Holy Prison

Chapter 1043: Up to the holy mountain

"Senior, don't ask why, go in." While Chu Feng was talking, a ladder extended from the Silver Wing, traversing that ladder, and Chu Feng quickly got into the Silver Wing. Behind him, Venerable Long Eyebrow also followed up. "Boy Chu, your spaceship looks good, but I'm afraid it can't withstand such a powerful attack," said Venerable Longbrow.

"What kind of spacecraft, Silver Wing is not a spacecraft, it is a top-notch flying boat." Xiao Yin's voice rang, his voice was a bit angry, and it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Venerable Longbrow's saying that the Silver Wing was a spacecraft! "Feizhou? What is a flying boat?" said Longbrow Venerable. He was not surprised when he heard Xiao Yin's voice. He had come into contact with artificial intelligence, and this world also had technology.

"I don't even know Feizhou, I'm not talking to you, a stupid old man." Xiao Yindao. "Okay, Xiao Yin, the defense is the highest, the speed is the highest, rush out!" Chu Feng said, and then, one minute passed!

Silently, the Silver Wing moved, and the time it took to increase from a standstill to its maximum speed was useless!

The movement of the Silver Wing is like encountering a hornet's nest, and countless branches on a giant tree are constantly beating on the Silver Wing!

In such a beating, Silver Wing's speed had to slow down, but in response to that beating, Silver Wing was still advancing slowly!

Inside the Silver Wing, the Longbrow Venerable looked at the outside in amazement, such a powerful attack, he was sure that even the strong man of the great perfection could not bear it, but the Silver Wing could withstand it, and went out. The speed of going is not particularly slow!

"Senior, those trees, how come they will branch out!" Chu Feng was a little depressed. At this time, the skill in his body disappeared rapidly. Chu Feng thought that the Silver Wing would be OK as long as it exits the tree wall area. , But I didn’t expect that the Silver Wing had passed the range of that tree, but a giant tree appeared in front of the Silver Wing and on the left and right. These giant trees were only four or five kilometers high, but three The trees attacked together, and the intensity of the attack did not weaken.

"Well, this, I don't know, I haven't rushed out." Longbrow Venerable said helplessly, "If you can't rush out, then forget it. Although those things will hurt us, they won't kill. Your baby is ruined!"

The power in Chu Feng disappeared quickly. At the same time, he quickly tuned the skill in the Sky-Swallowing Formation. Without the support of the skill in the Sky-Swallowing Formation, Chu Feng would have no confidence to rush out, but there were many Heaven-Swallowing Formations. The huge internal skill to support Chu Feng is still confident that he can rush out.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Intensive attacks fall like raindrops. This is also the defense of the Silver Wing. Otherwise, under that terrifying attack, it is estimated that the powerful person of the deity Dzogchen will be seriously injured and drawn out after a second. !

"Xiao Yin, what's the situation, can you bear it?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Master, the attack has reached eight times the strength of a joint attack by the deity's Great Perfection and the strong, and it is still slowly rising. The Silver Wing's endurance is ten times, and there is still a gap between ten times!" Xiao Yindao.

"The speed is as fast as possible, and I rushed over long ago. Otherwise, your master and my power will be spent most of here." Chu Feng said, although it was only a short time, Chu Feng knew that he had already consumed quite a lot of power. Yu six times the full power of his usual body!

Trees continued to grow far away. Within the tree wall, the Silver Wing continued to move forward with strong attacks. Finally, after the trees chased thousands of kilometers, they gave up, and many of the growing points All the trees disappeared in a short period of time, and the attack on the Silver Wing naturally disappeared immediately!

"Master, you have successfully broken through." Xiao Yin's voice sounded. Venerable Long Eyebrows looked at the outside in a daze, "Is this coming out? Is it really coming out?"

"Senior Longbrow, don't worry, there is no fake, it's really out." Chu Feng smiled. "Huh, ancestors, I have been there for hundreds of years. I thought I would stay there for hundreds of years. I didn't expect to come out early. It's not bad, Chu boy, thanks." Longbrow Venerable said, "You are not a flying boat. Do you know where I got it? I want to get one too."

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "It is a coincidence to get it. If you are lucky, you are likely to get it, Senior." "Master, you lie to him, how easy is it to get a flying boat like Silver Wing." Xiao Yin said in Chu Feng's mind. "So, I said he needs good luck to get it! There are also saints in it, and there should be a possibility of flying boats." Chu Feng said.

"Your boy **** luck is too strong, you can even get twelve breaking stones while sitting, ancestor, I am too lazy to compare with you. Your help to ancestor me is not small, there seems to be nothing in ancestor that you can admire Things, let’s go, I’ll pass on to you the information about the Luo Forbidden Domain Tree Array that day.” Venerable Changmei said that a divine sense was connected to Chu Feng’s body. As soon as the divine sense was connected, a lot of information was transmitted in immediately. Inside Chu Feng's body.

