Holy Prison

Chapter 1028: Helpless call

"Chu Feng, are you sure? You now have more than 160,000 points of combat merit. If you change to Ning Fan, you will only have a little more than 10,000. Fifteen yuan will be exchanged for an entourage with a mid-level god-excellent cultivation base. In fact, it is not too worthwhile." Miao Xianer said.

The green robe is the top cultivation base of the gods. It took half a million combat points to replace him. There is no problem for him to fight against three middle-level gods at the same time. If it is one-to-one, then the green robe is easy. It is possible to kill a person who has an intermediate level of cultivation, so fifteen yuan for a person with an intermediate level of **** is indeed worthless compared to 500,000 for a person with a top god.

"Wait, let me think about it." Chu Feng frowned. He thought of a question. They have a high level of cultivation in the green robe, and it is difficult for others to divination. If it is Ning Fan, who is an intermediate-level god, it is possible. Calculated by divination. "Forget it, don't change it. If it is troublesome, please trouble it. Safety is the most important thing!" Chu Feng said.

"Yeah, I don't think it's a good one. There is merit in battle. Then I will change to a false saint or directly to a saint." Miao Xian'er said with a grin.

"Then I don't know what year and month it was." Chu Feng shook his head helplessly. The false saint estimated that it would require 20 to 30 million combat points, and the saint's words are definitely hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions of points, Chu Feng thought I think it is a bit terrifying, if you can't do a lot of missions to get a lot of combat points, then you don't know when you can get hundreds of millions of points!

When Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er were talking, outside, Tianwei had already left Wang Yuancheng.

As time passed day by day, clouds had been shrouded in Wang Yuancheng’s city lord’s mansion. Wang Hao and several of Wang Yuancheng’s big figures seemed to have eaten gunpowder every day. Three god-level powerhouses died. Temporarily, things were hidden, but Wang Hao and the others knew that this matter could not be kept for long!

It would be good to say if the murderer could be found during this period of time, but after more than a month passed in a blink of an eye, even the shadow of the murderer was not found!

"There is not the slightest news yet? Those intelligence forces have not discovered a bit," Wang Hao said with a sullen face, his own forces could not figure it out, Wang Hao turned to some intelligence forces, and those intelligence forces were unwilling to intervene in such things, but many After the spar fell, there is still some influence, but it has been half a month, and there is still no good news.

"Patriarch, no." The one who was speaking was an emperor-level powerhouse. He spoke a little cautiously. Wang Hao was a good patriarch, but there was no clue to the death of the three god-level powerhouses, Wang Hao. Now it is also a little lost. The patriarch, whose anger often erupts, naturally frightens the people below!

Wang Hao was about to speak, and in his spatial ring, "Kacha!" A crisp voice sounded, and a piece of jade slip was broken. Before he could get angry, the second piece of jade slip was also broken immediately!

The broken pieces are the jade slips of two emperor-level powerhouses. The status of the emperor-level powerhouse is naturally not as high as that of the god-level powerhouse, but now there are more than three hundred emperors in Wangyuan Mansion. God-level powerhouse. Normally, there will not be a single Emperor God level powerhouse falling in 100,000 years, but now, within a few seconds, two Emperor God level powerhouses have fallen one after another!

"Get out!" Wang Hao's face was so gloomy and frightening, the Emperor God level powerhouse quickly resigned and left, and as soon as he left the hall where Wang Hao was, he let out a long sigh.

One is the sound of the main hall door being closed, and the other is the sound of a wine bottle being smashed severely! "Boom!" There was a rapid knock on the door.

With a wave of Wang Hao's hand, the scraps of the broken vase disappeared. "Come in." Wang Hao's faint voice spread out.

The door opened, and an emperor-level powerhouse entered the hall with a little anger. "Patriarch, my younger brother," the Emperor God level expert said in a hurry, just now, he discovered that his younger brother's jade slip was broken!

"I see, let's go down first." Wang Hao waved his hand, what else the Emperor God level expert wanted to say, but seeing Wang Hao's face now, he dared not say anything more. "Yes, patriarch!"

Yiyan stepped back, the Emperor God level powerhouse met another person at the door, and said a few words to him, that one person did not enter the hall again.

"Too much bullying!" Wang Hao exclaimed in his heart, but what can be done at this time? Wang Yuancheng is not a super power. It has existed for such a long time. It does not have the background of the Feng clan. The Feng clan can open the five-color hall and ask who is the one who started, but it is impossible for Wang Yuanfu to ask like that.

In the abyss, some superpowers can also be asked, but Wang Yuanfu hasn't had that kind of face to let such superpowers use their heritage!

The enemy is in the dark, and Wang Yuan Mansion is in the light. This is the biggest problem for Wang Yuan Mansion today!

"Big brother!" Wang Hua's voice sounded as he entered the hall, "third brother." Wang Hao nodded slightly, "Sit down."

