Holy Prison

Chapter 1023: Shi Han's trouble

"Dodge, **** it, dodge!" The pirate leader exclaimed. In this deep rocky sea, if the bone ship is crashed and sinks, it will be a big cup!

"Boss, it's too late!" A pirate said in horror, their bone ship speed has not yet increased, and the speed of Tasi's bone ship has increased, and the speed is not far. At this time, there is no time for them to dodge! "Crazy man, you crazy man!" the pirate chief said in horror.

"Die hahaha!"

Tasi’s bone ship slammed into the largest pirate ship, and with a loud explosion, the pirate ship was smashed to pieces, some pirates were killed directly, and some pirates screamed and fell into the magma. It was swallowed by the hot magma without a bubble in it!

"Run, run away!"

The people in the other four pirate ships didn't know at this time that they had hit the iron plate this time. The four pirate ships immediately fled, but it was not easy for them to escape!

Chu Feng also controlled the bone ship and ran into a bone ship. He crashed two of the four bone ships, and the other two were crashed by Ta Wu’s bone ships. For those pirates Chu Feng And no sympathy, all the people on the pirate ships have a crime value exceeding the value of goodness. They don't know how much they have done for evil!

"It's cool, the bird breath in my heart finally came out!" Tasi laughed and said, he didn't have a sound transmission, but the sound was also passed into Chu Feng's ears.

"Tasi, after we get ashore, we will act separately." Chu Feng said. Ta Si was taken aback for a moment: "Brother Xiaoyao, two people are acting together. Is it bad to have a companion?"

"I still have things, it's not convenient."

"Okay then, take care." Ta Si said, he thinks that Chu Feng is a good person, so he wants to make friends everywhere, but naturally Chu Feng has things, it is naturally not good to follow.

The bone boat was already near the shore, and Chu Feng and the others soon arrived on the shore and collected their respective bone boats. "Brother Xiaoyao, I wish you a happy life soon!" Tasi smiled authentically.

"Same, take care." Chu Feng clasped his fists and got along for more than a month. Chu Feng also felt that Ta Si was a good person and a friend worth making, but he didn't have time to make friends at this time. Some things to do are not suitable for Tasi to follow!

"Take care!"

Ta Sidao, after he finished speaking, Chu Feng nodded and disappeared in front of him in an instant.

After Chu Feng left, it didn't take long for him to determine where he was. "It takes ten days to get to Shijiapu, Hongye City, but it's not too far away." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and moved. Even though it is only ten days' time for the child to reach the holy prison space, it can't be wasted. In the domain tower, it can improve some strength, and it is good to be able to obtain dozens of points of combat merit and a little domain tower value!

Chu Long and Shi Yan were in Shijiapu, "Along, how are you?" Shi Yan was a little worried. Chu Long practiced faster and faster, and now he has reached the primary cultivation level of the Emperor God. , This is a good thing, but the bad thing is that in Chu Long's body, the black gong power already accounts for half of it!

There are two colors of power in Chu Long's body, black power and golden power. Now that black power surpasses golden power, Chu Long faintly feels that he can no longer fully control his power.

"Don't worry, brother should be here these days." Chu Long stroked Shi Yan's smooth long hair. "If your brother is delayed," Shi Yan was still worried.

"That's nothing. Although I have a faint feeling that I can't completely control my skill, it's just a feeling after all. As long as I come here within a hundred years, I won't have any problems." Chu Long said, "It's true. Wang Yuan Mansion, how are uncles and others, can they withstand the pressure of Shi Yuan Mansion?"

"I don’t know, Wang Yuan’s Mansion has suffered a lot of blows before, but after all, there is a super battle city. Over the years, it has slowly recovered its vitality, and even has a lot of development. Father and the pressure are also much greater. !" Shi Yan said. "It's a pity that our strength is still too low to help much." Chu Long said, "Brother should be coming soon. By then, Brother doesn't know if there is any way."

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came over, "Chu Long, Yan'er, see who is here." Shi Han smiled and walked through the courtyard where Chu Long and the others were.

Chu Long was pleasantly surprised, and it was not Chu Feng who followed Shi Han in the yard. "Brother Chu Feng!" Shi Yan hurriedly saluted. She respected Chu Feng very much. She was cured by Chu Feng herself, and if there was a problem with Chu Long's practice, Chu Feng needed long-term treatment!

"A family, don't have to be polite." Chu Feng smiled authentically.

