Holy Prison

Chapter 1036: Predecessor's words

There was a hint of joy in Wu Lao's eyes, but at the same time, his brows were also frowned. The 13 billion dropped to only 10 billion, which is a full 3 billion less, but the price is 10 billion. The top poison is not easy!

"Friend, how much do you charge for the poison like that before?" Wu Lao Dao, many people are reluctant to take out the top poison, but as long as Wandu City comes forward, there are still many who are willing to replace it with spar. . "As much as you can collect!" Lupao said.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng couldn't help himself. If the City of Ten Thousand Poisons helped him to collect it, it would be much better than that of his own collection. In the abyss, the face of Ten Thousand Poison City still has countless poison masters. Will give it! Moreover, such a thing is not a bad thing but a good thing for those poison masters!

"As long as it meets your requirements, the price will all be one trillion?" Wu Lao confirmed. This is not a trivial matter. It is better to ask clearly.

Lupao nodded: "Well, all of this can be collected in one trillion." "Well, it is estimated that it will take about a year. I don't know if my friend is in Ten Thousand Poison City or will come to pick it up." Elder Wu thought for a moment, one trillion copies, ten trillion copies would be ten thousand copies, but it is estimated that it would be more difficult to get ten thousand copies on the first floor of the abyss, but if the city of Ten Thousand Poison is on the second floor and third floor of the abyss They all have a certain power, and they can also be collected on the other floors. There should be 10,000 copies, or there is no problem.

Moreover, with the face of Ten Thousand Poison City, perhaps it does not require one trillion yuan to receive one share. At that time, Ten Thousand Poison City’s pay can be lower. If the funds cannot be turned temporarily, with the sign of Ten Thousand Poison City, some People are definitely willing to give the things in their hands to Wandu City first, and then Wandu City will pay them things later!

"One year is not long, then I will stay in the city of Wandu for one year." Lupao said. "Well, within one year, we will surely gather 10 billion billion worth of top poisons." Wu Lao said.

"Thousand Poison City really counts!"

"Yes, more than 10 billion billion catties of the best magic stone, so I paid it out!"

"With such a reputation as the drug city, you can buy things in the drug city. Don’t worry. I was cheated when I was buying something in a smaller drug market, and it was the management of the drug market. Popularity is angry. I went to them to reason, but he was almost killed by him."

"It's so dark, brother, what kind of drug market is that, let us also know and be vigilant."

"Small poison city, gathered here very far, you probably won't be there in your entire life, you don't need to know. If you want to buy something, just come to Wandu city?"

"Yes, by the way, come to the drug market here in the future, I hope I can have more fun in the future, hehe, this time I lost some, but I lost well!"

Everyone was talking about it. Elder Wu, the others, and some of the depressed moods slowly improved. Although they lost a lot this time, it has greatly improved the reputation of Wandox City. Needless to say, this time the After the incident spreads out, Ten Thousand Poison City will become more prosperous in the future, truly becoming the holy land in the hearts of all poison masters!

"Everyone, this time the drug market is about to end, please leave!" Mr. Wu said. "Brother Wu, I don’t know how long this year, can I just be here?" Lupao said, Chu Feng is in the holy prison space at this time, the holy prison has become a dust on the ground, if he leaves, Chu Feng It.

The green robe is not a sky guard. The sky guard can run around with the holy prison, but the entourage of the green robe is not good. If you want the holy prison on the ground to leave, you need to come out of Chu Feng or a sky guard. At this time, Whether it is a Tianwei coming out or Chu Feng coming out is not good.

If Chu Feng came out, there were so many powerful people here. If someone carefully looked at him, he might discover the fact that he was not a person of the abyss. When things reached this point, Chu Feng didn't want to have any more branches!

Of course, Chu Feng can also make Tianwei appear outside, but although Tianwei can simulate his aura, it is impossible to achieve exactly the same. There are too many strong people here, and there is also the danger of being discovered. If Mr. Wu finds out that the two of them are not the same, they may be in trouble.

"Stay here? The environment here is not very good. My friend, there are still some good restaurants in the City of Drugs. It is more comfortable to stay in those restaurants. Of course, if you ask, there is no need to stay here. Question." Wu Lao said.

"Thank you so much. This is the poison city of Ten Thousand Poison City. There is a special atmosphere here. I will stay here and see if I can get anything!" Lupao said.

