Holy Prison

Chapter 1037: Holy mountain

"Don't find too many women, but don't find too few women. Does the little guy think I'm confused by your predecessors? Listen well, this is the most important news that your predecessors have told you. I don't know you. What kind of level has it reached now? If the holy prison reaches the thirteenth level or above, then you will treat me as farting. You must have known the news a long time ago. If you haven't reached it, then you will listen carefully. "

"I don’t know that there are already several domain towers in the holy prison space. Before me, there were a total of six domain towers. I had better find six women, but those guys in front are not like you. Good heart, without any hint, I found a lot of miserable results, and sighed!"

"You have several domain towers. It's best to find a few wives. The reason is very simple. When the time comes, these domain towers, your woman can become the tower owner. There is not much benefit to becoming the tower owner. The few advantages are: First, the speed of their training in the master of the domain tower can be accelerated; second, through the contact with the domain tower, you can know their location. If you are strong enough, you can directly break through the space. When in danger, This is indeed very convenient; the third point, they can borrow the power of the domain tower when they are in danger. If you know why I let you have a few domain towers, just find a few wives. This is the point! The power of the domain tower, yes It can help you by increasing their power a lot!"

"If people discover that you have a holy prison, you are very likely to be enemies in the world, then you will find how important it is to have a few powerful wives who can help you. Don't tell your predecessors that you are one I’ve planted it with love, I bah, there will not be a few powerful helpers at that time. When you and your mother-in-law are besieged and killed together, you know that sometimes love is a big mistake!"

"Your predecessor, I, he owns six domain towers, but he has more than six wives. One of the wives is older than the eldest sister, and the other wife is very popular with me, so they have all become the tower masters, but the rest are competing. Fighting, you have to live, the four domain towers did not have the tower owner a little bit before I left these for you. As a result, they were too slow to become the tower owner, so they could not borrow too much power from the domain tower. If you hear this, I must be dead, and I regret it!"

"By the way, I forgot to say that only your wife can become the master of the domain tower. It is impossible for your brothers and friends. Remember this. Also, let them become the master of the domain tower as soon as possible, the longer the time, The more powerful the domain towers they can borrow, to a certain point, it will be no problem to deal with a dozen people of the same cultivation level at the same time. If they can reach the level of indestructible saints, then congratulations, you guess the world Invincible!"

"About Tianwei, I would like to say a few more words to you, but I guess you won’t be able to hear it anymore. Okay, I’m too lazy to say it. The previous one is the biggest regret of this predecessor, leaving these words, this predecessor I feel more comfortable, and I have to work hard with those dog days again, flash!"

The message is over here, and Chu Feng came back to his senses, "This senior is interesting, he is the enemy of the world, will that happen?" Chu Feng frowned.

Imagine in my mind that Chu Feng was shuddering. Such a result may not be possible, but if others know the existence of the holy prison, it is definitely something that many people will pursue and kill him!

"Eight domain towers, looking for eight wives?" Chu Feng muttered and shook his head secretly, because this one deliberately went to find eight wives, it would be too utilitarian, but if the time comes, because of insufficient combat power, he will And if Feng Bingning and the others are all dead, it is indeed a very awkward thing!

"Regarding the Tianwei, what does the senior want to say? If the Holy Prison can create powerful saint-level Tianwei, then it seems unnecessary to find so many wives. In this situation, is it the next day? It's impossible for Wei to make it anymore. If one dies, one will be missing?"

"Bing Ning, Wen'er, Fei Ying, just three." Chu Feng frowned and thought, and a figure flashed in his mind, that figure was actually the shackle of Aojia Village. "How come, why did I think of her, don't I have any thoughts about her in my heart?" Chu Feng muttered and shook his head, not to say it later, at least for now, he really doesn't have any thoughts about Song Ye.

All kinds of thoughts flooded in his mind, and Chu Feng shook his head vigorously. Now it is too early to consider these! "Senior, thank you very much!" Chu Feng said silently, and the master of the saint prison left these things, which is of great help to him!

"Huh!" Chu Feng exclaimed. He checked his own information. Before he came in, his domain tower value was only more than 400 points, but now he has 600 points. "Is it possible that you can get some domain tower values ​​by entering this domain tower? That should be the case. Within the eighth domain tower, discovering new places will also get the domain tower value, but now I found a new domain tower! "

At this moment, an earth-shaking roar rang and interrupted Chu Feng’s thoughts. A golden-haired great ape, estimated to be tens of thousands of meters high, spotted him and pulled out a mountain that was several kilometers high. He hit it!