The speed of divine consciousness transmission of information is extremely fast, and the transmission is completed in a short time. "Okay, old ancestor, I have to be an interpersonal person, Chu boy, you should be more careful, stay on this floor for a few days and I will go to the second floor and see, I hope I can see you boy again!" Venerable Eyebrow said.

Chu Feng received the Silver Wing and arched his hands and said, "Senior is going all the way." "What are the mother-in-laws doing? It flashed." The long eyebrows disappeared instantly after speaking.

Venerable Long Eyebrows left, and Chu Feng's spiritual sense quickly found other people. After finding other people, it was easy to determine where they were now.

The location was confirmed, and the direction of the Most Holy Mountain was determined. After using a lot of teleportation symbols, Chu Feng's figure appeared near the Most Holy Mountain.

"I have to go to the pilgrimage steps again, alas." Chu Feng said helplessly, Yilian might not be able to sense him below, but if he reached the top through the most sacred steps, Yilian would not be able to sense his possibility. Almost zero.

Thinking in his heart, Chu Feng was moving, but he disappeared in place just after he took a step. When he reappeared, Chu Feng had already appeared on the top of the Most Sacred Mountain, and there was only Yilian. There are usually no outsiders here except her.

"Yilian!" Chu Feng smiled authentically. It wasn't who Yilian was or who he was in front of him, but Yilian's face was full of unhappiness right now.

"Chu Feng, why are you back? Didn't I make a mistake in the transmission? No, I obviously feel that you should be transmitted to the Tianluo Forbidden Domain." Yilian frowned and said, Yilian's tone became cold when she said this. "Chu Feng, do you remember what I said when I left? If you come back, I will kill you when I see you again!"

"Kill it, you can kill it if you succeed." Chu Feng didn't care about it, he said and sat down on the wooden chair beside him. "You, Chu Feng, you are a bastard, do you think I dare not kill you?" Yilian said viciously.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you must be able to deal with wicked people. I know this, but for a peerless and good person like me, how can you be willing to deal with it? Besides, we have done something like that. relationship."

"Say it again!" Yilian said with a wave of her small hand, and a huge force passed, and Chu Feng was knocked out tens of meters without even lifting the skill in the body. "Bang!" hit a huge boulder. Above Chu Feng stopped. "Murder your husband!" Chu Feng shouted authentically.

"You guy!" Yilian Jiao scolded, she instantly appeared in front of Chu Feng, and then her fists and feet kept appearing on Chu Feng's body, "I will fight, I will fight again, I will kill you who is not obedient. Guy, kill you guy who bullied me. That’s all you did before, now you still say, I let you say, let you say!”

Yilian’s fists and feet are not particularly heavy. Although Chu Feng felt pain, he would not suffer any injuries for a while. He was stunned at this time, saint, if you let the people on the pilgrimage ladder below watch, I am afraid that I would never think that this woman who was mad at him is the saint of the Most Holy Mountain!

"Okay, okay, I'll escape, you won, you won." Chu Feng said and hugged Yilian, but Yilian quickly drew away to make him hug him.

Chu Feng's old face blushed: "Ah, the speed is good. Yilian, for the sake of risking my life to come back, how about stopping my anger for the time being?"

"Huh!" Yilian snorted and sat down on her own, "Chu Feng, if you dare to do something to me, then you must be careful of your own life, I will not kill you, but if I kill you If you leave it to some other people, even if they don't kill you, you will not end well."

"Keep it in mind." Chu Feng shrugged and sat down beside Yilian. "Ilian, can you think of a way to completely destroy everyone in the Dark Demon Hall?"

Yilian calmed down and shook her head indifferently: "I have been thinking about this problem for countless years. How could it be possible to figure out a solution in a short time at this time. The strength of the most sacred mountain and the dark demon hall are too close, if the two If there is a big difference in strength between the two, there may be a way."

"Yilian, have you entered the Tianluo Forbidden Domain? If you are inside, how long will it take you to come out?" Chu Feng said. "Tianluo Forbidden Domain, I only entered that place when my strength was relatively low. Later, the Dark Demon Temple was very threatened. I never entered it. But I can still answer your questions. Dark Moon has reached Quasi-Holy After entering, he can break through forcibly with his cultivation base, but he should have suffered a relatively serious injury." Yilian said.

"In there, it seems that people cannot be brought out of the space items received." Chu Feng said. Yilian nodded: "Well, this is the rule of that place. People in the space items can't directly appear there, otherwise they will be immediately attacked by an extremely powerful one. Even the quasi-sage's cultivation base is very likely to resist. Can't live."

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