Holy Prison

Chapter 1029: Suspension of retaliation

"Wang Yuan Mansion's hands and feet retracted fast." In the holy prison space, Chu Feng said indifferently. Outside, a heaven guard took the holy prison in Wang Yuan city. This heaven guard was not the previous heaven. Wei, a powerhouse of the Emperor God level, often appearing in Wang Yuan Mansion is likely to cause some suspicion.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do?" Mo Shu asked. At this moment, she was lying in Chu Feng's arms. For such things, she was a master of taste, and she had just been in a battle with Chu Feng. "Magic Shu, you have a better understanding of Wang Yuan Mansion, what can you do?" Chu Feng said.

Mo Shu frowned: "I know about Wang Yuan Mansion, but I don't know about your situation. This, I can't say, I will also pass some recent information to Miao Xian'er, and then Miao Xian'er Pass it to you."

Chu Feng nodded, and Miao Xian'er appeared beside Chu Feng and the others, and Mo Shu quickly passed some information to Miao Xian'er. "Magic Shu, don't get dressed yet?" Miao Xian'er hummed softly.

"You care about me?" Mo Shu raised his brows. "Okay, you two, don't you need to fight **** as soon as you meet?" Chu Feng said helplessly, he really doubted whether Miao Xian'er and Mo Shu were enemies in their previous lives.

"Chu Feng, this is the information you want." Miao Xian'er was reluctant to speak authentically, a large amount of information entered Chu Feng's mind, and Chu Feng quickly learned a lot about the recent Wang Yuan Mansion. "The death of three god-level powerhouses, and the death of two emperor-level god-level powerhouses, Wang Yuan Mansion is quite sure." Chu Feng smiled slightly.

Miao Xian'er sat down next to Chu Feng and the others: "Chu Feng, that Wang Hua is worthy of vigilance. Wang Hao can't help getting angry at such things, but he is still very calm."

"Well, Wang Hao and Wang Hua must die! Miao Xian'er, you have modified the core rules of the magic Shu, Wang Yuanfu is investigating the internal traitors, will you find out what?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er shook his head: "No, no one in Wang Yuan's Mansion understands that aspect at all, and even if they do, it is extremely difficult to find out that the core rules of Magic Shu have been modified! It needs to be more proficient in that aspect than I am, not to mention Wang Yuan Mansion, the entire abyss, there should be no such people!"

"You don't have to pay taxes for bragging." The magician smiled charmingly. "Magic, don’t mess with my sister. If my sister gets angry, the consequences will be serious. If you modify your core rules, believe it or not you have to call my master obediently when you see me? Well, let me think about it, if you call me Master, that's actually pretty good." Miao Xian'er smiled authentically.

Mo Shu rolled her eyes. She didn't believe that Miao Xian'er would do such a thing, but she didn't fight Miao Xian'er anymore. "It's fine if you don't find out." Chu Feng said, he directly ignored the fighting methods of Miao Xian'er and the others.

"Chu Feng, are you still planning to deal with Wang Yuanfu now?" Mo Shu said. Chu Feng thought about it carefully. If Leng Li and the others are allowed to take action, it should still be possible to kill one or two god-level people, but in that case, it is equivalent to telling Wang Hao that he is within Wang Yuan City, and if poison is used. , It is very likely that the powerhouse of Wang Yuan Mansion will suspect him.

Nowadays, the strong man in Wang Yuan Mansion is not sure that those dead are his hands, but if he kills several people in a row with poison, Wang Yuan Mansion doesn’t doubt it. After all, he is infinite. Who bought the poison!

"Huh?" Just when Chu Feng wanted to release Wang Yuan Mansion temporarily, a thought suddenly popped out of his mind. "If you use that Tianxinzi," Chu Feng grasped the thought that suddenly appeared in his mind and quickly considered it!

Tianxinzi, that thing doesn't need to be sent out, as long as Tianxinzi appears in Wang Yuancheng, it can cause Wang Yuanfu a lot of trouble!

"Moshu, you go back first." Chu Feng grabbed Moshu's chest and said. "Yeah." The Shushu nodded his head and the clothes appeared on his body and left immediately.

"Chu Feng, did you think of something?" Miao Xian'er said, she knows Chu Feng very well, but she can guess a lot of things by looking at Chu Feng's face.

Chu Feng beckoned Miao Xian'er and sat next to him: "Miao Xian'er, you knew about the crystal skull on the earth. Are there any imitations like Tianxinzi in the holy prison shop?"

"Chu Feng, do you want to use a fake Tianxinzi to pit Wangyuan Mansion?" Miao Xianer said, she frowned, "There are relatively similar things in the holy prison store, but this method, if the last It was discovered that it was a scam by you, and the consequences are very serious! The abyss is not the earth, the abyss is very big and powerful, and some super powers have a variety of powerful backgrounds!"