"Humph!" Chu Feng snorted coldly, and he took a palm shot, and a huge energy palm appeared. The energy palm was a palm bigger than the mountain and shot the mountain to the ground.

"Boom!" A huge vibration sounded, and in the horrified gaze of the golden-haired great ape, the huge energy palm appeared on its head and immediately crushed it into the ground. "Little guy, my master is in a good mood today, so let you go!" Chu Feng said indifferently, "but don't resist, let me search your memory!"

The giant ape, as tall as a mountain, dared not make any rash actions under the strong pressure of Chu Feng. Chu Feng's divine sense entered its mind and quickly searched for some of its memories.

"This No. 7 Domain Tower seems to have a much larger first floor than the No. 8 Domain Tower!" Chu Feng said in his heart, this great ape only has a king-shen-level cultivation base and does not have a very high spiritual knowledge. But from his memory, Chu Feng knew that this floor was much larger than the first floor of the No. 8 Domain Tower.

The place is bigger. This is good news and bad news. The good news is that the place is bigger. Then there should be much more powerful prisoners in this domain tower than the eighth domain tower. The bad news is that the place is bigger. It would be even more difficult for him to find the domain gate. You must know that only when he gets closer can he know where the domain gate is!

"Huh?" Chu Feng looked at some interesting memories suddenly, "The powerhouse of the god-exalted level actually respects the Most Sacred Mountain so much. Isn't there a saint in this Most Sacred Mountain?"

Chu Feng thought that his eyes lit up. If there are saint-level powerhouses on the first floor of this domain tower, it will be much more convenient if there are enough combat points in the future. If there is a saint-level follower, Sweep everywhere!

"Wait, my wife actually needs eight. Isn't it possible to have a follower like this? No, the follower can definitely be possessed. It is impossible to have such an ability by then. There is only one possibility, and it is difficult to get a combat merit. It is very difficult to want a strong follower!" Chu Feng frowned, the news that was deduced was not good news.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng started on the road again, no matter what happens in the future, he must do well now!

On the road again, Chu Feng’s goal is to the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. He wants to know if there is a Saint-level powerhouse on the Most Sacred Mountain. Many god-level powerhouses respect the Most Sacred Mountain. It's certainly not easy.

Using the space teleportation talisman to advance, Chu Feng was extremely fast, and in just a few hours he had reached a place not too far away from the sacred mountain.

One by one, powerful sword lights attacked, and each of those sword lights had the ability to kill him, but Chu Feng could see that those sword lights just wanted to pressure him to the ground.

"Bold and arrogant, within the range of the sacred mountain, no flight, don't you know?" A thunderous voice came over, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth. The strong man who made the noise had the strength of a god, so strong. Now he uses some foreign objects to be able to kill the opponent, but he himself cannot withstand such a strong attack!

"Senior, I'm sorry, I just teleported to this side." Chu Feng fell to the ground and hurriedly said in a salute. In front of him was a strong man in black. Chu Feng was used to seeing a god-level strong man, and he secretly judged. Below Chu Feng knew that this god-respecting powerhouse should have a god-respecting high-level cultivation base.

The strong snorted, "I will remember from now on, as far as the sacred mountain range, no flight is allowed, otherwise, if you collide with the saint, the saint will not kill you, and the deity will definitely take your life!"

"Yes, yes. Senior, may I ask if the Saintess of the Most Sacred Mountain is a junior, has no other meaning, just want to know if the Saint is a saint?" Chu Feng was a little curious.

"The saint is a half-step saint, well, these things are not something you should ask about. If you want to make a pilgrimage, take the stairs on the other side and walk up slowly, but it seems that you are not here for the pilgrimage. Leave as soon as possible. If you go to war with the Dark Demon Temple at that time, your little cultivation base will definitely kill you!" The god-level powerhouse warned.

Half-step saint, Chu Feng realized it in his heart. The so-called half-step saint is a false saint, and he almost reached the saint, but it is still half a step away. The false saint is not good to some people, so it is called a half-step saint. !

"Senior, this Dark Demon Hall, I don't know," Chu Feng asked. "Walking around, where are so many questions." The god-level powerhouse said.

"Senior, I smell a little bit of alcohol. Senior may be a good wine person. This bottle of wine is not bad. I don't know if it matches Senior's preference." Chu Feng smiled and said a bottle of high-grade wine. When I took it out, just this bottle of wine was worth more than ten trillion catties of the best spar!

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