Holy Prison

Chapter 1035: Massive compensation

"Everyone, Ning Gu's score is 643 points. Is there any higher score than Ning Gu's?" Wu Laoyang said, as long as he knows who is higher than Ning Gu, then check The jade slips of the tallest two can judge who wins and who loses. As for the other jade slips, there is no need to look at them.

"Hehe, I'm not talented, the score is six hundred and seventy-five points!" A somewhat triumphant voice rang, and that voice rang, and suddenly many people on the square noticed a young man in white. "It turns out that Shao Chai, Shao Chai really knows well!" Someone said.

"Brother Chai, congratulations, I don't know how much Brother Chai has suppressed himself?" The white-clothed young man said humanely beside him. "It's not much, that's not much. That thing, together, it is estimated to be three trillion catties of the best magic stone, and a hundred times that is 3 billion catties of the best magic stone." The white-clothed youth smiled.

Many people took a breath, three billion billion, this number is quite shocking! "Damn it, how could this guy score so high!"

"The Chai family runs a trading house. He is now in charge of this aspect. It's not too strange to have such achievements!"

Hearing many people’s comments, the white-clothed youth showed a smug smile on his face. If there were a lot of things in his hands this time, he would have pressured more. It was a pity in his heart that he came in a hurry this time and didn’t bring much. come. "Everyone, don't know if there is any higher than mine? If not, Chai will be disrespectful!" The white-clothed youth smiled.

"Lvpao, speak out." Chu Feng's faint voice resounded in Lupao's mind, a mere six hundred and seventy-five points, and he was actually here too.

"Shao Chai, the old man's score seems to be a little higher than yours." Lupao said with a smile. His voice was not high, but when he spoke, many people's eyes fell on him.

The white-clothed youth's face turned solemnly and said: "Oh? I don't know what your score is?" "The score is not high, 836." Lupao said.

Once again, many people took a breath, but this time it was because of the high score of the green robe, eight hundred and thirty-six. There is still a lot of distance from one thousand, but all those things are strange. Yes, it is very good to get seven hundred points, eight hundred and thirty-six, this score is very dazzling!

"You" the white-clothed youth's face flushed, if the green robe really had more than 800 points, then his behavior just now was a bit of a clown! "I don't know if there is something higher than me? If not, let's take a look at the result now. I really don't believe anyone can get more than 800 points!"

No one answered, Wu Lao asked again and no one answered. "Everyone, let's witness it together!" Wu Lao waved his hand, and suddenly the white-clothed young man and Yu Jian who had thrown up the green robe came to him.

There was only a thin seal on the jade slip, and Mr. Wu let go of the suppression of the divine sense here, and in a flash, the divine sense of many people penetrated into the jade slip.

"Eight hundred and thirty-six, really eight hundred and thirty-six! Powerful, many judgments are actually extremely accurate!"

"It's amazing, oh, why didn't I press him?"

"Chai Shao's score is not low, six hundred and seventy-five. It is also very high. I don't even have two hundred points. Alas, I will improve my knowledge in the future."

"Brother Chai, don't be sad, is it just a small game? It's not bad to get second place!"

The white-clothed youth looked at the green robe with a faint resentment color in his eyes. "I admire and admire him. I didn't expect your Excellency to get such a high score. Chai Dong feels ashamed. I don't know which power the predecessors belong to and where they live. If he has time, Chai Dong will definitely visit him for advice!"

"Thank you!" Lupao waved his hand and said, "I'm just a slave of someone else's family. If you find the door, it will be no good if you can't even get in."

"In that case, Chai Dong has failed to say anything." Chai Dong was secretly surprised. He estimated that the cultivation base of the green robe had at least reached the high level of the gods, but he was actually someone else's domestic slave! "Everyone, Chai Dong still has important things to do, so I will lose it first!"

Chai Dong and several other people left, and a burst of laughter broke out in the drug market. There are many people who are uncomfortable with Chai Dong!

"This friend, I don't know how many things you have suppressed. It seems that no one else has suppressed you, only you have suppressed yourself!" Old Wu smiled and said, this time so many people have suppressed things, only Lupao has pressed it. If the green robe doesn't have much pressure, then Wandu City can have a great harvest this time, and it will be much more convenient to carry out such activities in the future!

Lupao smiled slightly: "I have pressed a lot of things. As for how much I have pressed, you can see that there are many masters here. Judging by the few more common things of mine, I think they have no value at all. questionable!"

