Holy Prison

Chapter 1030: Poison city

"Uncle Shi, this" Chu Feng looked at the jade box and the jade bottle on the table top hesitantly. He knew the difficulty of obtaining top-notch poisons. With the identities of Venerable Seven Colors, they could not get it alone. Ten copies, Shi Han got two copies here, it definitely took a lot of effort, this gift is very heavy!

Shi Han chuckled and said: "Let's put it away, the family doesn't have to say two things, these two things may be nothing to you."

"Uncle Shi, then, I'm not welcome." Chu Feng smiled and collected those two things. "Uncle Shi, information about top poisons."

"Look at it yourself, it's all inside." Shi Han said.

Shi Han said that a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand and floated in front of Chu Feng. Chu Feng's spiritual knowledge penetrated into the jade slip, and a large amount of information was immediately absorbed by Chu Feng.

As the information continued to be absorbed, the smile on Chu Feng's face thickened. There was very little information from the Dark Moon Tower, and Shi Han's information here was much more comprehensive. Not only the information on the first floor of the abyss, each floor from the second to the tenth floor of the abyss has some information about the top poison.

Of course, the Shi family is on the abyss level, and the abyss level has the most comprehensive information about top poisons!

"Uncle Shi, thank you very much, you have helped me a lot!" After absorbing the information, Chu Feng quickly thanked him. It is estimated that it will take at least three to five years to collect the information by himself. , If you slow down a little bit, maybe ten years time may not be able to collect so comprehensively!

Shi Han waved his hand: "It's a trivial matter. I didn't do anything. I just ordered to go on. Naturally, the people below will help to fix the collected things! Chu Feng, where are you going next? That's right, The noise you made on the side of Wang Yuan Mansion is not small, Wang Yuan Mansion will not find your head, right?"

"It shouldn't, unless Wang Yuan Mansion also has the background of super power." Chu Feng said. Shi Han nodded: "That's good, the super power, Wang Yuan Mansion is considered a big power, but there is still a big gap between the super power, the foundation needs time to accumulate, and the establishment of Wang Yuan Mansion is not too long! "

"Yeah. Uncle Shi, Ten Thousand Poison City is relatively close, I plan to go to Ten Thousand Poison City first, Xiaolong and the others are training, so I won't wake them up and get together again at that time!" Chu Feng said.

"Okay. I'll send you away." Shi Han said, Shi Han sent each other, Chu Feng and Shi Han left Hongye City very quickly, and Shi Han returned to Hongye City after sending the two cities.

Ten Thousand Poison City, in this place, on the first floor of the abyss, many people change their colors. For ordinary people, this city is more terrifying, but for many people who deal with poison, this is them. The holy city!

In other cities, you may also be able to obtain some poison-related things, such as poison scriptures, poisons, poisonous materials, etc. However, in ordinary cities, these things are very limited, and Wandu City, There are so many things in these areas. Some people say with a smile that the thing in the city of poisons, even a stone on the side of the street, may also be very poisonous. It is some flying insects that may be able to make people by just one bite. Die!

Poison, this is the soul of Ten Thousand Poison City! Legend has it that the founder of Ten Thousand Poison City has long since reached the realm of saints. There are even more rumors that the Poison Saint, the founder of Ten Thousand Poison City, left a poison scripture in Ten Thousand Poison City, because this rumor is in the abyss. , It is impossible to bring the poisonous person to the city of Ten Thousand Poisons, but I have never heard of any one who got the poison scripture of that poison saint!

With the green robe protected by his side, Chu Feng and the green robe moved forward together at a very fast speed. In less than two days, he and the green robe had already teleported to the city of Ten Thousand Poisons.

"The antidote, the top antidote, one can keep you safe in the city of Wandu for a month! One only sells one million catties of the best magic stone, you want to buy it as soon as possible!"

"Full-time guide, you only need ten top magic stones a day!"

"This faction recruits powerful poison masters. If you think you have the ability, you may come and have a look. The treatment is absolutely high!"

"Selling powerful poisons, absolutely good things, killing people invisibly!"

As soon as it emerged from the teleportation array, various voices came into Chu Feng's ears. "Boss, this place is good, the air contains some poisonous gas!" Lupao's old face showed joy. Unlike Chu Feng, although Chu Feng has refined more than 50 anti-intrinsic poisons, he is halfway out of his home. Yes, it doesn't matter if he likes poison, and Lupao, all kinds of poison are his relatives and friends.

"This friend is right. The air contains poisonous gas. If there is no detoxification panacea, it would not be good to stay in Wandu City for a long time. My top-notch antidote is one million pieces. , Let's do it, if you two buy two, how about 1.8 million." The middle-aged man who spoke was a little bit painful.