The worries on Shi Yan's face disappeared, and now that Chu Feng has arrived, then Chu Long's exercise problem should be temporarily resolved! "Brother, when did you arrive? You were a little late, thinking you had some problems." Several people sat down and Chu Long smiled.

"I just arrived, but it's been a year or so to reach the abyss, and it is indeed delayed by something." Chu Feng said. Hong Han's face changed slightly: "Mother Yan Island?"

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, coming from Infinity, I didn't expect to get to the side of the lava sea and take a bone boat. I didn't expect to get to Mother Yan Island."

"Mother Yan Island, I heard that a pseudo-saint-level powerhouse appeared on that side, isn't that the same thing?" Shi Han said. Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, there is indeed a pseudo-Saint-level powerhouse, Uncle Shi, I don't know how many pseudo-Saint-level powerhouses are there today in the abyss?"

"As far as I know, that's the one!" Shi Han said, "It's just such a strong person. Generally, there is no need to show off. The abyss is so big, there should still be a few pseudo-Saint-level strong people! A false-Saint-level powerhouse appears on the other side. It’s a good thing that you can come out alive!"

Chu Long's heart tightened: "Brother, I have also heard about the Muyan Island. You are not injured?" Chu Feng shook his head: "Don't worry, no. Your practice problem is more serious, let me first I'll treat you!"

"Good." Chu Long nodded.

The hand pressed to Chu Long’s back, a trace of the light of merit immediately dispersed into Chu Long’s body, the light of merit entered Chu Long’s body, and then slowly blended with his merit, Chu Within the dragon's body, the black skill suddenly turned into golden skill!

Time passed by, and several hours passed in a blink of an eye. Chu Feng moved his hand away from Chu Long's back, "It's okay, there will be no problems in a hundred years." Chu Feng smiled authentically. , "Xiaolong, your current training speed is really good, you have already reached the primary level of the Emperor God, according to your current speed, reaching the intermediate level of the Emperor God should be within these forty to fifty years!"

As the skill changed, the feeling that the skill could not be fully controlled disappeared. Chu Long was happy: "Brother, thank you. I don't have much confidence in reaching the middle level of the Emperor God in 40 or 50 years, but it should be impossible to achieve it in 100 years. questionable."

From the junior level of the Emperor God to the intermediate level of the Emperor God, it has been a very fast speed in a hundred years. Chu Long is quite satisfied with this. What makes him happy is that his training speed is fast, and he has established a sincere heart with him. Shi Yan, who had the same fate, also practiced very quickly. Shi Yan is now approaching Wangshen Dzogchen, and it won’t take too long to get to Dehuangshen Junior!

"Forty to fifty years, there should be no problem." Chu Feng smiled authentically. "Brother Chu Feng, I'm going to prepare food." Shi Yan got up and left with a smile.

Chu Feng looked at Shi Han: "Uncle Shi, I got some information about Wang Yuan Mansion after I got to the abyss. The situation seems not very optimistic!"

"Yeah." Shi Han frowned and nodded, "There have been some small conflicts with Wang Yuan Mansion these years, but there have been no major conflicts. I want to come to Wang Yuan Mansion and I know, confront my Shi family and treat them. I have no good end. But if this continues, the situation may become worse! It is not the problem of Wang Yuanfu, it is the problem of my Shi family!"

"Oh?" There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. He had checked the information of Wang Yuan's Mansion, but he had not checked the information of the Shi family itself. "Some people in the family object to me continuing to be the head of the Shi family! As a head of the family, I should put the family first. In this regard, I really did not do enough." Shi Han sighed authentically.

As a father, Shi Han did a good job. Without his father, Shi Yan would have died early, and Chu Long would not have to protect him, but as the patriarch of a large family, Shi Yan would eventually have a relationship with forces like Wang Yuan’s Mansion. It's so unqualified to say it! In such a large family, when family affection conflicts with family interests, a qualified patriarch generally has to choose family interests. This is a very helpless thing, but it must be the case in many cases!

"What does Uncle Shi think?" Chu Feng said solemnly. Shi Han frowned, family affairs were difficult to deal with, especially in such matters, the voices of opposition within the family were not small, he could not hand over the position of the head of the family, but the voices of opposition, are they not? deal with.

"Housework is unreasonable!" Shi Han sighed lightly, "Chu Feng, what good do you have?"

Chu Feng thought about it for a while and smiled: "Uncle Shi, the problem is actually not easy to say, but it is not difficult to say. If the power of Wang Yuan Mansion weakens, the voice of opposition within the Shi family should also weaken. "Shi Han's eyes lit up: "You have a way to deal with Wang Yuan Mansion"

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