Holy Prison

Chapter 1041: Tianluo Forbidden Domain

Somewhat unwillingly, he sat down next to Chu Feng, and Yilian lightly hummed, "How easy is it to kill the Dark Moon and the Dark Demon Hall? Although the strength of my Most Holy Mountain is a little bit stronger than the Dark Demon Hall, But it’s just a little bit of force. It’s already very good to be able to barely maintain the current peace!"

"Yilian, if your strength can be promoted to a lower saint, then there is no problem in eliminating Dark Moon and Dark Demon Hall." Chu Feng said.

Yilian curled her lips: "Although I am a quasi-sage, I am only half a step away from a saint, but it is not so easy to get into a saint. Maybe it will not be a saint in thousands of years! "Speaking of this, Yilian's face showed a trace of worry, and Dark Moon was also a half-step saint. If he was allowed to become a saint first, then she and the most holy mountain would be destroyed!

"What does it take to break through the saint?" Chu Feng said, he really didn't know much about this. "I don't know, it's possible to break through after sleeping, or it's possible that you won't break through after hundreds of millions of years of hard work. Everything depends on chance." Yilian said, "Chu Feng, the battle between the Most Holy Mountain and the Dark Demon Palace, you There is no need to get involved."

"Wait." This time, Chu Feng was sent away by Yilian just as soon as he uttered a word, "Live well." Yilian said softly, with a complex expression in her eyes. The most intimate thing that happened to Chu Feng is a fact, and even with Yilian's state of mind, he can't completely ignore it.

"Damn, silly woman, let me see you again, I'll break you!" Chu Feng yelled out, and he looked around. This is an area far away from the Most Sacred Mountain!

After saying a word, Chu Feng smiled bitterly on his face. Although he has the top cultivation base of the Emperor God, the top cultivation base of the Emperor God is really as weak as a baby in front of the pseudo-sage level people. He was sent to an area very far away from the Holy Mountain!

"Chu Feng, the area where you are located is called the Tianluo Forbidden Domain. It is rumored that Boundary Breaking Stones will be born in the Forbidden Zone of Tianluo. The mountain, if I see you again, I will kill you!" Yilian’s voice rang in Chu Feng’s mind. This is what Yilian left before sending Chu Feng away. The peak will not sound until here.

"This woman!" Chu Feng frowned slightly. She had such a relationship with Yilian. Moreover, Yilian was indeed very good. Chu Feng wanted to make her his own woman, but Yilian was very devoted to her. For her cultivation base, it is not easy to want her to become her own woman.

"Is there a Boundary Breaking Stone in this place?" Putting aside his other thoughts for a while, Chu Feng's spiritual consciousness released. If there is a Boundary Breaking Stone, it would be a good thing to get a few Boundary Breaking Stones. Although he can't use the Boundary Breaking Stone, other people sure. For example, Yilian, if Dark Moon's strength increases so much that it can't resist it, using the Boundary Breaking Stone to go to the second floor of the Deyu Tower is a good choice.

After releasing the Divine Sense, he did not find the Boundary Breaking Stone. Chu Feng moved fast in one direction. It didn't take long for Chu Feng's face to change slightly. At the end of Luo's Forbidden Domain, there were many giant trees, one after another. At a height of tens of thousands of meters, Chu Feng wanted to leave among those giant trees, but as soon as he approached a kilometer, he was drawn by a branch and involuntarily backed hundreds of meters!

"Awesome!" Chu Feng was dissatisfied. He tried again, but was still drawn back, and this time he received even stronger force, and a little bloodshot appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The Luo Forbidden Domain is weird this day." Chu Feng flew along the giant trees. About ten minutes later, Chu Feng returned to where he left off. "The entire Tian Luo Forbidden Domain is actually surrounded by those strange trees. stand up!"

After spinning around, Chu Feng has not tried too much, but every time he was drawn back by the attacks of those giant trees, if it weren't for his strong physical body and strong recovery ability, he would have been injured long ago. Up! "What the **** is Yilian, wanting me to be imprisoned in this place forever?" Chu Feng frowned and said inwardly.

Because he was in a non-combat state, Chu Feng easily left the domain tower, but when he entered the domain tower again, the place where he appeared was still within the Tian Luo domain!

What Chu Feng didn’t know was that the Tianluo Region had a characteristic, that is, those who entered it had to stay in it for at least ten years before leaving, but this is not absolute. , Then you can forcefully break through the guardianship of those strange trees and leave!

"Wow ha ha ha, outsider, there is an outsider here, little guy, come here soon, ancestor loves you" Just when Chu Feng wanted to summon Silver Wing for a try, a loud laughter sounded, Chu Feng He quickly turned his head, and in the direction he was looking, a silver-haired old man was coming towards him in ecstasy.

Seeing that guy coming, Chu Feng felt the chrysanthemum tighten, "My ancestor loves you", damn, is this something a normal person can say.

