Holy Prison

Chapter 1042: Furious Venerable Longbrow

"Boundary Breaking Stone!" His eyes widened. Chu Feng's hand was not just a broken boundary stone. However, it took him hundreds of years to obtain three boundary breaking stones. Chu Feng sat here, and one appeared below. A breaking stone, this is too unreasonable.

Chu Feng was a little startled, so he got a breaking stone so easily? "Senior Longbrow, how does this Boundary Breaking Stone appear?" Chu Feng asked.

"The entire Tianluo Forbidden Domain appears randomly, it may appear on the ground, it may also appear deep underground! If no one obtains it for a certain period of time, it will disappear, so the entire Tianluo Forbidden Domain Breaking Stones It’s very scarce at any time!” said the long eyebrows, a little helplessly, “it’s really unreasonable, ancestors, I only got three of them for hundreds of years, you kid, you got one after sitting here. Are you so expensive?"

At this moment, Chu Feng felt a scorching sensation in the place below. Chu Feng's eyes showed a very strange look. He stretched his hand down, grabbed it, and he grabbed another breaking stone in his hand. Came out.

"I, the ancestor is angry!" The long eyebrows instinctively felt the blood rushed to the top of his head, and a mouthful of blood seemed to be sprayed out. Two pieces, Chu Feng was sitting here, and there were actually two broken stones below. Is luck too bad, "Little guy, let me sit in your place." The long-browsed venerable eyes lit up when he thought of something.

Chu Feng stood up very simply. Venerable Longbrow is a powerful person at the god-exalted level. It would be good to be able to say this to him. If you don’t let the place, you will definitely suffer from his hardship, although he won’t be here. It's really dead, but the merit points will be deducted. Moreover, if you die three times, then the previous C-level mission will be ruined. If the mission fails, 500,000 merit points will be deducted and 5,000 domain tower values ​​will be deducted. , This is very hurtful!

"I'll try!" Long-brow Venerable happily sat where Chu Feng had just sat. "That, senior," Chu Feng said very speechlessly and took out a broken boundary stone from where he was sitting. Venerable Long Eyebrows have big eyes. This is absolutely unreasonable. The place where Chu Feng sits is the place where he just sat. He sat there without the broken boundary stone. When Chu Feng sat, the broken boundary stone unexpectedly came out so quickly. One.

"What's going on?" The long eyebrows took a few deep breaths to suppress his boiling blood. It was too shocking. He had obtained three boundary-breaking stones in hundreds of years. Chu Feng just After sitting here for a while, I actually got three breaking stones. "Senior, I still want to ask you." Chu Feng spread his hands and said, he was very puzzled. Although he is the lord of the sanctuary, there will be no such benefits in the domain tower. There must be something in it. problem.

Venerable Long Eyebrow thought, but before he could think about a result, Chu Feng had already taken out the fourth Boundary Breaking Stone from below!

Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and within ten minutes, Chu Feng got a total of twelve breaking stones.

"Boy, no more?" The long eyebrows raised his eyebrows. He was really hit today. "It seems to be gone." Chu Feng said, there is usually not much time before, but now it is two minutes. Time has passed but it hasn't appeared yet.

"Huh! You kid, I want to irritate the dead ancestors!" Longbrow Venerable took out a hip flask and poured himself a big mouthful. Then, he squinted and smiled, "Um, kid, you know of."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes. What kind of person actually wants his Boundary Breaking Stone. "What did the senior say? The younger don't understand." Chu Feng pretended not to understand.

"Little guy, so-called, that, don’t you have a share in seeing someone?" The long eyebrows said, the old face blushed, and a god-level powerhouse asked for something from an emperor god-level little guy. It sounds good, but he absolutely wants to get a few more pieces of things like the breaking stone. If one world gets tired of waiting, if there is a breaking stone, he can go to another world.

Chu Feng thought, four Boundary Breaking Stones appeared in front of him, "Senior, take it, I can't use this thing too much myself." Chu Feng said.

"Boy, that's interesting!" His eyes lit up and he slapped Chu Feng's shoulder. Chu Feng grinned, mother grin, horrible, the long eyebrows are the strength of the gods, he is just the emperor. Grade strength, this slap and long eyebrows Venerable has used a lot of power!

"Hey, mistakes and mistakes!" Longbrow Venerable said happily, Chu Feng got the breaking stones one by one, making him feel envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart, and the grievances in his heart could not disappear. Chu Feng gave a few broken stones to eliminate a lot , The rest is also eliminated in this palm. "Little guy, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Surnamed Chu, Chu Feng!" Chu Feng said. Although he had given four Boundary Breaking Stones, he did not feel much disgust in his heart for Venerable Longbrow Chu Feng, Venerable Longbrow is still a good person, otherwise, If you change to another god-excellent powerhouse, how can the opponent be satisfied with four?

