Holy Prison

Chapter 1045: Win or lose in the first battle (1)

"Ilian, I have cultivated in the same boat in the past ten years, and I have been able to sleep together in a hundred years. I have only managed to achieve that in a thousand years, oh," Chu Feng cried out in pain. There was not much damage to the stone once, but Chu Feng was a little bit painful when he was hit!

"Chu Feng, if you talk nonsense, this stone will be damaged by you in time." Yilian smiled and said, "Don't pretend to be there, a big man, can't bear such a little bit of pain?"

Chu Feng walked towards Yilian, shaking his head as he walked. "Chu Feng, what are you doing shaking your head?" Yilian hummed softly. "I'm thinking, if you believers see you as they are now, they will have their eyes popped out of them, is this still the kind saint? It looks like a witch or witch." Chu Feng smiled. , "Well, there doesn't seem to be a room where I stay here. Take me to the small town when I arrived."

"Yeah." Yilian nodded, and Chu Feng instantly disappeared on the top of the Most Sacred Mountain. "Chu Feng badass, thank you, I feel really comfortable." Yilian said softly. Although she had said generosity before, Chu Feng could still see that she would be sad when countless people on the Most Sacred Mountain had died. A series of actions, of course, is not that Chu Feng is so idle.

"Dark Demon Hall, Dark Moon, this time, it's time for you all to perish." Yilian's eyes flashed, and she thought for a while and immediately passed the orders.

Two days later, the base camp of the Dark Demon Hall was Dark Demon City.

"My lord, what do you think? How should I return to the holy mountain?" A deputy hall master of the Dark Demon Hall respectfully said. Although he has a perfect cultivation base for the gods, Dark Moon is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse. If he adds one piece, he will not be Dark Moon's opponent!

On the bone chair made of thousands of white bones, Dark Moon suddenly opened his eyes and a powerful aura burst out from him, "Plop!" "Plop!"

Many of the dark magic hall powerhouses in the main hall were involuntarily provoked by the momentum and knelt down. "Hahahaha! It is finally completely stabilized! The Most Sacred Mountain actually has such an interesting suggestion. Have you found anything? Is there any change in the Most Sacred Mountain these days?" Darkyue laughed wildly at the beginning, but quickly He calmed down and his momentum also converged slightly.

"My lord, there is nothing unusual about the Most Holy Mountain."

Dark Moon frowned and said, "Go down, get ready for the big battle! By the way, let the people of the Dark Demon Temple gather in the Forbidden Domain of Tianluo. I think there is a great possibility. The Most Holy Temple has found a lower strength. Some people have a way to enter the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, but it’s not only the Holy Mountain that has found a way! It’s just a pity, my strength improvement has been slower, if it is earlier, then we can arrange earlier and then in the sky Luo Forbidden Domain has calculated the Most Sacred Mountain, but now it has given the Most Sacred Mountain a lead."

"My lord, there is nothing to lead like this. It's just my lord, let's just respond like this, if we are caught in the trick of the Most Sacred Mountain?" the deputy hall master said.

"In the face of absolute strength, any trickery is useless!" Dark Moon drank a cup of bright red blood and said indifferently, "If it shouldn't be taken, then it will definitely be tricked, fearful, and mental state will go wrong. In that case, even if my strength improves, it will not be easy to win. Okay, let's pass the order on!"

As time passed day by day, the world on the first floor of the No. 7 Domain Tower seemed to be shrouded in an aura of death everywhere. In the entire world, the people of the highest sacred mountain and above were all gathered in the direction of the Tianluo Forbidden Domain. , And in the Dark Demon Temple, the same countless people gathered in the direction of the Tianluo Forbidden Domain. The people of the two forces would have been unable to deal with each other as soon as they met. These days it seems that there is a tacit understanding. .

The area of ​​the Tianluo Forbidden Area is not small, surrounded by tall trees, there are many beasts in those dense forests, this place is usually rarely visited by people, but now, countless people are here in the Tianluo Forbidden Area!

The holy mountain, the dark magic hall. There are tens of thousands of powerhouses above the Emperor God level on both sides, and there are hundreds of millions of people at the God level in both sides!

Hundreds of millions of people are clearly divided into two parts. The strong of the Most Sacred Mountain is on one side, and the strong of the Dark Demon Temple is on the other side. Many people on both sides immediately wanted to fight for one piece. The giants didn't move there, so how dare they make any moves among the little soldiers.

"Dark Moon, I promised this saint woman so rashly. Are you afraid that I will die unclearly?" Yilian said indifferently. She was not wearing a veil at this time, but few people could see it. Her true face. "Yilian, if you lose, then you will be the woman of the Lord of the Palace!" Dark Moon laughed and said, "According to your status and appearance, you are worthy of the Lord of the Palace, haha!"

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability to do that!" Yilian sneered. "I heard that your strength has improved a little bit. I don't know if it's true?"

