Holy Prison

Chapter 1022: Leaving Muyan Island

Grasping towards Hei Ming, a black glove appeared in the hand of that emperor god-level powerhouse, that is, if he has some confidence in this glove, he will do the thing to grasp Hei Ming, otherwise, only one hand. , How to stop the terrifying Hei Ming?

If it were normal, this Emperor God-level powerhouse might not be able to catch Hei Ming with his hands, but at the moment of life and death, this Emperor God-level powerhouse's small universe broke out, and his speed was much faster than usual. He stretched out his right hand, and then tightly grasped Hei Ming's sword!

Grasping that Hei Ming, that emperor god-level powerhouse roared, Hei Ming slowly moved forward in his hand, and every little bit of advancement caused him a lot of harm!

"Go!" Chu Feng took a palm in the air. This palm contained a powerful force. A small palm print flew forward and slapped it fiercely on Hei Ming's sword hilt!

Reinforced by this force, Hei Ming bursts forward a lot in an instant, as if piercing a watermelon. Hei Ming pierced in front of the head of the top powerhouse of the Emperor God and then revealed the tip of the sword from behind his head !

Hei Ming pierced the head of the top emperor god, and powerful destructive power invaded his body. In a short time, the soul fire of the top emperor **** was under the action of destructive power. Go out!

Watching stupidly, Chu Feng made a move, and Hei Ming instantly turned into a stream of light and returned to his body. Without the support of strength, the corpse of the emperor-level powerhouse fell down and quickly fell heavily on the ground of Mother Yan Island!

"Brother Tai, congratulations!" An Emperor God level powerhouse within an aperture next to the aperture where Chu Feng is standing held his fist and smiled authentically. That Emperor God level powerhouse is at the peak of the Emperor God level, compared to his side. Chu Feng's side ended a little bit earlier. As for other apertures, some apertures ended, and some apertures were alive at this time, one hundred people and eighty to ninety people!

"Same joy and joy." Chu Feng also clasped his fists. Although there is nothing to congratulate, the other party greeted him kindly. There is no need to show the other party's face. One more enemy is worse than one less enemy.

"Brothers can have bone ships? If so, we can leave together at that time." The imperial peak powerhouse laughed. Chu Feng thought about it for a while and said, "If the destination is the same, it's okay to travel together."

"I don't have a destination, I'm drifting around haha, then that's OK." The Emperor God peak powerhouse laughed, "My name is Tasi, brother's name?"

"Xiaoyao!" Chu Feng said softly, this is a name he chose casually, but doesn't it represent his wish?

What happened this time gave Chu Feng a lot of excitement. Although he now has a cultivation base of the Emperor God level, is it happy? Not to mention, if you are happy, why should you participate in such a game you don't want to participate in? Why kill people who don't want to kill again!

Chu Feng looked towards the sky, and the sky was dark red. "One day, I want nothing to cover my eyes; I want the holy gods in the sky to be unable to change my will, I want to be happy between the sky and the earth!" Chu Feng sent out a burst in his heart. The roar, the desire for strength is even stronger!

"Xiaoyao, heh, it's not easy to talk about, it's not easy to talk about." The powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God sighed softly, "Brother Xiaoyao, where are you from?"

There are still many in an hour, and Chu Feng and Natasi talked about a thousand meters apart. He has already been to the abyss once, and chatting about something will never let others discover that he is not originally from the abyss.

In Chu Feng and the others chatting, an hour passed without a long time. After an hour of tragic killing, there are still more than two thousand and two hundred people left in one million people. The average level is a little bit higher.

"Choose, stay or leave!" A strong Yan clan said solemnly with eyes larger than a bull's eye. His voice was thunderous, causing Chu Feng and their ears to feel pain.

"go away!"

"I, stay, alas!"


About 120 people chose to leave, and the rest must participate in the Tianxin Hegemony. Some of them volunteered to participate, and most of them had to participate! ""If you choose to leave, get out! "The strong Yan Clan said coldly, Chu Feng and the others were secretly angry, but no one, including Chu Feng, dared to show it at this time.

The one hundred and twenty people who were about to leave quickly reached the lava sea. "Everyone, good luck." An Emperor God level expert immediately took out the bone ship and got on top of the bone ship. The bone ship was about 100 meters long. After the Emperor God level powerhouse was activated, The bone ship disappeared within Chu Feng's line of sight in a short time.