"Chu Feng, let me call you Chu boy, Chu boy, do you often do good deeds?" Longbrow Venerable said. "I got the breaking stone, has something to do with doing good?" Chu Feng said.

Venerable Long Eyebrows took another sip of wine: "Well, it’s a big deal. There are rumors. If you do a lot of good deeds, on this day, there is a greater chance of getting a Boundary Breaking Stone in the Forbidden Domain! Old ancestor, I usually do it. There are a lot of good things, but I didn’t expect it to be of much effect. My ancestors thought that those good things were done in vain, but from my perspective, the rumors might be true.”

Hearing that Venerable Longbrow said that Chu Feng finally understood him. His sin value was fixed at 23 points, but his kindness value was far more than that, and his gravitational force on the breaking stone was naturally great.

"Senior, why are there only twelve and there are none?" Chu Feng said. Venerable Long Eyebrows glared at Chu Feng and said, "What do you think the Boundary Breaking Stone is? Ordinary stones on the road can't be made? The formation of each Boundary Breaking Stone takes a lot of time! You get so much in a short time, you should be content! "

"With these eight, I am indeed content, Senior, can we figure out a way to go out?" Chu Feng said. "Wasting the Boundary Breaking Stone to go out? This is not good. Although there are a few more, it is not so wasteful. There is nothing to stay here for a few hundred years!" Venerable Longbrow said.

"No, I mean another way." Chu Feng said, breaking the boundary stone. That thing is of no use to him. Venerable Baimei can use the breaking stone to reach the second level. Chu Feng can't. You can only find the portal between the two floors and then go through that portal to the second floor!

"There is no other way, there is no way." Venerable Longbrow said helplessly, "I have studied for many years, those strange trees, it is true that sometimes they are not so tightly guarded, but after trying many times, they are returned. Their individual strength In fact, it is not too strong, but countless giant trees form a complete formation. It looks like a tree is attacking you, but in fact it is the power of countless strange trees together!"

"If it is a half-step saint like the saints, then they should be able to leave forcibly, and the figures of the great perfection are probably not good!" Venerable Longbrow said, speaking of this, the eyes of Venerable Longbrow lit up, "Little Chu , Didn’t you come in by the saint? She should come and pick you out, right?"

"Thinking beautifully, that stupid woman just wants me to get out of here." Chu Feng said. Venerable Long Eyebrows stunned and raised his thumb: "Strong, you are strong, you dare to call a saint silly woman, you are afraid to be the first. But you just yell in front of me, outside, you can Don’t call it that, otherwise, even if you have a god-level cultivation base, you will not be able to escape the chasing of the saint’s countless supporters! In other words, I also respect the saint, but it depends on the four breaking stones. Come on, I'll let you go."

Chu Feng curled his lips and stood up: "Senior Longbrow, please find out if the guardian is not so tight, I will try to see if I can get out!"

"Chu boy, it doesn't work, but you're still idle. If you want to try it, then try it. Once with me, you won't give up on it without hitting the wall for countless times." Long eyebrows smiled authentically. "Go, let's take a look."

Together with Venerable Changmei, Chu Feng and the others circled around. Venerable Changmei was talking to Chu Feng while constantly calculating, "Chu boy, wait two hours, they will appear after two hours. One time when the guard was relatively loose!"

Chu Feng nodded, the two took out the wine and drank, and two hours passed quickly, "Here, the range of this tree has begun, and the guardianship will be looser for about a minute. This is what I suffered. It was analyzed through countless beatings," said Venerable Longbrow.

Chu Feng thought of Silver Wing and appeared in front of him. At this time, Silver Wing has improved a lot compared to before. Why? On the one hand, Silver Wing has repaired a bit, and on the other hand, Chu Feng, the master’s recent strength The improvement is not small. With Yilian's quasi-sage Yuanyin, the cultivation base has reached the top of the emperor **** from the intermediate emperor god!

The attack ability is not yet available, but the fastest speed of Silver Wing has reached ten times that of the powerful Dzogchen, and even seven or eight powerful Dzogchens attacking Silver Wing at the same time can withstand it. However, It’s impossible to hold on for too long. To withstand such an attack, Chu Feng, the master, consumes a lot.

Chu Feng is still very confident of Yin Wing, but whether he can rush out, it will be known after checking. "Huh, what is this?" Longbrow Venerable said with some curiosity, from above Silver Wing, he actually felt a relatively powerful pressure!

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