Holy Prison

Chapter 1034: Appraisal

"The second item is the horn of a poisonous beast. The poisonous beast is not strong but extremely rare. If there is no certain method, it is difficult to obtain that horn. Because it is scarce, that horn is a lot of knowledgeable people. I can’t recognize it either. Its effect is really not much. Although there are many poisons in the poisonous horn, there is only one way to use those poisons, and that is to use that horn to directly penetrate a person. Inside the body, but the horns are not very sharp and not particularly strong. Unless one is weak and has no defensive treasures, it can penetrate into the opponent's body."

"It's useless, so, the value of that horn is very low, probably equivalent to a thousand catties of the best spar, this kind of thing is no different from garbage!"

Miao Xian'er commented one by one, and Chu Feng nodded from time to time. These things really opened his eyes. Some things, although they look inconspicuous, are of high value, and some things, look at them. It's pretty useful, but it's actually a piece of rubbish!

Ten minutes passed quickly, and all 100 items of Miao Xian'er had been reviewed. None of these items were worth more than the limit Miao Xian'er could know.

"Chu Feng, do you gamble or not? If you press more, if you win by then, you will get a hundred times the compensation, a lot!" Miao Xian'er said with excitement.

Chu Feng considered, gamble, he would definitely be able to gamble, but it needs to be considered how much you press, there is no profit if you press too little, but if you press too much and the City of Poisonous Drugs needs to lose a lot, then Not being able to leave safely is a problem. In Ten Thousand Poison City, every day, some people are killed by various inexplicable poisons.

"Bet, just crush ten top poisons!" Chu Feng said. "So little? Do you want to suppress some anti-nature poison?" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng said: "Among the ten top-level poisons, get one of the anti-nature and return to true poison pills! For the rest, use more common poisons."

Miao Xian'er said in amazement, "Chu Feng, when did you become so kind?" "Benevolence? This is a lot. If you win, Wandu City will need to pay 100% of the original poison and still have 900 A little bit of ordinary top-level poison, I am a little worried that Wandu City will not be able to get it out!" Chu Feng frowned.

If Ten Thousand Poison City could be taken out 100%, then Chu Feng wouldn't mind pressing the remaining fifty-one anti-virgin poison pills, all the other poisons and all the other treasures he possessed, but would it be useful? With so many things on it, if Wandu City can't compensate, it will be useful for birds!

If it can barely compensate, Wandu City may pay for its reputation. If it is not at all, then Wandu City's most likely decision is to kill him! Among other things, the old man outside can see that he is not a person of the abyss. As long as this one is spoken out, Ten Thousand Poison City can raise the banner of justice and destroy him all at once!

Outside, at this time, there were people throwing space rings or space stones into the sky above their heads. Chu Feng thought of a space ring and appeared in the hands of the green robe.

"The green robe, add a seal, suppress yourself!" Chu Feng's voice resounded in Lupao's mind. "Yes, boss." Lu Pao said in his mind and strictly followed Chu Feng's orders. He went out of the shop and threw the space ring into the sky: "Jie Jie, I will crush myself!"

In the sky, Na Wu Lao looked at the green robe with a smile on his face, the possibility of defeating himself is very high, although there will be a hundred times the reward, but that hundred times, it is not easy to get it!

After half an hour passed, Old Nawu said in a loud voice: "Everyone, at the last moment, you can press it as quickly as you want. After three minutes, you can't press it anymore. In another ten minutes, everyone, please give your own judgment. "

At this time, there are already forty to fifty thousand space rings or space stones in the air. I heard the words of the old man. In a short time, there are 10,000 or 20,000 space rings or space stones flying up. This kind of game is here. Few people don't participate. Anyway, for people here, as long as they don't play a lot, it won't hurt to lose a little bit.

"The time is up, I no longer accept the injection, you, there are still eight minutes, within eight minutes, you need to make a judgment on the value of each of those 100 items. The judgment result is written in the jade slip and all jade Jane gathers together. Later, we will discuss what these items are, and then discuss a specific value!"

"If the price estimated by everyone is within one-tenth of the actual price, then it will be ten. If the difference is between one-tenth and one-fifth, it will be nine points; one-fifth to one-fourth. Between one-third and one-half, get eight points; between one-quarter and one-third, get seven points; between one-third and one-half, get six points."

"One-half to two-thirds, five points; two-thirds to four-fifths, four points; four-fifths to two times, three points; two to five times, two points , Five to ten times, one point; more than ten times, zero point."