"Well, Yilian, you will know it by yourself when you experience it. Yilian, in fact, I am not only good at fighting in this area, but I am also good in bed. Then we will fight for three thousand rounds!"

Yilian's complexion replied calmly: "Dark Moon, it's useless, you can't shake my state of mind. Don't waste time, you can send you on the road when you get inside! This time, your Dark Demon Hall will be destroyed!"

Yilian's words changed the expressions of many people in the Dark Demon Hall. "Flap! Flap!" Dark Moon clapped her hands, "Yilian, not bad, not bad, when you get here, don't forget to blow our dark demon palace's momentum!"

"So, **** little Niangpi, I can't do my best when I almost fight!"

"What is the hall master afraid of? When the time comes, the hall master will enter, and you will find out if there is any danger by scanning!"

"Brother, don't scold her to be damned, she will be the wife of the Palace Master by then, be careful that the Palace Master blames you!"

"Yes, yes, my brother is right."

With a word from Dark Moon, the complexions of those in the Dark Demon Hall recovered, and their aura grew a lot.

In the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, Chu Feng was lying on the grass with a piece of grass in his mouth, looking at the sky. "These guys, the sun has been on three poles, and they haven't come in yet, so they are fucking." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. At this moment, Chu Feng felt two powerful auras appearing in the Tianluo Forbidden Domain at the same time.

"Here." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, but he still kept the same before and did not stand up. "Hahahaha! Little Beauty Yilian, isn't this the killer trick you prepared? The main hall master is so scared haha!" Dark Moon appeared in a place not too far away from Chu Peak and laughed. He said, one Bone claws appeared on the top of Chu Feng's head and grabbed them severely.

"Huh!" Yilian snorted coldly, and a green leaf appeared under the bone claw. The bone claw attacked the green leaf and aroused a faint green wave. The green wave spread out, and the surrounding area immediately became a piece of land. Messy. Under the protection of the green leaves, Chu Feng did not suffer any harm, but at this time, his heart was quite restless. The attacks of the pseudo-holy strong were too powerful. Chu Feng knew that the space here was very solid, but just now Dark Moon It is not that the fierce confrontation caused the surrounding space to be shattered!

"Dark Moon, he is not the person of my holy mountain, let him leave." Yilian said. Dark Moon said with a smile but a smile: "Ilian, could this be your little lover? Or, is he really your killer? He can't leave, but I won't kill him now. The first one to die should be the Holy One Mountain people!"

"Hall Master!"

"Holy Woman!"

There are five or six hundred people in the Dark Demon Temple and the Most Holy Mountain. These people are all god-level cultivation bases. Outside, the Dark Demon Temple and the Most Holy Mountain have no god-level powerhouses. Down!

"Chu Feng, things have changed a little bit. Dark Moon temporarily requested all the god-exalted powerhouses of the two parties to enter. I hope you can also kill some of the other's powerful god-exalted powerhouses, otherwise," Yilian said. , She didn't say the following things, and there is no need to say!

Yilian waved her hand, and suddenly a green leaf reached Chu Feng's side and then turned into a little green light into Chu Feng's body. "Tsk, Yilian, you are so good to this little guy. It seems that you are your lover. The holy lady of the holy mountain, Bing Qing Yujie, in the future, I am afraid that the four words Bing Qing Yujie will not be used! "Dark Moon smiled and glanced at Chu Feng's place. Chu Feng screamed. With this look, he seemed to be on a high mountain of corpses. Looking away, the corpses fell for a million miles, and the blood flowed into the sea!

"Awesome!" Chu Feng said secretly in his heart. In fact, with the holy prison, he could resist the mental attack just now, but because it was not a substantial killing attack, Chu Feng did not choose to resist. Chu Feng is absolutely certain that if there is no holy prison, if it is a murderous attack, maybe Dark Moon will die with one look. The gap between the Emperor God level and the half-step saint is too big!

The average god-level powerhouse can easily slaughter a half-step saint, the emperor god-level person can easily destroy a large area with one move, and the emperor-level person is weak for a half-step saint. It's shameful.

"Dark Moon, you big demon, Hugh is so gibberish to corrupt the reputation of the saint!"

"Holy woman, let's do it, we killed these bastards!"

"Hall Lord, your subordinates are pleased to fight, we will fight these hypocrites to the death today!"

"Yes, kill them without leaving a piece of armor!"

Dark Moon and Yilian looked at each other, and both of them burst out with astonishing fighting intent, "Kill!" "Kill!" The two shouted loudly at the same time, one sounded good, and the other sounded like it. It is like a broken gong without the slightest sense of beauty at all.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

The Supreme Sacred Mountain, the Dark Demon Temple, and the god-level powerhouses on the two sides burst out terrible warfare. The fighting intent of hundreds of god-level powerhouses and two hypocritical powerhouses seems to make this Everywhere is trembling!

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