"That's true. What if it is really Tianxinzi? If Tianxinzi appears in Wang Yuan's Mansion and disappears, who do you think others think it fell into?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er thought for a while and said: "If this is the case, it would be much better. It is true that Tianxinzi has the rules and guardianship, and it cannot be calculated by the background of each power. However, if someone else finds out that Wang Yuan's palace is not No, you might end up with a little suspicion."

"If you get Wang Yuancheng in the end, you will be more suspicious!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly. Using Tianxinzi, it can indeed cause trouble to Wang Yuan Mansion and even let other forces kill Wang Yuan Mansion. However, the consequences are relatively large. This plan cannot be used unless it is a last resort. . "Miao Xian'er, don't you have any good solutions?" Chu Feng said.


Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Chu Feng, Wang Yuan Mansion can afford to wait, why can't you wait? In the current situation, the strength of Wang Yuan Mansion will not increase much, but your strength can continue. The land has made progress. If you grow, Wang Yuan’s Mansion has not grown. Wouldn’t it be easier to deal with Wang Yuan’s Mansion by then?"

"Take revenge? It's okay to take it slowly, and you can also let them enjoy the pain more. It would be best if you waited until the holy prison could imprison them before arresting them. In that case, they could be imprisoned in the holy. In prison, when you feel unhappy, go over and get a few whips."

Chu Feng touched Miao Xian'er's head: "If you don't have horns, how come I feel that you have become a little witch with horns on your head? Then you can tell me, what is the most important thing for me now?"

"Anyway, of course I got the poison! Miao Feiying's use of poison is very fast. It is estimated that she has lasted for two hundred years, and her poison pill has not been awakened. The possibility of awakening within two hundred years is very low!" Miao Xianer said.

"Poison Pill." Chu Feng nodded slightly. The most important things for him now are getting the poison pill; second, improving his strength, and third, Tianxinzi!

Needless to say about strength, improving strength is a very important thing at any time. Obtaining Tianxinzi is also a major event today. Even for Chu Feng, obtaining Tianxinzi is more important than improving strength. Three thousand years, it looks like a long time, but when used to obtain Tianxinzi, one or two of them may not be obtained in three thousand years!

"Ten Thousand Poison City, Sky Poison Lake, Viper Villa." Chu Feng muttered in his heart, these three places must be visited in the next time.

The affairs of Wang Yuan’s Mansion were temporarily set aside. Outside, Tianwei left Wang Yuancheng and headed towards Hongye City. The last time he met Shi Han, Chu Feng forgot to ask about the poison. Shi Han is a god-level strong People, and as the head of the Shi family, you should know a lot about this.

People practiced in the domain tower, and a few days later, the outside sky guard had already arrived at Hongye City. After receiving Tianwei, Chu Feng sent a message to Shi Han, and soon he quietly arrived in Shijiapu.

Chu Long and Shi Yan were both practicing, and Shi Han sat down and smiled and said, "Chu Feng, you did the things in Wang Yuan Mansion, right?" Chu Feng did not deny and nodded slightly: "Well, a little bit. I took a lesson and believed that Wang Yuan Mansion should be able to be honest for a while, but I want to destroy Wang Yuan Mansion all at once, but this is the only way for the time being.

"It's great to be able to do this!" Shi Han smiled, "My pressure on your shot has gone down." Shi Han looked at Chu Feng with emotion. In the beginning, Chu Long and Shi Yan were together. , He occasionally thought about it, he felt that Chu Long's family status was not worthy of Shi Yan, but now it seems that such thoughts are too short-sighted.

The Wang Yuan Mansion is more powerful than the Shi family, but Chu Feng went out here. It was only two months before the Wang Yuan Mansion actually suffered such a big loss. The Shi family does not have a super battle city like Wang Yuancheng. If the peak meets, he believes that the Shi family's loss will be even greater! Fortunately, Chu Long is now the son-in-law of the Shi family, and his relationship with Chu Feng is also very good.

"Uncle Shi, I have something to ask." Chu Feng said. Shi Han nodded: "Ask, as long as I know, I can talk about everything."

"How much do you know about the top poisons, Uncle Shi? I'm talking about the top poisons, which can poison the Supreme God, the Peak, the Great Perfection and the strong!" Chu Feng said, "I want to know where there are such poisons. How to obtain such poison!"

Shi Han was not surprised that Chu Feng was looking for a powerful poison. Chu Long and the others had gone to Chu Feng's wedding. When Chu Long and the others came back, they naturally told Shi Han some news.

"Chu Feng, the kind of poison you need is hard to get. I spent a lot of effort to find it, but I only got two copies." Shi Han said a jade box and a jade bottle appeared on the table in front of him. "As for where there are powerful poisons, I have collected a lot of information in this regard, which should be more useful to you."

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