"There are a total of one hundred items, one with the highest score of one thousand points, and the highest score will get the final victory! There are also the last five minutes, everyone, please pay attention to the time, and estimate the price even if there is no pressure "Because you are not pressed, others may have pressed you, right?" Wu Lao smiled authentically in the sky.

Miao Xian'er had an estimate. Chu Feng considered it for a while and then passed a copy of the result to Lupao, who naturally wrote the result into a piece of jade slip without any change.

"Chu Feng, you have made a few mistakes, and some of the estimates are far away, so you are not afraid to let others go? If that happens, you will cry." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng laughed and said: "If all the estimates are accurate, it would be too eye-catching. It should be okay to estimate seven or eight. If you can win, the loss is not very big. Some spars should be able to get a lot of poison!"

Five minutes passed in an instant. The people outside, including the green robe, threw out the jade slips one by one. All the jade slips were hanging above everyone’s head. If anyone wants to Fuck, then the rest of the people who are not blind will surely find out!

"Hehe, you guys, the bet has been suppressed, and the judgment has gone out. Now is the time to let us all know the true value of each item. To be honest, I have not recognized most of these things. I am ashamed. Ah, today can be an eye-opener here!" Wu Lao fell to the ground in the sky, "The first item, I don’t know if anyone recognizes it? If anyone recognizes it, please stand up and explain to everyone. Come on!"

"If this seat is not mistaken, it is the blood crystal fruit, this thing, this one is fortunate to have before, this one will not exceed 40 trillion in value, but it will not be low. At 20 trillion, about 30 trillion." A middle-aged man in purple robe said lightly.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng nodded slightly, this middle-aged man in purple robe estimated very accurately, thirty trillion yuan, this is also the price given by Miao Xian'er!

"Brother Zi Fang, I have also heard of the blood crystal fruit, not just thirty trillion yuan, right?" someone questioned. The purple-robed middle-aged man glanced at the man and said, "This blood crystal fruit is not yet fully ripened. The blood crystal fruit of the ripe tube has a dark red color. This blood crystal fruit should only be ripe. It is successful, so there must be some discount here. In addition, after it is taken off, it is not very well preserved, and the efficacy of the medicine has been lost a lot, only worth 30 trillion!"

"Brother Zi Fang is right!"

Some people who have knowledge of the blood crystal fruit began to talk. In the end, the price of this blood crystal fruit was estimated at 30 trillion catties of the best magic stone!

The second thing, there are more than 80,000 people here, and the same people know its origin, know its origin, it is not very difficult to judge its price, and the final price is 800 kilograms of the best magic stone. The price given by Miao Xian'er is less than two hundred of the best magic stone. For this item, Chu Feng guessed it was nine hundred jin, and the first thing he guessed was 30 trillion jin. When the two items came down, green The robe score is 19 points.

The third, the fourth, and the fifth were two hours or so, one hundred things, all of them were said once, some things were a little bit different from the prices Miao Xian'er judged, but the whole thing was different. Not very big, the eyes of the masses are still sharp!

"Everyone, a hundred items have already been judged. You should also know how many points you have scored. First of all, you have to say sorry to the person who pressed me. It is estimated that you are not pressing down. I will count. I don't have six hundred points. The first one is definitely impossible." Old Wu shook his head helplessly.

"Mr Wu, listen to your tone. You should have a score of more than 500 points, which is very good. I only have a score of more than 300 points and more than 500 points. Even if it is not the first, I am ranked high!"

"Passing by for more than one hundred and eighty minutes, it is very stressful!"

"More than two hundred points, dizzy!"

"Four hundred points, alas, this vision is terrible!"

"Master Dro, don't know how many you are?"

"Master Ning Gu, what is your score?"

Wu Lao’s words fell. The square was very lively. Everyone reported their own scores. Those with higher scores reported louder voices. Many people blushed and were totally embarrassed to report. An error of more than ten times is zero points. Some people's valuation of some items is more than ten times worse, a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times!

There are more than 80,000 people, and the lowest score is no more than 100 points. The high score is 635 points for the master Dro, and 643 points for the master Ninggu. There is not much difference between the two. , But there was only one first. Among the two of them, Master Ning Gu naturally won.

"My friend, what's your score?" A god-excellent expert approached Lupao and said, Lupao smiled and said nothing. In his mind, Chu Feng hadn't ordered to come over.

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