Holy Prison

Chapter 1027: Three god-level powerhouses

Half a month passed quickly, and when Miao Xian'er was about to do it, Chu Feng appeared in front of Miao Xian'er from the domain tower.

"Chu Feng, if you are a little bit late, I will do it." Miao Xian'er smiled authentically. "That guy is still practicing?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er nodded: "Yeah!" The voice fell, and the outside scene appeared in front of Chu Feng. "Do it now?" Miao Xianer said.

Outside, in the training room, Wang Bing frowned and opened his eyes. He felt a little bit dangerous, but when he opened his eyes and let out his consciousness, he didn't find any dangerous factors.

"Strange, how could this be?" Wang Bing was puzzled. He was quite confident about his instincts, but even if a powerhouse with the highest level of the gods came, it shouldn't be possible for him to lose sight of any signs. "Could it be that there is a strong man who is a **** who has come to deal with me?" This thought flashed in Wang Bing's mind, but in a blink of an eye the thought was thrown away and I don't know where it is. If you want to kill him, you don't need to be sneaky, you can kill him by force!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng watched quietly, a gaseous poison silently entered the secret room where Wang Bing was located. This poison is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the gods and is very powerful. It may be poisoned to death, and used to deal with the top gods. It is a little overkill, but Chu Feng still used it for safety!

Only a little bit of the poison came into the secret room at a time, and the poisoning lasted for ten minutes. After ten minutes, the face of the top god-level powerhouse was still normal. The poison did not strike immediately. It will happen after an hour, and once it happens, it will take his life immediately.

"Chu Feng, it was very successful. The thousand opportunities disintegrated and entered the body of the nearest living organism, and now all of them have entered the body of Wang Bing!" Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, dealing with a person who respects the top of the gods is not too difficult for Chu Feng today, so Chu Feng didn't seem too happy.

"Ah!" Outside, inside the secret room, Wang Bing screamed. He suddenly stood up. Some of the jade slips he had just now had been destroyed!

The broken jade slip represents the death of a person. When the broken jade slip appeared in his hands, Wang Bing’s expression became very ugly. This piece of jade slip belonged to a strong man in the Wang Yuan Mansion. Although it was not a member of the Wang family, it was with him. The relationship is very good. "Who, who killed you" Wang Bing's angry voice sounded throughout the city, and for a while, the entire city became panicked.

Chu Feng frowned. If Wang Bing slaughtered the city in anger, he also had a certain responsibility. It was certain that his kindness value would be reduced! After a while, Wang Bing left this city. Chu Feng thought about it a lot. Wang Bing had a lot of affection for this city, and he would not do things about killing the city.

"Miao Xian'er, let Tianwei go back." Chu Feng said indifferently. Wang Bing was hit by a thousand chances and he didn't know it. Death was a certainty, and there was no need to follow him to waste time. The Tianwei operation quickly left this city. At this time, many people left, so Tianwei's departure did not appear abrupt.

Wang Yuancheng.

"Bang!" As soon as Wang Hao fell, the tea cup in his hand was thrown to the ground and shattered! "Check, check it out for me, we must find out which force has attacked my Wang Yuan Mansion!" Wang Hao said angrily. Although Wang Yuan Mansion had more than 20 god-level powerhouses, they died two at a time. This is also a heavy blow to Wang Yuanfu!

Two hours ago, Wang Hao received news of the death of a god-level powerhouse in Wang Yuan Mansion. After a few short minutes, another god-level powerhouse died! Successively received news of the death of a god-senior high-level powerhouse and a god-respecting mid-level powerhouse. As the palace master of Wang Yuan Mansion, Wang Hao would not be extremely angry.

Right now, Wang Hao issued an order to make all the god-exalted and emperor-level experts in Wang Yuan Mansion be careful and gather. Two hours passed, and now many people have arrived in front of Wang Hao.

"The patriarch is already investigating with all his strength, but I am afraid that there is not much news coming back in a short period of time." In the temple, a god-excellent powerhouse said, he is also a member of the royal family, but his cultivation is only an elementary god-excellence. , Compared with Wang Hao.

"Report all the news about the forces that are hostile to us!" Wang Hao said solemnly, "How about the Shi family, are there any trends?"

"Patriarch, there is nothing moving from the Shi family. The whereabouts of several powerful experts in the Shi family are all under control. This should not be done by the Shi family."

"Patriarch, Sacred Ape Mountain is not moving, and several strong men have not left."

"Wuluoling is not moving."

One by one the strong said, a lot of information continued to gather. "We have two deity-level powerhouses dead at one time. It cannot be caused by a small force. I must thoroughly investigate the matter, even if it costs a lot of money!" Wang Haoleng Cold and authentic.