"Good luck!" The same group of lucky guys can be regarded as a kind of fate. Except for a few indifferent people who did not say anything, the rest of the people said good luck to others before they came out. The bone ship of oneself is on top of the bone ship.

"Brother Xiaoyao, I didn't expect you to have such a bone ship." Tasi smiled. The bone captain Chu Feng is now in is about 100 meters long. There are no longer bone ships in the holy prison store, but more than one hundred. There were a lot of precedents before the bone boat of rice was taken out. Those who brought out the bone boat of more than 100 meters were all confiscated by the Yan Clan!

"Let's go." Chu Feng said softly. He didn't want to stay longer at this place for a moment. "Okay!" Tasi said, and the two bone ships quickly left Muyan Island towards the west of the abyss. !

A long distance away from Muyan Island, on the deck, Chu Feng looked at Muyan Island in the direction of his eyes. "Muyan Island, I will come back!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

On Muyan Island, being forced to participate in such a game and forced to kill is a kind of humiliation to any strong man. This is the first reason to come back!

The second is Tianxinzi. There is a Tianxinzi in Muyan Island. Chu Feng doesn't believe that those people on Muyan Island will end up with a hundred games and get Tianxinzi! That Tianxinzi will eventually be in the hands of the Yan Clan after this incident. When the time comes to find that Tianxinzi, it is natural to find the Yan Clan and return to the Mother Yan Island. on!

"False saints, I also need to have at least two false saint-level followers, and then there are a lot of divine **** Dzogchen followers to have the hope of grabbing the Tianxinzi on Demuyan Island." Chu Feng secretly The ground frowned. The difficulty of this one is really not small. A god-wife Dzogchen entourage has one million combat merit points. This is better to say, a pseudo-saint-level entourage, Chu Feng estimated that even 20 million combat merit points cannot be exchanged. To!

Not to mention 20 million merit points or more, it is 20 million merit points. This is too difficult to obtain. If you just complete the previous B-level mission, then it will be a reward of ten million merit points!

"I don't know if there are other powerhouses above the infinite in the abyss." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he thought of the underground palace, "The palace lord of the underground palace, I don't know if it is a fake. If there are any saint-level powerhouses, the underworld is terrible!"

"Brother Xiaoyao, do you think we can return to the top safely? Will the Yan Clan chase us down?" Tasi's voice sounded inside the bone ship of Chu Feng. The two ships were not very far apart. Far away, with Chu Feng and their cultivation base, there is certainly not much problem with each other's voice transmission!

"Probably not, a pseudo-saint-level powerhouse, with such an identity and strength, he is not afraid of our revenge." Chu Feng said. "Oh, yes, false saint level. If it is not the age when saints cannot be born, he may have reached the saint level by now. As long as he does not die, he can definitely reach the saint by then. Under the saint, we are in him It seems that it is like an ant. Now he is still interested in playing with us like that. When he becomes a saint, it is estimated that such interest is gone." Tasi said with emotion.

In the lava sea, the wind is high and the waves are violent. A bone ship that is more than a hundred meters long may be destroyed by accident. However, Chu Feng and the others have good luck. They did not encounter much danger. After a month and a half, "Chu Feng, felt it." There are people, hurry up and slow down, you are almost on the shore!" Miao Xian'er's somewhat delighted voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

There was also a hint of joy in Chu Feng's eyes. He transmitted a message to Tasi and the speed of the bone ship suddenly decreased a lot.

"Hey, Chu Feng, you have encountered something interesting." Miao Xian'er said again. Chu Feng's speed slowed down, and several bone ships that were larger than Chu Feng's bone ships quickly surrounded them.

"Pirate?" Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. When those people approached, both he and Tasi had discovered each other in their spiritual sense. In the lava sea, there are not many pirates. They live by looting bone ships. If luck is good, a robbery can make them a lot of profit, but if the luck is bad, there are some bone ships robbed. The consequences of the powerful and powerful, naturally needless to say!

"Brother Xiaoyao, I'm a firefighter. There are five ships in total, three ships to me?" Tasi voiced over. "Yes." Chu Feng also spoke.

The five pirate ships approached, and the people on the five pirate ships were very happy. I didn't expect that this time I was lucky. I just came out and encountered two "suitable" pigs!

"Ah, boss, that guy has accelerated and ran into us!" Suddenly, a pirate yelled in the tunnel. It was Tasi's bone ship that accelerated and crashed over. With his Emperor God level strength, he was protecting the bone ship and bone ship. The strength of the boat is definitely many times higher than the average small bone boat!

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