"Little baby, in front of the ancestors, don't do this little trick. Let's do this, the ancestors will reward you with a poison. You can try your own poison pill to solve it." Lupao smiled strangely.

"Ah, senior joked, since senior doesn't need it, then I'm leaving." The middle-aged man walked away after talking and was mixed in the city of Wandox. Some important points are that you need to be acquainted, not eccentric. The person absolutely cannot live long.

Chu Feng smiled slightly in his mind and said, "Miao Xian'er, have you found any top-notch poison?" "No, there are indeed a lot of poisons here, but none of them are worth more than 10 billion catties." Miao Xianer said.

The top-notch poison that Chu Feng needed would have to be worth five trillion catties, or ten billion catties, which is too far away from five trillion catties! However, Chu Feng was not disappointed either. Really good things are generally not clearly displayed on it.

At the beginning of the dark moon tower, Chu Feng only knew that there were many poisons in Wanpo City, but Chu Feng didn't know who the really powerful poisons were in the hands. However, he has now obtained Shi Hanhua's great efforts to collect them. Of course, Chu Feng knows where to find and what kind of people to get the truly top-notch poison or other things in Ten Thousand Poison City!

Chu Feng's eyes swept over, and his gaze soon fell on an old man who was basking in the sun. The old man looked 70 or 80 years old. He had a few teeth lost, and he was smoking a cigarette. He swallowed the clouds and misted.

"Let's go." Chu Feng said softly, he was in front, and the green robe followed closely, and soon he and the green robe reached the old man's side.

"Excuse me, when will the drug market open?" Chu Feng said, among the poisonous city, the real good things will only appear in the drug market, and the drug market is not for ordinary people to participate, but Chu Feng Among them, Chu Feng has the cultivation base of the Emperor God level, and the green robe is a powerhouse of the God level, and naturally there is no problem in participating.

The old man’s eyes flickered and his gaze fell on Chu Feng, “The little guy is polite, although he came in from the outside, but I’m too lazy to embarrass you, the old man. The drug market opens at night, and the little guy wants to buy something. Sell ​​something? If you want to sell something, how about selling it to the old man?" The old man's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

A look of shock appeared on Chu Feng's face. His abyssal aura was completely reduced, but he didn't expect this old man to see at a glance that he was not from the abyss.

"Lao Zhang, this, I came here to buy things. I want to buy the top-notch poison. I don't know if there is any." Chu Feng said respectfully. He knew that this old man was the perfect cultivation base of Demon Sovereign. The powerful Dzogchen who likes poison in the city is much more terrifying than the general Dzogchen strong.

"Why the little guy who buys things doesn't sell good things." The old man shook his head and threw out two tokens. "The token lights up after nightfall. Put some energy into the token to get to the drug market. Let's all go, don't disturb the old man and I will rest!"

After receiving the token, Chu Feng and the others hurriedly left. "Boss, that person is very powerful." Lupao said in a voice. "Well, it seems that the water is not shallow in Ten Thousand Poison City, so be more cautious." Chu Feng explained.

Although Miao Xian'er was sure that there was nothing good outside, Chu Feng still got a look at the trading market. There are many kinds of poison in the trading market, and the number of finished poisons is also very large, but the grade is relatively high. There were no things. Chu Feng turned around and didn't buy anything. Things that were too low-level were used to refine and fuse Poison Pill, Chu Feng thought they were too bad!

The powerful people in the city of Ten Thousand Poisons have established a large array to simulate the sun, moon and stars, the sun descends on the ground, and the stars come out, and the city of Ten Thousand Poisons passes from day to night.

The Poison City in the City of Ten Thousand Poisons is not opened every day. Today is the day when the Poison City of Ten Thousand Poisons City is opened. Chu Feng took out the token from the sacred prison space. Both tokens are now emitting a faint light. "Green robe." Chu Feng gave a token to the green robe. The two of them injected energy into the token, and soon the token burst out with a relatively strong light that enveloped Chu Feng and the others. Feng and they disappeared on the street.

The drug market in Wandu City is underground. Chu Feng and the others just felt a slight sway in front of them. The next moment they appeared in a bright square. There are already tens of thousands of people in the square, and there are still no The few people appeared directly in the square like Chu Feng.

"Boss, there are a lot of strong people." The voice of the green robe penetrated into Chu Feng's mind, and his face showed a look of surprise. In this poison market, a god-level powerhouse, he felt no less than fifty. One, and the number of this one is slowly increasing! "Be careful." Chu Feng said with all his strength to converge the abyssal death aura. If he is found to be radiating the abyssal death aura, the trouble is likely to happen!

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