming, give me strength!" Chu Feng's thought was passed into Hei Ming, and at the same time, a dozen drops of the blood of a god-level powerhouse was injected into Hei Ming by Chu Feng.

Space confinement!

At the moment of retreat from space, Chu Feng’s Black Underworld Sword stabs at the top powerhouse of the Emperor God. At the same time, he uses space confinement. Even if the power of space confinement cannot completely confine the other party, let the other party It’s okay to have a little slowness in action.

At such a close distance, the power of the space confinement reached the maximum. The top emperor **** never thought that Chu Feng was already so close, but when he reacted, the Hei Ming that exuded the violent weather was already there. Before the eyes of an emperor's top powerhouse!

"No!" The emperor god's top powerhouse shouted in his heart, his eyes were full of horror. He knew that his offensive and defensive token defense was very good, but it was obvious that Hei Ming's attack at this time exceeded the defense. , In the body, the thing that protects the body and the soul is more to protect them from poisons, and the degree of protection against such direct physical attacks is not high.

Hei Ming stabs the light curtain that protects the top emperor god. The light screen trembles violently and then collapses in the blink of an eye. "Ah!" The eyes of the emperor **** top powerhouse showed a crazy color, he The hand directly grabbed He Ming, and it was better to destroy one hand than to destroy the whole body!

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