"Alright!" Mr. Wu nodded and waved his green robe, and the space ring that was thrown up by the green robe fell a lot. The space ring also had only a thin seal on it, and many powerful people's spiritual knowledge rushed in like a billowing flood. Into that space ring.

"It seems that they are all poisons, but this pill, why doesn't it emit any breath."

"It's really all poison, and it's top poison!"

The ten poisons contained in the space ring all appeared outside. "This" Nawu Lao still has a lot of people's complexion changed, they have clever eyesight, these things, they can easily judge the value!

One anti-nature poison, nine top poisons! Not to mention other things, that one back-to-nature poison is worth about six trillion catties of the best magic stone, plus the other nine top poisons, these ten things are worth about 160 trillion!

"The Poison Pill of Anti-Nature Returning to Reality is actually a Poison Pill of Anti-Natural Returning to Reality. The value of these things" someone said with a look of horror on their faces, and the value of these things is not low.

"What? That is the anti-innocent poison? I remembered that an anti-innocent poison was sold at a high price of 100 million jin of the best magic stone. It was auctioned so the price was higher, but its own value is probably six or seven thousand. Trillions!"

The inside of the drug market was roaring, and the strong men exclaimed. Many people looked at the eyes of some people in the city of Ten Thousand Poisons with pity, such a big pressure, a hundred times the compensation, even if the city of Ten Thousand Poisons can afford it. , That will definitely be a little bit hurt!

"Thank you for your mercy." Wu Lao arched his hand toward the green robe and smiled bitterly. The pressure of the green robe shows that he must have a lot of confidence. He can definitely suppress more. In that case, the city of Wandu will bear it. A huge debt that cannot be paid off! He didn’t doubt that Lupao had no money, because, among other things, Lupao had just received a lot of poison, and those poisons were also worth three to four trillion yuan. Moreover, Lupao must have spar and other things in his hand. treasure!

"It's easy to say." The green robe also arched his hands. "Brother Ning Gu, Brother De Luo, let's give an estimate together." Wu Lao said.

"One hundred and sixty five trillion!" Ning Gu said.

"Almost, Brother Ning Gu's estimate is more reasonable, this friend, what do you think?" Dro said to Lupao. "Unreasonable, I think, one hundred and five trillion is fine." Lupao smiled.

Ning Gu and Deluo laughed. Lupao’s valuation was not to demolish their platform but to give face to Wandu City. They have a very good relationship with Wandu City. Lupao lost 15 million yuan. Hundreds of millions is pretty good, you know, these have to be multiplied by one hundred, fifteen trillion, and after a hundred times, it will be 1.5 billion. This is a huge fortune!

"Okay, as my friend said, one hundred and five trillion, and one hundred times that is 15 billion!" Old Wu took a deep breath and said, 15 billion, which is a very high price. Fundamentally, it’s impossible to get the power. There are only a very small number of superpowers that can get so many. Wandu City is one of such superpowers. Although it does not control the drug market, it is Drug City also occupies a lot of shares in this market, with a lot of income every year. After countless years, the accumulation is huge!

If the 15 billion yuan is paid out, it will make Ten Thousand Poison City a little bit painful, but it is not without benefits. This can greatly enhance the popularity of Ten Thousand Poison City, with a good reputation, and making money faster and more!

"Let’s take a look at these space rings and how many things are in the space stones." Old Wu smiled, and Chu Feng nodded secretly in the sacred prison space. He could laugh after losing so much. The old manner is very good.

The space stone and space ring totaled seventy to eighty thousand, each of which was not sealed, and Mr. Wu easily took out everything inside.

"This friend, your level is relatively high, please estimate a price for these things." Wu Lao smiled at the green robe. The green robe divine consciousness shrouded those things, Miao Xian'er in the holy prison space estimated it, and then immediately reported the result to the green robe. "These things, the total value, two billion jin of the best magic stone." Lupao said.

Ning Gu and De Luo nodded secretly, these things are not very unusual, they also have estimated results at this time, and there is not much difference between the estimated results of Lupao.

"This friend, these things will be paid to you first, I don’t know if you will receive them? 15 billion, even if it is based on my Ten Thousand Poison City foundation, it will take some time. My friend estimates that we need to stay in Ten Thousand Poison City Time." Wu Lao said.

Lupao nodded: "Of course, Brother Wu, I have a request!" "Please speak!" Wu Lao said. Lupao said: "I don't need anything else, I only need top-notch poisons. If Ten Thousand Poison City can find a way, the remaining 13 billion will only need top-notch poisons worth 10 billion. Up."

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