Wang Hua sat down opposite Wang Hao. "Big Brother, is there any bad news?" Wang Hua said. Wang Hao nodded: "Well, two Emperor God level people died, it is Wang Ao and Tu Muyun."

"The cultivation base and talent of the two of them are not low." Wang Hua frowned. Wang Ao has the high-level cultivation base of the Emperor God, and that Tumu Yun has the top cultivation base of the Emperor God. "Brother, the other party didn't make a head-on shot. In my opinion, the opponent's strength will not be stronger than our Wang Yuan Mansion. This is good news. As long as we know who the opponent is, then we can deal with it calmly!"

"So, I suggest that we withdraw from the outside to reach the Emperor God level and the important general God level King God level figures. In addition, they should be very careful to hide when they are outside, and the location is easily known. I think, There may be a traitor in our Wang Yuan Mansion!" Wang Hua said.

Wang Hao frowned and said: "Once it is recovered, then some things cannot be kept secret. Our Wang Yuan Mansion has developed rapidly in the past 100 years. If this happens the last time, the momentum of development will definitely be suppressed. The next time I want to develop again, it will be very difficult! There is indeed such a possibility. In the past hundred years, the speed at which we absorb people may give people a chance to take advantage of it!"

"Big brother, a family, ups and downs are normal. As long as our foundation is not destroyed, we will naturally have another day to develop!" Wang Hua smiled authentically.

Wang Hao nodded: "Well, you are right. Third brother, give my order. All people above the Emperor God level in Wang Yuan Mansion will be recalled. As for the God level King God level, you can figure it out. By the way, you Responsible, conduct a test of people who have joined Wang Yuan's Mansion in the past 100 years, test that some people may be unwilling, and try to eliminate dissatisfaction."

"Yes." Wang Hua nodded. The quickest way to check is to let others give up resistance and then hypnotize. This method is naturally uncomfortable for some people, but in order to find out the insider, Wang Hao and the others have to use this method.

As for Mo Shu, from the beginning to the end, they never doubted Mo Shu. After all, Mo Shu had been managing Wang Yuancheng for countless years. Although there was a problem more than a hundred years ago, they would not doubt that Mo Shu would betray!

Wang Yuan Mansion’s summoning order was quickly passed out. As soon as the summoning order came out, everyone except the fool knew that Wang Yuan Mansion must have encountered a lot of trouble.

"What's wrong with Wang Yuan Mansion, how can we summon all the powerful people to win Wang Yuan City?"

"It won't happen again, will it? The last time Wang Yuan Mansion died tens of millions of people! I was thinking about joining Wang Yuan Mansion before, now it seems that joining Wang Yuan Mansion may not be a wise choice! "

"Wang Yuan Mansion has killed a god-level powerhouse, but I think it must be more than just the death of a god-level powerhouse!"

"I heard from my cousin's cousin's second sister-in-law's son's brother-in-law, that three god-level powerhouses died in Wang Yuan Mansion, and two emperor-level people died!"

Rumors spread, and some people in Wang Yuan Mansion were upset when they heard the rumours, but they knew that this rumor could not be eliminated by killing a few people!

"Father-in-law, his complexion is good." Chu Long smiled and said, he and Shi Yanzheng were talking, and Shi Han entered their small courtyard with a smile.

"Father, is there any good news?" Shi Yan's eyes lit up. Shi Han nodded: "There is indeed good news. Wang Yuan Mansion has encountered trouble this time. The more reliable news is that three god-level powerhouses have fallen. Now Wang Yuan Mansion has issued a summoning order. Some powerful people belonging to Wang Yuan Mansion are all recalled!"

Shi Han said and looked at Chu Long: "Chu Long, your brother should have done this. The news that your brother came here is confidential, so you can't tell it."

"Three strong gods? That Wang Yuan Mansion's loss this time is very heavy! Father-in-law can rest assured, we naturally won't talk about it." Chu Long smiled.

Shi Han laughed and said: "It is indeed a heavy loss. This is only a superficial loss, and the invisible loss is even heavier! After this incident, if there is no special experience in Wang Yuan Mansion, it will never happen again in hundreds of years. With the big development, my pressure within the family has also eased suddenly."

"Congratulations, father." Shi Yan smiled slightly, "Big Brother Chu Feng is really amazing. He suffered a heavy loss in his previous shot at Wang Yuan Mansion. This time, Wang Yuan Mansion's loss is even heavier."

"It's heavier. This time, three god-extreme-level powerhouses and two emperor-level powerhouses have fallen. Although the number is small, the quality is very high. The tens of millions of people before this time are not as good as this time. !" Shi Han said with a smile. For a power, the importance of a god-excellent level power is self-evident, even 10 million people of ordinary strength are not comparable to a god-level powerhouse!

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