"Special aura? You can't have the poison script here, right? Speaking of it, I came to Dewandox City. I have seen many other places in Wandox City for a lot of time, but there is no time to perceive the poisonous city every time. Brother Wu, I don't know if I can also practice here?" said a god-level powerhouse whose strength is not weaker than that of a green robe.

"Plus me!"

"And I."

Hearing the words "Poison Sutra", many people's eyes brightened. In a short period of time, hundreds of people asked to practice here.

"Since everyone is interested, then okay!" Old Wu nodded, and muttered in his heart, if there is a poisonous sutra, where is it your turn? I don't know how many strong people in Wandu City have been here. For a long time, but the shadow of the poison scripture has never been seen!

"Thank you very much, Brother Wu, how about the next year, the drug market is always open? This will definitely be good for the influence of Wandox City."

Elder Wu thought for a while and said: "About this, we still need to think about it. Everyone, we will retire first. It is not an easy task to raise so many top poisons in a year."

Elder Wu and the others left, and Chu Feng in the sacred prison space was relieved. With so many people here, Wandu City would definitely not break its promise for the sake of its reputation.

With thousands of top poisons, Chu Feng is a little excited when thinking about it. With so many poisons in hand, Miao Feiying won’t need to worry about poisons for a long time. Maybe those poisons are enough to support Miao Feiying. The poison pill in the body might wake up!

"Chu Feng, you are still right this time in the city of poisonous drugs." Miao Xian'er smiled authentically. Chu Feng nodded: "Miao Xian'er, the poison matter is basically settled, I will go to the domain tower to practice first, and let me know if there is anything!"

With a thought, Chu Feng instantly arrived in front of the eighth domain tower. After looking at the domain tower in front of him, and then at the other seven tall domain towers, Chu Feng muttered, "The eighth domain tower is relatively slow to obtain the domain tower value. I wonder if the remaining seven domain towers will be faster. Little bit."

For the rest of the domain towers, Chu Feng has never entered. To reach the first floor, only a little domain tower value is needed. At this point, the domain tower value is still nothing. Chu Feng thought about it and reached the gate of domain tower 7 in an instant. prior to.

Pressing his hand on the door, a message immediately entered Chu Feng’s mind. A little domain tower was consumed. Chu Feng slammed forward, and the person instantly passed the door of the domain tower and reached the first floor of the seventh domain tower. in.

"Little guy, congratulations on getting into my domain tower. This is a bit of information I left. Alas, if you can hear these messages, it means that I have died and I have not reached the top level. A depressing thing, getting such a good treasure as the holy prison, actually did not reach the top strength!"

"Little guy, as your predecessor, let me tell you one thing first. Don’t think that this baby will be proud of the world to know when you get the holy prison. In that case, you must die very quickly. I’m an example. There are also examples before, they are all dead now! The holy prison is a good thing, such a treasure can not be taken away by others, but others will believe it? If others know about it, then wait to be hunted down."

"Dog days, I didn't listen to the words of the predecessors at the time, and finally acted a little bit arrogantly. When I left these messages, I was chased and killed by many people. I have countless treasures, but how, those dog days The guys with low strength are also immortal saints. Poor my uncle, his strength has just reached immortality. Tianwei has died one by one, I feel that I can't live for too long, one by one bastard, actually want to kill so desperately I!"

"Little guy, think about it, my uncle, and see if there are any treasures left for you, uh, there are really no treasures anymore, those bad guys made my uncle use up all the treasures! Nothing! I gave it to you, baby. Fortunately, my senior can tell you a little bit of information, otherwise this senior will be too shameless."

"Little guy, leave a little information. This is a little benefit that my domain tower has reached a certain level. Listen carefully. Little guy, I don’t know how many women you have, what are you? Woman? If you are a woman, then don't listen to my uncle's nonsense, my uncle has been miserable by some women in his life!"

"Hey, being chased, it's a bit messy, don't mind the little guy. The first advice, don't find too many women, don't have too many women and don't be moved by too many people. Too many women who use affection, That’s just looking for death. A woman is just a rope. Think about it. Dozens, hundreds or even thousands of ropes bind you. Sometimes it’s a delusion that you want to survive. This uncle is a seed of infatuation, for Hundreds of women were busy, but in the end, they had to take care of some of them and watch them die one by one! That is to say, they died. This uncle has only lived for millions of years until now. How long you live depends on God's will!"

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