Chu Feng wanted to flash right away, but at the speed of the old man, he was already in front of Chu Feng in just a short time! "Little guy, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, ancestors, I haven't eaten people for many years." The silver-haired old man's eyes radiated light and looked up and down at Chu Feng, "Weird and strange, you only have the Emperor God level cultivation base. You have to come from this place? This place should be inaccessible to people of your strength! Is there someone else who directly came out of other people's space items? That's not right. If that's the case, you will die as soon as you come out. "

"Senior!" Chu Feng arched his hands. Although the old man in front of him was weird, but his strength was at the godly level, it was right to show some respect for a godly-level powerhouse.

"Little guy, I know, I know, you should have been sent in by the half-step saint, right? Half-step saint, there are only two people in this world, are you sent in by the holy maiden, or Sent in by Lord Darkyue from the Dark Demon Hall?" The silver-haired old man said that his body exuded a powerful aura, that way, as long as Chu Feng didn't answer well, he would die immediately!

"The Saintess of the Most Sacred Mountain." Chu Feng said truthfully. If you change someone and hear the silver-haired old man's words, I am afraid that Dark Moon sent it in, but Chu Feng doesn't need to panic, even if he is dead. It's just deducting some merit points and it won't really die!

"Little guy, have the courage!" The silver-haired old man smiled and said with a smile, "The saint is really good for you, I actually sent you here, your cultivation is only the Emperor God level, with the power of the saint, I want to send you It is estimated that there will be a lot of consumption here!"

Chu Feng said in a strange way: "Senior doesn't know who it is? Isn't it possible that only people with a high level of cultivation can enter the Forbidden Domain this day?"

"Nonsense, Tianluo forbidden domain, you need to reach the god-excellent level to enter, otherwise it won't be so deserted! Is the battle between the Most Sacred Mountain and the Dark Demon Hall more intense? The two forces have absorbed the vast majority. Some powerful people who have reached the strength of the gods, otherwise I would not be alone here for hundreds of years, alas!" The silver-haired old man sighed helplessly, "If I can practice, time will pass quickly, but this It's not suitable for training inside. It's really annoying to the ancestors. Little guy, do ancestors have long eyebrows? Others are called ancestors long eyebrows, so you can call it whatever you want."

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Senior Longbrow, have you been here for hundreds of years? Can't you go out for hundreds of years?" "Little guy, as long as you come in here, people with higher cultivation level need to be here. The longer you stay here, if you use your cultivation base, it is estimated that you can go out in ten or twenty years, but based on the cultivation base of my ancestor, it will take at least one thousand years to leave. That's it , So the talents from the Most Holy Mountain and the Dark Demon Temple did not come here. After all, the strengths of the two sides are very close. If they lose some strength, they will probably fall in the wind." The long eyebrows touched his own. The long silver eyebrow said.

"For hundreds of years, I haven’t even seen a personal picture. I’m almost bored with the bird, my ancestor. Fortunately, you came in, my little one. Don’t leave in a hurry. I will stay with my ancestor. Years, when it’s time to leave, the ancestors, I cover you, with the ancestors my gods top cultivation base, in addition to the most sacred mountain and the Dark Demon Temple can not afford to offend, other forces will give some face. "Venerable Long Eyebrow was a little proud and authentic.

"Senior Longbrow, I heard that there is a Boundary Breaking Stone in it. Didn't Senior get it?" Chu Feng said. As soon as Venerable Longbrow's mind moved, three silver-white stones the size of a fist appeared in front of him, "Hey, this is my harvest for hundreds of years, three boundary-breaking stones." Venerable Longbrow said.

Chu Feng said with some doubts: "Since the predecessors have obtained such a thing, why don't they leave? Using the Boundary Breaking Stone, I think it is possible to leave this world to a higher world."

"Little guy, how many pieces are there in total?" Longbrow Venerable stared. "Three." Chu Feng said weakly, he still learned math well, so he didn't even get this wrong.

"Three yuan ah three yuan, ancestors, I have obtained three yuan in hundreds of years. If I use it, then I can leave the world to a higher level, but I still have a lot of concerns in this world. I still need to go back to this world. This time, don’t the two Boundary Breaking Stones disappear? There is only one Boundary Breaking Stone left. When the time comes, I can’t come back when I leave it!" Venerable Longbrow said helplessly. , "Old ancestor, I can't bear to use it, anyway, it's more than a thousand years, and the support will pass. It's better than wasting two broken stones!"

"So it's like this." Chu Feng nodded slightly. At this moment, Chu Feng felt that the place where he was sitting became a little hot. When Chu Feng touched his hand, he touched a stone, "Uh" Chu Feng was surprised. Looking at the stone in his hand, isn't this stone exactly the same as the three broken stones that the old man with long eyebrows got?

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