Just after speaking, Wang Hao's expression changed again. "Bastard, **** thing!" Wang Hao was furious. He said that a broken soul jade slip appeared, and the soul jade slip was severely thrown to the ground by him.

"Brother Wang Bing's." Someone exclaimed, and there was still some Wang Bing's aura on the soul jade slip. "Patriarch, Brother Wang Bing, too" an elder of the Wang family said with a black face.

"Dead, he is also dead! Three people plus the previous ones, a total of three god-level powerhouses died!" Wang Hao felt that his lungs seemed to be blown up! In a short period of more than two hours, three god-level powerhouses died in Wang Yuan Mansion! Wang Hao knew in his heart that if such news spread out, then the entire Wang Yuan Mansion would immediately become flustered, and the hard-earned progress over the past century would be wiped out!

After taking a deep breath, Wang Hao said solemnly, “All of you here are from my royal family, not from my royal family. They only know that a person of the god-exalted level has died. The news that three have died. Keep it strictly and not spread it out."

"Yes, the patriarch!" The people in the hall responded quickly, and they also knew that if it spread out, it would be equivalent to a bomb for Wang Yuan Mansion!

"Patriarch, would it be Chu Feng?" someone whispered. "Chu Feng is in the underworld?" Wang Hao said solemnly. "Here, I arrived a year ago." That humanity, when Chu Feng was in the ancient teleportation formation, there were some conflicts with the Fei family, so the news that Chu Feng entered the underworld is not a secret.

"You" Wang Hao pointed at the mid-level godly strong man and was a little bit speechless. After a while, Wang Hao said angrily, "You didn't report the news that Chu Feng has reached the abyss, so why did you eat! !"

"Patriarch, at that time you were in retreat and, I thought, I only reported to you with the patriarch if there was a little specific news. I didn't expect that" the middle-level powerhouse of the **** was criticized and aggrieved.

"The patriarch, Chu Feng, kid, deceived my Wang family too much, we should give him a terrible counterattack!"

"The Shi family has a great relationship with Chu Feng. This matter may not be without the Shi family's participation. If we can't find Chu Feng, we can do something to the Shi family!"

"Three powerhouses at the god-exalted level, this Chu Feng will kill!"

Inside the hall, one by one the strong uttered angrily. "Stop." Wang Hao said coldly, "Said it was Chu Feng's hand, but is there evidence? If there is no evidence, how can you move towards Chu Feng and Shi's family?"

"If you find Chu Feng, it doesn't matter if you move towards Chu Feng. Anyway, we have a very stalemate with Chu Feng, but the Shi family, on the surface, we still maintain some harmony. If the Shi family does not do anything, we will deal with the Shi family. , That is to add a big enemy, when dealing with unknown enemies, can we also deal with Shi family at the same time?" Wang Hao said solemnly.

"Check, check it out for me first, and then do it!"

The three god-level powerhouses fell, and Wang Yuan's mansion was furious. Various methods were used to inquire, but Chu Feng didn't rely on other powers. The cultivation base of coldness and green robe was very high. Nothing was found after the inquiry from the next day!

After more than ten days, Leng Li and Lupao returned to the holy prison space again, and a heavenly guard brought the holy prison to Wang Yuan City. "Miao Xian'er, contact Mo Shu to get some information these days." Chu Feng smiled in the holy prison space, things went smoothly, and they didn't miss it coldly, the three gods in Wang Yuan Mansion The strong fell and Chu Feng was naturally delighted.

Miao Xian'er and Mo Shu are both intelligent beings, and they transfer information very quickly. Chu Feng's voice fell, but Miao Xian'er and Mo Shu had already completed the exchange in less than three seconds.

"Chu Feng, Wang Yuan Mansion has hidden the news of the deaths of three god-level powerhouses." Miao Xianer hummed. "The news from Wang Yuan Mansion is that only one god-level powerhouse has died. It’s not as messy as estimated." "Is that so? Let this fire be bigger, and see if the Wang family's paper can cover it." Chu Feng laughed, and the Wang family concealed it. Unexpected.

Miao Xian'er said: "It happened. Some Emperor God level people returned to Wang Yuan City. Now there are only five Emperor God level people who can determine the location!"

"It doesn't matter whether it's five, one can kill one!" Chu Feng said, "If a few more Emperor God level people die, this paper should be very difficult to contain the fire. Miao Xian'er, change it again. One entourage, let’s change to the sixth floor Ning Fan."

Ning Fan, the cultivation base of the intermediate level of the gods, needs 150,000 merit points to replace him, and now Chu Feng's combat merit points are no more than 150,000.

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